Konoha: Start From Choosing To Become Hokage

Chapter 121 [Raikage's Lifetime Enemy! 】

"Defied? Did any ninja be killed by Rosha?" Yecang asked Sand Shinobi the first time he heard "Rosa defected."

"No, the three ninjas responsible for guarding Luosha were injured by Luosha. It is not serious." The Sand Shinobi Anbu replied.

"Forget him to point his face." Ye Cang sneered, and then made arrangements for the Sand Shinobi Anbu: "In the name of Fengying, I have listed Luosha as an S-rank rebel. You inform Sunagakure Anbu First Team Go to the fifth squad and hunt down Luosha immediately, regardless of life or death. If Luosha escapes from the territory of the land of the wind, you can temporarily give up the arrest."

"Yes, Lord Fifth Kazekage." The Anbu ninja took the order, exited the Fengkage office, and began to implement Yecang's arrangements.

"Kwai-kun." Ye Cang called out to Kui who was on duty outside the office.

"Master Ye Cang."

The female Anbu Ninja Aoi with a gentle voice walked into the office and saluted Ye Cang.

Because Anbu wears masks at work, I can't see Aoi's appearance.

However, based on her figure alone, Aoi can be judged as the kind of female ninja who is [neighbors, sister, enthusiastic, sweating].

"Aoi-kun, you immediately notify Sunagakure's senior management to call an emergency meeting."

"Yes, Master Ye Cang."

After the arrangement was completed, Ye Cang walked out of Fengying's office and went to the street to find Hyuga Bin.

"Bin-kun, dinner tonight may be late." Ye Cang said apologetically to Hyuga Bin.

She didn't expect that, just as she talked to Hyuga Bin about Luosha... Luosha defected!

As the former generation of Fengying, the current "gold digger", Luo Sha suddenly defected, so that she could not be treated as an ordinary ninja defect, she must convene a high-level meeting to decide this matter.

"It's okay, I'm fine anyway." Hyuga Bin said he didn't mind.

You can eat at any time, but I eat with Ye Cang not many times a year.

"Aren't you wondering what was important just now?" Ye Cang asked Hyuga Bin with a smile.

"I am a Konoha Shinobi, and I am not very interested in your Sunagakure secrets." Hyuga Bin smiled and shook his head.

He did have a little curiosity out of human instinct, but he didn't want Ye Cang to tell him.

Because Ye Cang’s current identity is Fengying, and besides being a friend of Ye Cang, he is also a Konoha Shinobi.

Public and private are clear!

"Don't worry, I won't betray Sunagakure's interests for you. This matter will be made public after this meeting. It's okay to tell you an hour or two in advance." Ye Cang said with a smile: " Rosa has defected!"

Rosha's defection must be made public. If it is concealed, Sunagakure will be passive in the future.

"Well, that way, he can be dealt with justifiably." Hyuga Bin's first reaction was that Ye Cang could get revenge.

Before he defected, although Luosha stepped down, he was still a Sunagakure ninja. Yecang could no longer do the same thing as Luosha and brutalize the same village ninja.

However, there is no merit in killing the traitor Luo Sha!

"Well, but if he wants to hide his identity, I am afraid it will be difficult to find him." Ye Cang didn't think it was easy to catch Luosha.

Regardless of Luosha's Kage-level strength, it is not easy to find Luosha in the ninja world.

"He is a ninja who has been a Fengying. He won't be willing to live incognito like this for a lifetime. Sooner or later he will appear." Hyuga Bin smiled, and he expected Rosha to appear in the public eye again in the near future.

"I hope so." Ye Cang nodded and said goodbye to Hyuga Bin: "Okay, I just say to you, now I'm going to prepare for the meeting. I'm talking in the evening, bye."

High-level emergency meetings are usually held within an hour. As the initiator of the meeting, she has to prepare some materials.

"Well, go ahead."


Seeing Ye Cang's figure walking into the Fengying Building, Hyuga Bin found a chair nearby and sat down, intending to study a Genin technique in his mind.

Unlike Konoha Village, which has four seasons throughout the year, Sunagakure only has spring, summer, and autumn, and no winter.

Even Sunagakure in spring and autumn is only slightly cooler than summer.

Just like today, Konoha has entered the snowy winter, and Sunagakure will not feel hot with just one piece of clothing when it is warm at noon.

Yekura's dress today is just an ordinary ninja uniform, plus a special jacket made by Fengying.

Of course, Ye Cang didn't wear a backless outfit anymore during the period from Konoha's return to the village.

Before becoming Fengying, she gave her away in Hyuga Bin in her spare time.

After becoming a wind shadow, it is not suitable to wear a backless outfit.

While Hyuga Bin’s thinking was in progress, many "middle-aged and elderly people" passed by Hyuga Bin one after another.

These are all Sunagakure executives who came to participate in the emergency meeting held by Yecang.

Hyuga Bin closed his eyes and thought about the "three stages" of Flying Thunder God. It seemed to the people passing by that he was asleep.

It wasn't until an old man who was less than 1.5 meters tall and was estimated to be in his early half a meter when he was young, and looks kind-looking, an old man walked in front of Hyuga Bin and stopped, and looked up and down Hyuga Bin, then he was polite to Hyuga Bin. Asked:

"You are Hyuga Bin, Bin-kun, right?"

The person here is Sunagakure's elder Chiyo.

Chiyo is Sunagakure's superb puppet master, an almighty female ninja with powerful physique, medical ninjutsu, and sealing skills. Her strength is unfathomable. She is the enemy of Hanzō of the Salamander, the leader of Rain Shinobi Village.

Chiyo was also a widow and lonely old man who had a dead husband, dead son, dead daughter-in-law, and grandson also defected.

Chiyo had only seen Hyuga Bin’s "picture" before, and it was the first time he met Hyuga Bin in real life.

Hearing Chiyo's voice, Hyuga Bin opened his eyes and responded to Chiyo's greeting with a smile: "I am Hyuga Bin. Chiyo-san, hello Chiyo."

Because of the relationship between Chiyo and Hakura, Chiyo wanted to seduce him with beauty tricks and steal the blood of the Hyuga clan. He was not angry, but just thought it was a bit funny.

"Bin-kun, as expected, it's like a rumor." After looking at Hyuga Bin with non-presbyopic eyes, Chiyo said with a smile.

"What rumor?" Hyuga Bin didn't know what Chiyo was referring to.

Through the third Ninja World War, he is also considered a small celebrity in the Ninja World, possessing "Knoha Twin Stars", "Genius Hyuga", "White Angel", "Handsome", "Konoha Village's Favorable Treasure", "Male God", "One Punch Man", "Raikage's Lifetime Enemy" and many other nicknames.

Therefore, he didn't know what Chiyo was referring to.

Seeing Hyuga Bin's stunned appearance, Chiyo laughed and exaggerated: "I heard the rumors from Hakura-chan that Bin-kun is a very attractive boy. Now it seems that it is true."

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