Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 88 Objective: Pay Tribute To Xu Xian! (Available For First Order!)

Chapter 88: Goal: Paying Tribute to Xu Xian! (On Sale, Seeking First Order!)

Ryūchi Cave is a place of inheritance that is renowned alongside Mount Myōboku and the Wet Bone Forest. It is a training ground that possesses the power of immortals.

The power of immortals, also known as Sage Mode, is the utilization of natural energy.

"There are many immortality techniques in Ryūchi Cave. Perhaps we can find a technique similar to the Caged Bird and gain insight into its structural framework," Yakushi Kabuto pushed up his glasses and said.

"However, it's a pity that even Orochimaru-sama hasn't mastered immortality techniques. If you want to go, Xia Yan-sama, remember to prepare yourself mentally in advance."

"Understood," Xia Yan nodded. "But it's about time I go and take a look..."

Among the three sacred places, the one Xia Yan wanted to visit the most was Ryūchi Cave, not Mount Myōboku or the Wet Bone Forest.

As for the reason...

"Neji, you should rest well for now," Xia Yan smiled. "When I come back, maybe I can help you solve the problem on your body."

Neji slightly bowed upon hearing this.

"I will make sure to repay you in the future, Xia Yan-sama. It will definitely satisfy you." However, a hint of doubt appeared in his pure white pupils.

Is it worth risking going to Ryūchi Cave for oneself?

Is Xia Yan really such a friendly person?

On the other hand, Yakushi Kabuto narrowed his eyes when he saw this.

Then, as if he had thought of something, his expression changed.

"No, it's not possible... But maybe it's not impossible... How could this be... He wouldn't really be thinking..."


Yakushi Kabuto took a sharp breath and looked at Xia Yan's figure with awe.

Entering Ryūchi Cave is quite simple.

Ryūchi Cave exists between reality and illusion, but the entrance is known to many. However, apart from those who visit with sincerity, it is impossible for anyone to enter Ryūchi Cave.

Of course, Xia Yan doesn't need to worry about that.

Anko possesses the Ryūchi Cave Summoning scroll inherited from Orochimaru. Xia Yan just needs to sign his name on it and let the Reverse Summoning of the snakes summon him over.

Although curious about why Xia Yan suddenly became interested in the Ryūchi Cave, Anko still gave a series of instructions and took out the Summoning scroll.

Learning the Summoning jutsu was simple, and Xia Yan quickly entered a clearing that resembled a forest of bones.

"Oh? Isn't this the test of the Three Great Snake Princesses?" Xia Yan looked around. "But it doesn't matter, I'll just take my time."

The Ryūchi Cave is named "cave," but in reality, it is naturally built underground.

It is mainly composed of a giant cave that was built by someone unknown, occasionally with some unknown tree roots falling from the sky.

There is a strong smell of snakes in the surroundings, and occasionally some small snakes crawl by his feet.

They prey on mice, tear apart lizards, and with countless snakes crawling, it is like a paradise for snakes.

As Xia Yan continued walking, suddenly a dense and extremely thick fog appeared.

After walking for a while, a huge castle appeared in front of him.

With brightly lit lanterns, a plaque in the center engraved with the words "Ryūchi Cave," windows with a national style, wooden pillars, it gives off an atmosphere reminiscent of Xia Yan's previous life's country.

"It seems that I have arrived." Xia Yan raised his head and looked at the castle before walking inside.

Just pushed open the door.

A woman with colorful ribbons, dignified and elegant, appeared in front of him.

She was a beautiful woman, with long brown-green hair, wearing a golden crown on her head. Her skin was slightly pale, and she was dressed in a classical white kimono, resembling a shrine maiden, exquisite and elegant.

Even though she was wearing a kimono that didn't accentuate her figure, her delicate and well-proportioned body was still quite eye-catching!

"So, you are the new contract holder?" Her voice was gentle and kind. "Welcome to Ryūchi Cave.

"I am Tian Xinshenji. You must be tired. Would you like to take a rest?"

"This is the place where Ryūchi Cave entertains guests. As a contract holder, you should also have something to eat. We can talk slowly about anything you need..."

"Is that so?" Xia Yan smiled. "I came here this time to witness the magic of Ryūchi Cave. Can Miss Tian Xinshenji help me with that?"

"Of course, Ryūchi Cave is here to serve contract holders. It's only natural." Tian Xinshenji smiled faintly. "Come, Mr. Contract Holder, have something to eat first. What do you need? I will arrange it for you..."

"Arrangements are fine, but there's no need to eat. Xia Yan sighed lightly and calmly said, "You seem quite confident to play illusions in front of my Uchiha clan, even if it's the illusions of magic arts. Don't you think you're too confident?"

He revealed the windmill pattern in his eyes and stared coldly at his surroundings.

Yes, including the castle, everything is an illusion!

This naturally includes the food that Tianshen Shenji has been inviting Xiayan to eat!

"Hehehe, it seems that someone from that family is here. It looks like these little tricks are useless!" Tianshen Shenji smiled faintly.

The next second.

The huge castle turned into an illusion.

The food gradually decayed and eventually turned into flying ashes.

The brightly lit castle disappeared, revealing a barren land full of bones.

All of this was created by her - the illusionary technique of transformation!

This is Tianshen Shenji's unique illusionary technique, which can transform an empty land into a castle of Ryūchi Cave, with plenty of food inside. This is used to entice people who come to train. As long as they eat the transformed food, their opponent's physical body and chakra will be devoured by her!

This is also the test that Ryūchi Cave imposes on outsiders!

"But even if you eat it, I won't do anything." Tianshen Shenji chuckled. "After all, unlike those who are being tested, you are the contract holder of Ryūchi Cave..."

"Unfortunately, the Uchiha clan doesn't seem to be very interesting."

"Having said that, Uchiha clan member, what are you here for?"

Tianshen Shenji giggled, floating in the air. "If it's something small, I can help you."

It seems that Tianshen Shenji completely ignored Xiayan's previous intentions.

Interested in Ryūchi Cave's evil...?

Xiayan sighed softly. "I have two purposes for coming here. First, I want to witness the techniques of Ryūchi Cave, preferably with some documents or something for me to study."

"Oh, you want techniques?" Tianshen Shenji chuckled lightly, flying in front of Xiayan, lips slightly pursed, with a hint of regret. "So, you are also a test taker. Unfortunately, you passed my test, so I can't devour your chakra..."

Tianshen Shenji sighed lightly. "If you want techniques, continue forward. There is someone waiting for you ahead. If you pass the tests of the three of us consecutively, you can learn the techniques."

"What is your second purpose? Hoping for something more interesting than techniques."

Xiayan smiled faintly. "My second purpose is also simple. I heard that the three elders of Ryūchi Cave are all very beautiful. I want to know what conditions it takes for you to bear my child."

Upon hearing this, Tianshen Shenji's expression froze.

She landed on the ground, standing opposite Xiayan, her beautiful eyes calm and cold, staring at Xiayan.

"What are you talking about with '867'? I didn't understand. Can you say it again?"

Xia Yan's smile remained: "Of course, I want you to have my child."

"I want you to have my child!"

"Have my child..."

Tian Xinshen Ji's expression changed drastically.

Her originally beautiful face suddenly elongated, with some scale-like Madara patterns appearing below her eyes, revealing a long forked tongue and ferocious snake teeth in her mouth.

"Kid, even if you pass my test, according to the rules, I should let you go."

"But do you know that offending an immortal also requires paying with your life?"

"Do you dare say it again?"

Her voice was extremely cold, like the eternal ice that never melts, and waves of killing intent burst out from her.

Xia Yan continued to smile, even sizing up Tian Xinshen Ji.

In the end, he shook his head gently. "Can you change back? You don't look as good as before... I might not be able to get it up like this."

"I still prefer your previous gentle and lovely appearance. Can you please restore it?"

Yes, Xia Yan came to Ryūchi Cave not just for Neji.

He wouldn't risk losing Ryūchi Cave for a man.

The real reason was that when he thought of Ryūchi Cave, Xia Yan suddenly remembered that there seemed to be more than just ninjas as strong women in this world. Ryūchi Cave also had three unique "women"!



Xu Xian's great feat back then inspired countless outstanding men, making them strive for greatness.

To be honest, Xia Yan also wanted to try on the crown today!

Salute to Xu Xian!

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