The Tomies dispersed, Uchiha Tomie stayed on the planet Tomie to practice, and Kawakami Tomie split and returned to the ninja world.

Hancock's split body and Danzo's assimilated body did not go to Otsutsuki, but went to explore unknown places like Hawkeye's split body and others.

Just kidding, if they meet the more powerful Otsutsuki god himself, both of them will die.

God-like means will really destroy their souls and destroy their bodies.

If there is not a hair, a piece of flesh, or a drop of blood left, then death is truly dead and cannot be resurrected.

Of course, Uchiha Tomie can control whether these pieces of meat and hair should multiply into Tomie according to his will. He has absolute control.

Otherwise, if this division and reproduction are not controlled, Uchiha Tomie will inadvertently create many Tomies, and the current ninja world will already be in trouble.

Speaking of which, this battle was still helpful to Kawakami Tomie's split body and Uchiha Tomie. They had some understanding of their own methods and finally knew what technique to develop next, and they had a direction.

Chapter 218 Divine Style and Kaguya

In a mysterious place, the original god of Otsutsuki looked at his old clone.

This is not the land of the Otsutsuki clan, but a dimensional space developed in the universe by Otsutsuki God-style using the space pupil technique and his own power.

If you don't have a certain degree of space attainment, even if you see this place, you won't be able to get here no matter how long you fly, it will only penetrate through.

The main body of Otsutsuki God looked at the clone without saying anything, and the same was true for the clone.


Suddenly, a burst of golden light shone, and the clone turned into a chakra fruit.

This is not an ordinary chakra fruit. Most people will die if they eat it, but it is different for people with Otsutsuki bloodline. They can instantly have the power to crush Otsutsuki Kaguya.

It must be of Otsutsuki bloodline. Even Indra and Asura cannot withstand the power of this fruit and will explode and die.

This fruit does not depend on the strength of the user, but on the bloodline. The purer the bloodline, the higher the absorption and utilization rate, and the more power can be obtained.

Otsutsuki God-style deity swallowed this fruit in one gulp, and his aura improved a bit, probably increasing his power by one-twentieth!

"Is that so? As expected of an existence that may kill me in the future."

Otsutsuki Kamishi absorbed the fruit and at the same time obtained the clone's memory. Knowing the battle scene, he quickly analyzed Uchiha Tomie's abilities.

Resurrection from the dead, powerful recovery ability, and weird eye skills.

The most terrifying thing is the ability to make clones, as well as the ability to devour and assimilate.

As for Uchiha Tomie's taijutsu and ninjutsu, Shenshi doesn't care. Those powers can crush the six levels, but they are nothing to him.

Otsutsuki Kamishi reviewed the details of the battle several times, and he noticed anomalies. He saw some things that the clones didn't notice. For example, he knew that Tomie Kawakami's split body and others were clones of Tomie Uchiha.

He even saw that at the last moment, the entire planet turned into a clone of Tomie Uchiha.

Shenshi saw that the life on that planet truly had life and self, rather than the almost nonexistent instinct to resist himself, an outsider.

The Otsutsuki clan has dealt with the planet many times and knows the planet very well, and Kamishi is the best among them.

"The road to becoming a god is lonely. It seems that I am destined to be alone, but you are also very useful tools, so let me use you to your final use!"

After Kamishi finished speaking, he sent a message to the elders of the Otsutsuki clan. These people are Otsutsuki's top powers besides Kamishi, and each of them is stronger than Kaguya.

Otsutsuki Kamishi has made up his mind to make himself stronger at the expense of the entire Otsutsuki. Otsutsuki was originally created for him to collect chakra fruits.

It has been ten thousand years, and I have some feelings for them. I originally wanted to take them with me, but unexpectedly something happened.

The Otsutsuki Divine Style was very weak at the beginning. Unlike the current Otsutsuki, the per capita super shadow started, and it was inevitable to rival the Six Paths.

Otsutsuki Kamishi has grown to this point step by step. He has experienced many more battles than Uchiha Madara, White Fang, and Orochimaru.

It took a lot of effort to grow to this point. He doesn't allow himself to fail. He could come back from failure before, but now he is in such a state that if he loses, he will lose his mind.

God's style has a pupil technique that can predict the future. Unlike Yiyan Shen who has pictures, God's style can only get some information, but this information is extremely accurate.

It is precisely because of this that he has killed many geniuses in these ten thousand years.

Because of this, he sent Kaguya to the ninja world a thousand years ago because the prophecy told him that the ninja world would bring him trouble.

However, Kamishi never expected that the reason why the ninja world would bring him trouble was actually because he sent Kaguya to the ninja world.

It is precisely because Kaguya went to the ninja world that there was a series of chain reactions. Sometimes the word fate is so wonderful.

More than an hour ago, Kamishi once again used the pupil technique to predict his fate, and what he got was that he would be killed by Uchiha Tomie in the future.

So God Shiki worked hard to deduce Uchiha Tomie's location and sent the clone there, and the result became what it is now.

Speaking of which, why did Kamishi send Kaguya to the ninja world?

Shen Shi predicted it a long time ago and knew that there would be threats to him in some places, and every time he sent his tribe to solve them, and if they couldn't be solved, he would send out clones to solve them. Every time it was OK.

Thousands of years ago, he also thought this was an ordinary operation to kill potential threats, so he sent out Kaguya, the most talented person in the clan at the time.

Otsutsuki Kaguya is the most genius being that Otsutsuki has ever seen since she founded the Otsutsuki clan.

Otsutsuki believes that genius is never judged by the development of anti-techniques, amazing combat performance or terrifying learning ability, but rather by blood.

Just like Hinata, this descendant has an almost atavistic bloodline and possesses extremely pure Byakugan.

At that time, Otsutsuki's divine clone could tell at a glance that Kaguya's bloodline was extremely pure, surpassing all current Otsutsukis and only inferior to himself. It was even more perfect than when he first became Otsutsuki. This was simply incredible. Possible things.

Because of this, Kaguya can perfectly digest the power of the fruit of the sacred tree and possess that invincible power.

In addition to the fact that the ninja world is a relatively powerful planet in the universe and produces better fruits, Kaguya's bloodline is also strong, because no one has ever opened the Nine Magatama Reincarnation Eye after taking the first fruit, not even the original divine form. .

It can be said that Kaguya Otsutsuki's talents are all based on her bloodline. If she hadn't been sealed for thousands of years, and she continued to harvest chakra fruits and become stronger, she would definitely become the God of Otsutsuki and his The most powerful existence outside of the clone.

Speaking of the Otsutsuki clan, the original Otsutsuki member was born from Kamishiki who divided part of his own power, and Kamishiki was also an ascetic.

The same goes for Kaguya. The Six Paths Sage brothers were born from part of her power and were not born from human beings.

To be honest, unless someone is really stunningly handsome or possesses unparalleled power, it is impossible to make Kaguya's heart flutter.

You must know that Kaguya is still a six-level existence even if she has not eaten the chakra fruit. Like other Otsutsuki, she is used to being aloof. How can she like an ordinary person, even if this person is a famous person.

Closer to home, Kaguya was originally going to be the most powerful helper of Kami Shiki, but who knew she would betray him.

In fact, God Shiki didn't care much about a chakra fruit. What he cared about was Kaguya's attitude, so he asked the elder to bring Kaguya back after waiting for a long time, and the elder sent Momoshiki and three others.

The reason why the elder did not personally take action was because both Kamishi and the elder underestimated the strength of Kaguya's bloodline. The elder believed that the three of Kamashiki were enough. In fact, the three of them went to the ninja world to send energy to Kaguya.

Regardless of Kaguya being sealed, once the three of Pu Shi break the seal, even if they are three against one, they are no match for Kaguya. This is a universe that is about blood.

Closer to home, the elders of Otsutsuki began to take action. Except for them, all the Otsutsuki in the clan went out and must bring back chakra fruits within a year.

And that time was also their death.

Chapter 219

The battle between Kamishi and Tomie is over.

The meeting in Sonic Village was just about to begin, and the meeting was in charge of the split body of Aizen.

The meeting place was just built this month, and Orochimaru was in charge. Overall, it was okay!

Aizen's split body sat at the main seat. This was a very large long table. The people present were strong and weak, but the only ones who could sit were the leaders of the village. There were more than thirty people in total.

This represents more than thirty ninja villages, some of which appeared in the original work, and some of which did not. Some ninja villages are extremely weak, and even the leader of the village is only an ordinary jonin level.

There are also people coming from the Kingdom of Iron. There are no ninjas in the Kingdom of Iron, but this does not mean that the Kingdom of Iron is weak. On the contrary, the armed forces of the Kingdom of Iron are stronger than many small ninja villages.

Outside the conference room, Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Izuna were guarding the door, while Uchiha Madara stood next to Aizen's split body.

Once they can't reach an agreement, they have no choice but to take action. Although Tomie is very powerful, Madara Uchiha knows that there will always be someone in the ninja world who has a brain twitch.

Madara got his eyes back. At the beginning, he could only activate the fourth stage of Susanoo. Now he has practiced Tomie's Uchiha training method. Although he still cannot activate the full Susanoo, he can activate the 100-meter Susanoo. It was enough. He was confident that he could suppress the strong men in the ninja village, all the strong men.

Aizen's split body went straight to the point, "I won't say any more nonsense. From now on, there is only one voice in the ninja world, and that is the voice of the Oto Ninja Village. I have finished speaking. Who is in favor and who is against."

The shadows of the five great ninja villages trembled. They knew the interests of Tomie, especially the Nine Perfect Susanoo. Even after a month, it was still a nightmare in their hearts.

By the way, the shadow of Konoha is Kakashi now, he became the Sixth Hokage and came to the meeting.

Tsunade didn't come. She was just acting as an agent before, but now she is asked to become Hokage and come to the Sound Ninja Village to surrender, which she can't do.

Tsunade knew that there was no need for Kakashi and Jiraiya to lie to herself, and she had seen the resurrected Nohara Rin. She had checked that it was indeed a living person, no different from a living person in all aspects, and not a reincarnation of filth.

In this case, it could only be that what Kakashi and Jiraiya said was true, so she dumped the mess on Jiraiya and Kakashi.

Eventually, Kakashi became the Sixth Hokage.

Kakashi felt that he was probably the Hokage with the shortest tenure and the most embarrassing Hokage.

"Konoha surrenders!"

Kakashi was the first to speak out. He had to declare surrender for Konoha. He didn't care, but he couldn't let Lin die. She was finally resurrected, although this may be Tomie's deliberate disgust with Obito.

"Sunagakure Village is willing to surrender!"

Rasa, who was in the state of reincarnation, immediately spoke out, Konoha surrendered, what should they be ashamed of, just surrender! Just get used to this kind of thing.

"Kirigakure wishes to surrender!"

"The same goes for Kumogakure!"

Many ninja villages spoke one after another. People in the five major ninja villages knew the terror of Tomie, but other ninja villages had never seen it!

Especially for the Iron Kingdom, Mifune, their military representative, couldn't understand. Is there something that the five major ninja villages can't solve even if they are united?

Seeing the ninja villages surrendering one after another, Mifune felt that he was dreaming.

Unfortunately not, because all the ninja villages looked at him and the Iron Country Daimyo.

The Iron Kingdom is a neutral country. It is really ironic. There is no neutrality in this world. There are no ninjas in the Iron Kingdom, but it has long been entangled with the ninja village system.

Mifune swallowed, and looked at the daimyo, hoping that the daimyo wouldn't mess around!

When all the ninja villages unite, it will be easy to overthrow the Iron Kingdom. You must not let the Iron Kingdom perish just because of a moment of anger!

Being watched by so many ninjas, all of whom were strong, the Daimyo of the Iron Country was very nervous. Although he was a Daimyo, to be honest, an ordinary genin could kill him, as he himself did not have strong power.

The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Iron said nervously: "The Kingdom of Iron is willing to surrender, but what about the other Daimyos? The ninja world does not rely solely on force, but also depends on the economy."

In short, the Daimyo of the Iron Country was scared, and he quickly expressed his doubts.

Aizen's split body said lightly: "All opponents do not need to exist. The transformation of the ninja world will begin from now on. From now on, I will have the final say in the ninja world, and the daimyo does not need to exist."

Fujiang people are not afraid of economic problems at all. If they need anything, they will take it from other planets. What are they afraid of?

Moreover, ninjutsu is very helpful in building the ninja world. Don't some senior time travelers like earth escape to build roads, water escape to irrigate, and wood escape to greening.

These Aizen splinters are all implemented. No matter what problems the ninja world encounters in implementing policies, they and Tomie can solve them, and they can quickly improve when they encounter something wrong.

Aizen's split body does not need to learn so much. He only needs to discover talents, reward them appropriately, and finally maintain the power to suppress the ninja world.

They can keep trying and making mistakes, and they have the capital to make mistakes.

No one objects, they know it is useless to object.

Some people were secretly happy, such as Luo Sha, because the relationship between the shadow and the daimyo was not so harmonious.

After that, Aizen's splintered body talked a lot.

For example, if the Kingdom of Tian is renamed the Kingdom of Sound in the future, why use Yin! Because this means the voice of the ninja world.

From now on, the Daimyo assimilation body will be in charge. After this matter is resolved, Aizen's split body will also retreat and hand over the management to the Daimyo assimilation body.

In the future, all the names of other ninja villages will be cancelled, such as Konoha Village. From now on, Konoha ninjas will call themselves Sound Ninja Village - ninjas of the Konoha branch. The same is true for other ninja villages, and their forehead protectors will also be replaced.

As for those big countries, they will also disappear along with their names. From now on, there will only be the Kingdom of Sound.

Aizen's split body and Tomie are destined to bring about changes, because they don't like the current ninja world, and they have plenty of time to waste on being immortal.

This generation is not used to it, but it will be different in two or three generations.

Just like China in the world before Tomie Uchiha crossed over, there was no great unification at the beginning, but with great unification, even if the dynasty perished, later people would still want to establish a great unification dynasty.

Aizen's split body spoke, and everyone else listened attentively, because it was related to the future of the ninja world, and even more to their own village.

Some small ninja villages are lucky. According to this, there will be no war in the ninja world in the future. This is a good thing!

You must know that it is not easy to feel when the five major ninja villages are fighting in the ninja world, but it is even more uncomfortable to have the innocent village of small ninjas affected.

It is not that there are no ninja villages that have been destroyed over the years. Several of the ninja villages present were rebuilt after more than ten years of destruction.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and even though Aizen's splinter body went straight to the topic, there were really too many points to say.

I took several breaks in the middle, and later someone took pen and paper to write down important information so that I wouldn’t forget it.

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