Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 97 Fishing For Orochimaru's High-Quality Women! (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 97: Exposing Orochimaru's High-Quality Women! (Please subscribe!)

Danzo tried to inquire Orochimaru persistently, but Orochimaru suddenly remained silent.

"Are you planning to wait until after killing the Third Hokage to trade with me?" Danzo frowned, but didn't think too much about it.

After all, Orochimaru seemed to have no intention of speaking, so they could discuss it later.

Besides, Danzo didn't lack items to trade with Orochimaru. With the backing of Konoha, he could obtain endless resources, and Orochimaru's numerous research projects were in great need of appraisal.

But what Danzo cared about the most was not the people who destroyed the Root Research Facility, but the position of Hokage!

So after several unsuccessful inquiries, Danzo simply left.

The next second, Hayato appeared in front of Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru-sama, I always thought we were excellent trading partners." Hayato sighed softly. "I never expected Orochimaru-sama to use my information as an item for trade with Danzo. This is truly..."

Hayato's face was filled with pain. "Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

No, because I don't have a conscience at all.

Orochimaru had the urge to reply with this, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

Because Hayato was emanating a strong killing intent!

The unique Mangekyō pattern in his eyes burst out with a chilling coldness that seemed to come from hell. Surging chakra erupted from his body, like a heavy hammer striking fiercely.

"His strength has increased again!" Orochimaru silently swallowed his saliva, his eyes filled with fear.

Hayato was already strong before, and now he was even more formidable!

He was so strong that even though he was so close, he managed to hide his own figure with genjutsu.

And Danzo, a veteran Kage-level expert, didn't notice at all!

"The pattern in his eyes has changed... Eternal Mangekyō?"

"427"... Even though he didn't receive the information about Itachi being attacked... Could it be that Fugaku also awakened the Mangekyō back then?

Orochimaru is not completely ignorant of the story of Uchiha Madara from back then. After all, the power of the weasel is just like the power of Uchiha Madara from back then...

Combined with the information that the Root laboratory was attacked back then and important experimental materials were suspected to have been stolen, Orochimaru easily came to a wrong conclusion.

But what difference does it make whether this conclusion is correct or not?


Suddenly, Xia Yan's figure approached, Orochimaru's pupils contracted, and he instinctively prepared to react.

But his body sank.

The next second, the arm that had just been raised half an inch was directly severed.

Genjutsu control, direct attack.

Back then, the weasel responded to his ambush in the same way, but now Xia Yan achieved all of this more easily and simply!

"He has improved so much compared to before... Wasn't this guy always obsessed with having children?"

When he met him before, although the pattern of defeating himself was similar to Uchiha Itachi's, various details indicated that Xia Yan was far from being on par with Uchiha Itachi, just taking advantage of his own weaknesses.

But now it's different!

That cold power in his eyes, disregarding years of his own preparations, Xia Yan casually achieved the same things as Uchiha Itachi, clearly surpassing Uchiha Itachi!

And with the changed Mangekyō...

Orochimaru's face turned ugly, blood flowed from his wrist, quickly wetting the ground.

"Orochimaru-sama, you have been ignoring me all this time. Does this mean that our transaction is completely over?" Xia Yan sighed lightly. "Yakushi Kabuto will be sad. He probably didn't expect that when you betrayed me, you didn't remind him to leave the Uchiha clan early."

"After all, if I had known about this, I might have killed him directly."

Orochimaru took a deep breath and looked at the man in front of him.

He completely ignored the pain in his wrist and revealed a smile: "I'm sorry, Xia Yanjun, but I also have my own difficulties here.

"After all, as you heard just now, I am preparing to lead my ninja village to launch a surprise attack on Konoha.

"I need a lot of power, and it is obvious that our trade with the Jōnin will suffer as a result.

"And after I attack Konoha, I will probably be targeted by an angry Konoha for a while, and I will urgently need financial and material support... Only the Root can provide me with these resources."

"I'm sorry about this, but I have no choice."

In short, the foundation of the trade between the two sides no longer exists!

Although Orochimaru's subordinates can cultivate female Jōnin steadily, the growth of a Jōnin definitely cannot be completed in just a year or two.

The original combat power will probably be greatly lost in the surprise attack on Konoha, making it difficult for him to continue the trade with Xia Yan.

And after completing the surprise attack on Konoha, he will definitely face the relentless retaliation from Konoha—no ninja village can tolerate the fact that their own shadow is assassinated by others, especially the person who killed the Hokage, and there is no other ninja village to rely on.

Even if Konoha cannot produce ninjas who can defeat Orochimaru in a direct confrontation, using political and economic means to sanction him would be enough to make him suffer.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru, who has consumed most of his reserves due to the war, urgently needs sufficient material replenishment.

Apart from Danzo, he cannot find enough trading partners.

And if he wants to trade with Danzo, he naturally needs to prepare enough bargaining chips, and Xia Yan's existence is the most significant one among these chips.

"Xia Yanjun, now you understand," Orochimaru said, covering his severed hand with one hand, his voice hoarse. "The end of our trade is inevitable.

"I understand," Xia Yan nodded and sighed lightly. "It's a pity, I always thought you were a good trading partner."

Orochimaru has been a great help to him.

After Yakushi Kabuto brought a group of female ninjas over, the two sides conducted three rounds of trade.

In total, more than ten Jōnin educated by Orochimaru married into the Uchiha clan.

And these Jōnin, on average, gave birth to two children, and more than half of them had children with potential exceeding 100 points, bringing considerable gains to Xia Yan...

Now Xia Yan can easily suppress Orochimaru, and one of the reasons is the trade with Orochimaru!

However, since reality has already become like this, then...

"Orochimaru-sama, when you betrayed me, you probably prepared yourself to be killed by me," Xia Yan sighed softly, "I understand your difficulties, but you also need to understand mine, right?"

Although Xia Yan sighed, he wasn't angry.

Orochimaru naturally had his own difficulties and the freedom to break agreements.

He also respected Orochimaru's freedom.

But at the same time, Xia Yan also had his own difficulties and the freedom to kill Orochimaru!

"I respect your freedom, so you should respect mine, right?"

I hope that we can respect and understand each other.

"Don't worry, out of our friendship, I won't let you suffer too much..." Xia Yan sighed softly and said, "I will diligently kill the souls within the various seals you left behind."

"Please rest assured."

Orochimaru's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

He could tell that Xia Yan was serious!

Although he didn't know how this guy found out the secret of his seals, the increasingly dense killing intent around him had already told him - this guy really intended to kill him!

"Wait!" He couldn't help but say, his pale face seemingly becoming even paler, "Xia Yan-kun, can't you let me go?"

Xia Yan softly said, "No, Orochimaru-sama, please respect the feelings of someone you betrayed."

"But Xia Yan-kun, even if I betrayed you, with Danzo's strength, he won't be able to defeat you. You won't suffer much loss..."

"It's okay, even if I kill you, with Orochimaru-sama's strength, there might still be some resurrection method that I don't know about. I won't pursue you after you come back to life. That way, you won't suffer any loss either."

"Xia Yan-kun, this is Konoha. If we fight, it will definitely cause a big commotion. Won't that affect your goals?"

"It's okay, I'm actually getting a bit bored of hiding. Let's expose our strengths. If it really doesn't work, I'll just kill Danzo and the Third Hokage together. It's not a big problem."

Not a big problem, my foot!

Are you trying to challenge a whole village of shinobi?

Orochimaru couldn't help but think, but he had to admit - Asuma had the strength for it!

Because his eyes were the same as Uchiha Madara's eyes back then!

Uchiha Madara was able to make the Rock Shinobi bow down with his own power, so why couldn't Asuma overturn the entire Konoha with his own power?

The current Konoha is far from being as powerful as it was back then...

And this man, who has been lurking for so long, seems to have prepared himself to expose himself.

Or maybe he's just playing around.

He can expose himself at any time, but he can also choose not to.

Perhaps one day, when some ignorant people come looking for trouble, he will truly reveal his strength.

Asuma smiled and walked slowly towards him.

His steps were slow, but every time he landed, it felt like a blow to Orochimaru's heart.

"Wait! I can pay a price to save my life!" Orochimaru reluctantly spoke up.

"Oh? Tell me about it." Asuma rubbed his chin, with a playful look on his face.

"I have a female shinobi with a special bloodline here, her strength is at the level of an Elite Jōnin, and she could even become a quasi Kage-level at any time." Orochimaru sighed lightly. "She is my capable subordinate, both in terms of strength and management ability, she is unparalleled."

"She also possesses a special bloodline limit, Crystal Style, although it is not as powerful as Uchiha or Kaguya bloodlines, it is still quite formidable."

The person Orochimaru was talking about was Karin.

She was the first backup for Orochimaru's reincarnation vessel. Apart from Kimimaro, who was already ill, and Sasuke, who had not yet met Orochimaru at this time, she was the most suitable candidate!

In the future, Orochimaru would also command her to recapture the Three Tails. Although she didn't succeed, she didn't suffer too serious injuries.

This shows her strength!

Orochimaru said with a face full of regret.

Red Lotus is a great vessel for reincarnation. If possible, he really doesn't want to hand her over...

But there's no other way!

If he doesn't produce some genuine goods, Xia Yan will really start killing people!

Xia Yan squinted his eyes, and he immediately thought of who Orochimaru was talking about.

It has to be said that this is indeed a generous gift.

Even among the talented members of Xia Yan's harem, Red Lotus's strength is second only to Ringo Ameyuri and can be ranked second.


"It's not enough," Xia Yan said coldly.

"I heard that Yakushi Kabuto is helping you develop secret medicine," Orochimaru sighed softly. "I have some information here that I can give you."

"It's still not enough."

"I don't currently have a use for Yakushi Kabuto. I can lend him to you temporarily, but when the Konoha Collapse Plan is implemented, I will need his help."

"It's still not enough."

"I have another talented bloodline limit female ninja under my command. Although her strength is only at the Jonin level, her talent is very high. She is also one of my potential vessels for reincarnation. With a little training, she should be able to advance to Elite Jonin, or even stronger."

Orochimaru's face was full of reluctance, which was very rare for someone accustomed to a cold expression like him.

"But I can't give her to you now. She is still young and not yet at the age of childbirth. I also need her help in the upcoming Konoha Collapse. After the plan is over, I can send her to you."

"This is already the final price I'm willing to offer. If you still want more, then I can only gamble with you to see if you can kill all the ninjas I've placed under the curse seal."

"I have cut off my path to resurrection." Orochimaru shrugged helplessly and said, "To fight or not to fight, it's up to you, Xia Yan."

"I won't add any more ransom." This is already the last ransom he can offer, and it has made him heartbroken.

It's almost a disgrace to the nation and the teacher! If he continues to be extorted, he might as well take a gamble with Xia Yan and see if he can be completely killed!

Xia Yan touched his chin and finally said, "The woman Orochimaru mentioned, should it be Duo You?"

Orochimaru has been seducing children and deceiving those with Bloodline abilities. The candidates for reincarnation that he has accumulated over the years are so few, and now Xia Yan has taken away two of them. It's really painful!

"Add one more condition." Xia Yan finally said, "I want to participate in the plan to destroy Konoha this time."

As he said that, he revealed a gentle smile.

"In the recent past, the Third Hokage really made an effort to suppress us Uchiha!"

"It's all because you acted too much like him. Otherwise, why would the Third Hokage pick on such a trivial matter out of jealousy?"

Orochimaru secretly mocked, but still said, "Cheng Long!"

"I originally just wanted to see who would participate in the plan to destroy Konoha, but unexpectedly, I ended up gaining a lot from Orochimaru!"

Xia Yan sighed softly.

This time can be considered a great harvest!

The high-quality women on Orochimaru's side have been completely taken by Xia Yan.

Originally, he only paid attention to the village's surroundings because of the plan to destroy Konoha, thinking that Orochimaru might come over. That's how he discovered the transaction between the two recently.

Unexpectedly, this unexpected gain is quite satisfying!

Although the extortion was a bit harsh, since Orochimaru will be unable to 'deliver' for a while, Xia Yan doesn't mind taking advantage of the situation.

Moreover, the plot can no longer keep up with the changes.

Neji has only recently graduated, and the plan for the collapse of Konoha is about to be executed.

It seems like it's only been a year since the normal plot, but you have to know that the main characters haven't graduated yet!

Who knows how the future will unfold...

"Well, I should be able to crush him in a fight," Xia Yan said with a light laugh.

As a time traveler, are you still relying on Naruto and Sasuke to be the saviors?

Isn't that undervaluing yourself?

He walked lightly towards the Uchiha residence, clearly walking openly on the street without covering his face, but it was as if everyone ignored him.

It's the genjutsu of the Sharingan, reducing his own presence.

This is also the method Uchiha Itachi used to bring Konoha to life in the future.

Xia Yan also used this method to blend in with Danzo's head and not be discovered. Danzo himself actually has no resistance to genjutsu, and the Sharingan on his body has only become a consumable, serving no purpose.

Shisui used genjutsu back then and instantly killed this Kage-level expert.

At that time, he already had a Sharingan in his eyes!

Xia Yan just hid not too far away, it wasn't that difficult.

But as soon as he entered the Uchiha residence, his eyebrows suddenly furrowed.

In Xia Yan's eyes, the pattern of the Eternal Mangekyo suddenly appeared, and his cold gaze looked towards the ground.

There was a strange and vigorous chakra coming from there, and this chakra was still moving around, running everywhere in the Uchiha territory...

Although he hasn't caught his true form yet, Xia Yan can guess what this strange thing is.

"White Zetsu... Has Obito started looking for me?"

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