Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 175 [Only this time! 】

An hour later, Hinata Bin and Terumi Mei walked out of the restaurant with full stomachs.

Terumi Mori cooked too many dishes, so in order not to waste food, Hinata Bin and Terumi Mei both ate hard.

Before saying goodbye, Hinata Bin and Terumi Mei took a walk on the streets of Kirigakure Village.

Before walking far, Mei Terumi couldn't hold back her inner curiosity and asked Hinata Bin: "Hinata-kun, what did Uncle Mori just say to you?"

When she came back from going to the toilet, she saw Terumimori whispering something to Hinata, so she was a little curious and worried that Terumi Mori would say something strange to Hinata.

"He seems to have misunderstood our relationship. He said that you are a good girl and asked me to treat you well." Hinata Bin smiled.

He didn't feel too ridiculous about being misunderstood. After all, this was not the first time he had been misunderstood.

"Apart from this?" Terumi Mei continued to ask.

She knew that Terumimori had more than just one or two words for Hinata.

"Are you so curious?" Hinata Bin looked at Terumi Mei who looked curious about the baby.

"Yeah." Terumi Mei nodded.

"He told me about you and said that you are a heart-warming girl. As the eldest lady of the family and the sole heir to be in charge of the family in the future, you have been working hard to meet the expectations of the family elders..."

"Okay, Bin-kun, stop talking." Terumi Mei interrupted Hinata Bin and continued speaking, and her mood became depressed.

She didn't expect that Terumimori would tell Hinata Bin all about her experience.

"Okay." Hinata Bin smiled and nodded, and said a word of encouragement to Mi Mei: "Ming Jun, I can imagine that it is not easy for you to walk through this sentence, but please continue to work hard."

"Thank you." Terumi Mei thanked her, her tone still low.

Hinata Bin's retelling of Terumimori's words made her think of her past. She had been living for her parents and her family, and she had been working hard according to the direction and goals set by her family.

In the past ten years since she could remember, she had been carrying the pressure of her parents and family, never really making a choice according to her own ideas.

"You're welcome." Hinata Bin responded with a smile, and then said goodbye: "It's getting late, so I'll leave first."

"It's getting dark, how about... let's leave tomorrow morning." Terumi Mei said.

"No, for me, there is not much difference between night and day." Hinata Bin smiled and shook his head.

"Then I'll take you out of the village."

Because Mei Terumi had been suppressed for too long, when she heard what Hinata Bin said at this moment, her mood was about to explode.

But in front of Hinata Bin, she still tried to maintain the appearance of being okay.

"No, you can go back and have a rest early." Hinata Bin refused again.

He can just use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave Kirigakure Village directly. There is no need to rush as usual and spend a few days rushing back to the border city in the north of the Country of Fire.

"All right."

"OK Bye Bye."

After saying goodbye to Bin, he turned around and left.

Before he had taken a few steps, Terumi Mei's voice came from behind him: "Bin-kun."

Hinata Bin turned his head and saw Terumi Mei under the dim light, tears almost overflowing from his eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Hinata Bin walked back to Terumi Mei again.

"Bin-kun, can I lend you your shoulder?" Hearing Hinata Bin's caring words, Terumi Mei's tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Just this once." Hinata Bin opened his arms to Mi Mei.

Terumi Mei rested her head lightly on Hinata Bin's shoulder, and the sound of sobs reached Hinata Bin's ears.

Hyuga Bin stretched out his hand and patted Terumi Mei's back gently: "Ming Mei, starting from tomorrow, you will find that life is bright, the world is worthwhile, all things are lovely, and the future is promising."

The next day, in the morning, we were in a hotel on the northern border of the Land of Fire.

After Yukito got up and finished cleaning up, he reached out and knocked on the wall, and asked Hinata Bin who was separated by a wall from her: "Bin, are you there?"

As we all know, the sound insulation in hotels is generally not very good.

Friends who often stay in hotels know that when staying in a hotel, they will occasionally inadvertently hear the sound of "um um ah ah" coming from next door.

Of course, sometimes, the sounds made by your female partner will be heard by others.

Therefore, it is completely feasible for Muren to ask questions by knocking on the wall.

"Yes." Hinata Bin's response came from the other side of the wall.

Within a few minutes, Hinata knocked on the door of Yukito's room, and after getting Yukito's permission, he walked into the room.

When they first met, Yukito smiled and asked Hinata Bin: "Bin-kun, are you your true body or a shadow clone today?"

"It's the true body." Hinata Bin looked at Yukito with some confusion: "Why do you ask this?"

"Yesterday you were a hidden clone." Yukito replied.

"Oh, he told you." After hearing Yukito's answer, Hinata Bin's memory of the conversation between the shadow clone and Yukito yesterday emerged in his mind, and he understood Yukito's question. reason,

Because the shadow clone's whole day yesterday was normal and nothing major happened, so Hinata Bin returned to the camp in the evening and after deactivating the shadow clone, he did not read all the messages in one piece.

He only had a rough idea of ​​what the hidden clone had done during the day. As for the details, you can check them whenever you need them, and you can remember them when someone mentions them.

This is the most normal and reasonable behavior for using shadow clones.

In the absence of special events, normal ninjas will not read all the messages for a whole day, otherwise they will be exhausted just doing this.

Like Naruto Uzumaki, who can easily create dozens or hundreds of shadow clones. If every detail is read after the shadow clone is released, the reading time alone will not be enough every day.

"It's not him, it's you." Yukito said seriously to Hinata Bin: "The hidden clone is yourself, and his consciousness is based on your own thoughts."

"So, why should I tell you?" Hinata Bin didn't understand why the shadow clone told Yukito.

In order to avoid unnecessary things, what he wanted to do yesterday was not to tell anyone, because his hidden clone was very "realistic" and no one would see through it as long as he didn't tell it.

"Because you believe me." Yumu Ren said playfully.

During the time she spent with Hinata Bin day and night, her relationship with Hinata Bin became much closer than before.

"Okay." Hinata Bin agreed.

He really believed that Yumu Ren would not expose his disguise as a hidden clone, and he also believed that Yumu Ren would not take advantage of his absence to escape.

"Binjun, actually...when you told me about this yesterday, I was a little touched."

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