Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the 56th year of Konoha.

And during this year, Hyuga suffered a lot of losses.

Because of going out on missions, dozens of branch family members"died" intermittently.

Of course.

This was announced to the outside world to cover up.

In fact, these clan members did not die, but were sent to a place by Neji.

The southwest of the Land of Fire. It is adjacent to the Land of Waterfall above, the Land of Rain below, the Land of Earth on the left, and the Land of Fire on the right.

It is definitely a place in the cracks.

However, the Land of Grass has what Neji wants.

"Sir, everything is ready."

"Let’s get started"


At Ningci's wave, more than 30 Hyuga ninjas dispersed instantly, taking advantage of the cover of the dark night, and moved towards the nearby Kusagakure Village.

Soon, exclamations, screams, and sounds of fighting were heard from the Kusagakure Village.

As for Ningci, he also slowly walked towards the Kusagakure Village.

He was six years old.

But because of the food supplement method, his body was always in a state of full energy, so Ningci also developed very well.

Not only was he strong, but he was also much taller than his peers, and he looked like he was only ten years old.

When he came to the Kusagakure Village, the sounds of fighting and screaming became more and more obvious.

"Damn Konoha ninja, are you invading? Do you want to cause a war between the two countries?"

The Hyuga clan's white eyes were too obvious, and he was quickly recognized.

But the answer to this ninja was a soft fist from the Hyuga ninja, which directly blasted him away and knocked down a wall.

Buried under the ruins, it is estimated that he will not survive.

""Damn brat, go to hell!"

A Kusanagi also rushed over to Neji's side.

Several Hyuga ninjas wanted to come over to fight, but were rejected by Neji with a wave of his hand.

After training for so long

, he has not experienced much actual combat, nor has he seen blood.

Now that he has the opportunity, he naturally wants to experiment with the results without the help of others.

Facing the kunai stabbed by the Kusanagi

, Neji did not retreat but advanced. With just one step, he dodged the sharp kunai and hit the opponent's stomach with a soft fist.


The Kusanagi's eyes widened, and he didn't even scream. He just fell straight to the ground, and blood was flowing from his seven orifices.

This is Soft Fist·Shock.

It's just like hitting a bull from behind a mountain. No matter how high the opponent's surface defense is, one move can instantly shatter the opponent's internal organs and kill him invisibly.

The internal organs are rotten, so naturally he can't scream. A Grass Ninja attacked from behind. But as soon as the tip of his knife touched Neci's back, it triggered the chakra in Neci's body. Under the twisting force of Tai Chi attributes, a special force field was formed, which directly made the opponent's knife pass by. Neci was not hurt at all. He was twisted sideways by this force and fell heavily to the ground again.


The grass cried out in pain, probably breaking two bones.

This is the Eighteen Falls.

Although the Tai Chi force field developed by Ningci is not as powerful as the Yin-Yang escape technique, it is not something that ordinary people can break.

At least these Chunins are not up to the level.


Ningci pushed out with one palm, and the powerful chakra burst out, which not only broke the long sword of the Kusagakure ninja into pieces, but also blew up the people behind him.

The sky was full of blood rain.

It also made Ningci look like a bloodthirsty little devil.

The battle continued.

Taking this opportunity, Ningci also used the new soft fist moves he developed, Chonghe, Zhuanbeng, Zhenli, Pojie, and Ba Zi Jue.

Needless to say, the lethality.

When Ningci walked to the end of the street, there were not many corpses behind him, but in fact, it was almost the same.

More than a dozen Kusagakure ninjas, whether they were Genin or Chunin, all fell in a pool of blood, and none of them were intact.

As for the sequelae of killing

, maybe he was born with a big heart. Anyway, Ningci didn't feel uncomfortable.

"Sir, the whole village has been controlled by us."

A Hyuga ninja came over and reported.

"Talk about the specific situation"

"There are more than 300 ninjas in Kusagakure Village, including 5 jonins, 2 of whom were killed by us. There are more than 40 chunins, 5 of whom were killed by us. The rest are genin and people with little combat effectiveness."

"What about us?"

"Six people were injured, but their lives are not in danger and they have been treated."

"That's good."

Ningji laughed.

The key is that this record is enough to prove that his hard work in the past two years has not been in vain, and it is not in vain that he has trained these clansmen, improved their strength, and distributed secret techniques.

A small ninja village was attacked like this.

There is no place that can't accommodate their Hyuga clan.

"Did I find what I wanted?"

"Found it, please move on."


Following the Hyuga ninja, they finally came to a house.

This is the library of Kusagakure Village, which contains various scrolls.

Just as Neji was checking them one by one, the Hyuga ninja next to him said,"Sir, Kusagakure Village has two factions, namely Kusagakure and Kusagakure. Kusagakure is not a concern, as we have already taken them all down. However, Kusagakure still has many ninjas in Kizuna Castle. Should we go over and attack them?"

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