"Take a break first, don't rush."


"By the way, don't kill all the ninjas from Kusagakure. Just stay here and make Kusagakurekureku the base of our Hyuga clan. You can use those ninjas at will."


The Hyuga ninja bowed and accepted the order.

"Have you found the members of the Dragon Family? And the Uzumaki mother and daughter I mentioned."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Neji asked again without raising his head.

"Already found"

"Then bring them here."

"Yes, I will go right away."

After the Hyuga ninja turned and left,

Neji did nothing else but browsed through all the scrolls here.

Although the Kusagakure Village is not big and there are only a few hundred ninjas, they still have a lot of good stuff.

Ninja Taijutsu, Fire Release Ninjutsu, and Confinement Jutsu are all unique and not inferior to those of the big ninja villages.

Especially this Confinement Jutsu.

It can be said to be the best in the ninja world and is innovative.

Of course, these things are now Neji's.

Just when he was reading with relish, the Hyuga ninja also brought people over.

""The head of the Dragon Family, Long Qiao, is honored to meet this gentleman."

An old man who was over fifty years old and not very strong came forward to greet him.

Even though Neji was young, he did not dare to be rude when the Hyuga clan had already occupied the Kusagakure Village.

At this time, a mother and daughter came out from behind, both with blood-red hair.

"big...grown ups"

"May I have your name?"

""Your Excellency, my name is Uzumaki Suzumi, and this is my daughter Uzumaki Karin."

The woman answered timidly, too nervous to raise her head.

Little Karin hugged her mother's legs, and was much bolder, staring at Neci the whole time.

Neci nodded and said,"From now on, the two of you will work in the hospital of Kusagakure Village."

"Sir, please don't do that. My daughter is too young. If you want to use her, just use me!"

Uzumaki Suzumi was startled and knelt down directly.

"Shut up."

After scolding him, Neji said,"I asked you to go to the hospital to learn medical ninjutsu without using your body for treatment. If you can't even do this, then you two are......"

"I can do it, thank you for your kindness!"

What else could Uzumaki Suzumi say but to kowtow to Neji.

"Well, go down."

Neji waved his hand and sent the two mother and daughter away.

Uzumaki Suzumi was still grateful.

And her daughter Uzumaki Karin kept looking back at Neji, as if she wanted to engrave his appearance in her heart.

The two people of the Uzumaki clan are indeed precious and valuable.

Not to mention that their physique can seal the tailed beasts, which is worth studying.

And those sealing secrets, such as the Diamond Seal, Kagura's Heart Eye, etc., are also a considerable fortune.

So Neji doesn't mind spending some time on them and taking care of them.

"Dragon Chief"


"From now on, Kusagakure Village will be under the jurisdiction of our Hyuga clan. As long as you cooperate well, your Dragon clan will be able to become the most powerful clan in Kusagakure Village. What do you think?"

"It's up to you, sir. We will cooperate with you."

Long Qiao said very sensibly.

Because the strength of the Dragon Family is not strong.

Although they also have bloodline limits and secret techniques, they are not for combat. In addition, there are only a few dozen people. If they go against the Hyuga Clan, they will definitely die without a complete corpse.

"Very good, then go back and prepare. By the way, send someone from your family who has bloodline and knows secret techniques. I want to study it."


Long Qiao did not dare to refuse.

Even if this clan member had to sacrifice, for the continuation of the family and for the sake of more people, he could only agree.

Of course.

Ningci was not some terrifying demon king.

He really just wanted to study the bloodline and secret techniques of the Dragon Family, and did not intend to kill them, but just did not want to explain.

Now he is at the mercy of others.

If you have the strength, you can do whatever you want, so why should he say so much nonsense.

After Long Qiao left.

Soon, a young man named Long Ye was sent over.

And Ningci also settled down in the Kusagakure Village. While handling the affairs here, he was also researching and developing various things.

As for Konoha.

He hasn't gone to school yet, and he is young and has no experience. With the feeling, plus a clay clone was left to deal with it, it would not attract any attention.

A few months passed in a daze.

The Kusagakure Village had long been settled and became the property of the Hyuga branch.

And in the case of Kizuna Castle, Neji led his men to attack and control it.

Because the confidentiality measures were well done, the news did not spread, and the Hyuga clan was doing things in secret.

On the surface, the people of the Kusagakure Village were still allowed to act.

So this matter was also concealed, at least it was not made public on a large scale.

What kind of rumors were spread, as long as the Hyuga clan did not admit it, what could others do to them.

Let's talk about Neji.

With the many secret techniques of the Kusagakure Village as a fulcrum, he also developed many things.

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