Konoha: Start From Choosing To Become Hokage

Chapter 122 【Waiting for you to grow up! 】

"Chiyo Sammy praised it." Hyuga Bin didn't know what Chiyo thought, and he could only respond modestly to the sudden compliment.

After all, humility is a traditional virtue he has never forgotten.

"However, in addition to personal charm, what attracts me more is Bin-kun, your talent as a ninja." Chiyo looked at Hyuga Bin with fiery eyes:

"Konoha Village has another genius ninja who is famous in the ninja world, which is really enviable."

"Sunagakure also has many excellent young ninjas." Hyuga Bin's praise of Chiyo's second wave can only be a backhand praise of Sunagakure.

Hearing what Hyuga Bin said, Chiyo asked Hyuga Bin: "Bin-kun, Sunagakure is a young ninja of your age, can you find a slightly more famous ninja?"

Hyuga Bin: "..."

He really couldn't find any of them.

Compared with the blessed Konoha Village, Sunagakure's talent loss is more serious.

"Oh." Chiyo looked at Hyuga Bin in front of him, and the topic suddenly turned 180°: "Bin-kun, do you have a girlfriend?"

At this turn, Hyuga Bin who was turning was a little caught off guard.

However, out of respect for the elderly and the completion of the optional tasks that appear in the system, Hyuga Bin answered politely: "Chiyo-san, I have no plans to date a girlfriend yet."

[Option task completed, energy +0.1. 】

"A good boy like you, there should be many girls in your village chasing you." Chiyo continued to ask with a smile.

"No." Hyuga Bin shook his head and denied.

"You rejected it all." Chiyo smiled and showed crow's feet and forehead lines.

Chiyo's three consecutive questions give Hyuga Bin a feeling of going on a blind date and then being asked about the basic situation.


"Well, I'm just an elderly person, I'm more curious, Bin-kun, don't mind." Chiyo saw that Hyuga Bin didn't want to continue answering, and stopped asking.

"It's okay, don't mind."

"By the way, is that guy Sarutobi Hiruzen dysfunctional lately? I haven't seen him appear in the entire three wars." Chiyo changed the subject again and retreated to the second line on the bright side. In fact, the Master looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen of Konoha Owon. .

"Master Third Hokage needs to sit in Konoha, plan tactics, and control the overall situation."

Hyuga Bin knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not on the front line.

But in front of outsiders, he would not say bad things about Sarutobi Hiruzen, he could only find a reason to explain.

After answering, Hyuga Bin took the initiative to ask Chiyo, "Are Chiyo-san and Third Hokage familiar?"

"Not only is it familiar, I think I helped take him to the bath for the first time."

Chiyo couldn't help but recalled thirty years ago, when she was a young woman in her early twenties and just married.

"Is it the first time I took a bath?" Hyuga Bing was a little bit crooked.

In the Hokage world, "bath" sometimes means not only taking a bath, but also a female ticket to the red light district.

Usually men meet and ask each other to take a bath together, which is a secret sign.

"It's the first time to go to the bathing bath for men and women." Chiyo explained with a smile. After saying that, he took the initiative to bid farewell to Hyuga Bin: "Okay, Bin-kun, I won't bother you, I hope these few Good day you can have a good time at Sunagakure."

In a short chat, she thought she had already "understood" the innocent little boy Hyuga Bin, and also knew the reason why Qiao Dawei had failed to seduce before.

"Okay, thank you Chiyo-san." Hyuga Bin nodded slightly.


Chiyo walked into the Fengying Building, and quickly found Ye Cang who was preparing for the meeting in the conference room, and said next to Ye Cang, "Ye Cang-chan. I just asked Hyuga Bin for you. He has no girlfriend. , There is no ambiguity."

"Elder Qiandai, what are you talking about." Ye Cang hurriedly covered Qiandai's mouth.

With so many people at the scene, even if Chiyo speaks quietly, he might be heard.

"I'm not helping you inquire about the military situation." Chiyo felt that Ye Cang was a bit too fussy, but he also lowered his tone two more in cooperation with Ye Cang, whispering in Ye Cang's ear:

"I sent Chūnin to try Hyuga Bin deliberately before. After listening to the short report, I thought he had discovered something. But through the chat with him just now, I found that he was simply not doing anything. He has a strong determination, as well as his own principles and persistence. With his talent and determination, I conclude that his future achievements will not be lower than Konoha Sannin."

Obviously, Chiyo spoke highly of Hyuga Bin.

"That's good." Ye Cang was also happy for Hyuga Bin when he heard Chiyo's words.

As a friend, she certainly hopes Hyuga Bin will get better and better.

"Ye Cangjiang..."

Before he could speak Chiyo's dialect, Ye Cang immediately interrupted: "Elder Chiyo, don't say it, I will never do that kind of thing again."

"Who told you to do that kind of thing? I asked you to continue to maintain the relationship with the other party, and then wait for another two years to see." Chiyo murmured to Yecang.

Hyuga Bin told him that he would consider falling in love and marrying before becoming an adult, so she asked Ye Cang to hold Hyuga Bin first, keep in touch, and keep close friends.

After two years of waiting, Hyuga Bin will be an adult!

Ye Cang: "..."



Time goes back to the point in time before Luosha defected.

Today is a full month anniversary when Luo Sha was assigned as a coolie for gold panning.

Because of the particularity of his [Magnet Style] Blood Succession Boundary, he can discover the placer gold in the desert, and the price of placer gold is also more expensive. In this month, he scoured nearly 10 million taels worth of placer gold for Sunagakure, which eased Sunagakure's funding gap to a certain extent.

At the beginning, he was able to overpower Yecang to become Fourth Kazekage, because of this "magnet style gold rush", he could help the village's finances to a certain extent.

After becoming Fengying, he is also conscientious, spending several hours "gold panning" every day.

Now he has been dismissed, and his working hours have changed from a few hours to twelve hours.

The gold rush is a very expensive "Chakra" thing. Twelve hours of high-intensity work a day keeps his Chakra on the edge of the red line.

Under this dual high load of mind and body, his inner negative thoughts are magnified.

To this day, Luosha can't stand it anymore.

"Twelve hours a day, it's not a human job!"

"This group of people is trying to exhaust me!"

"Ye Cang knows that I proposed to give her to Mist Shinobi, and sooner or later he will find a way to kill me!"

"I can't just sit and wait!"


"I have to leave Sunagakure and make another living!"

In the end, Luo Sha made the decision to defect to Sunagakure.

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