Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 224 [Hug your granddaughter! 】

The next day, morning.

Hinata Bin woke up from his sleep after working hard all night and stretched his body.

Next to his pillow, Ye Cang's figure had long disappeared.

After working hard all night, the radiant Ye Cang has continued to work on Feng Ying.

After staying in bed for a while, Hinata got up and walked out of the bedroom.

When I came to the dining room, I saw the love breakfast on the table.

Hinata Bin's expression was a little surprised.

After pulling up the stool and sitting down, Hinata saw a small note under the breakfast.

Hinata Bin picked up the note and wrote a short sentence on it.

"I'm going to work, you have to eat your breakfast."

Hinata smiled and put the note into his pocket, then started today's breakfast.

At the same time, in Konoha Village.

Yuhi Kurenai had already had breakfast, and arrived at Hinata Bin's door alone, reaching out and knocking on the door.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The door opens.

The person who appeared in front of Yuhi Hong was Hinata Rei.

"Aunt Ling, is Mr. Bin at home?" Xihi Hong asked Hinata Ling lively.

"It's Hongjiang, Abin is not at home right now." Hinata Ling replied with a smile.

Ah, the name Bin is what Hinata Bin called her in the past two years.

The reason Hinata Bin gave was that now that he is older, it is a bit embarrassing to still call him "Hain-chan".

"That's it, then...Aunt Ling, excuse me for disturbing you." After Xihihong finished speaking, she planned to leave.

"Hongjiang, why don't you come in and sit down?" Hinata Ling invited Yuhihong with a smile.

"No need, Aunt Ling." Xihihong waved her hand hurriedly.

Although she has not officially dated Hinata Bin yet, she already regards Hinata Ling as her future mother-in-law.

She wasn't mentally prepared yet and didn't know how to get along alone with her future mother-in-law.

"Hongjiang, come in, I just have something to tell you." Faced with Yuhi Hong's refusal, Hinata Ling continued to invite.

The gentle voice made Yuhi Hong unable to say any more words of rejection.

Yuhi Hong followed Hinata Ling into the room and sat down on the sofa obediently.

Hinata Ling poured a glass of water, sat down next to Yuhi Kurenai, and handed it to Yuhi Kurenai.

"Thank you, Aunt Ling." Xihihong took the water glass with both hands and said thank you.

"Hongjiang likes Bin, right?" Hinata Ling asked Yuhihong gently.

Of course, the reason why she asked this question was because she had determined that Yuhiko liked Hinata Bin, and Hinatabin already had a girlfriend, so she wanted to tell Yuhiko to avoid delaying Yuhiko's youth.

Of course, she didn't know about the "triangular relationship" between Hinata Bin, Ye Cang and Yuhi Hong, otherwise she wouldn't have said such things.

"Well, Aunt Ling, I like Binjun." Xiri admitted with a blush.

Although she was shy, she had to admit it in this situation.

A beautiful daughter-in-law will have to meet her parents-in-law sooner or later.

"Hongjiang, Auntie likes you very much. I have thought that such a cute girl like you could become my daughter-in-law."

Facing Yuhi Hong's admission, Hinata Ling said with a helpless tone: "It's just that Abin already has a girlfriend, so the previous idea can't be realized."

Hinata Ling used praise to prevent Yuhi Hong from being too uncomfortable when hearing this.

"Aunt Ling, I know that Mr. Bin has a girlfriend."

Yuhi Hong's words made Hinata Ling a little confused.

She understood the meaning of Yuhi Hong's words. Yuhi Hong knew that Hinata Bin had a girlfriend and continued to like Hinata Bin.

"Hongjiang, you may not quite understand what I mean. I hope you can find your own happiness." Hinata Ling had to speak again to persuade Yuhihong.

In the ninja world, women and men are fundamentally different.

Because of the war, the ratio of men to women in the ninja world is maintained at 1:2, with fewer men and more women. On average, a man will marry two wives.

In the ninja world, men can still marry a wife even when they are thirty years old.

But a woman's youth only lasts a few years. Once she misses her youth, it will be difficult to get married again.

Yuhi Hong is sixteen or seventeen years old, which is the golden age for girls.

If it takes a few more years, it will be difficult for Yuhi Hong to find a boyfriend who is good in all aspects.

In the end, you may even end up alone.

As an elder, she naturally couldn't see this happening.

"Aunt Ling, actually I like Bin Jun, sister Ye Cang agrees." Yuhi Hong had to tell Hinata Ling about the agreement between Ye Cang and Hinata Bin:

"Sister Yecang said that she hopes I can be with Binjun, and I also want to be with Binjun. Yesterday...

Aunt Ling, that's what happened. "


Even though Hinata Rei had gone through the storm of "her daughter-in-law is the Kazekage", she still couldn't help but be shocked after hearing what Yuhiko said.

Hinata Bin is a boy, and even a mother like her can understand the lust.

But Yuhi Hong and Ye Cang both agreed to share Hinata Bin, and being sisters was something she couldn't understand.

Kurenai Yuhi is the daughter of the leader of the Yuhi clan, and Hayakura is the Kazekage of Sunagakure Village. Both of them have social status and are not civilians.

"Aunt Ling, I came here to see Binjun today because my father wanted to ask Binjun to come and sit at home." Xihihong said her purpose today again.

"call out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hinata Bin appeared in the living room.

"Mother." After Hinata Bin greeted Hinata Ling with a smile, he saw Yuhi Hong next to Hinata Ling: "Red is here too."

"Hongjiang wants to see you for something." Hinata Ling glared at Hinata Bin.

Hinata Bin stepped on two boats. As a mother, she only found out when the other party came to her home, which made her want to give Hinata Bin a couple of blows.

"What's the matter?" Hinata Bin walked to the sofa and asked Yuhi Hong.

"Binjun, I told my father about the matter last night. He wanted you to come and sit at home." Xihihong said in response.

"Uncle Zhenhong... when?" Hinata Bin could probably guess Yuhi Zhenhong's mood when he heard the news, but he didn't intend to escape.

You have to face the things you promised yourself, and avoiding them won't solve the problem.

"Is it convenient for you now?" Yuhihong asked.

She still considers Hinata Bin's thoughts and doesn't want to put too much pressure on Hinata Bin, even though she said last night that she would take Hinata Bin home this morning.

"It's convenient, let's set off." Hinata Bin nodded with a smile, and then said goodbye to Hinata Ling: "Mother, I'm going out."

"Aunt Ling, I'll take my leave first." Yuhi Hong also stood up and said goodbye to Hinata Ling.

"Hongjiang, you can come and play at home anytime you are free."

Hinata Ling first gave Yuhi Hong a gentle smile, and then urged Hinata Bin: "Go quickly, don't let your uncle Zhenhong wait too anxiously."

Hinata Bin and Yuhi Hong have reached this point, so she can no longer object.

All she could do was treat Yuhi Hong like she did Ye Cang, and prepare more things for Hinata Bin to get married later.

Especially the personal clothes, quilts, diapers, etc. of the future grandson (granddaughter).

Now her two daughters-in-law must at least prepare double portions.

Well, a double copy might not be enough...an extra copy is required.

What if either daughter-in-law No. 1 Ye Cang or daughter-in-law No. 2 Yuhi Hong gives birth to twins?

At this time, Hinata Ling didn't know that three servings were not enough...

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