Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 144 Invasion (1W please subscribe)

Late at night, in the Konoha camp.

After Uchiha Zong and Orochimaru had a good discussion about their understanding and thoughts on the limits of blood succession, he slowly returned to his tent.

From Konoha to the Land of Grass, if you go alone, the time may be reduced to a few days.

However, the march of a large army is not a one-man operation, so it took nearly a week for Konoha's large army to arrive in the country of Kusanagi under the leadership of Orochimaru.

According to reliable intelligence, Kumogakure had already gone all the way to the country of Taki, and was quickly heading towards the border.

Not surprisingly, Sunagakure entered the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Bears, heading all the way towards the Kingdom of Earth.

With such a three-sided attack, it can be said that Iwagakure is forced directly towards a dead end. Ohnoki can no longer sit still at all. According to the intelligence, he has already set off.

If nothing else happens, I am afraid that the three parties will choose a suitable location to have a shadow-to-shadow meeting.

As for the final result, Uchiha Zong himself didn't know, and of course he didn't care about it at all.

After all, now he plans to help Akatsuki organize and let them 'make their business bigger and stronger and create greater glory' on the ninja continent!

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

After carefully checking the situation around his camp, he immediately separated two shadow clones.

Then he quietly opened his kaleidoscope, and then his left eye quickly rotated, and the ability of 'Tian Shihu' was quietly activated.

The next moment, he had quietly appeared in the area outside the camp!

"Come out."

When he landed, he quickly looked around to see if there were any members of his ANBU here.

After making sure that he was not noticed, he spoke in a low voice. At this moment, there was a ripple in the space, and Obito's figure quickly walked out of it.

"Your abilities don't look as useful as I thought."

Obito looked at the Uchiha clan, and then at the Konoha camp not far away, and he couldn't help but laugh.

He finally felt like he could surpass this guy a little bit, but of course it was limited to this. He had not forgotten how badly he had been taught a lesson by this kind of spatial ability.

"You really have nothing to say. My ability is different from yours. Your characteristic lies in escaping, while mine lies in fighting."

Uchiha Zong looked at the attitude indifferently, and then he said casually.

"Whether it is hiding in a different space or relying on a different space to cross space, it explains a lot of problems.

When you open your eyes, are you probably thinking in your heart of "escape from this world and change this world"? "

"Why are you looking more and more like Uchiha Madara?"

Obito's face turned a little red due to the Uchiha clan, but he quickly shook his head.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, why do you want to personally participate in this battle this time.

Although Nagato is not very good compared to you, it doesn't mean that his fighting ability is weak, and if you end up personally, don't you worry about being noticed by them? "

The fact that the Uchiha clan ended up in person really worried Obito. It wasn't that he was afraid of the Uchiha clan's failure. This guy's strength was definitely guaranteed.

What he was worried about was that the Uchiha clan would be discovered, and then as Konoha's acting Hokage, he would mix with people from the Akatsuki organization, and also attack Iwagakure.

Once this kind of thing breaks out, it will definitely become the "top trend" in the entire ninja world.

Obito doesn't care about the Akatsuki organization. As a qualified Konoha ninja, he must of course start from Konoha's perspective.

Uchiha Zong is the acting Hokage of Konoha and his immediate boss. If he doesn't care, what else can he care about?

"Don't worry, it's not that easy to catch my sore feet. Besides, I naturally have my own purpose in doing this."

Uchiha Zong smiled, and then he took off his clothes with the Uchiha clan logo, and then took out a set of black robes and put them on.

"What purpose?" Obito asked curiously as he was not sure what Uchiha Sect was thinking.

"The reason is very simple, that is, I need to get something special, such as the way of practicing Chendu."

After Uchiha Zong got dressed, he took out a mask and said with a faint smile.

"In this operation, if nothing happens, I will not use the abilities that have been exposed by the "Uchiha Sect", but will use my newly developed abilities.

Although I have the Sharingan and even got a lot of good things from you, there is nothing wrong with me trying to improve so much.

Therefore, this operation can be regarded as an experiment for me to test the power of my new technique, and at the same time to see if I can get the dust escape practice method so that I can further improve.

In addition to these two ideas, there is another very important consideration, which is to make some attempts for the peace of the entire ninja world. "

Make an attempt for peace in the ninja world?

Obito looked at Uchiha Zong, who had already put on the mask, with a strange expression. For a moment, he felt that his CPU was about to be burned out.

You and the Akatsuki organization attacked Iwagakure. Are you planning to weaken Iwagakure's strength and thus make a contribution to the ninja world?

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Have you discovered what is the purpose of the alliance between Konoha, Kumogakure and Sunagakure this time?"

Uchiha Zong put on the mask, and then began to adjust his voice. Since he wanted to disguise, he had to go to the end, just like looking for excitement.

"Of course it's because you framed the blame and you put too much pressure on that idiot Nagato, which made him take the risk."

Obito spread his hands, smiled and gave an answer.

"You're such an idiot."

Uchiha Zong rolled his eyes, but he couldn't see anything because of the mask. His mask was specially made, so even if you look carefully, you can't see his eyes.

Although he does not plan to use his ability, it does not mean that he will give up using Sharingan. Even if he does not rely on pupil technique, it is still very useful in combination with taijutsu, genjutsu and even ninjutsu.

When his voice was almost adjusted, he continued to speak.

But this time his voice became extremely cold and hoarse, completely unlike the 'cheerful and sunny boy' like 'Uchiha Zong'.

"Although I was the one who forced the Akatsuki organization to reach this point, and Iwagakure himself wanted to die, the fact that the three major ninja villages were able to unite also shows the deterrent power of the Akatsuki organization.

So I have an idea. Although organizations like the Akatsuki Organization are too dangerous, everything is still within the scope of what I can handle.

That being the case, why don’t I try to recycle waste?

Using the deterrent power of the Akatsuki organization, the entire ninja world had a huge panic against him. The best way to face such panic was naturally to unite.

No matter how you look at it, uniting together to face this huge enemy of the ninja world can eliminate the troubles caused by war to a certain extent.

After all, if we are united together, even if there are many conflicts, it is not impossible to solve the problems through internal political means instead of directly fighting each other on the battlefield.

Do you think this is a way to eliminate war? "

Uchiha Sect's words made Obito a little dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that the Akatsuki organization could use it like this!

Peace, for people of their generation who have faced war, is indeed an extremely longing for it.

It's just that the shadow of war has always been suspended over the ninja world. This is something that no one can deny.

But the dawn of peace seems to be unable to penetrate this dark cloud and shine over the ninja world.

And now Uchiha Sect seems to have found a method, even if this method seems a little unreliable, it seems a little strange no matter how you look at it.

But what Obito has to say is, does this really bring peace?

Obviously, because of the previous actions of the Akatsuki organization, the three major ninja villages have united. This is the pace of peace moving forward!

Thinking of this, Obito seemed to have more ideas. It was the first time that he realized that he was actually carrying such an important thing.

"Now, do you understand the importance of this operation?" Uchiha Zong said with a smile: "Now you also understand why I want to retain the Akatsuki organization and throw it away to Kirigakure."

"I see."

Obito nodded extremely seriously, his eyes full of excitement.

"Because Kirigakure is protected by the sea, ordinary great ninja villages cannot attack it.

And you said that the Akatsuki organization can help us better control Kirigakure.

Also, if you control the Akatsuki organization well, you can destroy that black guy's plan. This is killing two birds with one stone! "

Obito finally came to his senses at this moment, and he finally understood what the Uchiha clan was thinking.

But after he figured it out, he couldn't help feeling that his immediate boss was really powerful.

Even though he has lamented countless times, every time he finds this person, he is infinitely shocked.

Every time, he had to admit that there was a reason why Uchiha Sect could reach his current position as acting Hokage!

If someone like him can't become the acting Hokage, or become the Hokage in the future, it's definitely because there is something shady in Konoha.

He even decided that if something like this happened in the future, at worst he would shout "Konoha returns to the clan" and return to work on Konoha!

"Now that I know, can you send me there?"

Uchiha Zong didn't know that Obito had already begun to think so far, he spread his hands and said.

"After all, it doesn't seem right to go too late."

"Well, I know, I can't wait now."

Obito also showed a smile, but his smile was really bright.

"Although I'm very unhappy that my vacation in Konoha was interrupted because of these things, and I only had a few words with Genma and the others before I was forced to interrupt.

However, it is very satisfying to have such high-quality and important tasks to perform! "

"Okay, before you go back, I will take you to a party." Uchiha Zong said with a smile: "Everyone will come then."

"Everyone? You mean, Lin" Obito's eyes flickered slightly.

"You can change your identity, but she has to live in the shadows." Uchiha Zong smiled: "Especially when the Akatsuki organization leaves the ninja world, those white guys will leave too, right?"

"Yes, it does happen."

"Then who are you waiting for? Act quickly, idiot."

"Yes, Sir Minister!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space suddenly became distorted, and the next moment Obito disappeared directly from the place with Uchiha Sect.

The night was so dark that it seemed as if no one had ever been here before, only the sound of some birds chirping -

"Lord Tsuchikage, you are here."

"Well, have you told them about the meeting?"

In the frontline camp of Iwagakure, Onoki walked in dusty. He did not choose to sit down at all, but asked directly.

The three major ninja villages have jointly sent troops and have reached the border. The situation can be said to be on the verge of breaking out. How can Onoki not be anxious?

In order to avoid further deterioration of the situation, he rushed over from Iwagakure Village almost overnight.

Before leaving the village, he had already informed the front line about meeting the three shadows, but now he asked directly without caring about being tired.

"Sir, it has been conveyed, but they did not give an accurate message."

The commander in the camp sighed and said that he also felt that this matter was extremely difficult, and at the same time, he also felt extremely pressured.

He really didn't expect Iwagakure to encounter such trouble. This would be a disaster if he was not careful.

"Wasn't accurate information given?"

Ohnoki shook his head, and then he stood up directly.

"I know. It seems they didn't see me, so they didn't plan to make a decision. Damn it!"

Ohnoki is not stupid, he can probably guess what the other villages mean.

After all, it was an act of revenge, and this time three shadows were here, so naturally they couldn't see some little shrimps, and all they wanted to see was him, the big fish.

As long as he doesn't show up, there is no possibility of talking about this matter, so what he can do now is to show up directly to face the three shadows.

"You continue to manage the large army and don't let any problems arise in the army. Just leave the rest to me."

"Lord Tsuchikage, do you want it?"

When the Iwagakure jonin heard Onoki's words, he immediately understood what he meant.

This made the Jonin extremely worried. After thinking for a while, he asked.

"Sir, why don't you send a few people to go with you? Otherwise"

"Who do you think you can send with me to stop those three guys from joining forces?"

Onoki snorted coldly, but soon he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

If there was a guy like the Uchiha clan in Iwagakure, let alone the Uchiha clan, he wouldn't have to suffer so much if there was a guy like Namikaze Minato.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any shit, but these two people who have caused a huge psychological shadow on Iwagakure are from Konoha.

This made Onoki a little depressed and embarrassed, but after all, he had seen a lot of rough people, and he recovered quickly.

"Don't worry, it won't be easy for them to deal with me, if there is really any problem."

Ohnoki's expression turned sinister at this moment, and he gritted his teeth and said quietly.

"I promise, I will make them pay the most painful price!"


"Zong-kun, Onoki came out alone. According to the investigation of the Hyuga clan, he is now waiting alone at the place he agreed on before."

Early the next morning, in Konoha's camp, Orochimaru looked at the message in his hand with some amusement, and then looked at the Uchiha clan aside.

Ohnoki had agreed on a location and wanted to talk to the three Kages, but Iwagakure had already informed them of this matter.

But just as Ohnoki thought, no one would ignore people like Iwagakure easily before seeing Ohnoki himself.

After all, he was connected to the Akatsuki organization, and even openly supported the Akatsuki organization in attacking the ninja village of the Three Shadows Conference. No matter who was the one who defended him, he would definitely do nothing wrong.

But now that Ohnoki came out alone, it could be seen that he really wanted to have a good talk, at least his attitude was very good.

"It seems that he was indeed frightened." The shadow clone of the Uchiha Sect left in the camp laughed: "Otherwise, a person like him would not be so sincere."

"Indeed, Onoki is an old fox." Orochimaru nodded: "But since he has come out, I think it is necessary to meet him."

It is indeed necessary to meet with Onoki. This time the action is not to start a war, but to coerce Onoki to make some choices and concessions.

In fact, for Konoha, they know almost all the information about the Akatsuki organization. After all, there are ANBU people in this organization.

Even if we bypass Ohnoki and directly attack the Akatsuki organization, it is not impossible, but why does Konoha have to do this?

And why does Konoha alone do this? The more people involved, the better.

"By the way, Mune-kun, are you interested in meeting Ohnoki?" Suddenly, Orochimaru looked at Uchiha Mun and smiled.

"Me?" Uchiha Zong was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and said: "He wants to see the shadow, not me, the ANBU minister."

"Actually, you can be considered a shadow to some extent." Orochimaru touched his chin: "Although it's not quite up to standard, it's not far off."

"Forget it, I'll wait for the news in the camp." Uchiha Zong shook his head decisively: "I'm worried that I might have a fight in the past, so there would be no more talk. Don't forget about the loess thing."

How could the Uchiha clan be willing to go there? If he goes now and actually takes action, wouldn't it be exposed?

Although the shadow clone also inherited strong combat power, Yozhongba did not leave any eye power in this shadow clone.

In this case, it is naturally impossible to use Wood Release with Uchiha Madara and create a large group of Wood Release clones who can use Susanoo.

However, in order to make the shadow clone exist longer, he left some Yang Escape chakra in the shadow clone.

But although such a shadow clone really won't break at a touch, it still won't be able to exert its original strength.

"Well, Zongjun said it is true. Capturing Loess is indeed not going to be a good idea." Orochimaru thought about it carefully, and then he nodded seriously to agree with this statement.

"Also, Orochimaru-sama, maybe you can try to drag Onoki here to talk for a longer time." Uchiha Zong touched his chin, and suddenly he spoke in a low voice.

"Oh?" Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and his expression became a little confused: "What new information has been passed over there?"

"According to Kakuzu's report, they attacked the Three Shadows Conference in order to take revenge on Ohnoki."

Uchiha Zong also showed a smile. He lowered his voice to ensure that only he and Orochimaru could hear clearly.

"Because Onoki was determined that the Akatsuki organization could only rely on Iwagakure, and planned to lower the price from it, this incident angered the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Now that Onoki has come out, they seem to be taking action again, and according to what he said, they may be going to Iwagakure Village."

"Is that so?"

Orochimaru's eyes shone slightly, and then he licked his lips and said quietly.

"It seems that we really need to have a good talk with Ohnoki, such as how to contact the Akatsuki organization, and where the Akatsuki organization is.

Also, why did they get into such trouble with the Akatsuki organization? There are so many issues that will probably take a lot of time to discuss."


"Here we are, right here."

Outside Yanyin Village, Payne looked at the towering gate of Yanyin Village not far away, and he spoke in a low voice.

However, his eyes were constantly looking at a figure wearing a black robe and a strange mask.

This person was brought here personally by Madara Uchiha, and he stated that he would cooperate with them in participating in this operation.

This person is too mysterious. Who he is and what the purpose of participating in this operation is, Payne cannot get an accurate understanding of these.

But the moment he saw this person, two feelings suddenly emerged in his heart.

The first one is that this person always gives him a feeling of déjà vu, as if they have met before.

This feeling was so strange that he didn't know what was going on for a while.

The second feeling was that he could sense that the guy in front of him seemed very strong.

The vigorous chakra fluctuations and the aura on his body proved that this guy was definitely not an ordinary person.

However, no matter how doubtful he was, he ultimately did not delve too much into the identity of this person.

After all, strictly speaking, he didn't care about these things. What he cared about was just what abilities this guy had and whether he could help them launch an effective enough attack on Iwagakure.

"I will attract their attention first, and you will be ready to cooperate with the attack at any time, just like in Kumogakure." Payne withdrew his gaze, and then he whispered coldly.

"I have no problem." Xie nodded: "You can start at any time."

"That's okay with me too."

Kakuzu raised his eyebrows, and then he looked at the mysterious man.

"But, is there really no problem with this guy? He's so mysterious that I don't even know who he is."

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I want to do to Iwagakure." Uchiha Mun naturally noticed Kakuzu's gaze, and he replied in a hoarse voice without caring.

Kakuzu sent him a message in advance, which let him know that Kakuzu wanted to find out information about him.

After getting the news, this guy probably also wants to sell it for a good sum of money.

Uchiha Zong didn't care about this approach, but it also made him feel a little funny, so he did not explain his identity, but planned to see what Kakuzu would do next.

However, in order to avoid some trouble, he still whispered: "I heard that you were all rescued by the guy who brought me here. It seems that you are not as powerful as you thought."

"Hmph!" As soon as he finished speaking, both Xie and Jiao couldn't help but snorted at the same time.

Kakuzu's eyes were a little vague and he said: "You have no idea what kind of monster the person we are facing is. That guy is..."

"Uchiha Zong, of course I know." Uchiha Zong was a little funny in his heart, but he interrupted Kakuzu: "If I have the chance, of course I will touch him."

"I just hope you can still be so calm after meeting him." Xie sneered, feeling that the guy in front of him was a short-lived ghost.

"Okay, that's the end of the nonsense, let's take action." Nagato didn't want this matter to continue, so he decisively controlled Tendo Payne to interrupt.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the main entrance of Iwagakure. As he acted, his other clones also appeared one after another.

This time was very different from the last time he attacked Kumogakure. The last time it was for secret techniques, but this time it was simply for money.

Therefore, the methods he adopted were completely different. This time he directly planned to attack head-on!

Seeing Yanyin Village getting closer and closer, Tiandao Pain suddenly exerted force, and in an instant his body crashed directly into the barrier of Sand Hidden Village!

His behavior immediately attracted the attention of the Iwagakure barrier class, and also attracted the attention of the Iwagakure ninja who was guarding the gate.


The ninja who was guarding the gate said in a deep voice. Nine figures appeared in his field of vision, eight of which were dressed in black and red clouds.

He didn't know who these people were, but when he saw such a posture, he knew that something was in trouble, so he immediately used his eyes to signal his companions to send a flare.

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

But the next moment, his body suddenly rose up and quickly fell into the opponent's hands.

Looking at the other party's cold face, he struggled violently, but to no avail. The breath of death was already entangled in his body.

The next moment, his pupils tightened suddenly, and his heart had been penetrated by a long black rod, and blood continued to drip to the ground.

Tendo Payne threw the body down casually. At this time, the other rock ninjas were also defeated by his clones.

The Human World has read the memories respectively, but unfortunately, they did not get any useful information.

"If you want to search your memory, please find some relevant practitioners, or find some big fish to investigate."

Seeing this, the Uchiha clan couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"What do these little fish and shrimps know? Or if they really want to know something, they won't come here to guard the gate."

"Humph, it has nothing to do with you what I do."

Tiandao snorted coldly, but his eyes were a little vague. It was obvious that he had understood that this guy knew his information.

But he didn't pay too much attention to it. He felt that this should be said by Uchiha. That guy knew him very well.

Although he was not satisfied with the Uchiha clan exposing his information, he still had more important things to do now.

"Spread out your operations and find valuable targets as soon as possible!"

As soon as Tiandao Payne finished speaking, the rest of Payne quickly dispersed around. In almost a moment, there were huge explosions and commotions all around.

"Psychic art!"

Following the animal path seals, huge centipedes, crabs, lobsters, as well as psychic beasts such as chameleons, giant dogs, and rhinoceroses all appeared.

These terrifying hill-like monsters are huge and ferocious, and they start destroying everywhere as soon as they appear.

In other directions, various huge explosions continued to explode, smoke and dust rose from the streets, and the entire Iwagakure was quickly shrouded in flames of war!

The piercing sirens enveloped the entire Iwagakure at this moment. The ninja troops rushed towards the place where the chaos broke out, and the civilians also rushed towards the bunker of Iwagakure Village in chaos.

Such chaos was just like the Uchiha Sect's memory when Nagato attacked Konoha.

He now understands why the Fourth Raikage is so angry. If such a person goes crazy in a village, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Let's take action, it's not a good thing to keep watching."

Xie glanced at Kakuzu and the Uchiha clan, and then his figure disappeared in a flash. The next moment, densely packed puppets appeared in the sky along with huge smoke and dust.

And these puppets also started to attack crazily under the control of Scorpion. I don't know how many rock ninjas were directly knocked down or even killed directly under his attack!

"Boy, what are you waiting for?" Kakuzu glanced at the Uchiha clan who still had no movement, and he couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"What about you? Why haven't you moved yet?" Uchiha Zong was a little amused, so he simply asked in a hoarse voice.

"Of course it's to take care of the newcomers. After all, I don't know who you are, and I'm not sure of your abilities."

Kakuzu's green eyes kept echoing on Uchiha Zong's body, exploring all traces on Uchiha Zong's body without any scruples.

"There are intruders over there, kill them!"

But at this moment, a large group of rock ninjas rushed towards them quickly.

This group of rock ninjas looked in disarray, and it was obvious that they did not expect that the village would be directly attacked.

But this is normal. Although Konoha and Kumogakure have learned from the past, for the five major ninja villages, it is basically delusional for ordinary people to extend the war to their villages.

Even if they were well prepared, it would be hard to believe that someone could do such a thing.

"Someone is coming, aren't you going to do something?" Uchiha Zong glanced at the group of Kirigakure, and then he couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Of course I have ways to deal with them, but I'm curious, what would you do if it were you?" Kakuzu was unmoved. This guy's attitude could no longer be described as bad.

His behavior can only make Uchiha Zong sigh, this guy has really fallen into the eyes of money.

However, Uchiha Zong didn't care. Anyway, he just wanted to experiment with his new technique, and the current situation was extremely suitable.

"Do you want to see what I am capable of? Then take a good look."

So he glanced at Kakuzu, and then he took a step forward. The next moment, he quickly formed seals with his hands, and the majestic chakra surged crazily in his body.

At this moment, Kakuzu seemed to feel that the space became a little hot, and at this moment Uchiha Sect completed the seal.

"Fire Escape: Fire Extinguishes!"

In an instant, black flames were sprayed out by him like a divine punishment. The terrifying high temperature instantly made the entire space appear distorted.

This black flame covers an extremely wide area, and everything it passes by is instantly ignited.

Many rock ninjas did not react at all in the face of the raging flames, and were instantly turned into ashes!

Those who seemed to have done nothing to stop them were wrapped in a sea of ​​fire the next second they were touched by the flames.

The moonlight fell on the earth, and Uchiha Zong slowly stopped his hand. He turned his head and looked at Kakuzu, who was a little dull, and then he couldn't help but laugh.

"Now, are you satisfied?"


"I've already explained that he didn't hire them to attack the Three Shadows Conference!"

Under the moonlight, on the border of Iwagakure Village, Onoki looked at the three shadows in front of him with an angry expression.

During the day, he came alone to the meeting place he had agreed upon and waited.

He knew that even if he came over, it would take time to see Orochimaru and the three of them. After all, the location of these three people was not particularly close.

However, according to Ying's speed, it would only take half a day for them to meet up. In his opinion, they should be able to meet in the afternoon.

However, what he didn't expect was that Orochimaru and the three of them seemed to have made him sit in this damn place for a whole day, as if on purpose!

But he also knew that no matter how dissatisfied he was, he could only hold it in, after all, he was the weakest party now.

Even if these three bastards wanted him to sit here all night, he could only endure it silently!

Fortunately, these three bastards didn't deliberately disgust him.

At night, these three people finally arrived, which made Ohnoki feel slightly relieved, but his breath was raised again just as it reached his throat.

But this time he was angry, because the three bastards questioned him about his connection with the Akatsuki organization, and at the same time accused him of attacking the Three Shadows Conference.

And that posture looked like he wanted to start a war. How could Onoki be so angry?

Although he patiently explained and constantly denied that he had ever hired the Akatsuki organization, it was obvious that the three people in front of him ignored him at all.

"You said you didn't hire them to attack the Three Shadows Convention. Does that mean you actually hired them to do other tasks?"

Orochimaru quickly caught the loophole and looked at Ohnoki with faint eyes.

"No wonder you were able to take over the defense of Bird Country so quickly. It turns out you relied on the Akatsuki organization to do it."

"Hokage, do you need me to investigate?" When Luo Sha heard this, he immediately said: "I also have troops in the Kingdom of Birds. I think I can ask them to investigate."

"Ohnoki, stop resisting. Are you really planning to go to hell with your lies?"

The Fourth Raikage snorted coldly. He looked at Onoki indifferently. At the same time, the chakra in his body was already surging.

"Yes, I hired them!"

Ohnoki knew in his heart that this matter really could not withstand investigation, not to mention that these people came here with their Iwagakure standard equipment.

Now he could only look at Orochimaru angrily, and then said in a low voice.

"I hired them to clean up those small countries, and I ask you, if there is such an organization that can help you solve your problems with money, would you use it?

We are a great ninja village, there are some things we can't interfere in, at least on the surface we can't, but someone has to do some of the dirty work.

This damn organization is a good choice, so stop pretending to be so great there! "

"Pretend or not, we know in our hearts, at least we hire such an organization that is full of evil, and if you say no, then why do they do this?"

The Fourth Raikage was quite irritable, he sneered and said with disdain.

"You even used tens of thousands of people to besiege the Third Raikage. Do you think I would believe you in such a thing?"

"Yes, everything happens for a reason."

Orochimaru also nodded at this moment, and he said quietly in a hoarse voice.

“That organization said when they attacked Kumogakure that they were looking for a way to deal with the Uchiha Sect.

And when they attacked Konoha and Sunagakure, their targets were jinchūriki. I even suspected that this was your order. "

"You" Ohnoki clenched his fists: "You are messing around!"

Orochimaru tilted his head indifferently. He was just messing around. Even if he was criticized, his words were still full of truth. Who dared to say that his words were wrong?

The Jinchuuriki were attacked one after another. Although this kind of thing is definitely a coincidence, looking at such a coincidence now, it seems that it is not too coincidental.

Orochimaru doesn't mind making a fuss about this matter, since he's not the one doing the bad thing anyway.

"That's right, I don't believe that the organization does things without basis." Luo Sha also nodded at this time: "Ohnoki, you are the only one who has had contact with them. I hope you can be more honest."

Onoki's face looked very ugly at this time. He had no way to explain this matter. Could it be because he withheld money from the Akatsuki organization?

But the real question is, will they believe it?

How can any organization be so extreme? It will drag you to death together!

Of course, considering the current predicament of the Akatsuki organization, it seems not unusual to do such a thing, but this further solidifies the connection between the two things.

Stealing the ninja mission bounty was despicable enough, but because he caused the Three Shadows Convention to be attacked, Onoki had to take the blame no matter what.

As for Onoki, what he has to do is to completely wipe out the contact between the two parties. He absolutely does not want to leave anything to say to these three villages.

For a while, the conversation had stagnated here, because no one of them could convince anyone.

This situation made Onoki somewhat uneasy, especially as the atmosphere became increasingly tense and seemed to be on the verge of taking action.

He really didn't want to take action, even if he said harsh words, but he really needed to think more about it for the sake of the village.


Just when the atmosphere was at its most tense, all four of them suddenly noticed someone coming.

However, the visitor's chakra reaction was not strong, so they all stood there and watched coldly.

"Lord Tsuchikage, something happened!" Not long after, an Iwa nin ran over panting.

He fell to the ground before he could stand, but he quickly got up again and ran towards Ohnoki in a panic. It was obvious that he was really anxious.

"what happened?"

Onoki frowned and looked at the Iwa Ninja, but when he saw the Iwa Ninja looking behind him, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, or get out of here!"


The Iwa Ninja was startled, and he immediately spoke tremblingly.

"Lord Tsuchikage, every village, every village."

"What happened to the village? Tell me quickly!"

"The village was attacked! According to Mr. Huangtu, it was the Akatsuki organization that attacked the village!"


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