Chapter 212 Fujiang VS Shenshi

Kamishiki did not wait passively for Uchiha Tomie to attack him.

"It seems there are two little guys, let's solve it together."

Kami Shiki's perception is very strong, covering the entire planet. That's right, Uchiha Tomie has been able to sense all shinobi villages before, and Kami Shiki is much stronger than Uchiha Tomie. It is not surprising that he can do this.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The divine form still uses this basic ability, white light shines, and the powerful repulsion turns into a torrent of power that washes away everything. The estimated range is no longer as simple as a dozen kilometers.

If someone could sense the entire planet, they would find that all the continental plates broke apart in an instant, and some were directly sunk into the sea.

In an instant, volcanoes erupted, snow mountains collapsed, and tsunamis swept across the land. All kinds of natural disasters were completely triggered by this blow.

If someone is outside the planet and has good eyesight, they can see a huge crack appearing on the planet.

At this time, a huge black ball enveloped Uchiha Tomie, resisting the repulsive force for him.

This is the Taoist Jade, and it is an Expanding Taoist Jade. Unlike Otsutsuki Kaguya, she cannot control the Expanding Taoism Jade to make other changes and can only be used for attacks.

In the hands of Tomie Uchiha, the Expanded Seeking Jade is no different from an ordinary Seeking Jade. To him, it is just an enhanced version of the Seeking Jade, which can still be transformed into various forms.

Click! Click!

Dense cracks appeared on the Expanded Seeking Dao Jade, and then it shattered with a bang. This Otsutsuki Divine Style was really terrifying.

When the pure force reaches a certain level, it can destroy everything and even shatter space.

The divine form has not yet reached that level, but he still achieved it by destroying the Jade of Seeking Dao.

Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body were even worse. Their chakra patterns were directly dried to pieces, and their bodies were in tatters.

Suddenly, one of their eyes dimmed, and they recovered, it was Izanagi.

They maintain this "invincible" state and quickly restore their energy.

All jutsus in this world have shortcomings, and Izanagi is no exception, but Tomie can improve Izanagi, and with Tomie's characteristics, Izanagi will become a jutsu without shortcomings, although this lack of shortcomings is only limited to Tomie. , but enough is enough.

"Profit and harm! I didn't expect that there is such a technique!"

Otsutsuki's divine sense covered the entire planet, so he noticed that the split body of Hancock and the two had used some kind of forbidden technique.

Otsutsuki Kamishi has to admit that there are many geniuses in the universe. These geniuses are not comparable to him. He can only rely on tens of thousands of years of accumulation to crush those geniuses and kill them. This is the only thing he has done in these years. .

Uchiha Tomie's Ultimate Eyes turned, and he understood that he had no chance of winning in a head-on battle.

Otsutsuki's god style instinctively felt that something was not good, and he also activated his pupil technique, and a wave of ripples rippled out with him as the center. The ripples themselves were not lethal, but the planet was quickly covered by the ripples.

"The power of space!"

Uchiha Tomie sensed that this was the space pupil technique. He didn't pay much attention to it, but activated his own pupil technique.

In the blink of an eye, Uchiha Tomie launched two eye techniques, and at this time, Otsutsuki's divine style rushed in front of Tomie.


The huge fist penetrated Uchiha Tomie's chest directly. The speed of Otsutsuki God Style was so fast that Uchiha Tomie couldn't dodge at all.

You can avoid it with your space ability, but Otsutsuki Kamishi's pupil technique just locked the space of this planet. On this planet, no one can use space ability, not even Kamishi himself.

Tomie Uchiha was shot through the chest, but he smiled instead, "This injury can't kill me."

Tomie Uchiha didn't lie. Tomie's physique was very powerful. Even a head could survive. A hole in his chest was nothing, not to mention that this was an enhanced version of Tomie's template ability.

Otsutsuki Kamishi's body suddenly shook, and he fell back violently. A big hole appeared in his chest. The location was the same as the one on Uchiha Tomie's body, but it was smaller. The injury on Uchiha Tomie's body had completely recovered.

In fact, Tomie Uchiha was also surprised, because not long ago Tomie Kawakami split his body and used taijutsu to crush Momoshiki Otsutsuki.

And his power was still higher than Tomie Kawakami's split body, and it was even strengthened later. Unexpectedly, after being strengthened, he would be crushed in physical skills.

Uchiha Tomie can be sure that the punch of the divine style can completely crush a thousand-meter-sized Susanoo. Even his own Susanoo that is close to three thousand meters is only a matter of two punches.

"Is the damage rebounded? Is it a pupil technique or a secret technique? But it's really powerful! I underestimated you."

The hole in Kamishiki's chest healed quickly, and his recovery ability far exceeded that of other Otsutsuki. Even Otsutsuki Kaguya couldn't compare with him.

Sizzle! Sizzle!

All the surrounding natural energy was mobilized by Tomie Uchiha and turned into a thunder spear.

Shenshi was a little disdainful, "This level of power."


Suddenly, the thunder spear quickly penetrated Uchiha Tomie's heart. Yes, it was Uchiha Tomie's own heart. Under the power of the thunder spear, his heart was quickly shattered.

At the same time, Shen Shi's heart was also severely damaged.

Uchiha Tomie sneered, "How about it, can you still bear it?"

Just now, Uchiha Tomie felt the same way when Kami Shiki activated the pupil technique. As long as he was hurt, Kami Shiki would suffer the same damage.

He also activated Uchiha Izuna's pupil technique to transfer his own damage to the divine form.

The activation conditions for Izuna's Eye Technique are somewhat strict, but these days, Tomie Uchiha and Tomie Kawakami's split bodies have optimized this Eye Technique.

By activating these two pupil techniques, it can be said that if Fujiang suffers any damage, the divine form will suffer double the damage.

However, someone with Fujiang's physique could play like this. If someone else had a hole in their chest and died immediately, the pupil technique would be ineffective as soon as they died.

Shen Shi covered his heart. His physique had transformed many times. Even though his heart was injured twice as much as Fu Jiang's, it was not shattered, but it almost exploded.

"What a tricky technique! No wonder my destiny preview predicts that this guy will kill me in the future."

God Shi has lived for thousands of years, and he has seen many strange abilities, and he has also seen damage transfer.

But that person was still beaten to death by him in the end because he resisted the beating better than the other person. It was different now. He saw Fu Jiang recovering from his injuries quickly. Who knows if he had any special means, so he had to take the initiative.

"No matter what means you have, as long as you lose your chakra, you can only do what I do."

The Divine Style activates the Ten Thousand Forms of Heaven. This time, the suction force is dozens of times stronger than when it activated the thousand-meter Susanoo. The Divine Style really uses all its strength.

Uchiha Tomie couldn't resist this suction force at all. He even suspected that if Kamishi used this technique in the ninja world, he could pull the moon down.

The split body of Hancock rushed over with all their strength. Although they had not fully recovered, they were half recovered and could recover while fighting.

Chapter 213 Fu Jiang VS Divine Style II

"All things are attracted by heaven!"

Uchiha Tomie, who couldn't control his body, immediately activated the Vientiane Tension.

If you activate all the heavenly phenomena, I will activate them. If you attract me, I will also attract you.

The two suction forces clashed, and Tomie's face became ferocious. The divine style only stimulated chakra, but Tomie overdrawed his own chakra. He squeezed his own cells, even burned his blood, and sacrificed his own potential.

He doesn't care, because he recovers very quickly. To be honest, the forbidden technique of self-mutilation in exchange for more powerful power is very suitable for Tomie. Unfortunately, there are no powerful forbidden techniques in the Naruto universe except for the Eight Gate Dungeon.

"Death struggle?"

Shen Shi couldn't help but frown, and then relaxed, because the attraction of Fu Jiang's all-encompassing sky was still not as strong as his, and it was slowly moving towards him.

As long as you catch the opponent and absorb the opponent's chakra, no matter how mysterious the opponent's eye skills are, as long as you lose the chakra, you will be a useless person.

Boom! Boom!

There were bursts of thunder, and countless thunderbolts gathered above the god's form. The sky for several miles around was filled with thunderstorms. The Chidori used by Sasuke Seven Gates that day did not even have one tenth of its power.

There will be this scene, and the two people who are Danzo's assimilated bodies are coming.

The god's expression remained indifferent, as if to say, that's it?

Kamishi is worthy of being the strongest person in Otsutsuki, and the strongest existence in this universe. You must know that even Kaguya Otsutsuki dare not ignore this endless thunder cloud.

"As expected of an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years. This guy's psychological quality and fighting methods are not comparable to those of Kaguya, Kaashiki and other useless Otsutsuki."

Danzo's assimilated body felt that it was difficult. To defeat the god's style, it depends more on the original deity. They were only assistants, and some of the deity's methods were not comparable to them.

Hancock's split body indeed activated the Wheel Tomb, and the four Wheel Tomb clones quickly attacked the God Style.

God's eyes widened, and space ripples flashed again. The difference was that these ripples were extremely powerful, and the four wheel tomb clones were cut off in an instant.

"It seems that this is the only way to use it."

Hancock's split body felt that even using secret bombs was of little use. The opponent's ability could only restrain the chakra system's tricks. To be honest, the divine style was the real source of chakra.

The Wandering Soul Technique is activated!

The soul of Hancock's split body instantly entered the body of the god. At this time, the god's form lost control, and all phenomena stopped immediately.

Uchiha Tomie didn't stop. He waved his hand, and gravity pulled the god's body to fly into the sky.


The lightning fell, and all the thunderclouds rained down thunder and lightning to strike at the god's form. This was a real thunderstorm.

Inside God's body, Hancock's split body was horrified because God's soul was much more powerful than hers. How could this be possible?

Tomie had expected that Kamishi would continue to use chakra fruits to become extremely powerful, but it was not so easy to grow the soul. Tomie and the others had countless trial and error opportunities before they perfected the method of strengthening the soul.

In the divine body, his soul crushed Hancock's split body soul out of the body.

At this time, endless thunder bombarded Shenshi. For some reason, Shenshi didn't use Shinra Tenzheng.

"The technique is good, the massage is just right for me."

The god who was bathed in the thunderstorm said that even such a powerful thunder escape only slightly injured him, and he recovered instantly with his strong physique.


With a divine punch, the powerful punch directly penetrated the heaven and earth, and the thunder clouds in the sky were directly shaken away.

This is a thundercloud within a few miles radius! The Otsutsuki Divine Style was able to achieve this point just by relying on energy. It can be said that this casual attack is completely comparable to Kai's unique move in the eighth gate state.

Uchiha Tomie and Danzo's assimilated body attacked the divine form one after another, and their eyes started to move again.

The Soul Storm of the Samsara Eye Technique is activated, and the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique's amplification is activated.

Two soul storms that were enough to wipe out Momoshiki's soul instantly blocked everything around Otsutsuki Kamishiki.

Tomie had too many pupil techniques, and two of them awakened the Mangekyō pupil technique on his own. Obito, Shisui, Itachi, Sasuke, Fugaku, Izuna and the Six Paths Sage's pupil techniques were all absorbed by him.

He only has the reincarnation eye technique, but he also knows Madara's reincarnation eye technique.

Shenshi seemed to know that he couldn't dodge, because due to the previous operation, he himself couldn't teleport in space.

A black ball quickly enveloped him. It was the Tao-seeking jade, but the god-like Tao-seeking jade was black and purple, and seemed to have undergone some kind of change.

Uchiha Tomie was instinctively frightened when he saw this seeking jade. If he was hit by this seeking jade, not only would his body, which had been cultivated for a long time, be completely destroyed, but even his soul would be severely damaged.

This Dao-Seeking Jade may seem small, but its power is still greater than the Expansive Dao-Seeking Jade.

The soul storm is already powerful, and once it is strengthened by the Amplified Eye Technique, it can kill even an immortal being like Kaguya Otsutsuki in the original work.

It is said that when a person dies, the light goes out, but the destruction of the soul is complete death.

Such a powerful attack hit the Dao-seeking jade, and the Dao-seeking jade just clicked, and a small crack appeared.

"It seems that even calling others to use Soul Storm is useless."

After Uchiha Tomie finished speaking, he looked at Hancock's split body and Danzo's assimilated body, indicating that they should make other preparations and leave this to him.

The split body of Hancock nodded, and then made a sword-like cut with the fingers of his right hand towards the aorta of his left hand, and blood continued to drip from it.

The two of them were flying in the air, constantly spraying blood. The blood was scattered everywhere, including soil, trees, rivers, and the sea.

The two of them also deliberately controlled not to let the wound recover, otherwise with their physiques, the wound could recover in an instant.

"The art of multiple shadow clones!"

Thousands of shadow clones appeared around Uchiha Tomie.

Shenshi put away the Qiudao Jade at this time, and he saw through these clones at a glance, "Chakra physical clones? It's really good. I didn't expect that those of you who inherited the power of Otsutsuki can use chakra better than us Otsutsuki. "

Shenshi has seen many geniuses in his long years, and when he was weak, he almost capsized in the gutter.

As he devoured more and more chakra fruits, those geniuses used special methods to trick him, and he was only slightly injured.

“But ants are still ants after all, and it’s useless no matter how many there are.”

Kamishi's arrogance far exceeds that of other Otsutsuki. He seems cautious, but he always feels that he will win in the end. He never thinks that he will lose.

As he continues to grow stronger, Shenshi feels that he is about to reach a critical point. If he crosses it, he will become a true god.

Uchiha Tomie's face was extremely pale. This was the sequelae of using shadow clones. This was not an ordinary shadow clone technique.

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