【According to the later timeline, the Nine-Tailed Fox Rebellion took place in 1951.】...

July of the 50th year of Konoha.

A baby's cry was heard from the delivery room of the Hyuga clan.

"Congratulations, it's a boy."


Ning Fei hadn't expected it.

He just took a nap and traveled to the Naruto world, and became the brother-in-law who would be killed in the future, Hyuga Neji.

But since he was here, he couldn't go back. He could only accept it. The newborn baby was not in good spirits, and he couldn't think too much, so he soon fell into a deep sleep.


Two and a half years passed in the blink of an eye.

In the Hyuga clan's mansion,

Neji, who had become a cute little boy, sat on the porch outside the house, supporting his chin with one hand, watching the clan members who were practicing.

It has been more than two years since he traveled here.

Although he has not awakened any system,

Neji is not so worried about his future.

Because in this life, he has a terrifying comprehension. No matter what it is, he can learn it at a glance.

And he can draw inferences from one example and bring forth something new.

For example, the basic soft fist method of the Hyuga clan.

Even though no one has taught him, just by watching for a while, he has practiced it thousands of times in his mind and has mastered it. It is still unknown how it will work, but it should not be too bad.

""Want to learn?"

The man, wearing a gray kimono and with long black hair combed back, had a calm expression but showed a hint of kindness towards Neji.

"Think about it, can my father teach me?"

Ningji raised his head.

"Of course, if you want to learn, I will teach you."

Hinata Hizashi said with a smile, and reached out to touch Neji's hair.

"Follow me."

As he spoke, Hyuga Hizashi walked into the courtyard.

Neji also jumped to the ground and followed him.

"Gentle Fist is a superb boxing technique that uses the Byakugan as its foundation and then injects chakra into the enemy's body to cause damage."

"But you can't open your Byakugan yet, and you don't have chakra, so just follow me and practice some moves to get some exercise."


Neji nodded in response.

The next period of time was one teaching and the other learning.

Even though he had an incomprehension that defied the heavens,

Neji did not reveal his cards right away and explained everything.

As the saying goes, one step ahead is a genius, two steps ahead is a devil.

But five, ten, or even a hundred steps ahead is not acceptable to ordinary people and will be envied.

So even if you want to show your talent, you have to do it step by step and not too aggressively.

The facts prove this to be the case.

Neji hasn't used even one tenth of his true ability, but because his comprehension is so strong, no matter how he hides his shortcomings, he is better than ordinary people.

After two times, he practiced the soft fist method in a very good manner, comparable to the clan members who have practiced for several years.

This kind of performance also made Hyuga Hizashi ecstatic, his hands and feet trembling, and he wanted to spread the word that his son was a genius, so that everyone It would be better if all the clan members knew about it. It's just a little bit of talent.

If I use my full strength, this cheap old man will be fooled.

Neci shook his head.

He was more satisfied with his behavior.

There was nothing to do for the next period of time.

Neci practiced the soft fist step by step, but only showed a level slightly better than that of an ordinary genius.

But even so.

After half a month, he practiced the soft fist to perfection, and used this as an excuse to successfully get the chakra refining method from Hyuga Hizashi.


Performance is just for others to see.

Gaining more benefits is Neci's goal.

Not to mention the importance of improving strength.

You know.

Everyone in the Hyuga branch family will be engraved with the caged bird curse at the age of three, and Neci is not far from this.

He must be on guard.

"Ningci, refining chakra will increase the burden on your body. You just need to watch it now. Don't practice it easily, okay?"

"Okay, I understand."

After listening to Hinata Hizashi's instructions, Neji took the scroll back to his room.

Sitting on the tatami, he spread out all the scrolls.

In just a short while, Neji understood the method of refining chakra and its operating mechanism.

To put it bluntly, it's just like exercising.

How to explain it specifically.

You know, chakra is different from the internal force in the martial arts world. It cannot be preserved, but is something that can be used at any time.

Use a little and refine a little.

In daily practice, you squeeze cells again and again, improve the body's adaptability, and expand the extraction speed and flow of chakra.

That is to say.

Chakra refining method does have a lot of waste.

Because whether you use it or not, the extracted chakra cannot be stored and will slowly dissipate over time.

Doesn't this cause waste?

The reason why the Yin Seal developed by Tsunade is so powerful is because she discovered and solved this problem and made use of the wasted chakra.

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