Thousands of shadow clones opened the ultimate pupil at the same time, and in an instant, all the energy in the body was concentrated on the pupil.

"Soul Storm!"

After the shadow clone roared, everything was sacrificed and turned into a soul storm. This was the purest soul attack, not comparable to the one just now.

Uchiha Tomie's face became even paler, and his body was swaying a little. Those shadow clones all inherited a trace of Tomie's soul power.

In other words, these shadow clones are not pure shadow clones, but equivalent to a weakened version of the split body. If you give them a few minutes, they will transform into the split body Fu Jiang.

Chapter 214 Fujiang VS Shenshi San

Many soul storms build up a great soul storm.

The power of the Soul Storm is terrifying, even Uchiha Tomie, the caster, is horrified by this power.

It can be said that even if the split body of Kawakami Tomie, whose strength is closest to that of Uchiha Tomie, stands there and is exposed to this great soul storm, his soul will be shattered in an instant.

Even with the ability of super-speed regeneration, it is useless, although the physical body will be fine, and a new soul will be born in a minute or two.

But the new soul is a new individual. Even if it has the previous memories and abilities, it is not the original split body of Tomie Kawakami.

Such a powerful soul storm did not cause much movement, just like a breeze blowing. Unlike the previous technique, it was like a natural disaster or even the end of the world.

Just because this move is completely aimed at the soul and will not cause harm to other things, even if the soul storm is ten times stronger.

The reason why the Jade of Seeking the Way was destroyed before was because the previous soul storm was just a trial move by Danzo's assimilated body, and the current strongest version had not yet been used.

This time, it completely penetrated the Qiudao Jade and directly attacked Otsutsuki Kamishi, who was protecting himself with the Qiu Dao Jade.

This wind blowing against the soul, the surroundings were not affected at all, but when Shenshi faced this continuous storm, his soul swayed, his breath began to weaken, and there were even signs of his soul leaving the body.

Once he is separated from him, given his divine condition and losing the powerful support of his physical body, he will definitely die.

The divine technique suddenly activated a mysterious technique, and he shouted, "Soul-Securing Technique!"

Then his body flashed with dazzling light, and the Dao-Seeking Jade was broken through.

Uchiha Tomie saw this and said: "This guy has so many tricks!"

I saw a ball of white light covering the divine form, and the breeze kept blowing the divine form. The wind that could damage the soul was completely blocked by this white light group.

However, Uchiha Tomie keenly discovered that the light became fainter under the constant blowing.

Outside the planet, the split body of Tomie Kawakami who was in seclusion also came.

"This pupil technique affects our performance too much."

Tomie Kawakami's fragmented body cannot teleport directly into the planet. This space is completely isolated by Otsutsuki Kami's pupil technique, which also prevents some of Tomie Uchiha's methods from being used.

Kawakami Tomie's split body stretched out his right hand, and the Rasengan quickly condensed. This Rasengan was extremely dark. This was not a Rasengan, nor was it a Rasengan that incorporated the changes in the properties of Yindu Chakra.

This black Rasengan exudes strong spatial fluctuations. This Rasengan can be called the Divine Power Rasengan.

The Rasengan itself is a form of chakra change, and the Wind Release Rasengan Shuriken is a fusion of chakra form change and property change.

The Kamui Rasengan completely integrates the power of space into the Rasengan, rather than simply adding some space power like Kakashi's Kamui Shuriken in the original work.

The improvement of this technique and the damage transfer pupil technique is the progress of Uchiha Tomie and Kawakami Tomie's split body in this month.


When the Kamui Rasengan exploded, everything within the affected area was wiped out, and the lethality was still beyond the dust.

Chen Escape seems to wipe out everything, but there are still things that cannot be wiped out, such as the Taoist Jade.

Even if it is said to be annihilated, in fact, dust escape should be said to be decomposed.

However, the moment the Shenwei Rasengan exploded, it was a huge explosion in space. Not to mention the Qiudao Jade, even the Expanded Qiudao Jade would be exploded.

When such a powerful attack hit the planet, a huge ripple barrier appeared.

Two forces of space are facing each other tit for tat!

After a few breaths, there was only a click sound, and many cracks appeared in the space ripples covering the entire planet.

Kawakami Tomie's split body did not use the second Kamui Rasengan again. The one just now consumed half of his power.

The spatial ripples were damaged, and the divine sense sensed it, but he had no time to pay attention to it.

Soon, a minute passed, and the great soul storm finally stopped. At this time, Uchiha Tomie and Kawakami Tomie's split bodies had recovered most of their energy, and their injuries had also recovered.

Bang bang bang!

Thousands of shadow clones appeared again, and Tomie Uchiha hid obscenely.

The divine pupil technique has not been completely broken, but there is a flaw. Now the space ability can be activated in the planet, but the price paid is several times higher than usual. This kind of consumption is the most indifferent to Uchiha Tomie.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly there was fire and thunder and lightning.

Half of the shadow clones rushed towards the god style, and they used secret bombs one after another, some to condense flames, and some to condense thunder.

There are still half of the shadow clones hiding far away. They are waiting. As long as there is enough time, they can use Tomie's characteristics to become Tomie similar to Kawakami Tomie's split body, instead of shadow clones that can dissipate at any time. In this way They can help more.

Faced with the constant self-destruction of Uchiha Tomie's shadow clones, all Otsutsuki except for the divine form will be severely injured, even Kaguya is no exception.

However, the divine gesture just stretched out his right hand, and a vortex appeared. All the flames and thunder dissipated when encountering this vortex and turned into chakra.

After absorbing these chakras, the divine injuries sustained by the great storm of souls were instantly restored.

With the mysterious soul-fixing technique, the god's soul defense has been greatly improved, and even a huge soul storm cannot severely damage him.

Otsutsuki Kamishi was a little impatient, "There are quite a lot of ant companions here, and they also have a lot of tricks."

While the god was talking, another shadow clone appeared and used secret bombs on him. This time, the god did not convert them into chakra and absorb them. He finally understood that this was the other party's way of delaying time, and the other party must be planning something.

The dark seeking jade formed an armor to protect the god. He flew quickly, his speed exceeding the speed of sound many times, and locked onto Uchiha Tomie in an instant.

Uchiha Tomie didn't hide either, there were shadow clones elsewhere, and he just needed to buy time for them to transform into Tomie.


Tomie Uchiha decisively launched Izanagi, and within a few minutes, all divine attacks would be ineffective.

Boom! Boom!

As the gods continued to attack, the continental plates collapsed, and the entire planet was in danger.

"Damn it, he was obviously dead, why did he come back to life!"

Shen Shi was a little frustrated. This time, he was very sure that the attacks that hit the opponent were not deflected by the opponent, so how did the opponent come back from the dead?

Uchiha Tomie was also sighing at the power of Kamishiki. If it weren't for Tomie's characteristics, Uchiha Tomie would definitely be sure that even a hundred thousand beings of his own level would not be able to kill Kamishiki, but would instead become the nourishment for him to become stronger.

"Swordsmanship, physical skills, illusion skills, ninjutsu, and eye skills are all useless. The gap between the enemy and us is too big."

The more he fights, the more Tomie Uchiha understands how terrifying the divine form is. In terms of chakra energy alone, the opponent is almost hundreds of times more powerful than him.

He dared to conclude that the chakra fruit devoured by the divine form was not less than 10,000 but also 5,000, and the divine form must have had other creations.

For example, the mysterious soul-fixing technique, if the god-style does not have the soul-fixing technique, then he teamed up with other Fujiang and continuously used the soul storm to completely consume the death-style.

But it doesn't matter, the advantage now lies with him, Fu Jiang.

Chapter 215 Tens of Thousands of Fujiang

Otsutsuki Kamishi had no idea that the situation was not good for him, and his mind was focused on how to crack Izanagi.

The best way was to grab the opponent and drain the opponent's chakra in an instant, which he was sure he could do.

But in terms of spatial attainments, the opponent is no weaker than himself, so this is difficult to deal with.

As for large-scale attacks, the opponent has mysterious tricks that can bring him back to life, which gives the god a headache.

Shenshi can only kill Fu Jiang repeatedly, and then watch him resurrect again and again. He has only one thought. He does not believe that this kind of resurrection does not require a price. Let's see who can outlast whom.

At this time, the blood of Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body was spread to many places, and the split body of Tomie Kawakami who came later also joined them.

Uchiha Tomie's shadow clone also transformed into the real Tomie over time.

Except for those who went to help Uchiha Tomie, the others dived into the sea and continued to release their blood.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, more and more Fu Jiang appeared, and these Fu Jiang continued to release their own blood.

Uchiha Tomie sneered in his heart, "Your perception is indeed strong, but I will let all these split bodies dive into the depths of the sea to split. Let's see how you find out."

After fighting for a long time, Otsutsuki adjusted his condition. It was not like he had never encountered such a being who had to fight for several days and nights to determine the winner, but that was seven or eight thousand years ago.

"I originally thought that this body was strong enough, but it seems it's not enough! Sure enough, there may be something emerging in some corner of the vast universe that can kill me in the future."

Otsutsuki Kamishi values ​​Tomie more and more, and wants to kill him more and more.

Although he is just a clone, this power should be invincible except for the original body.

That's right, the Otsutsuki Kamishi that appears now is just a clone, and his true form is in seclusion to hit a higher level.

It can be said that the god-like deity has not appeared in these thousands of years. Even if you deal with anything, the current clone is enough.

If Uchiha Tomie knew it, he would be even more shocked. Such a powerful divine form is just a clone, so his true form cannot be defeated in a short time.


Uchiha Tomie doesn't know this for the time being. He has Izanagi, so he is immortal.

Izanagi will lose an eye. With Uchiha Tomie's current ability, a mere eye can be restored in ten seconds at most. His recovery speed is much faster than the consumption speed.

When his eyes recovered and he was in an invincible state that could ignore damage, he immediately pulled the Otsutsuki God Style into the Tsukuyomi space.

In the Tsukuyomi space, the scene was deathly silent.

Otsutsuki Kamishi was restrained, to be precise, his spiritual body was restrained, and countless chains locked him.

Shen Shi was a little surprised. This guy had many tricks and was more difficult to deal with than the enemies he had encountered before.

"Soul Solid Technique!"

Shen Shi gave a soft drink, and Tsukuyomi Space actually showed signs of collapse.

Uchiha Tomie had to take action to maintain the stability of this mental space.

He applauded: "As expected of the clan leader of Otsutsuki, you are powerful! It seems that you are using some kind of magic to stabilize your soul, and want it to forcefully break through this space and return to the body. Only someone as confident as you dares to use this technique. A means."

The basis of the divine form is that his soul strength far exceeds that of Tomie.

If Otsutsuki Kaguya's soul strength is compared to one and Tomie's is ten, then the divine form must be fifty or sixty.

The difference is that Tomie can perfectly display this power and can also use special means to display it exceptionally, while Otsutsuki and the others are good if they can display it 70% of the time.

Various powerful forces appeared as Uchiha Tomie spoke.

The fierce sword light, the sharp sword energy, the violent thunder, the scorching flames, the tearing wind airflow, and countless other attacks all bombarded the god style.

It can be said that most of the many tricks developed by Tomie are displayed in this monthly reading space.

Boom! Boom!

The bombing continued for an hour, but to the outside world, it was just a moment.

After his spirit returned to his body, Uchiha Tomie, who had just recovered more than half of his strength, turned pale again. On the other hand, the god on the other side was much better than him, but his face was a little not so good.

"Interesting, Sasuke and Madara have the pupil technique that increases the power of the pupil. I didn't expect that this guy actually has the pupil technique that weakens the enemy's power. If I get it, I can use the two pupil techniques together. One will weaken the other, and I will be invincible! "

Uchiha Tomie's pale face was full of excitement, but Kamishi was full of doubts.

He has seen this guy turn pale several times, and he has killed this guy several times, but this guy is still alive, which is really difficult to deal with!

call! call!

The natural energy between heaven and earth is rushing towards the gods crazily. In Uchiha Tomie's view, this natural energy is about to materialize.

Uchiha Tomie is not surprised. The sacred tree can absorb natural energy. It is normal for such a powerful and mysterious divine form to absorb natural energy.

"It seems that he can only absorb chakra or natural energy alone, but not both at the same time."

Uchiha Tomie thought that the divine style had absorbed the chakra in Senjutsu before, but did not absorb the natural energy. It seemed that the divine style was not that invincible, but compared to other Otsutsuki, this guy was indeed a god-like existence.

Boom! Boom!

The two fought fiercely again, to be precise, it was a one-sided beating. Uchiha Tomie was not a godly opponent at all, but he had too many tricks, and with Tomie's characteristics, he could withstand it.

Three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, twenty minutes, time passed quickly. The planet was riddled with holes and was on the verge of collapse.

Even if Tomie Uchiha stops, this planet will definitely collapse and explode in the next few years.

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