Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 174 [Misunderstanding! 】


Terumi Mei looked at the setting sun, smiled at Hinata Bin and said, "Hinata Bin, it's almost done today."

Although she was playing with Hinata Bin this afternoon, she was very happy.

However, she had to work overtime and study at night, so she couldn't continue playing with Hinata Bin.

"Well, that's almost it." Hinata Bin smiled and nodded.

[Optional mission completed, Water Escape Water Formation Wall*1. 】

Hinata Bin instantly mastered the Water Release Ninjutsu, and his proficiency was even higher than that of a Jonin who had been practicing Water Release for many years.

Even ordinary C-level ninjutsu produced by the system cannot be compared to the C-level ninjutsu used by ordinary ninjas.

"Then are you planning to leave? Or do you have other matters?" Terumi Mei continued to ask Hinata Bin.

Although Hinata Bin said that he "came here specifically to play with her" today, from a practical point of view, Hinata Bin must have other things to do.

Otherwise, Hinata Bin, a Konoha ninja, would come all the way to find her just to play with her for a while.

Even if it is a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, it is not necessarily so passionate, impulsive and passionate, right?

"I plan to have dinner at Kirigakure Village before leaving." Hinata Bin looked at Terumi Mei and said sincerely and warmly: "Ming-kun, I will leave my dinner to you."

"Bin-kun, you really want to squeeze all my value out before you give up." Terumi Mei said jokingly with a smile.

However, she and Hinata Bin played all night and didn't eat anything, so there was nothing wrong with inviting Hinata Bin to dinner.

"When you come to Konoha Village next time, I will also invite you and arrange the best one-stop service for you." Hyuga Bin said with confidence.

"Okay, what do you want to eat tonight?" Terumi Mei asked Hinata with a smile.

She didn't feel burdened by inviting Hinata to dinner, but in the future, it was almost impossible for her to go to Konoha Village as an envoy of Kirigakure and ask Hinata to arrange a dragon for her.

She was given a free prostitute by Hinata Bin...for one meal.

"It's up to you." The guest followed the host, and Hinata gave the decision-making power to Terumi Mei.

"Then I will take you to eat ramen." Terumi Mei said. She and Hinata Bin met for the first time in a ramen shop.

"Ramen is delicious, but I only had ramen for lunch..." Hinata Bin declined politely.

"What about home-style cooking from the Land of Water?" Terumi Mei thought about it again.

"Okay." Hinata Bin nodded.

"Bin-kun, don't you really want to eat home-style cooking?" Terumi Mei looked at Hinata Bin without showing a very satisfied expression.

"I'm very satisfied. Mingjun is treating me, so why should I be dissatisfied?" Faced with Mei Mei's question, Hinata Bin laughed: "When it comes to eating, the important thing is not what you eat, but who you eat with. Who is the person?”

At this point, Hinata paused for a moment, then continued to add: "Eating with good friends is fine. Eating with annoying people, even if it is delicacies from the mountains and seas, I have no interest in it at all."

"I almost thought you confessed to me, it shocked me." After hearing Hinata Bin's complete sentence, Terumi Mei took a deep breath.

Just from the first half of the sentence, she almost misunderstood that Hinata Bin was interested in her.

The sentence "It's not what you eat, but who you eat with" feels like a confession to her.

Of course, she also liked the feeling of this sentence.

"I'm afraid you really want it." Hinata Bin teased with a smile,

"What are you talking about? You just want it." Terumi Mei finally punched Hinata Bin on the shoulder this time.

"Okay, I'm hungry. Let's go eat quickly." Hinata Bin touched his abdominal muscles.

"Okay, let's go."

Mei Terumi took Hinata to the food court. She had been going to a family-style restaurant every year for family dinners since she was a child.

This store was opened by an elder of Mei Terumi's family who didn't want to be a ninja. It has now been passed down to the third generation. Most of the customers in the store are members of the Terumi clan.

Entering the store, Terumi Mei arranged for Hinata to sit down, then she went into the kitchen and shouted to Terumi Mori who was cooking: "Uncle Mori."

"Mei-chan, why are you here today?" Terumi Mori heard Terumi Mei's voice and turned to look at Terumi Mei with a smile.

"Uncle Mori, I brought a friend here to have something to eat. Please cook me two of your best dishes." Terumi Mei winked at Matson.

"Boyfriend?" Terumi Mori heard Mei Terumi say "friend" and immediately became interested.

You know, in the past twenty years, Terumi Meiko has never brought anyone else to the store alone.

"No, just a good friend." Terumi Mei smiled and shook her head.

"Let me see."

Terumi Mori obviously didn't believe Terumi Mei's explanation. He walked directly to the kitchen door and saw Hinata Bin sitting quietly by the window: "What a handsome guy."

"Uncle Mori, hurry up and cook, I'm still waiting to eat." Terumi Mei hurriedly pulled Terumi Mori back to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Mei-chan, Uncle Mori will help you take down his stomach." Terumi Mori also patted his chest to reassure Terumi Mei.

It was the first time that my niece brought a boy to dinner, so she naturally had to make some special dishes.

"Uncle Mori, just operate it normally. Don't do too much. It will be a waste if you don't finish it." Terumi Mei said with a smile.

"Okay, you go out and sit down." Terumi Mori nodded to Terumi Mei.

"Okay." Terumi Mei nodded, walked out of the kitchen with a smile, and sat down directly opposite Hinata Bin.

In the end, Terumi Mori didn't listen to Terumi Mei's words, and prepared four large dishes for Terumi Mei and Hinata Bin.

Terumi Mori personally brought the last dish to the table, and when he left, he gave Terumi Mei a "come on" gesture.

Terumi Mei felt dumbfounded by this.

Ever since she turned fifteen, her family began to rush to introduce her to someone. Until she was nineteen years old this year, she was still single, and her family's anxiety evolved into the anxiety of many elders in the family.

After all, Terumi Mori's second daughter is one year younger than Terumi Mei. This year the children are over one year old, and Terumi Mei is still single, which really hinders the family's marriage rate and fertility rate.

Therefore, as an elder, Terumi Mori was very surprised to see Mei Terumi bring the boy to dinner alone tonight.

In the original work, Mei Terumi was also calm when she was young, and then the family elders kept urging her to get married. It was not until she was twenty-five years old that she finally realized that her family elders were urging her to get married, and she became an older young woman eager to get married.

But even so, she didn't want to give up on her relationship, but all the outstanding boys her age had already gotten married and started careers.

Then, she remained single until the finale...

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