The natural energy of this planet is not as good as that of the Ninja World, but the size of this planet is similar to that of the Ninja World.

It was a terrible battle. You must know that the Six Paths Sage brothers and Otsutsuki Kaguya fought for several months, but they did not damage the core of the ninja world. They only destroyed the landscape and made it unfit for human habitation.

It is also possible that they deliberately controlled their power. The Six Paths Sage brothers wanted to protect the ninja world, and for Kaguya, the ninja world was also useful.

Deep underground, now I should say deep under the sea, not to mention densely packed, are all filled with Fujiang, but there are still hundreds of thousands of Fujiang created during these times. Once Fujiang wants to go all out to create split bodies, then he can form an army by himself.

Now there is no land on this planet, all of it is a vast ocean, and some places are blood red.

During this period, the blood that Fu Jiang released was more than enough to form a lake, not just a sea. Others said that the blood flowing into a river was just an exaggeration. For Fu Jiang, it was just a small operation.

Now, so many Tomie are enough to defeat the god, but it is not enough to kill him 100% and prevent him from escaping, but Tomie has other means.

Chapter 216 Planet Fujiang

Boom! Boom!

The battle between Kamishi and Uchiha Tomie continues.

Kami Shiki didn't believe that the opponent's chakra was really infinite. Although he was a clone, after so many years of accumulation, he didn't believe that he couldn't compare with the opponent's consumption.

And the blood intentionally released by many Tomie, assimilated bodies of Danzo and others began to combine with this planet.

Tomie's blood was not just in the sea. At the beginning, Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body released a large amount of blood to soak in the soil.

Later, there were some underground, and there were too many places where Fu Jiang left traces on the entire planet.

Now, Tomie and the others finally began to use Uchiha Tomie's backhand.

Countless Fujiangs have combined with this planet to assimilate this planet into Fujiang.

In fact, only one Tomie can do this kind of thing, but it takes a lot of time, and Uchiha Tomie doesn't want to waste time, it will be bad if the god runs away.

So, he used the technique of multiple shadow clones to separate a large number of shadow clones, and then transformed these shadow clones into Fujiang, and then Fujiang made a new Fujiang.

If he hadn't been careful not to let Kamishi discover him and prevent him from escaping, this time would have been enough for Uchiha Tomie to create hundreds of millions of Tomies instead of just a few hundred thousand.

At any time, Duo Fujiang exerts his strength, and the speed of assimilation increases rapidly.

In just a few dozen seconds, Planet Fujiang was born.

Planet Tomie is the strongest Tomie as soon as it is born, because it is the product of the fusion of all Tomies on this planet except Uchiha Tomie, Kawakami Tomie's split body, Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body.

Tomie can be fused. Although it is not shown on the panel, how could Uchiha Tomie, who has fused Tomie's template, not know this.

It's just that many split bodies and assimilated bodies reject fusion. They hate even making Fu Jiang, let alone merging with other Fu Jiang.

That is to say, Uchiha Tomie has the absolute dominance to restrain other Tomie, otherwise Tomie would have started fighting among themselves.

Planet Fujiang is different from other Fujiangs. It is not completely an assimilation body, nor is it a fusion body of Fujiang.

The moment the planet Fujiang was born, Shenshi finally noticed something was wrong.

In the past, Uchiha Tomie continued to attract the attention of Kami Shiki, and the four split members of Tomie Kawakami used natural energy to cover up and avoid being discovered.

"not good!"

With a divine whisper, the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes instantly activated the pupil technique, blessing the body with the power of space.

However, a huge barrier quickly covered the entire planet, and the divine pupil technique failed.

This is the Four Sealing Barrier, a technique developed by Kawakami Tomie's split body and Tobirama.

Theoretically, if the four six levels are used together, no one in the barrier can use spatial abilities, which is similar to the pupil technique before the divine form.

It stands to reason that a person with the divine level can activate the pupil technique in seconds, even if it is a space pupil technique.

It's bad to be bad. Before God Shiki, he made a barrier to seal off the planet. Although it was partially destroyed by Tomie Kawakami's split body, it still suppressed the space ability.

He could also release the pupil technique that suppressed the space and leave, but he was afraid that it would be too late, so he directly launched the pupil technique of space jumping.

However, Planet Fujiang is faster. The Four-Sealing Barrier requires four Sixth Level, but it is enough for one person.

It takes a while for others to perform this technique to form a barrier, but Planet Tomie can complete the barrier in an instant.

Because it is a planet! It is as easy to create a barrier that covers the planet as the Tomie Kawakami split body creates a barrier that covers itself.

These two factors make it impossible for the Kami Shiki to escape, which is one of the reasons why Uchiha Tomie wanted to create Planet Tomie.

Because the human sea tactic can defeat Shenshi, but it is too difficult to kill him.

"Monster, you are an out-and-out monster, a monster in human skin. You are not a human at all."

Shen Shi gave up the attack and said this after sensing with all his strength.

In the divine perception, this planet has become different. It is no longer a simple planet. What is even more frightening is that this broken planet is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Creation is much more difficult than destruction. God can destroy this planet, but he cannot repair it. He himself can do it, but he can never restore it as quickly as now.

This planet was transformed into Planet Fujiang, and naturally has Fujiang's abilities, such as super-speed regeneration, so its recovery ability is terrifying.

Uchiha Tomie chuckled: "It's too late for you to say anything at this time, you are dead."

Uchiha Tomie is a bit swollen, because the planet Tomie is not simply assimilated, but also fused with hundreds of thousands of Tomies. His strength is terrifying and tyrannical. When combined with Tomie's characteristics, it is even more powerful.

Ha ha ha ha!

Otsutsuki Kamishi suddenly laughed wildly, "Ignorance, how do you think I came across such a long distance? Although I am powerful, it is not enough to reach this point. I am just a clone. My true self is much stronger than me. The comprehensive combat power is ten times that of mine, you just wait to die!"

Shen Shi calmed down a little, he still had his true form, and this true form crushed him in every aspect.

Uchiha Tomie was slightly stunned. It seemed that he had underestimated the Otsutsuki clan leader. He originally thought that the power of the divine form was already the pinnacle of the Naruto universe, but he did not expect that the divine form in front of him was just a clone, and the true form had not yet appeared.

"Capture him alive!"

After Uchiha Tomie finished speaking, he flew away from the Kamishiki, very, very far away, because Planet Tomie's attack was terrifying at any time, and the impact range was also very large.

Boom! Boom!

Thunder instantly filled the sky, and the thunder that kept wandering in the air turned into huge thunder beasts. Its power was a hundred times more powerful than the thunder escape that Danzo's assimilated body had just used.

Planet Fujiang is the planet itself. It is so easy for him to mobilize the natural energy of this planet. Even the natural energy from outside the planet is pouring into it continuously.


Cold sweat began to break out on God's forehead. Although he could absorb attacks transformed by natural energy, the extent was somewhat beyond the speed at which he could absorb and transform them.

The huge thunder beast began to dissipate as soon as it approached the divine form, but the divine form was inevitably shocked. Even if it weakened 90% of its power, the remaining 10% was still terrifying.

Planet Fujiang didn't panic, it just mobilized the power in its body. Its body was this planet!


Countless amounts of magma broke through the ground, broke through the sea, and rushed directly towards the divine form.

This is magma that exists in nature. It is not made by chakra or natural energy. Unless the divine form has the same means as Kawakami Tomie's split body, it cannot absorb this magma.

Thunder beasts are galloping in the sky, and magma is rushing below, and it is a huge amount of magma. Even the magma made by the Four Tails is far incomparable to this magma.

Because Planet Fujiang has used all the magma on this planet, it can even rely on Fujiang's physique to quickly create more magma.

This is the horror of Fujiang. This planet is no longer an ordinary planet, but the terrifying planet Fujiang.

Chapter 217 God’s Defeat

The divine form in mid-air really has nowhere to hide this time.

Even if he can absorb magma, so what? He can barely absorb the Thunder Beast. He has no ability to absorb magma, let alone he doesn't have this ability, but he has other means.

God's eyes widened, and Shinra Tian Zheng launched directly.

The powerful repulsive force was released, knocking everything away, and all magma and thunder beasts were destroyed.

"Combined with the planet? Then I will destroy the entire planet!"

The divine style mobilizes the chakra on his body and concentrates it all on his eyes. He wants to charge up and use the strongest Shinra Tensei. The interval between Shinra Tensions is almost non-existent on him.

It's not that Kamishi doesn't have other means, but after fighting Tomie Uchiha for so long, he deeply understands how weird Tomie's methods are, and it's impossible to kill him in a short time.

Therefore, he wants to destroy this planet and find an opportunity to send a message to me and ask me to pick him up.

The Shinra Tianzheng is the simplest and most direct method. Other methods are also very lethal, but the scope of damage is nothing to the entire planet.

The last time the divine form of the super powerful Shinra Tensei shattered the entire continent of this planet and caused various natural disasters, however this time the divine form of the divine form of the Shinra Tensei was several times stronger than last time.


The powerful repulsion suppressed everything, even the vast ocean was suppressed.

Tomie Uchiha and Tomie quickly used the Expanding Jade to protect themselves. Although Izanagi can be used, who wants to be blind if possible? Although it can be recovered, it is very painful.

Layers of blue chakra suddenly appeared under the water, and the water escape mode was activated.

Under the power of Planet Fujiang, the water escape chakra mode protected the entire planet.

A huge ultimate pupil condensed somewhere under the sea. This eye was hundreds of meters wide and very scary.

The Amplified Eye Technique was activated, and the water escape chakra mode protecting the satellite became even bluer.

The torrent of repulsion kept beating against this thin water-escape chakra, but the Shinra Tenzheng, which was enough to cause the continental plates to collapse, was unable to break through this substantial water-escape chakra.

This is not because this move is weak, you must know that Uchiha Tomie and others who used a huge seeking jade to protect themselves a hundred miles away were injured.

Although it was only a minor injury, it also showed that even though it was a hundred miles away, the Inflated Seeking Dao Jade was still shattered by this Shinra Heavenly Sign.

Planet Fujiang is too powerful. Its power has surpassed the divine form in front of me. I don't know how it compares to the divine form.

"You must not die here!"

Shen Shi roared angrily, he was the supreme being in Otsutsuki, how could he fall in such a place.

Fluctuations in space appeared, and Shen Shi used his space pupil technique again. He was burning his own life in exchange for more powerful power.

The divine sacrifice of life actually caused part of the four-sea barrier to be broken, but the price was huge.

It can be said that in a god-like situation, it is not impossible to live for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, or even longer. No one knows his limit, not even he himself.

At this moment, the aura on Shenshi's body was several times stronger than before, but he still looked old.

"Kill him. If that's not possible, you can leave his body behind."

Tomie Uchiha shouted, but he didn't need to speak so loudly, because no matter where he appeared on the planet, he was actually next to Tomie, the planet, and it could hear him.


Suddenly, the four barriers were shattered, and a giant white chakra hand spread across the space, grabbing the divine form.

Planet Fujiang also reacted quickly. Countless wind blades cut into the giant hand. Many scars appeared on the giant hand, but they did not dissipate.

However, this time was enough, and the giant chakra hand left with the divine style. This was a jump in space, and Tomie and the others had absolutely nothing to do.

Even if the perception range of Planet Fujiang is tens of thousands of times that of other Fujiang, it is useless, because the distance they jump in space is too far and is completely outside the range of perception.

Planet Fujiang's perception range is so powerful. It's not because it is really tens of thousands of times stronger than other Fujiang. Otherwise, he would be able to perform the divine form in an instant.

Just now, I could have teleported along the space fluctuations and killed the god of Otsutsuki.

Planet Fujiang's range of perception is so powerful entirely due to the fact that it is a planet.

"Activate Yiyanshen! Make a prediction, although this prediction is not accurate."

The split body of Tomie Kawakami teleported to Tomie Uchiha. Now that the god has been rescued, there is no need to maintain the four-sea barrier.

The five Tomies present, including Planet Tomie, all activated the pupil technique of Ichigengami, which originally belonged to Uchiha Fugaku.

After a few minutes, all Fujiang stopped.

Planet Tomie was the first to speak out: "I have deduced it many times, and the Otsutsuki God-style deity will not come for the time being."

Danzo's assimilated body said: "My deduction is the same, but he is not Planet Tomie's opponent now, and he will not be our opponent in the future."

The results of other Tomie's deductions are the same. Otsutsuki Kamishi will not attack them in a short period of time, but they all know that Otsutsuki Kamishi himself will definitely increase his strength crazily this time.

Uchiha Tomie said: "Okay, everyone goes about his or her own business. Even if the Otsutsuki God-style deity can become several times stronger in just a few years, there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, it will be boring if he is too weak!"

The other Fujiang looked indifferent. Before he knew the power of the god, he would still be wary. Now that he knows how powerful he is, although he has not seen his true form, he can guess some of the methods.

In short, Otsutsuki Kamikaze has not broken the shackles of this world and can travel through the Naruto multiverse, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

If that doesn't work, next time you fight the Ōtsutsuki Kamishiki, lead him to the planet Tomie to fight, and let Planet Tomie drop a secret bomb. The power can be more than ten times more powerful than a simple planet explosion, and it will definitely be able to severely damage Ōtsutsuki Kamishiki.

Speaking of the secret bomb, Uchiha Tomie felt that the secret bomb was not keeping up with the progress and needed to be improved.

In fact, it takes too much time for them to find the divine form. They might as well let the divine form come by themselves and focus on improving their strength now.

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