Konoha: Start by choosing to become Hokage

Chapter 225 [Good sister Ye Cang! 】

"Binjun, I told Aunt Ling everything." On the way to home, Yuhihong said to Hinatabin cautiously.

"Yes, I understand." Hinata Bin nodded, his expression seemed unconcerned.

Hinata Bin understood Hinata Ling's attitude just now.

"Bin-kun, are you not angry?" Yuhihong raised her head and looked at Hinatabin's side face.

She and Hinata Bin haven't officially started dating yet, which makes her worry about gains and losses, fearing that she will lose what she finally got.

Her current mentality is so humble, so humble that it makes people feel distressed.

"I originally planned to say it in a few days, but now that you have said it for me, I'm happy." Hinata Bin saw Yuhi Hong's cautious look, and the softness in his heart was touched.

Why did he reject Yuhi Kurenai, such a good girl, because she was too young?


"Yeah, really." Hinata Bin turned his head and looked at Yuhi Hong sincerely.

"That's good." Yuri Hong's nervous heart relaxed.

"Red, let me ask you something." Hinata Bin approached Yuhi Kurenai slightly and asked with a smile.

"Binjun, tell me."

"What are Uncle Zhenhong's usual hobbies?" Hinata Bin asked.

"He usually likes to drink tea, play chess, um... he usually likes to eat seafood..."

After thinking about it for a while, Yuhihi Kurenai told Hinata Bin all about Yuhihi Kurenai's habits.

"Then I'll buy some specialties from the Kingdom of Water and give them to Uncle Zhenhong." Hinata Bin made a decision immediately.

"Sea tea" is a specialty of the Land of Water, and "seafood" is a specialty. These two kinds of gifts are just right for Japanese guests.

"Binjun, no need. Father just wants to chat with you this time." Xihihong waved her hand.

She had never been in love before, so she didn't know the etiquette of this meeting.

"This is my first visit as a prospective son-in-law. I can't go empty-handed." Hinata Bin smiled and shook his head: "I will go to the Kingdom of Water now."


"Yes, I have the Flying Thunder God Technique, and it was over in no time." Hinata Bin took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai, and asked Yuhi Kurenai: "Do you want to go with me?"

"Okay." Yuhi Hong nodded.

She has never been to the Water Country and is very curious.

Moreover, this can also be counted as a date with Hinata Bin.

It seems that she hasn't had a serious date with Hinata Bin yet.

"Then take off the forehead protector." Hinata Bin pointed at the Konoha ninja forehead protector on Yuhi Hong's forehead.

"Okay." Yuhi Hong took off her forehead protector and put it in her pocket.

Hinata Bin took Yuhi Kurenai's little hand and disappeared in place with a "whoosh" sound.

At the moment of leaving Konoha, Yuhi Hong felt shy and sweet.

This was the first time she held hands with Hinata Bin.

The country of water, the Hidden Mist Village.

Today is "parade" time for the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei.

After Mei Terumi took office as the Fifth Mizukage, most things were still left to the Genshi to handle.

As for her, after sitting in the office for a few days, she chose to relax for a day and go shopping to rest in the name of inspection.

By the way, you can also eat her favorite seafood ramen.

It was now morning, and Terumi Mei went shopping in the name of inspection as usual, buying some small parts needed in life.

At the same time, Hinata Bin also appeared in a deserted alley in Kirigakure Village with Yuhi Kurenai.

Hinata Bin held Yuhi Kurenai's hand just now in order to teleport with Yuhi Kurenai. Now that he had arrived at the destination, he wanted to let go of Yuhi Kurenai's little hand, but found that his own hand was held by Yuhi Kurenai's backhand.

Hinata Bin could only continue to hold her hand and walked out of the remote alley.

Walking out of the alley, you will find the busiest shopping street in Kirigakure Village.

At this time, Hinata Bin and Yuhi Hong were on two adjacent streets with Terumi Mei, and the straight-line distance was less than twenty meters.

At the next corner, the three of them met.

Terumi Mei was a little surprised when she saw Hinata Bin for the first time, and she was also a little surprised in her heart: "Hinata-kun, when did you come?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuhi Kurenai, who was blocked by Hinata Bin's generous figure, appeared in front of Terumi Mei.

Moreover, Mei Terumi saw Hinata Bin and Yuhi Kurenai holding hands together.

Her mood suddenly hit the bottom like a roller coaster.

"Ming-kun, long time no see, I came over to buy something." Hinata Bin responded to Mi Mei with a smile.

"Oh, who is this?" Terumi Mei forced a smile and asked Yuhi Kurenai beside her.

"This is my prospective girlfriend, Kurenai." Hinata Bin smiled and introduced himself to Terumi Mei and Yuhi Kurenai: "This is my good friend, Mei-kun."

"Oh, Hongjiang, hello."

Terumi Mei, as a Mizukage, has seen strong winds and waves. He still maintained his grace when hearing Hinata's "prospective girlfriend" and was the first to say hello to Yuhi Kurenai.

"Mingjun, hello." Yuhi Hong also responded.

Originally, based on her identity, Terumi Mei, who was the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, should have been called "Mei-san", but today, as Hinata Bin's girlfriend, she used the plain language.

"Well... Bin-kun, what did you say you came to buy? Do you need my help?" After saying hello, Terumi Mei continued to ask Hinata Bin.

"I plan to buy some sea tea and seafood." Hinata Bin replied.

"Eat it yourself or give it away?" Terumi Mei continued to ask.

"Giving it away."

"I know there is a store where the sea tea tastes really good. Let me take you there." Terumi meditated to a store where her father Yuya Terumi often bought.

"Aren't you busy now?" Hinata Bin didn't want to delay Terumi Mei's work.

Terumi Mei is the Mizukage after all, and based on Hayakura, business should be very busy.

"I'm not busy, I'm on vacation." Terumi Mei smiled.

"Okay, I'll trouble you once." Hinata Bin accepted Terumi Mei's kindness.

"With the relationship between us, there is no need to say such things." Terumi Mei and Hinata Bin smiled at each other, and then took Hinata Bin and Yuhi Hong to the sea tea shop.

Kurenai Yuhi walked next to Hinata Bin, looking at Terumi Mei's impressive figure in a long dress in front of her, and then thinking about her very familiar relationship with Hinata Bin, she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of crisis.

"It would be great if Sister Ye Cang is here."

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