Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 223 [The night is too short! 】

"Father, I have a boy I like!"

After Yuhi Hong's words fell, Yuhi Zhenhong's expression did not change much. She just asked with a faint smile:

"Oh? Who is it?"

In his opinion, Yuhi Hong has turned sixteen this year, and she has reached the age where she should fall in love.

Even if Yuhihong doesn't fall in love in another two years, he plans to let Yuhihong go on a blind date.

"It's Hinata Bin." Yuhi Hong said Hinata Bin's name.

"He's pretty good, okay." Yuhi Zhenhong agreed directly.

Hinata Bin is now recognized as the "strongest man" in the ninja world, and it is enough to match Yuhi Kurenai.

Of course, this alone is not enough for Yuhi Mahong to directly agree. After all, Yuhi Hong is his only daughter.

The reason he agreed was that Hinata Bin was a classmate of Yuhi Kurenai and knew everything about her.

He has met Hinata Bin several times and has a relatively good personality. He will probably not bully Hinata Kurenai in the future.

Seeing her father agree, Yuhi Hong felt happy at first, then thought of what she had to say, and continued: "But... there is a problem, he has a girlfriend."

"Huh? What else do you like about him when he has a girlfriend?" When Yuhi Zhenhong heard this, her expression suddenly changed.

"I want to be with him, and his girlfriend agrees." Yuhi Hong explained the reason.


Yuhi Zhenhong refused decisively.

Is this a matter of consent and acceptance by the other party?

As the leader of the Konoha Yuhi clan and the only precious daughter, how could he share a boyfriend with other women! ?

"Father, why?" Yuhi Hong didn't understand why Yuhi Zhenhong's attitude became so strong.

Three wives and four concubines are a recognized thing in the ninja world. There are also many ninjas in the Yuhi clan who marry two or three wives.

Including her uncle Yuhi Taihong, he also married two wives.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work. There is no reason." Regarding this issue, Yuhi Zhenhong didn't want to argue with Yuhi Hong.

Whether from the perspective of his father or from the perspective of "face", he would not accept Yuhi Hong being Hinata Bin's second girlfriend and sharing a husband with other women.

"Father, I really like Binjun."

Faced with Yuhi Mahong's unexplainable attitude, Yuhi Hong did not get angry, nor did she argue with Yuhi Mahong. Instead, she expressed her thoughts aggrievedly.

"You are still young, you can find a boy to like." Yuhi Zhenhong's tone also softened.

He had just heard that Yuhi Hong fell in love with a "married man", and his attitude became a little impatient.

"Father, I have liked Binjun for almost ten years since the ninja school. I can't fall in love with anyone else." Yuhi Hong shook her head.

From the time she was ignorant, her whole heart had been given to Hinata Bin.

Now that she suddenly doesn't like it anymore, how can she do it?

Even if she reluctantly falls in love with someone else, or even ends up having children, it's just make do.

Without being with Hinata Bin, her heart would eventually become uneasy.


Hearing Yuhi Kurenai's words, Yuhi Kurenai sighed.

He could understand Yuhi Hong's psychology, so he didn't know how to comfort her.

Of course, he couldn't let Yuhi Hong and Hinata Bin be together.

"Father, do you know who Binjun's girlfriend is?" Xihihong decided to use her final move.

Meeting Ye Cang twice in Konoha Village made her think that Hinata Bin and Ye Cang were dating openly, but she didn't expect that it would be a "secret state".

Therefore, she planned to use Ye Cang's identity to continue to persuade Yuhi Zhenhong.

"No one can do it." Yuhi Zhenhong obviously didn't like Yuhi Hong's tactics, and her tone was still tough.

"Father, this is the fifth Kazekage Hayakura of Sunagakure Village." Yuhi Kurenai said it directly regardless of whether Yuhi Mako wanted to hear it or not.

“You said that the Fifth Kazekage Hagakura of Sunagakure Village is Hinata Bin’s girlfriend?

And then... the other party is still willing to share and be Hinata's girlfriend with you? "

When Yuhi Zhenhong heard these words, she felt that her brain was a little down.

He had never even heard anyone brag about this kind of plot development.

It was very strange for the dignified Fifth Kazekage to be in love with a Konoha ninja, and he even took the initiative to share his boyfriend...

"That's it. Father, can you agree to my relationship with Binjun now?" Seeing Yuhi Zhenhong's surprised look, Yuhi Hong continued to ask with a smile.

"It still doesn't work." Yuhi Zhenhong shook her head again.

"The Kazekage represents the entire Sunagakure Village and doesn't mind having me as a good sister. As a father, can you bear to watch your precious daughter die alone?" Yuhi Hong stood in front of Yuhi Zhenhong with tears in her eyes. .

"I'll think about it again..." Yuhi Zhenhong had a headache.

"Then I'll wait here for your reply." Yuhi Hong walked to the chair and sat down.

Obviously, if she couldn't get Yuhi Zhenhong's consent tonight, she didn't plan to leave with Yuhi Zhenhong.

"Let's do this, Hong Jiang. You can call Hinata Bin home to sit for a while some other time. I have something I want to talk to him about."

Yuhi Mahong had no choice but to give in and get to know Hinata first before making a decision.

"Father, are you telling him not to be with me?" Yuri Hong had this very bad suspicion.

"No, I just want to understand his attitude towards you and towards me."

Yuhi Mahong shook her head and answered in a relatively formal tone:

"If I am sure that he really loves you, has a sincere attitude, sincerely wants to be with you, and can shoulder the responsibilities of a man, I will agree to your relationship. Of course, if in my eyes, he is a responsible person A responsible person will naturally not agree to your association with him."

The purpose of this sentence was to get rid of Yuhi Hong's entanglement tonight, and it was also his inner thoughts.

Hinata Bin was able to win the favor of Kazekage Hagura, after all, he was "excellent", but he was not sure about Hinata Bin's attitude towards his daughter Yuhi Kurenai.

If Hinata Bin was just playing for fun, he would naturally not let Yuhi Kurenai jump into the fire pit.

"Father, it's settled." Hearing Yuhi Zhenhong's answer, Yuhi Hong showed a satisfied smile: "I will ask him to see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is okay, I'll be at home all day." Yuhi Zhenhong agreed directly.

One night was enough for him to think about what he wanted to say when cross-examining Hinata Bin.

"I'm going to tell Bin now." After Yuhi Hong finished speaking, she stood up and planned to go find Hinata Bin.

"Don't worry, we will have dinner soon, and it's getting late. You can call him early tomorrow morning." Yuhi Zhenhong asked Yuhi Hong to stop.

"All right."


At the same time, Hinata Bin also returned home and pulled Ye Cang, who was drinking tea and admiring flowers in the yard, into the room.

"Bin-kun, how are you?" Ye Cang looked at Hinata Bin with a half-smile.

"Well, I have followed your request. I confessed my love to Hong." Hinata Bin said truthfully.

"You got the advantage and you behaved well."

Ye Cang couldn't help but poke Hinata Bin's nose with his finger, and continued to ask: "What's the result?"

"Now I only need Kurenai's father's consent for me to start a relationship with Kurenai." Hinata Bin said.

"Okay." Ye Cang accepted the result, which was also what she and Hinata Bin had agreed upon in advance.

"Let's go back to Sunagakure Village early after dinner." Hinata Bin approached Ye Cang, hugged Ye Cang, and whispered in Ye Cang's ear.

"What's wrong?"

"The night is too short, I want to have more in-depth communication with you!"


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