Konoha: Something's not right with this Uchiha

Chapter 145 No one knows the art of earth and mountains better than me (please subscribe)

While Onoki was dumbfounded, Kakuzu was also a little dumbfounded at this time.

Looking at the boiling flames in front of him and feeling the extremely terrifying temperature, at this moment he clearly felt that the escape technique of the guy in front of him was extraordinary.

Obviously, this is definitely a special blood inheritance limit that he has never seen before!

"Who are you?" Kakuzu's face became a little serious.

Although this person has not seen the manifestation of his other fighting methods, his blood inheritance limit alone is enough to make people amazed.

If a large-scale blood escape technique is used on a large scale, no matter which village it is dealt with, it will be the most terrifying and frightening!

The intelligence of such a person is probably what his boss will like the most, and he really wants to figure it all out now.

"You will know who I am." Uchiha Zong shook his head casually: "But not now, Kakuzu."

After saying this, Uchiha Zong stopped paying attention to this guy Kakuzu. This guy is crazy about money, but he is quite good at choosing what he likes.

If there really is such a person who is extremely good at large-scale blood escape, and he is still hanging out with the Akatsuki organization, then I will definitely be interested in this kind of information.

But the problem is that this person is himself, what information does he need?

Ignoring Kakuzu, the Uchiha clan quickly started heading towards the Tsuchikage Building.

Although he didn't know where Ohnoki would find Dong XZ, but according to his inertial thinking, he thought he could try to visit the Tsuchikage.

"It's really cruel."

However, when he was dispatched, he had been paying attention to everything Nagato and Scorpion were doing in the distance.

They are really a group of people who are professional in destructive ability. In just a few minutes, they have caused huge chaos in Iwagakure Village.

Even if Kakuzu is fishing for money now, the firepower of these two people is already fierce enough.

Uchiha Sect also took advantage of this chaos and quietly came to the location of the Tsuchikage Building.

But what he didn't expect was that almost as soon as he reached his front feet, he saw someone running towards him!


Uchiha Zong slowly stopped. He originally just wanted to come over and see if he could find any useful information, but he didn't expect to bump into Loess in front of him.

This made him feel a little sad about the impermanence of fate, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

I have been thinking about how to find Iwagakure's secret vault, but I can only try my luck. Now that the loess is delivered directly to me, is there anything more lucky than this?

"A member of the Akatsuki organization?"

Huang Tu also discovered Uchiha Sect immediately, and he asked with an angry and vigilant voice.

He didn't take action immediately because the Uchiha clan was not wearing the special robes of the Akatsuki organization, which made him a little unsure.

However, the chakra in his body has begun to operate crazily. It is obvious that a stranger appears in Iwagakure Village, which makes him not let it go easily no matter what.

"Why bother asking, you."

Uchiha Zong said casually, but his expression changed before he finished speaking.

Because in an instant, a cold light flashed across his neck, as fast as thunder!

Loess, the bastard, had already passed him by. After all, he was a well-known strong man in the ninja world, and his grasp of fighter opportunities was perfect.

As long as the opponent loses concentration for a moment, he will take action without hesitation.

This is also true for the Uchiha Sect itself. Unless there is any special purpose, it is always the most cost-effective to kill the enemy with one blow.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast Loess moved, Uchiha Zong's reaction speed and his body coordination were superior to Loess.

Especially when facing a battle, he had already opened his Sharingan almost instinctively, which was even more doomed for Loess's attack to be in vain!

Huang Tu's gaze shrank for a moment as he stumbled across his body, and countless thoughts surged out of his mind: "At such a fast speed, who is this guy?"

But he didn't have time to think too much. The Uchiha clan suddenly turned around after being shaken.

His speed exploded instantly, and at the same time a kunai appeared in his hand, and then pierced Loess's throat.

"Such a fast speed is definitely not that of an ordinary person. It seems that this guy must be a member of the Akatsuki organization!"

Huang Tu had already made a decision in his heart. Looking at Yu Zhi rushing in front of him, the chakra in his body suddenly exploded, and then he raised his hand fiercely.


A clear voice suddenly sounded, and this guy actually blocked the kunai by relying on his brute force and the defense of earth escape chakra!


Then he punched hard, and the powerful force suddenly hit the Uchiha Sect!

However, his punch seemed to have been expected by the enemy. He just turned sideways and was dodged directly!

"Why does this kind of physical skill look more and more familiar?"

Huang Tu secretly clicked his tongue inwardly. The speed was too fast and the movements were too precise. Such physical skills were not something that just anyone could do.

Who could it be that someone with such physical skills joined the evil organization Akatsuki?

However, Huang Tu also knew that he would be a bit too stupid to compete with this guy in physical skills.

In the moment of fighting using taijutsu, he didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes, so he didn't plan to continue the taijutsu fight.

"Earth Release·Split the Earth and Turn the Palm!"

The moment the attack was dodged, Loess' chakra surged directly, and then he pressed hard to the ground with one hand.

The earth collapsed crazily at this moment, and the dense cracks like spider webs instantly made Uchiha Sect feel like he could not stand at all.

Moreover, those huge pieces of rubble were instantly thrown away, falling straight from the sky and hitting him hard. This situation made him raise his eyebrows.

"It's really cruel."

Uchiha Zong secretly thought that he also reacted very quickly. The moment these attacks were about to hit him, his teleportation technique had already been quietly activated!

Huang Tu was not surprised when he saw this, and his eyes immediately began to search for the Uchiha clan.

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

However, when he found the Uchiha clan, he saw a huge fire dragon roaring towards him!

The huge fire dragon showed a touch of black, and everything it passed was instantly ignited.

"This damn guy with this kind of flame is indeed someone from the Akatsuki organization!"

Seeing the appearance of this fire dragon, Huang Tu's face instantly turned ugly. The flames still burning in the distance said it all.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Loess also formed seals. In an instant, a huge wall of earth blocked him, and at the same time directly blocked Yanlong's path.

However, Huang Tu didn't rest assured. Such fire escape was so powerful that he didn't want to be touched, so he suddenly jumped up.

At the same time, he quickly completed it again, and he completed the 'Escape and Rock Pillar Spear Technique' instantly.

Countless giant rock pillar guns hit the flame dragon directly along the path it flew in.

"Tch, why didn't you realize this guy was so sharp before?"

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Zong secretly thought, facing the incoming rock pillar gun, he didn't even look at it, and the seals on his hands changed again.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Hao Yan!"

There was a loud bang, and the huge flames of the heroic flame technique instantly covered the rock pillar guns aimed at him.

Those rock pillar guns couldn't withstand the heat of Yan Dun. They were already melted by Yan Dun before they even flew to his side!

"What exactly is that flame?"

Huang Tu was secretly shocked, such a powerful fire escape must be some kind of blood inheritance limit.

But in his memory, it seemed that this was really the first time he had seen this type of blood inheritance boundary!

"The effect of Flame Release is really unexpectedly useful."

Uchiha Zong looked at the effect caused by his Flame Release, and he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Even though it was just a preliminary use, the foundation of this technique was there, and as he continued to use it, he could clearly feel that his understanding of this technique was getting stronger!

This feeling of constant improvement made him like it very much, even though his other abilities were also constantly improving.

However, as the level continues to increase, the length of time is continuously extended, and the physical sensation is also reduced.

It's like you and your girlfriend have been together for seven years, and the original passion has slowly dissipated, and what's left is continued warmth and affection.

Which one is better, Uchiha Zong himself can't say, but he likes both situations.

But he also knew that this time the battle had to end, and he had more important things to do!

"Earth Release·Yellow Quan Marsh Technique!"

While Yu Zhongba was thinking secretly, this guy Huang Tu had quietly locked the position of Uchiha Sect.

His chakra burst out suddenly, and the next moment Uchiha Zong's feet instantly became muddy. The stickiness suddenly wrapped around Uchiha Zong's legs, making him unable to move at all.

At this moment, the loess fell to the ground instantly, and he had already completed his seal.

"Go to hell, Earth Release: Earth Mountain Technique!"

The earth roared violently at this moment, and two huge rocks stood up instantly amid the seemingly endless roar.

Tushan Technique, this is definitely Huang Tu's most powerful technique, and also his most confident technique!

It's just that when the Uchiha clan faced this technique, his expression looked a little weird. After all, he had actually faced this technique.

So at this moment, the chakra in his body began to surge rapidly, and it was obvious that he was planning to do something.

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't escape!"

At this moment, Huangtu continued to increase the output of chakra while whispering.

"So far, only one person has managed to escape, so you don't have to waste your efforts!"

"Oh?" Uchiha Zong blinked, and he couldn't help but asked in a funny way: "I would like to ask, who is the person who escaped from trouble?"

"It doesn't hurt to tell you before you die."

Huang Tu snorted coldly, and then he said indifferently.

"That person is Konoha's Shura, the acting Hokage Uchiha Sect!

Although you are very powerful, you can only do this. Pay the price for what you have done, damn guy! "

Looking at Loess who was extremely angry, Uchiha Zong blinked. He suddenly felt that he had made Loess a little miserable.

But after all, we are all enemies. Since we are enemies, there is nothing to say.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly turned on the immortal mode. At this moment, he felt that his power was boiling!

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid there is another person who wants to break the myth that your technique cannot escape."

He said with a hoarse smile, and the next moment he completed the seal with both hands.

"And this person is me!"

"The Technique of Flame Release·Long Yan Singing!"


"What do you think about this matter?"

In Konoha's camp, Orochimaru and Raikage, plus the Kage's assistants such as Uchiha Zong and Kirabi, gathered in a room.

Orochimaru glanced at everyone present, and he couldn't help but smile slightly and asked.

Onoki left, and he left as quickly as he came. Almost as soon as he received the news that Iwagakure was attacked, he directly chose to escape.

This situation made both Raikage and Luo Sha feel a little ridiculous. They didn't quite understand whether the Akatsuki organization was crazy.

Why did they also attack their own employers?

Could it be that Ohnoki chose to come over and negotiate with them, which in their eyes was tantamount to betraying them.

So they simply took the lead and struck first to gain advantage?

Of course, this could also be fake, and tricks such as scheming are not uncommon in the ninja world.

But the problem was that less than three hours after Onoki left, the Swift Eagles from Iwagakure Village flew to them one after another.

The information brought by Swift Eagle was also simple and clear - Iwagakure was attacked by a mysterious organization, causing heavy casualties.

At this moment, Raikage and Luo Sha realized that their feelings were all real?

"This organization is too dangerous, and they are too unscrupulous."

For a long time, even the usually brash Lei Ying could only hold back this sentence. It can be imagined that he was really shocked.

"Such an unscrupulous and wanton organization cannot be allowed to continue doing this."

Luo Sha couldn't help but speak at this moment, and it could be seen that his face didn't look good either.

"Such an organization that dares to invade ninja villages at will and cause unscrupulous killings is a threat to the entire ninja world!

I think that as a great ninja village we must lead by example and make a contribution to the ninja world. "

What Luo Sha said was so righteous, and it was completely obvious that this guy was really panicked.

That organization has already attacked the four major ninja villages, and except for Konoha and Sunagakure, the others were directly beaten into the village.

Konoha probably won't be too worried, after all, they themselves are extremely powerful in combat, and there are people like the Uchiha Sect who defeated them.

They Sunagakure really can't bear this. If that organization comes again, then their village will really suffer!

So no matter what, he is eager to solve this problem, otherwise this will definitely be a big worry for him.

"It really needs to be cleaned up, otherwise no one knows what will happen if these guys continue so unscrupulously."

Uchiha Zong glanced at the people present, and after thinking for a while, he simply spoke.

"Oh?" Orochimaru looked at him curiously, and then asked: "What do you think, Zongjun?"

"This organization's behavior has always touched the bottom line of the ninja world. If we don't do something, I'm afraid this organization will become even more unscrupulous."

Uchiha Zong laughed, and he slowly explained.

“Furthermore, we have suffered such a big loss and have all joined together, so it is only natural that we should do what we should do together.

Besides, have you ever thought about a problem, that is, there is a village that is too quiet this time. "

"Uchiha clan, are you talking about Kirigakure?" Raikage immediately realized that he was just reckless, not stupid.

"Indeed, Kirigakure is too quiet, unlike them." Luo Sha nodded: "Even if it is closed, it is impossible to know everything, and their actions against Sunagakure have not ended yet."

"In other words, Kirigakure may be involved." Orochimaru's eyes turned slightly, and he seemed to understand something: "Or, is he contacting them?"

"Yes, it is very possible." Uchiha Zong nodded: "Just imagine if Kirigakure really contacted them and left here smoothly."

"Then, I'm afraid this organization will really be like a ghost, hovering over us all the time." Raikage clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"It seems that we have to stop them!" Luo Sha also immediately said: "If this kind of thing really happens, the consequences will be really unimaginable!"

"It seems that some things have been determined." Orochimaru laughed, especially when he secretly winked at Uchiha Zong, who nodded slightly.

This completely convinced him that the next step for the Akatsuki organization was probably to prepare to go to Kirigakure!

If you really let them go, the harm will be obvious, but Orochimaru is also hesitating about one thing, and that is whether to let them go or not? ——

"Hurry up, must be faster!"

In the night sky, Ohnoki's figure was flying as fast as a shooting star.

At this time, he was extremely anxious. He never dreamed that the Akatsuki organization would be so crazy!

Originally, he thought that attacking the Three Shadows Conference was the limit, but now he discovered that this group of people had no limits at all.

Even the best ceilings of human beings can't accommodate them. They will have no problem burying them dozens of meters down!

He has seen the reports of the damage caused by these guys in Cloud Hidden Village. Although there are some sanity, there are definitely not many, especially the report of the Nine-Tails Incident in Konoha, which is even more fatal!

If Mu was not fully prepared and took precautions, Konoha would definitely not end well.

"Don't let anything go wrong, don't!"

Onoki was muttering silently in his heart, and his speed was getting faster and faster. When the sun rose slightly, he could already see the outline of the village.

However, when he looked at the village into which he had poured his heart and soul from a distance, his heart began to sink.

The entire village was still filled with thick smoke rising into the sky at this moment, and none of the ninjas who were supposed to be responsible for guarding came out at this moment.

The closer you get, the more you can see how dilapidated the once prosperous village is now.

Countless buildings had collapsed, and the ground looked pitted at this moment. There were injured people and corpses that couldn't be gathered up everywhere. The atmosphere of desolation and despair filled the entire village.

Ohnoki was really filled with despair at this moment. He really didn't expect that he had just been away for more than a day, and the village would turn into this!

The anger in his heart was constantly burning, and he now seemed to understand better why the Raikage was so angry.

"Lord Tsuchikage."

Ohnoki fell down quickly, and his appearance immediately made all the Iwa ninjas around him couldn't help shouting.

Soon, Huang Tu walked towards him tremblingly. At this time, Huang Tu looked particularly embarrassed, with scars all over his body.

Even his expression looked particularly lonely, but he still lowered his head and came to Ohnoki's side.

"Are you okay?" Onoki took a deep breath and then asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but..." Huang Tu sighed: "I failed. Even the techniques of Tushan can't stop them, and their goal is..."

"I can understand, don't take it to heart, they are not simple things." Onoki gritted his teeth and whispered: "Also, what is their goal?"

"It's our secret treasury and inner treasury, Lord Tsuchikage." Huang Tu sighed: "They looted our secret treasury and inner treasury."

Upon hearing these words, Onoki instantly felt his blood pressure rising.

The secret treasury and the inner treasury store the money and secret techniques of Yanyin Village respectively. Those damn guys snatched all these things at once. Such an approach is really creating a deadly feud.

But seeing the ruined Iwa Ninja in front of him, he knew that there was no room for relaxation in this hatred!

"I understand, everyone here is listening."

Onoki nodded silently, then looked at everyone and said loudly.

“This time the hatred is irreconcilable, we Iwagakure will never accept such a thing.

No matter what, I will kill them, even if I chase them to the ends of the earth! "

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

"Kill them!"

As soon as Onoki finished speaking, the entire Iwagakure instantly erupted into a violent sound.

His words stimulated all the Iwagakure, and his words also made all the Iwagakure share the same hatred. Such a huge sound continued to echo in the sky above Iwagakure without stopping for a long time.

"Loess, can you still move?" Ohnoki turned around and looked at Loess.

"Lord Tsuchikage, I have no problem." Huang Tu nodded seriously.

"Go to the front lines, find the Hokage and the others, and tell them."

Ohnoki's eyes were very firm, and it was obvious that he had made a decision.

"Tell them that I'm sorry, because there are some things to deal with in the village, so it will take some time before I can see them again.

Of course, if they want, they can bring people into the Kingdom of Earth, and I will entertain them well.

Finally, I told them that I decided to join them and form the Four Shadows Alliance, vowing to eradicate the Akatsuki organization, a cancer in the ninja world! "


"It's really a huge profit."

In a forest outside Iwagakure, Uchiha Zong looked at the scroll in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

In this action, his merits were relatively complete. I don't know if that guy Nagato really hated Iwagakure.

In other words, did he hate the so-called Great Ninja Village? He showed no mercy to Iwagakure.

The same was true for Scorpion, which also allowed the Uchiha Sect to use Flame Release to fight back except when they encountered more than a dozen Iwa Ninja raids at the beginning.

Then a big war broke out when facing Loess. Basically, he was fishing for money the whole time.

It can be said that the raid on Sunagakure Village this time was not as good as the death of more people when he faced Sunagakure on the battlefield.

But this is also the best result. Let the Akatsuki organization take the blame for everything.

And he just came to brush up his proficiency and get things at the same time. This time he has completed it all!

"This guy Loess is still strong enough. Without the cooperation of Sharingan and Senjutsu, it would be too difficult for Flame Release alone to deal with him."

Uchiha Zong silently murmured in his heart that although he won and won relatively simply, he knew exactly what his situation was.

However, it is good for Loess to be difficult to deal with. Especially the improvement brought to him by his battle with Loess this time is obvious!

[Blood Succession Limit·Fire Escape: Gain experience +160]

[Blood Succession Limit·Fire Escape (A): Level 2 (80/200)]

This is his most improved ability this time. As for the Sharingan and Senjutsu, which are improved but not necessarily great, he will basically block them.

Unless he would take another look at it when he was about to upgrade, it would be a waste of time to look at it. After all, it would be uncomfortable to look at the limited improvement.

"It's time to leave now. There is no need to continue to entangle with those in the Akatsuki organization."

Uchiha Zong stuffed the scroll into his ninja bag, but at this moment he suddenly frowned, and then turned around.

"Come out, are you really desperate for your life?"

"No, no, no, please don't misunderstand me. I just happened to be evacuating in the same direction as you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kakuzu's figure had already stepped out of the shadows, but his eyes seemed a little embarrassed.

Kakuzu actually had no intention of following the mysterious man in front of him. He had seen this mysterious man's fighting ability throughout the whole process and knew that this guy's strength was very terrifying.

Whether it was the confrontation between this guy and Loess Body Technique, or the torture of the illusion in the end, it all showed how extraordinary this guy was.

Especially the blood limit of the black flame in that hand made him shudder.

Even if he doesn't get more information from such a person, he doesn't intend to continue chasing him.

Anyway, he already knows the basic situation of this guy, and this kind of information is definitely enough to exchange money with his boss.

However, what he never expected was that when he was retreating, he unexpectedly ran on the same route as this guy.

And he also discovered that this guy didn't seem to be running towards the Kingdom of Rain at all, but was instead heading towards the Kingdom of Grass!

This discovery made Kakuzu feel strange for a moment, but before he could think about it clearly, he was discovered by this mysterious guy.

Uchiha Zong looked at Kakuzu seriously. He could see that Kakuzu was a little defensive, and he could even see that Kakuzu was not lying.

This made him shake his head slightly. It seemed that he acted too fiercely, which made Kakuzu have some scruples and did not dare to continue the investigation.

"Okay, I believe you, you should go that way." Uchiha Zong pointed in the direction of the Land of Rain: "If there is nothing else, I think we can just say goodbye."

"Your Excellency, you don't plan to go to the Country of Rain?" Kakuzu was a little confused, and then he nodded: "It seems that your purpose is actually to act with the Akatsuki organization for the things in Iwagakure Village."

"Yes, I cooperated with you just to get something." Uchiha Zong laughed: "Now that my goal has been achieved, I can't think of what I want to stay for."

"Okay, if that's the case, let's just say goodbye." Kakuzu thought for a moment, and finally nodded and said no more.

Then he turned around, as if he was about to leave.

Such decisiveness really makes Uchiha Zong a little funny. It can be seen that this guy Kakuzu is really smart.

"Didn't you always want to know my identity before, but are you no longer curious?" Uchiha Zong took off his black robe and asked with a smile while taking it off.

"Since you don't want to tell me, I won't ask." Kakuzu stopped and looked back: "Besides, you won't really tell me. After all, this is not a safe thing for you. .”

"It's not really safe, but it's not a big deal to tell you."

Uchiha Zong spoke calmly, and his words made Kakuzu turn around involuntarily, looking at Uchiha Zong with a strange expression.

"What do you mean by this sentence?"

"The meaning is actually very simple, Kakuzu."

Uchiha Zong continued to speak, but this time his voice had changed into his own voice, and his voice instantly made Kakuzu's face change.

Slowly taking off his mask, Uchiha Zong looked at the somewhat dull Kakuzu with an amused expression, and then he said with a smile.

"Now you know, are you still curious?"


Uchiha Zong's revelation of his identity to Kakuzu was definitely not an impulse, but a carefully considered choice on his part.

After all, Kakuzu had to know his connection with Obito sooner or later, not to mention what Kakuzu did was too dangerous.

This was the one time that he offended the four major ninja villages in the ninja world. It would be really strange if Kakugo was not worried about the Uchiha sect selling him out.

Therefore, in order to dispel this guy's concerns, Uchiha Zong simply exposed his identity to him, just to tell him that they had done this kind of shit together, don't panic, I won't cheat you!

As for the reason why he did not follow him to the Kingdom of Rain, he also asked Kakuzu to help convey it, that is, after they went to the Kingdom of Water, someone must stay in this ninja continent, right?

At the same time, he will also talk to Obito about this matter. In this case, maybe he can use his vest to participate in something next time.

However, this situation should be very rare. After all, they all ran to Kirigakure, so it is really difficult to explain many things clearly.

At that time, we can only wait and see how the situation develops, and the Uchiha Sect will make a decision slowly.

"But this dust escape is really not that difficult. Even if you have the cultivation method, it is not easy to learn it."

After Uchiha Zong, who had returned to the camp, received the memory of the shadow clone, he immediately began to study the Dust Release in his hand with confidence.

Regarding the Chen Escape in his hand, he was still very confident that what he got was real. After all, this was the answer he got by using illusions to torture Loess.

What's more, at that time, Loess had been beaten to the point of fainting, so this was the best time to use the illusion.

And after getting the information, he did not forget to give Huang Tu an illusion hint, which made him forget everything about being tortured and only remember that he failed and then passed out.

It has always been the Uchiha Sect's style to deal with all worries at once.

In fact, it's not that he can't kill Loess directly, but he is worried that Ohnoki will go crazy when the time comes, which will not be conducive to his plan.

"And this Loess is too unlucky. He is so frustrated when he encounters me one after another. I hope his Taoist heart can still persist."

While thinking in his mind, he looked at the scroll seriously, but at this moment he suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he quickly put away the scroll in his hand, then raised his head and looked out the door.

"Sir." Mukai came to his residence and then said in a low voice: "Sir Hokage said that he wants to meet you."

"Now?" Uchiha Zong walked out curiously: "Did he say what happened?"

"My lord, not really." Mukai shook his head.

"Okay, I understand." Uchiha Zong nodded, and then he walked directly towards Orochimaru's command room.

He was really curious about what Orochimaru wanted to do with him now.

"You came?"

When he entered the command room, Orochimaru saw that he was him and immediately asked everyone present to get out.

"Sit down, I just have something to talk to you about."

"What's the problem, Orochimaru-sama?"

Uchiha Zong found a seat and sat down, and then he asked curiously.

"There are some things that kept me thinking, but in the end I couldn't find any answers."

Orochimaru nodded, and then he quickly formed a seal, and a soundproof barrier was instantly completed in his hand. After all this was done, he spoke.

"Zongjun, are those guys sure they want to evacuate to the Kingdom of Water?"

"I can confirm that this is the information Kakuzu gave me."

Uchiha Zong nodded directly. The information was true, but the person who gave it was not Kakuzu.

But this kind of thing is harmless, he continued.

"However, there are some conflicts within them. It seems that some people do not intend to leave the ninja world. I don't know the specific situation. After all, Kakuzu has just entered."

"This is not unexpected, and of course it is not the key." Orochimaru nodded slightly, and then he asked seriously: "What do you think of the current situation?"

"Now?" Uchiha Zong was a little confused. He frowned but soon he seemed to understand what Orochimaru meant: "Lord Orochimaru, are you talking about this alliance?"

"Yes, this alliance." Orochimaru nodded: "Onoki has given the news that he will join us to clean up the Akatsuki organization."

"This is not unexpected. I heard that Iwagakure suffered heavy casualties."

As a participant in this matter, Uchiha Sect has the most say.

"The four major ninja villages have joined forces and formed an alliance. This is a rare thing.

And the emergence of this alliance may also bring some positive things, and this thing."

"Peace." Orochimaru said directly before Uchiha Zong finished speaking.

To be honest, even if Uchiha Zong was mentally prepared, hearing the word 'peace' come out of Orochimaru's mouth still made him feel incredible.

If you say that Obito is a pacifist, the Uchiha clan can barely admit it. Even if you say that Uchiha Madara is a pacifist, he can hold his nose and admit it.

But Orochimaru, as an experimental maniac, can he really be considered a pacifist?

How magical has this world become due to my influence?

"Zongjun, are you thinking about something rude?"

Looking at Uchiha Zong's weird expression, Orochimaru immediately understood what this guy was thinking, and he couldn't help but smile.

“The word peace actually doesn’t mean much to me, either then or now.

But I have to say that Naruto is indeed a magical position, because once you sit on it, the things you have to consider will change.

Zongjun doesn’t know if he feels like this now, but of course, don’t worry even if he doesn’t yet, you will know in the future. "

Having said this, Orochimaru stood up directly, licked his tongue and looked at Uchiha Sect and said slowly.

"If you think about it from the Hokage's perspective, then naturally the stability and interests of the village are the most important.

Of course, you can also understand it this way. Only when the village is stable and peaceful can I focus more on my research.

Instead of thinking about whether there is a problem here or there all day long.

With Mr. Zong here, I can let go of these things, but war is definitely not good news, and the outbreak of war is a conflict of interests.


"So once peace is restored, Orochimaru-sama can be better at showing off?"

Uchiha Zong rolled his eyes. He thought Orochimaru would say some other outrageous remarks, but in the end, this is what happened?

"Show it off?"

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then he nodded with satisfaction.

"This is a good word, and it accurately describes my style as Hokage, which is indeed a bit shabby.

But even if it goes badly, I still have to consider the interests of the village, and peace is naturally the best choice.

So I'm thinking about whether to let the Akatsuki organization go to the Kingdom of Water. They must exist in the alliance.

Because in a single ninja village, no one except us can guarantee what the consequences will be when the Akatsuki organization attacks next time.

And with the existence of the alliance, many conflicts can be resolved and eliminated through internal communication.

Even if it cannot be eliminated, they must make some compromises and concessions for their own village. In the long run, many troubles can be resolved.

So to be honest, I hope that this Akatsuki organization can always exist and become the public enemy of the entire ninja world.

Their shadow always hangs over the ninja world, so that the ninja world can maintain such peace.

What do you think, Zongjun?

Of course, you need to think about this matter carefully, and there is no need to rush to give me an answer.

After all, this matter is really difficult to deal with."


"In other words, those guys are actually in the Kingdom of Rain?"

A week later, in Konoha's camp, all the senior village officials who came to the front line gathered together.

After they listened carefully to Onoki's account of how the village affairs had been settled, the Fourth Raikage was the first to ask.

"Yes, if there are no accidents, their organization is called the Akatsuki Organization, and their base camp is in the Kingdom of Rain."

Onoki said with a gloomy look, his tone seemed particularly firm.

"It seems we have the answer." Orochimaru chuckled: "So everyone, what are you going to do now?"

"Of course it is."

The Fourth Raikage stood up and he said loudly.

"Send out troops and destroy these beasts!"

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