The man vomited blood and fell down. Just to deal with Tomie's blow, this being who was comparable to a general was exhausted.

Compared with relying on the power of nature when controlling the natural type Tomie, when controlling the demon Tomie, Uchiha Tomie relied on his own powerful power to crush him.

"Let's take action together."

Cyborg Kong shouted loudly, and his powerful domineering energy turned into a shock wave and blasted towards Uchiha Tomie.

In the world of pirates, are there too few serious injuries? What's more, a man like Cyborg Kong who stands on top of the world.

The agents in black took action one after another, and dozens of powerful forces rushed towards Uchiha Tomie.

"Is it just to this extent?"

Uchiha Tomie pushed horizontally with both palms, and powerful domineering swept across all directions, directly destroying the attacks of Cyborg Sora and others with overwhelming force, and severely damaging them.

Fujiang did not squeeze himself, it was just an ordinary outburst. If he had used Jue Tian Yi Sword and Soul Storm, these people would have died long ago. He just relied on his powerful domineering attainments and his own recovery speed.

Even if the people in the pirate world are more powerful in their Haki skills, they cannot squander their Haki as much as Uchiha Tomie. Once the Haki is used up, they will be passive.

Uchiha Tomie said calmly: "It seems that I overestimated you and the power of the world government."

Invisible sword energy burst out from Fu Jiang's body, and the sword energy quickly penetrated the hearts of Gang Gukong and others.

From the beginning of the fight with Cyborg to the arrival of the black-clothed agents, to their death, the total time would not exceed two minutes.

Uchiha Tomie didn't move, but waited quietly, waiting for the Goryoshi to send others or the Goryoshi himself to go out.

Cyborg Kong could have been immortal. Sengoku and Garp contacted him with a phone bug and asked him to leave the World Government and come to the Navy. Together, they can create a better future for the sea.

Warring States was even willing to give up his position as marshal, but it was a pity that Cyborg refused to listen.

In fact, Gang Gu Kong and others were not so embarrassed when they fought against Fu Jiang two days ago. Who would have thought that Fu Jiang's strength would increase significantly every day.

At this time, the faces of the five old stars were ugly. They did not watch closely. This does not mean that they did not know what was going on. Their Haki sensed that a large amount of powerful aura disappeared.

"Impossible, how could he be defeated so quickly? Sora's strength is not inferior to that of the Four Emperors. He has agents to assist him, and some of the people inside have very troublesome fruit abilities."

"Hmph! That guy is definitely strong, but those guys didn't activate their Devil Fruit abilities from the beginning, otherwise they wouldn't be like this, a bunch of waste."

"When things come to this, we have to take action."

After the Five Old Stars finished talking nonsense, everyone exuded amazing momentum. There was no weak among these five people. Each one was at the level of a general or four emperors.

The five old stars looked determined, and they were ready to sacrifice.

Yes, facing a powerful existence like Uchiha Tomie, if you don't have the mentality of resigned to death, there is no chance of winning.

One of the five old stars is a great swordsman. Through the scene of Fu Jiang taking action during the war, he deeply understands how amazing his swordsmanship is.

The five of them were all comparable to the generals for the last time. Their speed was quite fast, and Tomie Uchiha didn't have to wait long.

The five old stars didn't talk nonsense as soon as they arrived, and five powerful overlord-colored domineering energies burst out instantly, oppressing Xiang Fujiang together.

The five old stars all have overlord-colored domineering energy. Don’t think that if there is Im on the five-old star, they don’t have overlord-colored domineering energy.

You must know that there is Steel Bone Kong and Wulao Xing in the Warring States Period, and he also has the domineering look of a king.

"Then, let me show you my domineering aura."

Tomie Uchiha said calmly, this kind of domineering power is far from enough. In another world, he has seen more overlord-colored domineering power released jointly. That power is truly terrifying.

The powerful overlord's domineering energy was vented with Fu Jiang as the center. His domineering energy was so strong that even the five powerful men in the world, the Five Old Stars, jointly released their overlord's color domineering energy.

But this domineering force was shattered like a mirror when they collided.

Click! Click! Boom! Boom!

Wherever the powerful Overlord-colored domineering energy passed, everything was destroyed, and the sky was flashing with countless black thunder and lightning.

Red-haired Shanks' overlord-colored haki can cause substantial physical damage, and Uchiha Tomie's is even more terrifying.

Under this overbearing domineering power, all the buildings in the holy land of Mariejoia were reduced to ruins. The five five old stars were suppressed by this force, as if they were burdened with weight, and their movements were much slower.

Not long after, the entire Holy Land was enveloped by this overbearing domineering force. Under Fu Jiang's deliberate oppression, all the Tianlong people in the Holy Land were suppressed by this force.

Chapter 304 The Power of the Heavenly King

Among the flowers in the deepest part of Holy Land Marie Giopangu City, this is the only place in the entire Holy Land that has not been destroyed by Uchiha Tomie's overbearing domineering energy.

It wasn't that Fu Jiang let him go on purpose, but that this place was shrouded in domineering aura, and Im, who had a higher status than the Five Old Stars, lived here.

"It seems we can only use its power."

Im among the flowers murmured to himself that only it could solve everything.

It seems that it must be used to kill the mysterious being Tomie, and then kill the top brass of the Navy and the Four Emperors, so that the World Government can ensure its supremacy, even if it consumes most of its power.

On the other side, the Five Old Stars took action even though they were suppressed by Tomie Uchiha's overbearing aura.

Tomie Uchiha was able to break the attacks of five people with a wave of his hand. He was like a god in the game world, not a dimensional being at all.

If it was two days ago, Uchiha Tomie would have needed to be a little more serious when facing the Five Old Stars, unlike now where he was suppressed in all aspects.

Obviously everyone's physiques are at the level of generals, but the power displayed is completely incomparable.

The five-old star holding the first-generation ghost breathed heavily, "It seems that we are indeed no match for you. If you can, use your strongest swordsmanship to kill me! This way I will die without regrets." "

Uchiha Tomie nodded, slashed lightly with his right hand, and a sword energy that cut the heavens and the earth burst out.

The sword energy instantly strangled the five old stars holding the sword, and then the sword energy continued to rage, destroying everything in the Holy Land.

The sword energy was powerful. After leaving the Holy Land, it was still raging in the sea, flying thousands of meters before stopping.

Seeing the death of the five old stars holding swords, the other five old stars couldn't help but feel sad.

Suddenly, the faces of the five old stars changed. It was not Uchiha Tomie who took action, but they sensed a powerful force, enough to kill the four emperors, flying from a distance.

"It turns out that we are also so insignificant."

One of the Five Old Stars sneered and said that he knew what was going on. Master Yimu completely abandoned them and directly activated the power of the weapon to destroy everything.

The other Five Old Stars were also discouraged. If adults had made a decision early, they could have used the ultimate weapon when they had free time.

That is what Doflamingo calls a national treasure, the king of ancient weapons.

The other two ancient weapons are Pluto and Neptune.

Pluto is said to be the most evil battleship in the history of shipbuilding. It was a super battleship once built by the Capital of Seven Waters. It can destroy an island with one shot.

This power is a bit more powerful than the Four Emperors. Although Whitebeard is said to have the power to destroy the world, in fact, it is just that. He can cause a sea earthquake to destroy an island with one blow.

Whitebeard can also destroy the island by relying solely on the power of vibration, but he can never destroy an island with one blow, but the flexibility of the battleship is definitely not as good as that of the Yonko.

Neptune is a mermaid princess who will only appear for hundreds of years and has the ability to communicate with Neptunes. She has the ability to talk to Neptunes and command them.

The original book sets the length of the Neptune summoned by Princess Shirahoshi to be more than 5,000 meters long.

If this is true, it can be said that the four emperors are nothing.

Even if the red-haired Shanks is not a fruit user, can he defeat a bunch of kilometer-long Neptunes in the deep sea?

Just kidding, it’s really five thousand meters away. Unless the redhead attacks the head, it’s impossible to kill him with one hit.

Thanks to Zombie Tomie, Shirahoshi from the pirate world died in an accident, otherwise Jiang Wu controlled her and absorbed the blood of so many powerful sea kings. When Tomie arrived, the world had been turned upside down, and the situation was at least ten times more chaotic than it is now.

"Is this the World Government's final move?"

Uchiha Tomie remained calm. Although this energy was indeed powerful, it was not enough to kill him.

Not to mention killing him, even killing him two days ago would not work, but he could still be seriously injured.

The aqua blue Susanoo quickly covered Uchiha Tomie. The Susanoo was a thousand meters high, and then the dark armed Haki covered the thousand-meter Susanoo.

Uchiha Tomie can burst out at extreme speed and escape from the center of the explosion. If he is willing, he can fly out of Mariejoia in an instant at a certain price, but there is no need for him to hide.


The powerful energy bombardment exploded, and the entire holy land shook. It would sink to the bottom of the sea at any time. The center of the explosion was hollow, and the sea water could be seen completely.

Under this blow, all living beings were equal. Except for Uchiha Tomie, only Im and Gojosei were alive in the entire Holy Land. Even nobles like Gojosei were severely damaged by this force.

Yes, even people like the Five Old Stars who can rival the generals and the Four Emperors are nothing in front of this power.

If Uchiha Tomie hadn't protected them, they would have died, not just dead, but with no bones left and their heads blown off.

After all, Uchiha Tomie still wanted to lose face. He had said in Marineland that he would take the head of the Five Old Stars back.

If you don't take action to protect the Five Old Stars, you can't take their heads back.

However, this force is indeed powerful, even a thousand-meter-long Susanoo was blasted to pieces. You must know that Susanoo is also covered with armed Haki.

"Interesting, the destructive power has reached the six levels, but the destructive power drops a lot further away from the center of the explosion. This is similar to the Tailed Beast Jade, but the energy in the explosion center is more concentrated than the Tailed Beast Jade."

Uchiha Tomie analyzed with interest, his injuries were not serious, Susanoo had resisted 90% of the damage for him, and the remaining level was due to his lack of physical strength.

That's right, the power of ten without one is really nothing.

It's equivalent to Whitebeard's strength being weakened ten times, and the lieutenant general can resist it.

Yimu among the flowers sensed that Fujiang was still alive through seeing and hearing the color haqi, and now his face turned livid.

He was fine because it was far away. If he used the power of the King once, the entire Mariejoia would definitely sink.


Im activated the mysterious Heavenly King again, and after launching a powerful attack, he immediately retreated with the Heavenly King. Regardless of the outcome, he would leave first.

The power of the Heavenly King is powerful, not at all weaker than the Xixiang of Bamenkai, and even has a greater scope of destruction.

The powerful energy rushed towards Uchiha Tomie fiercely. Uchiha Tomie waved his hand, and an aqua blue barrier appeared out of thin air, covering him and the Five Old Stars.

This is an improvement based on the Four Red Sun Formation. There are many such formations in the ninja world now.

In addition to being maintained by Uchiha Tomie's power, the aqua blue barrier also continuously absorbs the water energy of the sea.

Even without the added Haki, this defense is still higher than the previous thousand-meter Haki Susanoo.

The Five Old Stars didn't know this. They closed their eyes and waited for death.

Tomie Uchiha could sense that Emu was running away, but he was not in a hurry. Not to mention how abnormal his perception was, his ability to track and find people was not bad, and he had learned several training systems, making it easy to find someone. , even if he only uses the means of the Naruto universe, he can still find Im.

Chapter 305 Five Old Stars and Immortal


The powerful energy of the Ancient Weapon King once again swept across the entire Holy Land.

At this moment, the Holy Land really couldn't hold on any longer and sank to the bottom of the sea.

Pluto can destroy an island with one blow, while it takes two strikes from Uranus to destroy the holy land of Mariejoia. This does not mean that Uranus is less destructive than Pluto.

On the contrary, it is because Uranus' destructive power is more concentrated in the center of the explosion, causing greater damage to the enemy, while Pluto's destructive power is relatively even, and the upper limit of its lethality is not as good as that of Uranus.

Mariejoia sank, but the barrier was still floating on the sea. There were dense cracks in the barrier, and it looked like it would break at the touch of a touch, but the King of Heaven's attack was perfectly blocked.

If it weren't for the heads of the Five Old Stars, Uchiha Tomie wouldn't need to create this barrier.

"Although you saved us, we still have to die in the end!" A five-old star said. He is indeed a person in a high position and can see clearly.

The Wulaoxing did not surrender. They knew that the man in front of them might be able to tolerate them, but Seng Guo and other high-ranking naval officials would definitely not be able to tolerate him.

This is not only because of their former status, but more importantly because of their strength. If their strength cannot reach the level of generals and four emperors, Sengoku and others will definitely not mind recruiting them.

The problem is that they are too strong. Their weakness is only compared to the person in front of them, and compared to the navy, they are definitely extremely powerful beings.

Uchiha Tomie didn't hesitate, he said: "Yes, you are very self-aware. I will send you to meet your companions. Don't worry, Im will accompany you."

After Fu Jiang finished speaking, sword light surged, and the remaining four Five Old Stars were beheaded.

No one is right or wrong, just different positions.

Let's just say that when Tomie Uchiha traveled through time, he did not travel to the Uchiha clan, but to the Sarutobi clan or other ninja villages, so the situation now is different.

Maybe the unlucky ones are not Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, but Sasuke, Madara and others.

Uchiha Tomie opened a dimensional space and threw the heads of the five old stars into it.

In the sea not far away from Mariejoia, some people sensed the shocking noise of the battle, and even saw the holy land sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"So, who won? Did Tomie win?"

"The world government still wins."

"Is it possible that both sides suffer losses?"

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