Konoha: Revival Of Uchiha, Starting With Concubines

Chapter 98 Xia Yan Of Asahi (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 98: Xia Yan of the Uchiha Clan (Please subscribe!)

Xia Yan naturally had to hide his true strength at first.

Whether it was the Third Hokage or Danzo, they would not allow a skilled member of the Uchiha Clan to roam freely. After all, unlike Sasuke, Xia Yan, as an adult, was not only familiar with the atmosphere within the Uchiha clan before, but if he paid enough attention to detail, he might even discover the true reason behind the Uchiha Clan's annihilation.

In addition to the importance of Konoha as a high-quality female breeding ground, Xia Yan always presented himself as harmless.

Even if he were to take action...

It would be Uchiha Itachi who would take action!

What does it have to do with me, Uchiha Xia Yan?

However, as his strength gradually increased, especially after unlocking the Mangekyo Sharingan, he began to relax his concealment.

After all, with increased strength, the threat posed by Konoha weakened.

Now, it has become as Orochimaru speculated—no one cares about me, and I can't be bothered to expose my true strength.

If someone has ideas about me, I'll just kill them!

Oh, except for the Third Hokage, after all, he's about to die, and Xia Yan still has some tolerance for the dead.

So when he met Tsunade at that time, Xia Yan didn't hide anything.

Tsunade couldn't find Xia Yan because his reputation as the "Revival of the Uchiha with Many Children" was too loud, making her subconsciously feel that his strength didn't match up.

After all, as a medical ninja, she knew very well how much effort it took for a woman to get pregnant.

And so, Xia Yan was almost always working hard, even when not actively working, she was recovering her energy. How could she have the energy to exercise?

Therefore, even though she discovered some clues, she gave up on the idea of returning to Konoha and instead headed towards the intelligence on Ringo Ameyuri, running towards the Hidden Mist Village.

Obito, on the other hand, was different.

Although he relied on White Zetsu's special abilities, the information he obtained after spending a certain amount of time was only slightly better than Tsunade's, not enough to determine the identity of the unknown Mangekyo.

But he had a lot of subordinates!

With White Zetsu spread throughout the ninja world, he could easily send a few to investigate the true situation of the Uchiha.

This was fundamentally different from Tsunade, who only had two people and couldn't even bring herself to tell Shizune.

So now, a White Zetsu had infiltrated the Uchiha's base.

"So many women." White Zetsu sighed, "By the way, what does it feel like to be involved with a man or a woman... is there any difference from the feeling of defecation?"

"I really don't understand. Obito is the same. We work so hard, why won't he tell us what it feels like to defecate?"

As he roamed underground, he sensed the situation above.

"The Uchiha clan is quite powerful. There are many people with a large amount of chakra. Is this one from the Uzumaki clan?"

"Oh, that's... Ringo Ameyuri!"

"She's actually here?"

White Zetsu was shocked. He had only come here as part of his routine duties.

Obito didn't even think that Xiayan would have the Mangekyō. The main purpose of White Zetsu's arrival was to see if there was any connection between Xiayan and the unknown Mangekyō.

"The apple is right here, so does that mean Xiayan really has the Mangekyō?"

"Wait, where is Xiayan?"

White Zetsu was suddenly shocked and tried even harder to sense the situation of the person above.

And at this moment...

The earth suddenly surged and split apart.

A hand calmly reached out and lifted White Zetsu out of the ground.

"Are you looking for me?" Xiayan's gaze was calm as he carefully glanced at White Zetsu. "Judging from the Chakra, you're at the Jōnin level. Obito has really spent a lot."

"Coincidentally, my laboratory is lacking research materials. He actually took the initiative to bring them to me..."

"Thank you."

White Zetsu was about to say something, but the next second, he met Xiayan's eyes.

The best way to use captured White Zetsu was as experimental material.

They were not normal people. They didn't have emotions like fear or panic. Threats and temptations meant nothing to them. They simply followed Black Zetsu's orders.

So Xia Yan carried White Zetsu and walked straight into the laboratory, finding Yakushi Kabuto.

"Lord Xia Yan, where did you find this person?" After Yakushi Kabuto finished his examination, he was shocked. "His physical activity far exceeds that of an ordinary person, his Chakra level is also impressive, and he possesses the unique Transformation Technique and the ability to merge with the ground..."

"These are quite practical ninja techniques!"

"But why do his cells seem more like wood than human?"

Yakushi Kabuto was excited. Such a test subject, even Lord Orochimaru didn't have one, right?

He couldn't help but ask, "What kind of Bloodline Limit is this? Where did you find him, Lord Xia Yan?"

"It wasn't me who found him," Xia Yan said directly. "Take a closer look, he doesn't have reproductive organs... He is a kind of combat weapon, manufactured in a factory."

Humans live with the purpose of reproduction, unless they are deformed, they will have reproductive organs.

This is especially true for Bloodline Limit ninjas. If they don't pass down their own Bloodline, the ninja clan would have been destroyed long ago!

"A combat weapon? Are there better combat weapons in this world than the ones created by Lord Orochimaru?" Yakushi Kabuto frowned.

Orochimaru also has some clone people under him, like the 'sons' of Uchiha Shin.

But even clone people can reproduce!

White Zetsu, on the other hand, was created purely for combat!

Of course, Xia Yan knew the true identity of White Zetsu. He was a combat weapon created by Princess Kaguya to counter the Ōtsutsuki clan. His original form was someone who had been affected by the "Infinite Tsukuyomi."

Because creating White Zetsu requires the God Tree, Xia Yan didn't expect Yakushi Kabuto to be able to study the mass production method of White Zetsu, so he said directly.

"Yakushi Kabuto, I hope to use this strange life form to create a potion that enhances the physical body."

"The previous potion we created, 'Revival No.1,' focused more on enhancing the spirit and had a smaller effect on the physical body. But this--" Xia Yan patted the White Zetsu under his genjutsu-induced sleep.

"The potential of this body is quite impressive!" The cells of White Zetsu were almost like wood, similar to a lower-grade version of Senju Hashirama's cells. It also had the compatibility with other human bodies, showing great potential.

This can definitely serve as the foundation for a potion that enhances the physical body!

Yakushi Kabuto also became interested and pushed up his glasses, saying, "I can give it a try."

The two exchanged glances and immediately started taking action.


The following research was arduous.

Meanwhile, the Chunin Exams in Konoha Village were still being prepared steadily.

Yakushi Kabuto needed to participate in the exams to gather information for his plan to destroy Konoha.

Neji also decided to participate in this exam. He hoped to gain some fame to facilitate his future plans to change the Hyuga clan.

After all, no one would believe a nobody who claimed to save the world.

Although teaming up with Yakushi Kabuto would increase his chances of winning, Yakushi Kabuto still had to participate in the plan to destroy Konoha. It wouldn't be good for him to expose himself and potentially endanger Neji.

So, in the end, he decided to request permission from the Third Hokage to participate alone, considering the reputation of the Hyuga clan.

The Third Hokage granted his request.

Neji had strong abilities and skillfully used his body and Gentle Fist. It wasn't just a dream for him to defeat a Jōnin head-on.

By participating in the exam, even without a teammate, he would undoubtedly achieve a fairly good result.

On the other hand, Orochimaru's "apology" had also arrived.

Xia Yan looked at the woman kneeling in front of him peacefully.

She had hair color similar to Konan's and a similar face shape, except for a different hairstyle and without Konan's cold appearance.

Or perhaps she should have had a cold personality, but in front of Xia Yan, she couldn't be cold and didn't dare to be cold.

But she still looked as beautiful as a flower.

Xia Yan sighed lightly, "You know everything, don't you?"

"Yes." Red Lotus maintained her composure, lowered her head, and bowed. "Orochimaru-sama has already told me."

Her arm trembled slightly, and her gaze seemed lifeless. It was evident that her inner emotions were not as calm as her expression.

Unlike those women who only wanted to marry into the Uchiha clan and live a peaceful and happy life, Red Lotus was Orochimaru's loyal subordinate, following Orochimaru with dreams in her heart.

For Orochimaru, she was even willing to die!

Becoming a backup vessel for reincarnation was also her own voluntary choice.

Someone with such a proactive will wouldn't want to live a mediocre life as a wealthy housewife for the rest of her life!

"So, are you willing?" Xia Yan asked. "If you're not willing, I can go talk to Orochimaru."

Xia Yan was not a man who liked to force women. If Honglian wasn't willing, he really wouldn't accept her.

Well, let's talk about when Orochimaru will die when the time comes.

But perhaps Orochimaru had informed her of something in advance, and Honglian softly said, "I'm willing, you can spare me these words."

"But I have a request... Whether you agree or not, I will obediently listen to you and become your concubine. But if possible, could you please ask Orochimaru-sama for a boy?"

There was a hint of anticipation on Honglian's face. "I hope you can arrange an ordinary job for him, so he can live a life away from the killings of ninjas."

The boy Honglian wanted to ask for was Yugito.

Yugito's mother had once treated Honglian's injuries, but under Orochimaru's orders in 423, Honglian still killed Yugito's mother. However, Yugito himself was taken in by Orochimaru because of his special ability to influence the Chakra of the Tailed Beasts, and he was protected by Honglian.

Because of this debt of saving her life, Honglian could never let go of Yugito. She knew it would affect Orochimaru's plans, but she still made the request to Xia Yan.

"I understand, I will contact Orochimaru," Xia Yan nodded.

He was just a child, about the same age as Naruto and Sasuke. With the Uchiha's business power, they could easily ensure that he lived a stable life.

Orochimaru wouldn't really treat a mere Yugito as a trump card against the Tailed Beasts. At most, they would trade with money. Orochimaru probably wouldn't refuse.

"Then I have no problem."

Red Lotus let out a sigh of relief, obviously having heard the rumors about Uchiha Natsuhiko being responsible towards girls.

She slowly closed her eyes, relaxed her body, loosened her clothes, and let him have his way.

Red Lotus's talent was quite good, second only to Ringo Yuyuri in strength, and her bloodline was second only to the Uzumaki mother and daughter. Crystal Style was also the strongest among several famous ninjutsu.

This is normal.

After all, if she didn't have any value, how could Orochimaru treat her as a bargaining chip for his life?

Natsuhiko even felt that the reason why Orochimaru dared to deal with Danzo without any scruples was because he had already prepared for the consequences in case of exposure. He knew that as long as the ransom was paid, Natsuhiko wouldn't care about such trivial matters.

But that being said, theoretically, the faster the Uchiha revival, the faster the action.

Since everyone agreed, it was time for Natsuhiko to take action himself.

However, despite the cuddling and kissing, Natsuhiko still had to bring Sasuke over from Orochimaru's side and, together with Red Lotus, watch as Sasuke settled down before finally completing this last step.

"No wonder so many spies can't escape the tenderness of this man. He really understands women."

Red Lotus chuckled bitterly. How long had it been since she married into this? Her heart had changed so much.

Just a short while ago, she was Orochimaru's loyal subordinate, willing to die for him!

But it's not her fault either.

After all, who could resist Asashi's Natsuhiko?

Red Lotus chuckled lightly, lowered her body, and took the initiative...

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