Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 87 Anko: I Obviously Took Precautions! (Available For First Order!)

Chapter 87: Anko: I clearly took preventive measures! (On sale, seeking first orders!)

In the home of Xia Yan, there are a few special individuals.

For example, Anko, for example, Yurika, and also... Anma Yakumo.

Yurika is very simple. She doesn't actually desire much from Xia Yan, but there is a terrifying thing called habit becoming second nature.

She got used to being pregnant with Uchiha, got used to Xia Yan's company, got used to Xia Yan occasionally getting physical, and then slowly got used to being pregnant for the second time.

This is quite assertive!

Although Yurika has already gotten used to the life of being Xia Yan's concubine, at least in name, she has no relationship with Uchiha.

Because there is no relationship between the two sides, Yurika can firmly declare: I am an independent and self-reliant woman of the new era.

Anko, on the other hand, is very simple.

She came to the Uchiha clan in order to trade resources and become stronger.

So, except for the first pregnancy, she concentrated all her time on training.

There are Orochimaru's Forbidden Technique, Uchiha's Fire Style, the genjutsu Xia Yan casually taught her "143," and the taijutsu she learned from one of Xia Yan's wives...

The most frequent visitors to the Uchiha training ground are her and Sasuke.

However, although she doesn't want to waste time on having children in order to become stronger, it doesn't mean she doesn't think about other things, such as...

Savoring the taste!

Of course, she prepared preventive measures every time.

Anko will absolutely not let herself get pregnant until she achieves her goal!

This greatly annoys Sasuke—what's the difference between sitting on a chicken nest and not laying eggs?

However, Yukino is very generous. She even bought some contraceptives for Anko recently, quite generous.

But today, Anko suddenly had a bewildered expression on her face when she discovered that she was pregnant.

"How is this possible!" Anko stomped her feet in anger. "I took all the necessary precautions! I shouldn't have gotten pregnant!"

Yuuhiro was also very curious upon hearing this.

The two best friends had been investigating for a long time in their ninja way, but still hadn't found any clues.

They were both puzzled and finally, one day, when Yuuhiro saw the mischievous smile on Yukino's face, she suddenly had a burst of inspiration and took a few water-filled balloons from the set Yukino had given her...

Each water balloon was bursting with water.

Anko said, "I considered you my sister, and yet you betrayed me like this?"

Fortunately, when Hayato found out, he promised to make it up to Anko, such as extending her training time and offering a generous reward, so that Anko could hire others to confront Orochimaru together...

After all, Anko would have a better chance of winning if she didn't have to face him alone.

This calmed Anko's anger a little.

After all, now that she was pregnant, what else could Anko do?

She could only reduce her training frequency and enter the stage of nurturing the fetus.

"It's all because of your gluttony!" Yuuhiro snorted. "You know that Hayato is busy with the Uchiha's revival every day, yet you keep occupying him... It's normal for Yukino to take some action."

Hayato spends his nights with other women for the sake of the Uchiha's revival!

But with you, it's just a waste of ammunition!

"Um..." Anko pouted.

She had no choice!

After all, when you want something, you just want it...

Apart from Anko and Yuuhiro, there was another woman in Hayato's family who hadn't appeared yet - Anma Yakumo.

It wasn't just because she arrived later, but mainly because she was too weak!

On their wedding night, even though Hayato restrained himself in every way, he couldn't fully enjoy himself.

But even so, it almost made Yakumo stay in bed for three days and three nights!

The evaluation of her body by Higashihongou was correct. This body is really not suitable for being a ninja.

But now that she has become the embodiment of Ido, who was defeated by Natsuhiko's spiritual power, she can train. As soon as she could, she immediately devoted most of her time to training.

If it weren't for her weak body, the Uchiha training ground would probably not only have Anko and Sasuke, but also Yakumo!

Just as her body was recovering, she immediately threw herself into the next training.

Repeatedly pushing herself, she suffered quite a few injuries and returned with her injured body, ultimately having Natsuhiko personally treat her.

Even Natsuhiko couldn't help but say, "Yakumo, aren't you afraid of encountering problems? What if there's a delay or an unexpected situation?"

"Death is not an illness, it cannot be cured. As long as I can train, I have endless energy throughout my body!"

"You don't have to worry, I am here to revive the Anbu. I won't die!"

Natsuhiko was helpless about this. Yakumo had been in a state where she couldn't train for a long time, so now that she could train her body, it naturally led to some excessive behavior.

In the end, he had to hire a medical ninja from Konoha Hospital to accompany Yakumo at all times, just in case.

By the way, when Natsuhiko dispersed Yakumo's spiritual power, causing her spiritual power to merge with her whole body, it seemed to have brought her some benefits.

Although her body had not been trained for a long time and was still weak, she had a sensitive reaction as if she had been training for a long time.

It felt as if all the cells in her body had become sharp and sensitive.

This sensitivity allowed her to train more deeply and activate all the cells in her body, resulting in surprisingly good training results!

"With her training attitude and the unique effect of this spiritual power, she might be able to get pregnant and have a child for the Uchiha soon..."

Natsuhiko was very hopeful about this.

In the Uchiha clan's laboratory...

Natsuhiko slowly withdrew his hand from Neji's forehead.

The purple-blue seal on it remained unchanged.

"Is it still not working?" Yakushi Kabuto rubbed his chin. "I originally thought that with your Chakra control ability, following our train of thought, we should be able to forcibly break it."

"It's still not working." Natsuhiko shook his head. "The way natural energy operates is different from what you and I are familiar with. Even I can't forcibly break the Caged Bird's curse seal. It seems we really need to master the Caged Bird secret technique itself."

Breaking the curse seal is like solving a puzzle. It requires organizing the chaotic lines one by one, selecting the most suitable angle, and ensuring that the lines are not harmed in order to solve it smoothly...

Natsuhiko has strong Chakra control ability, not only due to his own accumulation, but also because of the various knowledge bestowed upon him by the system when he was rewarded with ninjutsu. Although it is not direct, it indirectly enhances his control ability. Without any Chakra control, ninjutsu cannot be activated!

But even Natsuhiko couldn't reach that point in the Caged Bird.

He tried it once and almost triggered a curse seal rampage, nearly destroying Neji's head!

"Is it still not working..." Neji frowned and slowly stood up. "But the Caged Bird is a secret technique of the main family. Not to mention the technique itself, even the slightest rumor is prohibited from spreading by the main family."

"How about you, Lord Natsuhiko, try to forcibly break the curse seal?"

Natsuhiko shook his head. "There is a high probability that it will blow up your brain."

"But there is still a small chance to break it, right?" Neji said. "We can take a gamble."

However, Natsuhiko shook his head. Neji is a qualified genius who is worthy of working with him.

Without Neji, there are not many members of the Hyuga clan that he finds pleasing.

Oh, Hinata is somewhat pleasing, but obviously the pure-hearted Hinata is not suitable for Neji's work.

Yakushi Kabuto looked at the conversation between the two. In fact, he knew another method—to use members of other Hyuga branch houses as test subjects, sacrificing lives to gradually master the structure of the Caged Bird and break it in one fell swoop.

This is also Orochimaru's most commonly used method.

But this method may be acceptable to Neji, but it is not appropriate at the moment!

The ninja world is filled with smoke of gunpowder, and all countries are tense.

If at this time, a large-scale death occurs in the Hyuga branch house, the Third Hokage will have to take action, at any cost, to investigate, even if he is unwilling.

Whether it will trigger a great ninja war is not the point for now, but it is impossible to keep the news hidden—even if Natsuhiko personally takes action to ensure that the information is not exposed, when there are too many cases, analyzing them alone can reveal the truth.

That is why he did not speak up.

"So, there is only one last method left..." Natsuhiko sighed softly. "It seems I have to go to Ryūchi Cave!"

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