Chapter 210 Constructing the Ninja World Version of the Spirit Gathering Array

"Psychic art!"

Bang bang bang!

Three creatures with huge natural energy appeared. These were the great immortals of the three holy places.

Outside the Sound Ninja Village, Aizen's split body channeled them out.

The main body, Uchiha Tomie, taught the cultivation method easily, but in the end, he, the split body, had to wipe the bottom of the main body.

If the cultivation method is taught, more and more people will absorb the natural energy. In ten years at most, the natural energy of the ninja world will decay to an unimaginable level.

To this end, Aizen's split body must find a way to strengthen the natural energy of the ninja world. The great sages of the three holy places have been cultivating natural energy for many years and can discuss things with them.

Aizen's split body also called Orochimaru and Senju Tobirama over. This kind of thing requires technical talents, and Uchiha Madara and Shisui can't help at all in this regard.

"Energy does not occur out of thin air, as you said elsewhere, so we cannot create natural energy out of nothing. We can only transfer natural energy from other places to the ninja world."

Orochimaru said nothing more. He had not yet fully studied the natural energy, so he could only provide one idea.

Aizen's split body thought for a while and said: "In fact, there is natural energy in the universe outside the Ninja World, but the amount is very small, and the content is not even one-tenth of that in the Ninja World."

The three immortals looked at each other, as if they had thought of something, and began to discuss.

Five minutes later, White Snake Sage said: "Actually, we each have a way to draw the natural energy of the Ninja World into our respective holy places. If this method can be improved, perhaps the natural energy in the universe can be drawn into the Ninja World. .”

Tobirama and Orochimaru couldn't help but frown. This sounds simple, but in fact it is not.

The psychic world is actually located in the ninja world, but at the beginning, the natural energy of the three holy places was not as strong as the ninja world.

After the three great immortals grew up, they used secret techniques to draw the natural energy of the psychic world and ninja world outside the holy land into the holy land.

Comparing the situation of the three holy places, the natural energy content of the ninja world is now higher than that of the universe, and the universe is vast.

It seems that the total amount of natural energy it possesses is thousands of times that of the ninja world, but it is too difficult to pull the natural energy from relatively far away places.

"Spirit Gathering Array!"

Aizen's split body thought of a formation that has a high probability of appearing in fairy tales and fantasy novels. It often appears as a basic formation.

The spirit gathering array uses special means to arrange the formation, allowing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to gather into the formation, so that a certain place has ten times or a hundred times the spiritual energy before the formation.

What Aizen's split body now wants to do is actually similar to the same. It arranges a powerful formation to cover the entire ninja world, and then absorbs the free natural energy of the universe, increasing the natural energy of the ninja world tenfold or a hundredfold.

The three people and the three beasts began to discuss and study, and everything was based on the secret techniques of the three great immortals.

Optimize these three secret techniques and combine them with various sealing techniques to get rid of the dross. However, it will not take a day or two to truly develop them.

Fortunately, Aizen's split body and the three great immortals have long been able to survive by swallowing natural energy. Orochimaru and Tobirama are a little behind, but they can still do it without eating or drinking for two days and two nights.

Time passed quietly, and a month passed like this.

In one month, many things have come to a conclusion. Many ninja villages have arrived at the Oto Ninja Village. They have to surrender!

Xiao Ninja Village, which has never seen Tomie's power, is no exception. Just kidding, all the five major Ninja Villages have surrendered. If they don't surrender, what will they do to stop them? I don't know how many families will be destroyed by then.

As for the leader of the small ninja village knowing this, it was naturally Aizen's split body who asked Uchiha Fugaku to take people to those ninja villages to inform them one by one.

In one month, Aizen's split body, three people and three beasts, created the ninja world version of the spirit gathering array.

Senju Tobirama sighed: "Although I have completed this secret technique, the efficiency of drawing natural energy is now more than ten times that of the three great immortals, but it is not enough to use the entire ninja world as a formation. According to your wishes, we We need something powerful to form the formation eye to suppress everything."

Orochimaru said cautiously: "Don't you adults have the Ten-Tails? Is the Ten-Tails okay?"

Aizen's split body smiled, he thought of a better substitute, he said: "How about the giant reincarnation eye."

The giant reincarnated eye can remotely extract chakra from other people. Since it can extract chakra, if you improve the formation eye, you can naturally extract natural energy.

The giant reincarnated eye can also control gravity and repulsion, and is so powerful that it can even control the orbit of the planet.

As long as it is properly arranged, it can pull natural energy from farther places in the universe.

Orochimaru's eyes lit up, "It's completely feasible. Although we don't have a giant reincarnation eye in our hands, the giant reincarnation eye is the fusion of many white eyes. We can clone a bunch of white eyes and fuse them into a giant reincarnation eye, and it will be stronger than the previous one. "

Orochimaru was very interested in this experiment. In fact, he had thought about this when he knew the origin of the giant reincarnation eye.

Aizen's split body knows that it is not that easy. The purity of Hinata's Byakugan is completely incomparable with that of the Otsutsuki clan.

However, they have Momo Shiki's body in their hands, and they can clone Momo Shiki's Byakugan.

Moreover, the purity of Hinata and Hanabi's Byakugan is not low. The eyes of a princess called Byakugan by Toneri can be transformed into a reincarnated eye by Toneri.

Aizen split body said: "The power of the ordinary giant reincarnation eye is not enough. We can be bolder and use many giant reincarnation eyes to make a more powerful super reincarnation eye."

These words left others speechless. The giant reincarnation has the power to suppress the tailed beasts. As long as you can control the giant reincarnation, you can easily suppress the nine tails.

If many huge reincarnation eyes were fused together, not too many, just dozens would be enough, and the power would definitely exceed that of the Ten-Tails.

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

Orochimaru has become a fan of Tomie. Unlike others who covet Tomie's looks or are influenced by the desire to be beautiful, Orochimaru knows that Tomie can take him to see a wider world and allow him to participate in more difficult competitions. Research.

"The experiment on the reincarnated eye cannot be done in the ninja world. If something goes wrong, it will cause serious losses."

After speaking, Aizen's split body took Orochimaru and others to other planets, not the one where Uchiha Tomie was, but other planets. In recent years, Hancock's split body has not discovered many planets, but there are some.

"Is this another planet outside the ninja world? Wait, he actually took us across space. The distance is too exaggerated!"

The three great immortals, Tobirama, and Orochimaru were all shocked and speechless. It seemed that everyone underestimated Tomie's power.

How could they have thought that after all this trouble, Aizen's split body actually lost a lot of chakra, but fortunately he recovered quickly.

Ten minutes later, the Aizen split body reappeared, "Okay, now we can start cloning the Byakugan."

He spread his hands, and several white eyes appeared, including one for Otsutsuki Momoshiki and one for Katashiki.

Hiashi, Neji, and Hinata each have a pair of Byakugan. To be precise, they are the Byakugan of the clones of these three people.

Chapter 211 Otsutsuki's divine form suddenly arrives

"Is this here? I feel the source of danger."

When Aizen's split body was preparing to experiment with the Byakugan, a mysterious figure arrived on the planet where Uchiha Tomie was retreating.


Orochimaru's clone hurriedly arrived. Although he sensed that the opponent's strength was unfathomable, he did not panic. There was someone behind him.

The visitor glanced at Orochimaru's clone and said indifferently: "It's just an ant. Hasn't the real strong one come out yet?"

With just a click, Orochimaru's clone instantly turned into countless pieces. He didn't even have a chance to resist, or even use Orochimaru's substitution technique.

No, not only Orochimaru, but if you look closely, the atmosphere around him was shattered.

The visitor just released his momentum and created a scene similar to Whitebeard's attack in One Piece. It was really scary.


Uchiha Tomie and Kasushiki appeared. Kasuki's face changed greatly when he saw the visitor, "It's the clan leader!"

Pushi had never seen the Otsutsuki Kamishi, but he still recognized the Kamishi. This was the suppression of blood. In the entire Otsutsuki, only the Otsutsuki clan Otsutsuki Kamishi could suppress him to this extent.

Uchiha Tomie also felt strange as to why the divine form appeared at this time.

Moreover, this is a far distance that Pu Shi could fly for hundreds of years, but Shen Shi arrived so quickly.

But he didn't panic, instead he looked at Kamishiki curiously. Kamishiki's eyes were both Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes, and the third eye on his forehead looked a bit like the Tsansei Eye. His hands didn't have eyes like Katashiki or Momoshiki. Clean and tidy.

There is a transcendent temperament in God's body, and he is a well-deserved god. Compared with him, Payne of the Six Paths is even more worthy of holding a shoe.

Tomie Uchiha found it interesting. You must know that whether it is Madara Six Paths or Kaguya Otsutsuki, the eyes on their foreheads are the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes, but their eyes are not.

Shenshi saw Tomie's eyes change slightly, and then said arrogantly: "You are indeed good. Except for me, Otsutsuki, no one is your opponent. If I give you some time, you may really threaten me. It's a pity that you won't." There will be a future.”

Click! Click!

After the divine momentum was released, it swept across all directions instantly.

The atmosphere wherever it passed was shattered, countless creatures died, and even Otsutsuki Kamashiki was injured. It was really terrifying. Just the momentum alone injured a Kamashiki at the six levels.

Tomie Uchiha was a little excited. This was the real opponent. The techniques developed by Tomie Kawakami's split body and other split bodies were finally useful.


An equally powerful aura emanated from Tomie. Uchiha Tomie's power was equally powerful, but compared to the divine form, there was still a big gap. Even with the Amplified Eye Technique, it could only barely reach half of the divine form.

Uchiha Tomie used all his strength, and he didn't know how much power he used in the divine style.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body have also arrived. There is no need for more Tomie to arrive for the time being. The other Tomies can be busy with theirs!

If really needed, Uchiha Tomie can instantly create a large number of Tomie, and inherit 80% of his current power. The pure power is stronger than the split body of Hawkeye and the assimilated body of Zabuza.

Uchiha Tomie was frightened and kept sliding back, but the planet was even worse. The whole planet shook under the momentum of these two people.

Danzo's assimilated body and Hancock's split body didn't say much, and quickly adjusted their breath to speed up their recovery. The next step was a tough battle.

"It seems you are stronger than I thought, but let's deal with the traitors first."

As soon as Shen Shi raised his hand, a powerful suction force was generated, and Pu Shi's whole body flew forward uncontrollably.

Uchiha Tomie teleported to catch Kaushuki, and a black Susanoo nearly three thousand meters high appeared. This is Uchiha Tomie's most powerful Susanoo at this stage.


Uchiha Tomie in Susanoo couldn't help but complain. His Susanoo couldn't stabilize his body and was still moving towards the God style. The speed was not fast, but it wasn't too slow either. It was almost The speed at which an ordinary person can run quickly.

This guy in the divine form is more terrifying than he thought. He has completely surpassed the level of Six Paths. It seems that he has to eat at least a thousand fruits, and the quality is not low.

The Susanoo sword condensed quickly. The Susanoo sword held by Susanoo was a thousand meters long. If you hit it with one sword, you would cut down not only small mountains, but also big mountains.

"Shinra Tenzheng!"

The Divine Style does not use any powerful moves, but only uses the basic ability of the Samsara Eye.

At this moment, the divine form was even brighter than the rice-resistant Payne in the original work, and the white light symbolizing the overwhelming repulsion quickly spread out.

With just a click, the Susanoo sword was shattered, and dense cracks appeared on the Susanoo sword, which was nearly three thousand meters away.

The land beneath Shenshi sank hundreds of meters directly. This planet is in danger! Maybe it will be beaten directly.

The split body of Hancock and the two had already used teleportation to hide far away, and they haven't recovered their strength yet!

"Grave of Wheels!"

After Uchiha Tomie teleported Fu Shi away, he directly released four ring tomb clones. Madara's pupil technique had just been obtained, so he gave it a try.

The four wheel tomb clones are invisible to ordinary people, but the divine form is not ordinary people.

His eyes widened, and the powerful repulsion was released again, and the land beneath the divine form suffered again.

Under the powerful repulsion, the four Ring Tomb clones were directly destroyed, and by the way, Uchiha Tomie's Susanoo was crushed to pieces.

Shen Shi chuckled, "Swallowing you will make me stronger. This is much better than swallowing the Chakra Fruit."

The Divine Style is so powerful that even the time between using Shinra Tensei is shorter than that of Tendo Payne.

Tendo Pain and Nagato need five seconds of separation, but Tomie Uchiha sees that the Divine Style only takes two or three seconds, and maybe it can be fired continuously.

"Immortal Technique·Big Spiral Wheel Yu!"

Uchiha Tomie knew that ordinary techniques were useless against Otsutsuki Kamikaze, so he started to take it seriously.

A few years ago, he used this move with the complete Susanoo, but now he doesn't need the Susanoo. Just using this move with the main body is dozens of times more powerful than using this move originally.

Shen Shi couldn't help but frown. It wasn't the condensed immortal magic and the Great Spiral Wheel that made him feel threatened, but Uchiha Tomie's constant movement in space, making it impossible for him to locate its position.


Soon, the Immortal Technique and the Great Spiral Wheel Yu exploded next to Shen Shi. This force was so powerful that if it exploded in the three holy places, it could completely destroy the entire holy place.

I saw a white cover covering Shen Shi's body, and all the power of the Immortal Technique and the Great Spiral Wheel Yu dissipated when it hit it.

Uchiha Tomie stared at his ever-changing ultimate pupils, "It's not the decomposition of dust escape, but the ability of Hungry Ghost Path. Is it an enhanced version?"

A few seconds later, the ground was in a mess, everything within a radius of dozens of kilometers was destroyed, and huge pits appeared in the sinking land.

"You can't be wrong. In just a moment, all the chakra was taken away, leaving only natural energy. Because the chakra was taken away, the magic disintegration could not cause harm to it."

Now Uchiha Tomie felt that he was in trouble. Even immortal magic was useless, only pure physical skills and natural energy attacks were effective.

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