A group of people were wondering what was going on. Kizaru was also here. He was sent by Sengoku to keep an eye on Marie Joa.

Doflamingo is also here, and so is Shanks, the red-haired Yonko.

Shanks arrived a little late and failed to see the Five Old Stars. When he arrived, it was when Im activated the King of Heaven for the first time. The powerful power shocked him. He stopped outside the sea area, not daring to Enter Marigio.

Shanks and the Five Old Stars can only be regarded as cooperating. He is not a subordinate of the Five Old Stars. Even if he is a subordinate, not many people are willing to go to a situation where the mortality rate is as high as 99%.

"Send the boat over."

Shanks gritted his teeth and told the crew that he felt that the winner should be decided now, and it was time to go and see what was going on.

To be honest, the red-haired guy is just nosy. He stopped the white-bearded Malinfando. After his persuasion failed, he stopped Kaido from going to Malinfando. The original book even ended the war on the top.

Doflamingo did not go immediately, but thought about the gains and losses.

"I will cooperate with whoever wins."

Doflamingo made a quick decision. He has been cooperating with the World Government. He just reached a cooperation agreement with the Navy and Tomie two days ago. No matter which side wins, he can save his life. It's just a look. It won't happen. Something happened.

Also, it would be great if there is a chance to get that national treasure.

Although Doflamingo chose to cooperate, he did not like being in an absolutely weak position. It was just that the strong in this world dominated everything, and he was the weak and had to obey.

Kizaru thought for a moment and asked the navy to stay put while he went to take a look.

Kizaru followed Doflamingo from a distance, and he did not hide anything. As long as the situation was not right, he would immediately activate his fruit power to escape.

After Tomie Uchiha lifted the barrier, he was ready to attack Yimu. At this time, Yimu had escaped from Tomie's perception range. This speed was really fast. What really surprised Tomie was that this guy could actually fly.

"It's just a dying struggle."

Tomie Uchiha said calmly, the power of the curse was activated, and the power of the curse quickly tracked Im and cursed him to death.

This is another use of the power of the curse. By weakening the lethality of the curse, it can be used to find people.

No, Uchiha Tomie followed the power of the curse and quickly found Im.

Immu's expression changed when he saw Fu Jiang. Especially when he saw that Fu Jiang's clothes were somewhat damaged, but nothing else looked like he was injured, he knew that he had no chance of winning.

The King of Heaven can't do anything to the opponent, and if he activates his ability at this distance, he himself will die.

Uchiha Tomie looked at the man who was truly at the pinnacle of power in the pirate world. He was not very panicked when he was about to die. He was much stronger than Jiang Wu.

Uchiha Tomie said: "Aren't you going to say anything? Aren't you curious?"

Im said: "If I ask you, you won't tell me. Who is willing to tell the secret of his power! And there is no point in knowing it now! There is no need to say more when you are the winner and the loser, just do it!"

In terms of magnanimity, Yi Mu is still pretty good. Although he abandoned the Five Old Stars, if he were replaced by another high-ranking person, 99% of them would be the same as Yi Mu.

Uchiha Tomie clapped out a palm, and a powerful domineering shock wave hit Yim.

Im didn't dodge or defend. He was directly shaken to pieces by this force. His body turned into countless fragments and scattered on the sea.

He knew that he had no chance of survival. In this case, it would be better to die happily than to resist the pain desperately.

Tomie Uchiha didn't need Im's head, and even said that Sengoku, Kizaru and other naval marshals and admirals may not know that there is such a number one person on the Five Old Stars.

Don't talk about them, maybe even Cyborg Kong, the commander-in-chief of the entire army, doesn't know about Im's existence.

Everything ended too quickly, and Im and others had no power to resist. The 800-year history of the World Government was like paper in front of Uchiha Tomie.

If it were Kahn, he would not necessarily be buried in Mariejoia, but he would definitely be severely injured, and he would even have to rely on Izanagi to save his life.

Jiang Wu might not be able to withstand the two bombardments of the King, and even the level between Cyborg Kong and the agent would not be so easy.

Speaking of which, Uchiha Tomie was too quick, otherwise he would have to use his hands and feet. You must know that some of those people have time-type devil fruits, and there are also group-increasing devil fruits similar to the Momo fruit type.

Devil Fruits have all kinds of strange abilities. Now some Tomie has completely assimilated into the world of single pirates. They are analyzing the laws of the world and analyzing Devil Fruits in depth.

Chapter 306

After Uchiha Tomie finished his work, he flew directly to Marineland. He was flying too fast, but no one noticed.

In fact, even a strong man at the level of the Four Emperors only saw a fleeting afterimage of Uchiha Tomie in flight.

When Doflamingo and others arrived at Marie Joa's original location, they found many corpses floating in the sea, including many of the Celestial Dragons.

"It seems that both sides are losing. He is truly an amazing man, single-handedly shaking up the world government."

Doflamingo laughed after saying this. Because he didn't sense the strong man's aura, it was impossible for both parties to die, so both parties could only retreat.

Kizaru looked confused. He seemed to be on the right team this time.

As long as the Navy and that guy join forces, then the Navy can 100% replace the original position of the world government. In this case, his position as a general will not rise.

"not good!"

Kizaru's face instantly turned bitter. If his status becomes higher and he has more things to deal with, it doesn't mean that he has less time to fish.

Every gain must be a loss, but if you have a choice, Kizaru wants to fish.

Otherwise, when he was running for marshal in the original work, he would not have been extremely calm and allowed Aoki and Akainu to fight to the death.

In fact, it is precisely because of this Buddhist mentality that Kizaru has many fans in other worlds.

Doflamingo and Kizaru both left. The red-haired man looked at the sea with many corpses floating on it, wondering what he was thinking.

There were too many corpses, tens of thousands of them. It was impossible for Red Hair to recognize Wulaoxing immediately, let alone Wulaoxing whose head had been chopped off.

"The sea is going to completely change."

Ben Beckman, the vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, spoke up. He was reminding Shanks to make plans in advance.

yes! A decision must be made quickly, otherwise, the best outcome for the red-haired pirates is to be escorted to Impel Down City, or at worst, they may be killed.

Ben Beckman did not doubt that the Navy could do this. In addition to those two monsters, Sengoku, Garp, and the three generals were enough to destroy them.

"Damn! I just went to sea, do you want this?"

Some pirates who have been at sea for less than a year but are quite powerful are very dissatisfied. If this continues, there will be no place for pirates.

"It is impossible for the navy to kill all the pirates! Otherwise, the pirates' desperate counterattack will be enough to severely damage the middle and lower levels of the navy."

Some pirates' eyes sparkled with wisdom, and they were very proud.

This is not because of how powerful he is, but because he has not burned, killed or looted since he went to sea. Although he is a pirate, he has not done anything evil. At most, he only eats the King's meal, so he should be treated lightly!

In fact, Ben Beckman had thought of this a long time ago. The main force of their red-haired pirate group had not done much evil. As long as they were willing to bow their heads, survival should not be a problem.

However, it depends on the captain’s will. The captain’s will is their will.

This is also a very strange thing about the pirate world. Sometimes the crew members clearly know that the captain's behavior is wrong, but they still agree with it.

"Big news, this is big news, we must report this news quickly."

Some reporters were very excited. Not only the navy and pirates were lurking around the holy place, but there were also reporters and revolutionary troops.

No, a revolutionary army has begun to contact Long.

Tomie Uchiha was very fast on his way. In less than an hour, he flew from the holy land of Mariejoia to Marineland.

Before, he was practicing while flying, and the demon Tomie was in no hurry, but it was different when it came to Uchiha Tomie.


Countless black lightning enveloped Marine Fando, and Tomie Uchiha greeted him directly with a domineering look.

Whoosh whoosh!

Kahn, Sengoku and others rushed over and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Tomie.

"This guy is getting stronger again, it's incredible."

Sengoku and others could sense how powerful this overlord-colored haki was, and they even felt that the opponent's mere use of overlord-colored haki was enough to injure them.

Kahn was completely despairing and would never have a chance to make a comeback in his life.

He even suspected that the departure of the system in his body was probably related to this fellow villager, but he couldn't change anything after knowing it. He could only pray that the other party would not kill him.

"This is the head of the Five Old Stars."

Uchiha Tomie took them out directly from the dimensional space and threw them in front of Sengoku and others with skill.

Warring States, Garp and others looked at it carefully and found that it was really a five-old star.

After combining the information sent by Kizaru before, saying that Marie Joa has sunk to the bottom of the sea, it seems that Uchiha Tomie has won, but it can only be an hour at most since Kizaru sent the message.

It only takes one hour to get from Mariegio to Marineland, which is too fast!

Fast, this is not fast at all for Uchiha Tomie. If he uses the natural body of Tomie, the speed will be increased several times.

It's not that Tomie of the natural type is better than Tomie of the Devil Fruit, but the uniqueness of the Shining Fruit.

"See Mr. Tomie, I don't know what your next plan is."

The Warring States Period is flexible and flexible, but that's normal. Uchiha Tomie seems to be unscathed, but the Five Old Stars are dead and the Holy Land is sinking. No matter how you look at it, Tomie wins in a crushing manner.

Sengoku knew Tomie's name from Kahn, but he only knew the name and nothing else.

Aokiji, Akainu, and Zefa listened nervously. In fact, Zefa was very dissatisfied with cooperating with King Shichibukai.

But Zefa knew that only by cooperating with the man in front of him could it be possible to end the era of great pirates.

Tomie Uchiha landed from the sky and said calmly: "First deal with the impel city, then recruit the revolutionary army, and then clean up the pirates."

Uchiha Tomie is very suitable for his current role. In the world of Naruto, the one who managed Konoha was Danzo's assimilated body. Later, after the ninja world was unified, the Daimyo's assimilated body was managed.

Tomie Uchiha didn't show much pretense. Although he had been mythologized by people in the ninja world in the Naruto multiverse and was regarded as the only true god, the sense of involvement was not that important.

At that time, I was focused on improving my strength, but I was not in the mood to do this.

It's different now. Other Tomie is already assimilating to the pirate world. It doesn't matter if he is more or less.

Under the intervention of Tomie Uchiha, the city and the revolutionary army quickly surrendered to the navy.

In the final analysis, Long just felt that the people at the bottom were suffering too much. His starting point was to serve the people around the world, not to let himself be the one in power.

Uchiha Tomie generously healed the hidden injuries of the navy's top combat forces. He also healed Zefa's broken arm. He even restored Sengoku, Zefa, and Garp's bodies to their peak state when they were forty years old. .

The next step is to wipe out the pirates and conquer other organizations under the former world government.

This is indeed a great turmoil, and the sea is full of blood. That is to say, their purpose is not to kill the wrong ones rather than let them go, otherwise the number of people who will die will increase several times.

Chapter 307 The Wandering Heavens Plan

Uchiha Tomie had a lot of fun playing in this pirate world. He played for two full years, which indirectly brought up the power level of this world, and even taught him the Haki Technique.

It would be a disaster if another time traveler came to this world, what a pity! There are basically no system travelers coming to the world where Fu Jiang has been.

The reason why the Haki Technique is given is because Uchiha Tomie has never been a stingy person. He directly passes on the Haki Technique he created to those who have made meritorious deeds. You must be more invested in playing it.

As for relying on domineering techniques to surpass Fujiang, then just go to sleep!

In the past two years, Tomie and his friends have assimilated most of the single pirate world in the One Piece Multiverse.

On this day, Tomie Tendou of the One Piece Multiverse began to take action.

As soon as Duo Tomie exerted his strength, the Heavenly Way of the One Piece Multiverse could not resist it. In just an hour, he followed the footsteps of the Heavenly Way of the Naruto Multiverse and was directly assimilated.

However, the Heavenly Way of the Naruto Multiverse initially resisted for ten hours, while the Heavenly Way of the Pirates Multiverse only resisted for one hour.

That's right, the Pirates Multiverse is not as good as the Naruto Multiverse, and Tomie has been setting it up for so long, so it's strange that it can resist it.

The moment the assimilation was completed, countless Tendo Tomie from the pirate world merged into one individual, just like before in the Naruto multiverse. Only in this way can the power be more condensed.

In an instant, countless avenues flowed in the heart of Tomie Tendou from the One Piece multiverse, and Tomie Tendou from the Naruto multiverse also synchronized these insights.

Although the two worlds have not yet merged, Naruto Tendo Tomie has benefited a lot from just appreciating the original laws.

Yes, Naruto Tendou Tomie projected part of the consciousness of One Piece Tendou Tomie, and looked at the world of One Piece from his perspective.

The two multiverses will be merged later, so it is necessary to understand it first.

Tomie Tendo in the One Piece Multiverse is just familiar with the power, it is weak, and it just needs to cooperate later.

"You guys are so lucky."

Uchiha Tomie, who was sitting in the office, couldn't help but sigh.

This made Warring States, who came to report the situation, look puzzled, but they felt that they and others were indeed lucky. If they had not met Tomie, how would the navy have its current status, and how could they have such a strong body.

Ignorance is sometimes a kind of happiness. Seng Guo has no idea what will happen next.

In fact, even Uchiha Tomie doesn't know what will happen if the two multiverses are forcibly merged. Maybe the fusion is successful, but all life in the universe will be destroyed, and all things may not be able to reproduce again.

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