At that time, only the ninja world and the pirate world of the two multiverses will be protected by Tomie, and the others will fend for themselves, and Tomie will not care about their life and death.

of course! Some good things from the pirate world have to be sent to the pirate world where the devil Tomie is.

In the past two years, Tomie and the others in the One Piece Multiverse have not gained much, but they are not completely without gains.

A traveler in the pirate world can summon various Pokémon, so there are many Pokémon in that world, even mythical beasts.

With Tomie's cross-species charm ability, he could easily charm those Pokémon after he grew up, and easily make them turn against him.

There is also a traveler in the pirate world who has something from the prehistoric world. Unfortunately, it is a low-end prehistoric thing. Even the strongest Lingbao Hokage Tomie of the multiverse can easily destroy it.

However, what is not available is the best, so Fu Jiang accepted all those spiritual treasures and even innate spiritual roots.

It doesn't matter if things are hot or cold, Uchiha Tomie can become stronger by injecting the source of heaven into it.

That time traveler is also awesome. If Fujiang had passed a few months later, that time traveler would probably have succeeded in joining the Tao in that world.

Fortunately, Fu Jiang directly asked other Heavenly Dao Fu Jiang to lower his dimension and strike, otherwise he would really be completely obliterated by the time traveler, with his body and soul completely annihilated.

Although it is a low-end weapon, many techniques still give Fujiang a lot of ideas, at least there are many more ways to defeat the enemy.

"If you have nothing to do, put down the documents and leave."

Uchiha Tomie did not explain too much to Sengoku. Although the world was very good under his rule, he did not have a heart-to-heart relationship with Sengoku and others. The Naruto world was his foundation.

Sengoku didn't say much. Although Uchiha Tomie performed well, he was too mysterious, so their interactions were business-like.

After Sengoku left, Uchiha Tomie returned to the Naruto multiverse and returned his body to the demon Tomie.

It's time to start planning, it's a great endeavor.

Demon Tomie didn't say much. Like many Tomie in the pirate world, he appeared in the void outside the single pirate world.

Tomie, the god of the One Piece Multiverse, crazily injected power into these Tomie's bodies, and Tomie quickly transformed these powers into his own strength and became stronger.

Even before coming to the Pirates Multiverse, Tomie and the others had created and repaired techniques that could eventually rival the Heavenly Way of the Naruto Multiverse, not to mention that the harvest in the past two years was pretty good.

There are techniques, coupled with Fu Jiang's characteristics, these Fu Jiang quickly reach the strength comparable to the One Piece Multiverse Tiandao.

This is very unbelievable, but with Tomie's characteristic of not obeying the law of energy conservation and the ability of super-speed regeneration, all unreasonable things will be very reasonable here.

Tomie from two different multiverses are all in operation, and no one is idle.

Tomie of the Naruto multiverse has not improved at all over the years. Both hard and soft power have improved a bit due to Tomie's characteristics.

At this moment, the Daimyo's assimilated body protects the ninja world of the Naruto multiverse, Sasuke's ninja world.

In the past two years, Uchiha Tomie has not completely stayed in the pirate world. He occasionally returned control of his body to the demon Tomie.

The pirate world is protected by Demon Tomie, and he brings those Pokémon, low-level innate spiritual treasures, and spiritual roots to the pirate world where Demon Tomie is.


The Fujiangs all burst out with amazing power, and these powers were intertwined through formations.

With Tiandao Fujiang as the center of the formation, and other Fujiangs as the cornerstones, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation (improved version of Fujiang) combined with the low-end prehistoric world.

In a certain world, humans proposed a bold plan called "The Wandering Earth", which was to use global efforts to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines on the surface of the earth to push the earth out of the solar system.

Now what Fujiang and the others are doing is similar to this, combining Fujiang's powerful power to launch the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation to push the two multiverses to walk in the heavens, so that the two universes continue to get closer.

When the two come into contact, Fujiang's assimilation characteristics will be activated to merge the two worlds. At that time, the two Tiandao Fujiang will also merge into one.

If this is feasible, Fujiang and his friends can implement a plan similar to wandering around the earth in the future.

This situation cannot be replicated, because people in other worlds may insist on running out of energy after a while, but Tomie will not.

Chapter 308 Fusion

The two multiverses seem to be embedded in these gray gases. Relying on their own strength alone, the heavens of the two multiverses cannot move even if they explode regardless of their own limits.

It's different now. There are tens of thousands of Fujiang who are comparable to the Tiandao of the multiverse. Together with Tiandao, they use the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation. The power generated is powerful, enough to instantly kill existences of the same level.

This Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is based on the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation of the low-end prehistoric world that Fujiang obtained from a traveler. It combines the formations also from the low-end prehistoric world, the formation knowledge of Naruto's multiverse, other immortal cultivation systems, and martial arts. The system's formation knowledge is more than one level better than the initial version.

Not all Tomie has the talent for formations, but with the Tendo Tomie of the Naruto multiverse here, it is not too difficult to do this, not to mention it is easy.

In this way, after the formation was put into operation, the Naruto Multiverse and the Pirate Multiverse each spewed out a force that could tear the world apart.

It can be said that if this power does not erupt to the outside world, but is radiated within the multiverse, those worlds will definitely be torn to pieces by this powerful air flow in an instant.

call! call! call!

The powerful air flow continued to spurt, which caused the two worlds that were originally embedded in the space and unable to move to begin to move.

This movement speed is very slow, because it is not just as simple as moving the multiverse, but those gray and terrifying airflows have also turned into roadblocks at this moment, creating very large resistance.

It stands to reason that, driven by this extremely powerful force, the two multiverses move at absolutely the speed of light, or even beyond the speed of light, thousands of miles in an instant.

But the gray airflow weakened it, causing the speed to drop a lot.

Uchiha Tomie said calmly: "As long as it can be moved, we have plenty of time to waste it."

In this way, the two multiverses are constantly moving, but the people living in the multiverses have no idea that their level is not enough.

The Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is also constantly operating. The Fujiangs deliver a lot of power, and normal existences of the same level have long since ceased to function. After all, this is the force that drives the advancement of the multiverse, and it will be drained out in a short time.

For Fujiang and the others, it was a trivial matter. There was no pressure at all. It was much better than assisting Tiandao Fujiang in releasing the space energy pillar before.

At that time they were exhausted very quickly, but this time two hours had passed and Tomie and the others were still in high spirits.

It has been two hours, and the two multiverses have not yet touched each other. You must know that it was not that long when the space energy pillar was used.

However, when there is sufficient energy, the speed of space is too fast, and it is not impossible to even travel hundreds of millions of miles in an instant. However, Fujiang and the others cannot do this, at least in this place full of mysterious gray gas.

However, Tomie and the others were very patient. After about seven days, the two multiverses finally got closer and were about to touch each other. This was a historic moment.

Demon Tomie and the Daimyō assimilated body finally cheered up, especially the Daimyo assimilated body. If the ninja world is gone due to his negligence, I will kill him.

Uchiha Tomie himself has the absolute ability to suppress other Tomies, and even as long as he disagrees, the splitting effect of other Tomies will be ineffective.

If Uchiha Tomie had not obtained the optimized version of his abilities, he would probably still be fighting with other Tomie in the Naruto multiverse, and he would not be as comfortable as he is now.


The two multiverses finally collided together. The Naruto multiverse was the stronger one, so naturally nothing happened, but the pirate world was different.

To be honest, there is still a gap between the two worlds, and that gap is equivalent to the gap between a minor lieutenant general and a legendary lieutenant general like Garp.

Everything in the Naruto multiverse is peaceful, but the Pirate multiverse will be in turmoil, and tens of thousands of individual pirate universes will be destroyed in an instant.

It doesn't matter to Tomie, the pirate Tendo, even if the world is shattered, that part of the energy is still in the pirate multiverse and will not affect his power.

Naruto Tendou Tomie immediately activated Tomie's ability to fuse and absorb the pirate multiverse. Pirate Tendou Tomie did not resist and allowed him to absorb it.

The original laws of two different multiverses began to intertwine and merge. In fact, all worlds have some common basic laws. This is the foundation of the world.

So the initial integration was smooth, which was also related to Fujiang's characteristics.

Under normal circumstances, when two worlds collide, even if the One Piece Multiverse is at a disadvantage, the law of heaven will fight to the death.

Anyway, if you don't make it easy for me, don't even think about having a good life. If you can successfully devour it in the end, the effect will not be good. The power absorbed is estimated to be only half or even less than what it was at the peak of this world. Some important laws are also will be destroyed.

Now, the two multiverses are beginning to merge, but there are still some rough spots.

Some laws are different, the simplest one is the collapse, with the Naruto multiverse as the main one, but Tomie and the others want to seek common ground while reserving differences.

So we began to adjust the experiments so that they could coexist.

After three full days of tossing, the two multiverses were perfectly integrated, thus transforming into the Naruto and Pirates multiverse.

The ninja world is still at the center. In the past two years, under the operation of the rules of the universe, many new life planets have been born.

Individual pirate worlds are also in this multiverse, but due to this fusion, more than half of the pirate worlds were affected and destroyed.

Even so, the number of remaining pirate worlds is over one million.

"It's incredible that the fusion of two different multiverses can actually increase so much power."

It's incredible that Tomie Tendo from two different multiverses has merged into one.

Tiandao Fujiang has long been accustomed to this kind of thing. In the beginning, it was just a planet. Later, it continued to merge and grow, and it was no longer its original self.

Compared with the original planet Fujiang, the current Fujiang of Heaven is better to be said to be a new Fujiang with those memories of Fujiang.

Even so, he can also sense his own power. This power is several times that of Tendo Tomie of the previous Naruto Multiverse, and this power is still slowly improving.

This is incredible. You must know that the power of the Pirates Multiverse is not even one-tenth of the Naruto Multiverse. Tomie did not expect that it could be improved to such an extent.

In fact, when two multiverses merge, the gray gas surrounding them is converted into pure energy to strengthen the new universe.

This is something Fujiang can't understand, but it's a good thing to become stronger.

Moreover, this world is still improving automatically. There is no need to look for a new world for the time being until we encounter bottlenecks.

Furthermore, the low-end prehistoric cultivation system brought by the time traveler is not so easy to fully digest. They have a lot of things to ponder and practice.

Chapter 309

Smooth, everything went so smoothly.

In addition to Uchiha Tomie's underestimation of Tomie's characteristics, he also did not expect that the integration of the two multiverses would lead to so many improvements.

The promotion and fusion of the two multiverses, because of Tomie's characteristics, various rules and laws are finally perfectly integrated and complement each other.

This is not a simple devouring, it is somewhat similar to the kind of fusion in Dragon Ball.

The potential of this world is greatly enhanced, so the gray gas will be turned into the energy needed for the growth of the world.

This is Fujiang's guess, and they don't know the specific situation.

But if the two multiverses merge, there will definitely be changes.

For example, in the current ninja world, in fact, the ninja world has long had a method of cultivating domineering, but the world operates differently, and people in the ninja world cannot cultivate domineering.

This is not because they are talented. Even if they are as stunning as Tomie, they still cannot develop domineering skills before going to the pirate world.

It's different now, the two multiverses are merged, the laws are intertwined and on the same level, they can practice domineering.

Especially Uchiha Madara, a person with such unparalleled domineering power, he awakened the domineering domineering power not long after this fusion was completed.

If it weren't for the quick reaction of the Daimyo's assimilated body, I don't know how many people would have been affected and died.

You must know that Uchiha Madara's current power is enough to kill Otsutsuki Kamishi instantly. His overlord-colored domineering energy is terrifying. Even if it is unleashed unconsciously, it can kill the six levels.

There are not many people in the ninja world who awaken the overlord's haki as quickly as Madara, but it's not impossible.

Overlord's Haki is innate in this aspect, Hashirama and the Third Raikage Ai also quickly awakened to Overlord's Haki.

People like Tobirama, Shisui, and Fugaku did not awaken, but they quickly developed Armament Haki. However, this is not a big problem. Tomie has a method that allows people to develop Overlord Haki.

Tomie Uchiha did things without leaving any trace, and led many Tomie to the ninja world, explaining to them that the world has been assimilated into a multiverse under his leadership. In the future, the new generation will have a place to experience, and others will have a place to go on vacation.

Uchiha Tomie just said it briefly, he would not expose all his methods.

Even so, people in the ninja world are also excited.

Who doesn't want to be a saint in front of others? Except for a very small number of people, most people are almost tired of being in the ninja world.

People in the ninja world feel that no matter how hard they practice, they can't surpass those Uchihas.

And those invincible strong men in Uchiha feel that they have become stronger, but Tomie has become stronger. This is very difficult! And you can’t practice all the time, sometimes you should relax.

Tomie Uchiha mainly came here to show off, and then gave the stage to the Daimyo's assimilated form, letting him handle the follow-up matters.

Two days later, a new teleportation array appeared, and a large number of people left the ninja world and came to various different single pirate worlds.

The top experts in the ninja world who cultivate natural energy have encountered bottlenecks. Uchiha Tomie has raised the upper limit, but it does not mean that they will not encounter bottlenecks.

Just like those advanced worlds, the upper limit is very high. Some can create the universe with a snap of their fingers. However, no one lives their whole life in a mediocre way. Their height is not even as high as the Eternal Madara.

Now that these people have the system of Haki to practice, they naturally have to learn, and fighting is the best way to learn.

By constantly fighting against the powerful dominators in the pirate world, one can naturally understand the domineering power and continuously improve it.

Didn't you see that under Kaido's beatings, Luffy's level of domineering was rising steadily, which was simply not comparable to Rayleigh's teachings.

Of course, not everyone is suitable for taking the combat route, which requires strength and even more talent.

Don't look at the fact that the ninja world is many times stronger than before, and there are also many super-sixth realms, that's tens of thousands.

However, the ninja world has not yet reached a situation where super shadows are inferior to dogs and the six paths are everywhere, but it will be soon after a few years of development.

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