Fukasaku Sennin directly channeled Jiraiya to Mt. Myoki.

Jiraiya signed a contract with Mount Myoboku, and he could channel the toads in Mount Myoboku to fight for him. Conversely, the toads in Mount Myoboku could also summon Jiraiya in reverse.

Outside Konoha Village, Danzo's assimilated body and others have returned. Jiraiya decided to continue his journey of collecting information and explore the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization, such as determining the true identity of the mysterious leader.

As one of the three ninjas, and able to channel the help of the two immortals of Mount Myoki, Jiraiya believed that unless he was unlucky enough to be surrounded and killed by two teams organized by Akatsuki, he could still escape if he couldn't defeat a team.

The author of Liu Beiwen had just left the village, and then he arrived at Miaomu Mountain.

"Two immortals, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Does the Great Toad Immortal have any new prophecies this time? He summoned me in such a hurry."

Jiraiya said cheerfully, the more he acted like this, the more embarrassed the two immortals were to tell him the truth.

well! Fukasaku Sennin sighed, he was going to speak sooner or later, so let's do it now!

A few minutes later, after Jiraiya listened to Fukasaku Sennin's words, the expression on his face was the same as that of a husky. Myoboku-san was teasing him!

He has worked hard to find the child of prophecy for so many years, and now he is told that the child of prophecy is irrelevant and the future has completely changed.

Nothing happened recently! Is this related to Danzo becoming the Fifth Hokage? impossible!

Or will the Akatsuki organization change the future and subvert the entire ninja world?

There was too little information. Even if Jiraiya was smart, he would not have thought that this was related to Uchiha Tomie.

In the end, he could only leave with the image of Tomie Kawakami. This trip was a big blow to him, and he seemed to have lost his goal in life.

Chapter 88 Use other gods against Fu Jiang?

Kawakami Tomie's split body easily obtained the cultivation method in Shigu Forest. The White Snake Immortal at the same level as him has become his subordinate. Slug Immortal naturally knows how to choose.

The old monster that has lived for thousands of years is not stupid. It made the same request as the giant toad fairy.

These immortals are still hiding! They didn't take action at all when Otsutsuki attacked.

The three great immortals actually understood that if all the ninjas in the ninja world were eliminated by Otsutsuki, then they would be the next target, because the natural energy in them is no less than the chakra of tailed beasts, and even more than some tailed beasts.

The three great immortals don't know when Otsutsuki will come. It may come in two years, or it may come in hundreds of years.

But their lifespan is too long, even if they live for a thousand years, it is not difficult, so they must ensure that the ninja world has the power to counter Otsutsuki, so that they can be safe.

After obtaining the cultivation methods of the Third Holy Land, Kawakami Tomie's split body directly settled in the Sound Ninja Village and started cultivating in secret in the Sound Ninja Village.

Hancock's split body is still roaming the ninja world, and the people following her are constantly changing, but those people are getting stronger and stronger, and even the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki who defected to Kirigakure is attracted to her.

In Konoha, F4 gathered in the Hokage's office, and Danzo's assimilated body and Sarutobi Hiruzen took out Zetsu's letter.

"A remnant of Uchiha? This is not easy to handle!"

After reading it, Yan and Koharu felt that this matter was difficult, not only because of the unknown Kaleidoscope, but also because two of the three new generation geniuses in the village were Uchiha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "I don't know who sent this letter, but I have determined that Hancock, the mysterious witch who is rumored to be a god in the ninja world, is an accomplice of the remnants of Uchiha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked a little unhappy, as did the two Hokage advisors. Many members of their family died at the hands of Kakuzu because they helped Hancock. Now it seems that this may have been set up by the remnants of Uchiha. Bureau.

Zetsu added two portraits to the letter. They were portraits of Hancock and Tomie Kawakami. Obito drew them and blamed Zetsu. Without the portraits, how could the higher-ups in Konoha check them.

Danzo's assimilated body said: "This is a plan to kill with a borrowed knife, but this is a conspiracy. We can't refuse it. Now it seems that there are a lot of hidden characters in the ninja world."

Koharu went to bed and said: "Yes! This is a conspiracy, but we can't refuse it. In my opinion, I will send Kakashi to capture Hancock, so as to force out the remaining Uchiha, and kill him on the spot when the time comes. .”

Not to mention Danzo's assimilated body, the other two looked at Koharu who was sleeping like a fool. This guy didn't understand Hancock's information!

The people around her were like lunatics, trying to protect her even if they didn't care about their own lives. Although Kakashi was strong, she was protected by dozens of jounin. Kakashi couldn't catch her if she wanted to escape. , not to mention that the other party rarely shows his strength, and I wonder if he is a hidden strongman.

The Six-Tailed Jinchuuriki Yugao was confused just a few days ago, and Konoha hasn't received the information yet.

"Isn't there someone who wants to borrow our knife to kill people? We did the opposite and put this information in a relatively conspicuous position, letting the people in the dark deal with Hancock on their own, and we also used our knife to kill people."

Mito Kadoen thought for a while and said, Danzo's assimilated body felt that these two high-level leaders were useless, but it didn't matter if he had such pig teammates, he was here to hold them back anyway, and it would be easier to trick these two people.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also speechless to the extreme. As for this information, the other party didn't need Konoha to know it. The demon Hancock was very famous, and he could know it just by looking up it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "In fact, Uchiha Itachi can help with this matter. In fact, he is more anxious than us. Why is Itachi's brother the only one who can live when other Uchiha are dead?"

Good guy, Black Zetsu wanted to take advantage of Itachi, and so did the top management of Konoha, but he deserved it, this was the path he chose.

Mito Katoyan nodded and said yes, use kaleidoscope to deal with kaleidoscope. Those disobedient Uchiha will gain no matter which one dies.

Although Uchiha Itachi sent out information, he didn't say who the leader of Akatsuki was, nor did he say where Akatsuki's headquarters was. This guy couldn't be completely trusted.

Koharu turned to bed and said, "What about Tomie Uchiha and Sasuke Uchiha! If the remnants of Uchiha secretly contact them, it will be very bad for us and not good for Konoha."

This is a bit difficult to deal with. These two are geniuses, especially Tomie. With the talent he shows, it is inevitable to surpass Itachi and Shisui.

If he knew the truth about the Uchiha genocide, such a genius would become a disaster.

At this time, it's time for Danzo's assimilated body to perform. I don't mind defecting to Konoha, but now is not the time.

"I have Shisui's Sharingan in my hand, and I will use that technique to modify Uchiha Tomie's will." Danzo's assimilated body lied without a red face and a heartbeat.

Sarutobi and Hiruzen stared at Danzo. Sure enough, Shisui's kaleidoscope is in your hand. No, why is there only one.

"Hmph! That kind of pupil technique is too terrifying. Although Shisui is loyal to Konoha, who can guarantee that he will always be loyal to Konoha? What if he suddenly sides with Uchiha and uses that technique against us."

Danzo's assimilation body said indifferently, this is indeed Danzo's own idea, and the assimilation body just repeated it. To be honest, no one would not be afraid of other gods.

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and said, "Why is there only one Sharingan and another!"

The two advisors were also very concerned about it. Shisui Sharingan was used well and was of great help to Konoha.

Danzo's assimilated body said: "I only got one, and the other one is probably on Uchiha Itachi. After all, Shisui only trusts Itachi among Uchiha."

Sarutobi and the other three felt that this was a possibility. Of course, there was another possibility. Danzo was lying to them, and the other one was actually in his hands.

"In this case, let's maximize the role of Shisui's eyes and directly modify the will of Uchiha Tomie, Uchiha Sasuke, and Uzumaki Naruto to make them loyal to Konoha."

Mito Kadoyan was decisive, preparing to catch all the new generation geniuses in one fell swoop. At the same time, he was also consuming the Shisui Mangekyou's eye power, fearing that one day he would be controlled by it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Koharu's eyes lit up. There was really no need to be afraid. The three geniuses would all become loyal to Konoha.

Danzo's assimilated body shook his head and said: "Naruto has nine tails, and other gods may not be able to control him. It is too difficult to permanently modify a person's will. Not even a kaleidoscope can do it. To be precise, only Shisui's kaleidoscope can." If you do it, nothing else will work. Even so, if you use it on three people at the same time, the effect will be greatly reduced, so I recommend using it on Tomie, who is the most talented."

Sarutobi Hiruzen would not doubt Danzo's assimilated body. In his eyes, Danzo was more ruthless than anyone else. If he had the chance, he would not let Naruto and Sasuke go, so he would have to do it.

Thinking of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen said: "That's not bad. With Tomie's qualifications, he will definitely open the Mangekyō Sharingan in the future. The Mangekyō can control the Nine-Tails, so there is no need to worry about the Nine-Tails going berserk in the future."

The three Sarutobi didn't let Danzo's assimilated body hand over the Shisui Mangekyo. In the past, Sarutobi Hiruzen was able to suppress Danzo as Hokage, but now it's the other way around. Danzo was Hokage and was stronger than Sarutobi Hiruzen. Sarutobi Hiruzen can't do anything about Danzo's assimilated body now, unless it's really a fight to the death.

Chapter 89 Two Magatama? Progress or regression?

Danzo's assimilated body and Sarutobi discussed for a long time, but in the end there was still no good way to catch the person who sent the message.

During this discussion, the assimilated body finally understood how useless Mito Kado and Koharu were. Apart from being loyal to Konoha, they were not sincere, not even powerful.

Fortunately, Sarutobi Hiruzen, his strength is not bad, at least his power is among the top ranks among the shadows in the ninja world, and even without the ghoul seal, he is still among the top ranks.

He also proposed another method of using other gods to directly control Hancock, so that they can get information about the remaining Uchiha.

In the end, it was rejected. In their opinion, the strength of Hancock's split body was as strong as the Kage, but the potential shown by Uchiha Tomie was too great.

Also, Hancock might just be a pawn pushed by the remnants of the Uchiha, and it's not worth wasting the opportunity for other gods to use him.

Not long after the F4 meeting ended, Obito approached Itachi.

"Itachi, the opportunity has come. It's up to you whether you can seize it or not. Hancock is in the country of Taki. You decide whether to go or not." Obito was anxious to death, but his tone was calm. He had already Not that Kenji anymore.

Itachi Uchiha sneered, "Madara, it's not difficult to deal with those people with your strength! Or maybe your strength has declined to the point where you can't deal with a few minions. In other words, hum!"

Itachi Uchiha was questioning Obito's identity. The ordinary kaleidoscope was very powerful. He had a deep understanding of this power, and the eternal kaleidoscope must be superior to the ordinary kaleidoscope. This person should not be Madara.

Even if Madara only has one eye left, he can't have this kind of power.

Of course, it's also possible that Madara lost too much strength in order to survive.

Uchiha Obito snorted coldly, "Believe it or not, the Raikage has already been dispatched. With the Raikage's action, he can definitely force out the Uchiha behind Hancock. If you miss the opportunity, you can think of a way in the future. Anyway, I won't urgent."

After Obito said that, he activated his Kamui and left. Kamui could still be used, and could even be used in combat. The Kamui space was so large, even if the group of people entered, he would be fine as long as he avoided them.

Black Zetsu moved very quickly. After he knew that Hancock could use the Thunder Escape Chakra Mode, he sent a letter to Raikage. Is this a secret technique of the Hidden Cloud Village or a secret technique of the Raikage lineage? Black Zetsu was sure that Raikage could not Sit back and do nothing.

According to Black Zetsu and Obito's plan, Uchiha Itachi and Raikage are their pawns to test each other's strength.

And they are behind. If the Kaleidoscope doesn't appear when the time comes, they will kidnap Hancock to get more information. If it appears, they will kill the Kaleidoscope Uchiha (Kawakami Tomie's split body).

Because this is an Uchiha matter, it is not easy to use Akatsuki's power, which may expose Obito's identity, otherwise Obito and Zetsu will know that Scorpion has a relationship with Kawakami Tomie's split body.

But there is no use knowing it. Now what Obito and Zetsu are planning are already known to the various split bodies.

"Yes! You are alone and have space pupil skills, and I have no choice."

Uchiha Itachi sighed and prepared to leave.

When the Akatsuki organization has no mission, Pain will not care where the members are. Not everyone will stay in the Rain Ninja Village. The weather in this country is very bad.

Except for Nagato and Konan, few others stayed in the Rain Ninja Village, so it was difficult to meet Akatsuki's people together, and they happened to meet Zabuza's assimilated body and Aizen's split body when they joined.

"Are these other gods going to use it on Sasuke and Uchiha Tomie? Or use it on the Uchiha who turned on the kaleidoscope. Forget it, let's act according to the situation!"

Itachi hasn't made up his mind yet, because the cooldown time after being used once by the other gods is very long.

In Hidden Cloud Village, Raikage has indeed taken action. There has been no fighting for so long, and his body is getting moldy just sitting in the village. It might as well go out on his own this time.

Ai is very confident in his own power. In his heart, with the death of Minato Namikaze, his only opponent, he is almost the number one in the ninja world. He is not afraid of anyone one on one.

Ai casually took a few Jonin with him and set off. He didn't bring Darui or Jinchuuriki. In his opinion, any witch girl was just a coquettish bitch. In the ninja world, strength speaks for itself after all.

Hancock's split body from Taki Country sneered. He didn't go to trouble Uchiha Itachi, but Uchiha Itachi actually came to trouble her.

Now she can channel the six reincarnated bodies of Asuma, White Fang, Fugaku, Kakuzu, Senju Tobirama, and the Third Kazekage at any time.

It's just Uchiha Itachi, even if he adds a dried persimmon Kisame, he can still be completely beaten.

"You can let Kawakami Tomie reincarnate Uchiha Shisui into the dirty earth. If Itachi comes over, let Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Fugaku beat him together. Maybe his little girlfriend Uchiha Izumi can also be reincarnated into the dirty earth. "

Hancock's split body decisively contacted Kawakami Tomie's split body and Danzo's assimilated body. These split bodies all share the same virtue and like to kill with soft knives.

Konoha's Danzo assimilated body frowned slightly. It was not good to specifically look for Uchiha Izumi's bones at this juncture. Anbu could not be sent, and neither could the roots.

After thinking about it, Danzo's assimilated body could only use the shadow clone. Only in this way could he hide it from everyone quietly. Moreover, he stole everything, including Uchiha Mikoto's bones.

In the Oto Ninja Village, Tomie Kawakami, who absorbed natural energy, opened her eyes. Her eyes were actually two magatama.

This is not that she is getting weaker, on the contrary, she is getting stronger. The Second Magatama Sharingan is now her normal eye. Sooner or later, the Eternal Kaleidoscope will become her normal eye.

You must know that the Otsutsuki clan has always had white eyes, such as the reincarnation eye, and there is no way to change back to normal eyes. For Otsutsuki, this is their normal state.

A certain Daluo has a saying that one certificate will last forever, and the same goes for blood successors in the ninja world. The most perfect state is the Byakugan and Samsara Eye that open forever like Otsutsuki.

Tomie Kawakami continuously absorbs natural energy to strengthen himself, activates the recessive genes in his body, and activates the part of the immortal human body.

After all, the Uchiha clan is also the bloodline of the Six Paths Sage. Although they inherit the eyes of the Sage instead of the body of the Sage, this does not mean that they do not have this part of the gene in their bodies.

At this time, the gene chain of Kawakami Tomie's split body completely surpassed Indra, began to move closer to the ancestor's bloodline, and even began to mutate.

One day, she will not only surpass Kaguya Otsutsuki as the ancestor in strength, but also in blood, because she is Tomie and contains infinite possibilities.

"Natural energy is indeed magical. People in the ninja world have nothing to do with Otsutsuki's bloodline. If you practice chakra until you die, you will only be at the level of the shadow. Except for the momentary brilliance of the Eight Gate Dungeon, it is impossible for others to reach Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju. At that level, cultivating natural energy is the right path.”

Tomie Kawakami finally understood why the three holy places did not cultivate successors vigorously. This was because the natural energy of the ninja world had an upper limit. If too many people absorbed it, the speed of cultivation would slow down.

The great immortals of the three holy places slowly cultivate natural energy. After five or ten thousand years, it is certain that they will be comparable to the Six Paths. Although it will be slower, it will be sure.

The three great immortals do not trust external energy such as chakra. For them, cultivating natural energy is the right way.

Chapter 90 Shisui’s transformation

"Then, let's get rid of the earth reincarnation Uchiha Shisui first! I originally wanted to slow down for a while and wait for me to completely perfect the natural energy cultivation method, but I didn't expect you, Uchiha Itachi, to be so jumpy."

Kawakami Tomie's split body has created a natural energy cultivation method, but that method is only suitable for the original body and the split body, not for the assimilated body, let alone other people.

However, under the current situation, the three undercover agents in the Akatsuki organization are not suitable for practicing the natural energy strengthening method, otherwise they will be exposed. They can only use natural energy to synthesize sage chakra to enter the sage mode.

But it doesn't matter, since they have enough power now, they just play.

"Catch a chuunin, forget it, let's capture a genin! After all, in the original work, Orochimaru used the chunin to resurrect Senju Tobirama. He is still too strong and can kill ordinary jounin instantly."

Tomie Kawakami's split body activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and quickly captured a genin from the bandits' den. Hancock's split body left the mark of the Flying Thunder God in many places in the ninja world.

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