Hancock's split body was the most promiscuous. She had been to all the five major countries, as well as many small countries. She remembered hundreds of Flying Thunder God Seals that she left behind.

"Ninja Technique: The Technique of Reincarnation in the Dirty Land."

Along with the split body seal, dust quickly covered the bandit genin.

"Psychic art!"

The split body channeled Uchiha Fugaku and awakened his consciousness. In fact, he thought Uchiha Fugaku was also weird.

Someone once complained about Fugaku. In terms of disappointment, Fugaku never disappoints.

He was neither a radical nor a dove. In the end, he died in vain at the hands of Itachi Uchiha.

"What will Uchiha Itachi do! He has a Sharingan of another god. Will he reverse Uchiha Shisui's will or Uchiha Fugaku's will?"

The split body, who was not too dissatisfied with the excitement, speculated that Uchiha Shisui would soon return from the Pure Land, and Uchiha Fugaku also regained consciousness.

"Welcome both of you back from the Pure Land."

Kawakami Tomie's split body didn't say much. She knew that the two of them had a lot of doubts.

Shisui looked at Fugaku, his face was ugly. Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, was actually dead. What was the situation in Konoha now, and what was the situation in Uchiha.

These two people know the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth, but they are not qualified to learn it.

"The Sharingan that cannot be closed. It seems that you are not an Uchiha. After the Uchiha genocide, the Sharingan has indeed become more popular. You are definitely not asking us to chat with you when you use forbidden techniques to resurrect us. I can sense my own Power, this power is approaching my peak."

"Let me guess, you want us to deal with Konoha or Itachi."

Uchiha Fugaku was the first to speak. Kawakami Tomie's split body had to admit that Fugaku still had two brushes, but why was there a hint of anger in Fugaku's tone? Was it directed at himself?


Shisui's head was buzzing, like a bolt from the blue. The Uchiha clan had been exterminated. Has things reached the worst point?

But, why is this, why did Uchiha reach the point of annihilation? Konoha was founded by Uchiha and Senju.

"It's Itachi! You entrusted the future of Uchiha to him. However, about a year after your death, this guy agreed with the opinions of the top management of Konoha and set out to destroy Uchiha, and the top management of Konoha would spare the life of his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke. , with the help of Genbu and Uchiha Obito pretending to be Uchiha Madara, Uchiha has no chance of surviving. Now the Uchiha who are still alive in the ninja world can count them on one hand. Hehe! Just five! "

Kawakami Tomie's split body said. He did not answer Fugaku's words. Instead, he said such words. He guessed what Shisui was thinking.

In his opinion, Shisui was so naive that he actually entrusted everything to Itachi. Even if he only had a kaleidoscope, as long as he recovered from his injuries, he would still be a strong man who could rival Kage, but he committed suicide. It seemed that he The heart is not strong enough.

At this time, Shisui was in so much pain that he didn't even want to understand why the split body summoned him, nor did he even want to understand the familiar name Obito.

Shisui chose to commit suicide because he was tired, but now his heart is even more tired.

He felt tired because he was not as cold-blooded as Itachi Uchiha. He had never had the idea of ​​destroying Uchiha. What he pursued was the coexistence of his family and the village, so now he was even more confused.

Fugaku was shocked, Uchiha Obito, didn't he die in the Ninja War?

Because Tomie Kawakami's split body was talking to Shisui and didn't want anyone to interrupt, Fugaku couldn't speak.

"Clan leader, is what he said true?"

Shisui's voice was tired, and he wanted to hear a different voice.

Kawakami Tomie's split body slightly released his control, and Fugaku said: "What he said is true, but I'm also very surprised. It stands to reason that the only Uchiha in the ninja world now are Itachi, Sasuke and Obito as he mentioned. The others There is no way the higher-ups in Konoha would let them survive."

Shisui's heart was completely cold at this moment. In other words, Konoha and Konoha's top management did not spare the young, old and even babies. Is this really necessary?

Anger filled Shisui's chest, why, why did the Third Generation not even let the baby go, not just all the babies, but a few babies, and refused to give Uchiha a way to survive?

So, has the Third Hokage been lying to himself? He never thought of letting Uchiha go from the beginning. He and Itachi were actually just pawns.

Unconsciously, Shisui's mentality changed.

Although it was Tomie Kawakami's split body that secretly amplified some of his desires, it was true that Shisui no longer trusted Hiruzen Sarutobi, and the split body only accelerated this process.

Shisui didn't even want to ask how Konoha was doing. Originally, he and Itachi were worried about Uchiha's rebellion. If Uchiha and Konoha's top officials fought, no matter who lost or won, Konoha would be severely damaged, which might start the fourth Ninja War. world war.

Now that Itachi has rebelled, Uchiha has been easily dealt with, and the other ninja villages can at most make some small moves, and Konoha will be fine.

Even though Shisui was extremely loyal to Konoha's higher-ups, he had been deceived time and time again, and now that the Uchiha were almost exterminated, he could no longer deceive himself and others.

"You've finished asking! Then it's my turn. Uchiha Itachi will be looking for a friend of mine in the next few days and wants to get information about me from her. Go help her deal with Itachi!"

"If you want to ask anything, just ask it then! After all, I am not a devil. Of course, if you want to kill Itachi, you can't. You can only wound him. I still have use for his life."

Kawakami Tomie's split body saw that Shisui didn't speak, so she opened her mouth. She believed that Shisui had many things to ask Itachi.

Hearing Itachi, Shisui's eyes regained some sparkle, "So, your purpose of resurrecting us is to deal with Itachi! Then why does Itachi want to deal with you."

Regarding Uchiha Itachi, Shisui is now very entangled. On the one hand, he hates Itachi a little, why he chose such an extreme method.

On the one hand, he was also very selfish. If he had not committed suicide, the burden would not have been entirely on Itachi, and things would not have turned out like this. He was very conflicted in his heart.

"Me! I'm an Uchiha too!"

The Eternal Kaleidoscope appeared, and the powerful pupil power overflowed from the pupils of Kawakami Tomie's split body, which surprised Shisui and Fugaku.

This pupil power is far superior to them. This is an eternal kaleidoscope, or a highly developed eternal kaleidoscope. How is this possible?

They all know what masters there are in Uchiha. It's not that they can't accept someone turning on the Mangekyō Sharingan, but the Eternal Mangekyō is different.

Among the hundreds of years of Uchiha records, only Uchiha Madara has the Eternal Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 91 Remarks on the launch

If nothing else, it will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow.

Three updates tomorrow at noon! As for future updates, I can only say that I update 4,000 a day on weekdays. If there is a holiday, I will try to add more updates. Occasionally, I will update 1,000 a day. The future results will be okay.

Even if my grades are not very good, I will finish writing the book seriously.

This is the second time I have written a review for the release of Pulting Lieyan. It is unlikely to be a poor seller. I hope that book friends who like it will support it.

Chapter 92 Explain

It will be released at 12 noon today, so today’s update will be a little later.

Last night, when it was released, I mentioned that it would be updated at noon tomorrow. Some book friends thought it was released at noon yesterday.

Not much more to say, code words.

Chapter 93 The truth about Fugaku’s suicide

"This is a genuine eternal kaleidoscope. As for the secret, you just need to know that I am also an Uchiha, and I will avenge Uchiha."

Kawakami Tomie split his body and said, we still don’t know what these two people are thinking, so we can’t let them know too much.

Shisui and Fugaku's doubts not only did not decrease, but actually grew.

Is this guy really an Uchiha? She was so beautiful. If she were an Uchiha, she would have attracted much attention at first. It was impossible for them not to recognize her. Or maybe it was a transformation technique and this was not her true appearance.

"By the way, Chief Fugaku, you clearly have the Mangekyo Sharingan, why did you choose to die at the hands of Uchiha Itachi in the end? You, the owner of the Mangekyo, are too cowardly!"

Tomie Kawakami's split body asked again, whoever turns on the kaleidoscope is not awesome.

And Uchiha Fugaku is by no means a kind person. You must know that the nickname Fugaku got during the Third Ninja War was Evil Eyes!

In the Third Ninja War, only Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui got the title. In this world, there are only wrong names, and there are absolutely no wrong nicknames.

"Although I don't know what secrets you hide, but to possess this level of Sharingan, you must be an Uchiha. Could it be that it has been a long time since the Uchiha genocide was exterminated, and you are a descendant of Sasuke? If not, then you are a ninja The Uchiha who survived in the world, the Uchiha who were not in Konoha from the beginning?"

"But how do you know that I have a kaleidoscope? Forget it, it doesn't matter. From now on, Uchiha can only rely on you. Uchiha can only rely on you to avenge his revenge. Also, I hope you can help Sasuke. You want to know I’ll tell you everything.”

Fugaku's words shocked Shisui. He didn't expect that the clan leader actually had a kaleidoscope. If the two of them worked together, the Uchiha clan would not be wiped out no matter what.

"Where to start!"

Uchiha Fugaku's eyes were filled with anger and memories.

After a while, Fugaku said: "Let's talk about the Mangekyo Sharingan! I witnessed the death of my friend in the Third Ninja War and opened the Mangekyo Sharingan. I know that the top management of Konoha is extremely afraid of Uchiha, so I This information was withheld.”

Shisui didn't expect Fugaku to turn on the kaleidoscope so early and really be able to hide it.

"Although I didn't expose the kaleidoscope, I trust the power of the kaleidoscope too much, otherwise the Uchiha would not have fallen to the point of annihilation."

Uchiha Fugaku smiled bitterly as he talked about his Kaleidoscope Eye Technique.

The kaleidoscope pupil technique in his left eye is Amaterasu, which releases eternal black flames. This ability is the most common ability of kaleidoscope owners in Uchiha records.

The pupil technique in his right eye is a word that can predict the future. To be precise, it is using the power of the kaleidoscope to deduce certain possibilities of future development.

Because it is a kaleidoscope, it will cause blindness if used too much, so Fugaku cannot use this technique all the time, otherwise the Uchiha will not be able to exterminate the clan.

"I still don't understand. With Itachi's strength at that time, he was definitely no match for you. At least Susanoo's level of completion was not as good as yours. Plus you can deduce the future. How could the Uchiha annihilate the clan?"

Kawakami Tomie's split body is still puzzled. Looking at it now, the future deduced by Uchiha Fugaku will not be too far away. He does not believe that Uchiha Fugaku can see the Fourth Ninja War. Sasuke received a gift from the Six Paths Sage. In order not to change this In the end, he died peacefully.

Zhishui listened quietly. Only now did he understand that there were many things that he didn't know before. At this moment, Zhishui became enlightened.

Uchiha did not die at the hands of Konoha's top brass. The real reason for Uchiha's extinction was disunity. If everyone was united, not to mention three pairs of kaleidoscopes, but two pairs of kaleidoscopes would be enough to frighten Konoha's top brass.

Fugaku continued to narrate, "I have always wanted to find a solution that has both ends. I rely a little on the kaleidoscope eye technique. When I was teaching Itachi, I didn't want him to be as narrow-minded as the people in the clan. I didn't expect this to become a disaster. If I had known it, I would rather He is a bit narrow-minded, at least he cares about his family."

Uchiha Fugaku was also very tired. There was a weasel in his house.

Fugaku had been suppressing the radical faction because of Yugogami, a pupil who could deduce the future direction. How could he not think of what Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui could think of.

Once both sides lose, the other ninja villages will benefit, so he suppresses the radicals, but his performance is not like a dove.

Until Shisui died, Fugaku could only activate the One Word God Prediction again. It may be that there is still more than a year before the annihilation of the clan, or it may be that Itachi at this time has not yet completely made up his mind to annihilate the clan, or it may be that he uses the power of the kaleidoscope to deduce the future. , not really seeing the future.

Therefore, in the future deduced by Fugaku, the Uchiha are not exterminated, but the friction with the top management of Konoha is increasing.

After that, Uchiha Fugaku was useless until the night of the genocide.

Speaking of the night of genocide, Kawakami Tomie's splinter body and Shisui concentrated their energy, and Shisui was also confused as to why Fugaku didn't resist.

Speaking of the Uchiha clan being wiped out, the four Mangekyo, Obito, Shisui, Itachi, and Fugaku, would all bear the blame, and the four senior officials of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Senju Tobirama would also bear part of the blame.

Speaking of the night of the genocide, Fugaku couldn't help but scowl, "That night I sensed the death of my clan members, and I immediately realized that Konoha couldn't help but take action."

At that time, Fugaku immediately activated the One Word God and learned from the deduced future that Itachi had reached an agreement with the top management of Konoha.

Of course, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't die calmly. What a joke, he was a fierce-eyed Fugaku, and he wanted to protect Mikoto, and he would not allow Mikoto to die.

During the deduction, Fugaku and Itachi fought, and he had the upper hand. However, as soon as the masked man (Obito) appeared, he was at a disadvantage, and was finally killed by the two of them together.

Fugaku was also a ruthless man. Knowing that this would be the result, he once again activated Ichigenshin. This time he chose to lower Itachi's guard in the future, and severely injured him in a sneak attack. The masked man appeared. In the end, both sides were hurt. Itachi died together with him, and the masked man was fine. .

They all died, and Sasuke, who lost his asylum, could not escape death, and was finally assassinated by Danzo.

Uchiha Fugaku gritted his teeth and endured the discomfort to use Iggon God again.

This time, he took Mikoto and ran away without even paying attention to Sasuke. In the end, he was caught up, and he and Mikoto died under the siege of Itachi, the roots, and the ANBU.

After using One Word God three times in succession, the backlash of Kaleidoscope was huge.

However, in order to prevent the Uchiha from being really exterminated, Fugaku could only use the One Word God for the fourth time. In this deduction, he chose to die calmly and asked Itachi to protect Sasuke.

He forced himself to overdraw his own power and allowed himself to continue the deduction after his death. He wanted to see a longer future.

In the end, Fugaku only saw Kakashi becoming Sasuke's leading teacher.

Fugaku, who had lost too much eye power, no longer had the strength to die with Itachi. In addition, he and Mikoto could not escape death according to the results of several deductions. He could only try to let Sasuke live. He hoped that Sasuke could avenge Uchiha in the future and kill him. Dead Itachi, Konoha senior officials and the masked man.

So Fugaku pretended to be a good father, and just like the final deduction, he calmly died in Itachi's hands.

Kawakami Tomie's split body was in disbelief after hearing this. He didn't expect the truth to be like this.

Fugaku believed too much in the ability of Yi Yanshen, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

This is getting more and more interesting. Fugaku himself will attack Itachi with all his strength even if Tomie Kawakami's split body does nothing.

Chapter 94 Taking a day off

Take a day off

Chapter 95

"Clan leader, why don't you persuade Itachi! As long as Itachi is willing to help you, Uchiha still has a chance."

Shisui sighed, two pairs of kaleidoscopes could do a lot.

Fugaku sneered again and again, "You think I haven't tried it in the deduction. This guy is incompetent. In one deduction, I chose to leave Konoha and said I would live in seclusion. That guy didn't trust me at all and killed me together with the roots. This beast, if I had known this would happen, I would have killed him sooner."

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