Thinking of this,

Neci, who possessed an extraordinary comprehension, had countless ideas in his mind.

However, because he knew too little and knew nothing about sealing techniques, even if he wanted to imitate Tsunade, he couldn't do it now.

But even so, he had some other ideas.

For example, store the refined chakra in the acupuncture points and meridians first.

Although the capacity is not high, because it is not a seal, it will be easier to do.

Of course, this is just a preliminary idea. If you want to really do it, you have to wait for Neci to refine the chakra.

As for acupuncture points and meridians, it is not a problem.

Because just before, when Neci was learning soft fist with Hinata Hizashi, he also looked at the acupuncture point meridian map, so there is no cognitive barrier.

Close your eyes.

Mobilize your mental power and slowly feel the energy contained in the cells of your body.

Then extract them and combine them with mental power...


A small blue flame appeared in the Dantian of Neji.

This is chakra.

With strong talent and understanding, he successfully condensed chakra even if it was just the first time he tried to refine it.

And the amount is not small.


As the refining stopped, in Neji's perception, the chakra in his Dantian was slowly dissipating.

Although the speed was not fast.

But it was only a few minutes, and the first chakra that had just been extracted was gone. It was indeed a great waste.

What is refining again?

Just like other ninjas, practice the extraction speed of chakra and increase the upper limit of the body's adaptation?

Neji did not do that.

Because in his opinion, constantly squeezing the energy of cells is definitely a behavior of forcing growth and damaging the foundation.

It's not that you can't do it.

The key is not to overdo it.

Especially for a child like him who is not fully developed, appropriate practice is enough. Excessive extraction of chakra will definitely affect development.

It's a simple logic.

The body cells are always in a state of deficit and lack of energy, so how can they grow tall and strong.

Therefore, before developing a method to store chakra, it is more important to solve the problem of body cell loss.

How to solve it?

Ordinary people, of course, solve this problem by eating and resting.

But this method is undoubtedly very slow and cannot meet the expectations of Neji.

"Ningci, come out to eat."

""Here we go!"

Before they knew it, it was already night.

The problem had not been solved yet, but Neji was not in a hurry. He had already come up with some ideas, so he packed up and left the room.

""Father, I want to see the family collection of books."

Sitting at the dining table, while eating, Neji said.

On the other side of the table sat Hizashi Hinata. As for Neji's mother, she died not long after giving birth to him.

"Is there any reason?"

"Nothing else, I just want to learn more and understand the history of this world and our Hyuga clan."

"Well, I'll take you there tomorrow."

People in the Naruto world are relatively precocious, and children also grow up early, so Hinata Hizashi was not surprised at all, and nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, father"

"Let's eat first and rest early today."


After finishing the meal, he felt his body was full of energy.

He returned to his room and refined his chakra a little bit, then Neji went to bed to rest.

The next day, he practiced soft fist several times in the yard.

After getting the approval of Hizashi Hizashi, he took Neji to the Hyuga clan's library.

"Big Brother"

"It's Hizashi."

During this period, Hizashi had not yet lamented the injustice of fate, and his relationship with Hizashi was pretty good.

Hizashi was also very kind, and after smiling and responding, he reached out and touched Neji's head.

"I've heard that Ningci is very talented. You should train him well."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Well, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"Ningci wanted to look at the books here to broaden his horizons."

"That's good. Then you can take him in. Come to my place in the evening and let Neji and Hinata meet."

"Okay, we'll go there."


After saying goodbye to Hyuga Hiashi,

Hyuga Hizashi took Neji into the library. After all, the Hyuga clan was a thousand-year-old clan.

The Hyuga collection was rich.

In the spacious room, there were rows of wooden shelves, and the shelves were filled with various scrolls.

"These are all rubbings, so there is no need to worry about damage. There are classifications and catalogs of the scrolls over there, so you can pick out what you want to see."

""Okay, thank you, father."

After saying thank you,

Neji went over by himself. This was his first time here, so he didn't choose any scrolls that were too specific, but some things related to humanities and history.

He came to a desk by the window with a few scrolls in his arms, and sat down to read them slowly.

Most of the day passed like this.

At dusk,

Neji put the scrolls back and followed Hyuga Hizashi to the clan leader's house.

""Oh, Onii-chan~"

Hinata, who is one and a half years younger than Neji and only one year old now, is also very small. The trouser legs she holds on to her father are not even as high as her knees.

With half of her head exposed from behind, she greeted Neji very shyly.

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