On the way back, a teenager, leading a little boy, came towards them.

They passed by each other and nodded slightly to show courtesy.

"Nissan, what are you looking at?"

Following Itachi's line of sight, Sasuke looked at the backs of Neji and the other man, and asked in confusion

"It's nothing, let's go home."

After touching Sasuke's head, Itachi came back to his senses and smiled gently.


Sasuke, who was still a little kid, didn't think about so many problems. Anyway, as long as he had his brother by his side, he felt very satisfied. He followed happily, holding his little hand.

His perception was quite sharp.

When they were not far away, Ningci looked back, but he didn't take Uchiha Itachi too seriously.

There was no other reason, his vision was too narrow. He was only in one village, so what if he had some talent? His height was limited, and his future development would be the same.

But it was the night of the genocide.

He could think of a way to plan.

Ningci was still very interested in the assets of the Uchiha clan, especially the collection of books.

After all, no matter what, the Uchiha clan was also a large clan with a thousand-year heritage, and its collection should be richer than that of the Hyuga clan.

Instead of letting people like Sarutobi Hiruzen get it for free and hiding it to eat dust, it would be better to let him take it away, at least he could use it.

""What happened to father?"

When Neji saw Hizashi Hizashi's sad face after returning home, he sat down and asked.

As for his son, who was mature and had developed so many amazing secret techniques,

Hizashi Hizashi no longer regarded Neji as an ordinary child, and immediately said:

"It's Sarutobi Hiruzen and his gang who are deducting our money again. This has been the nth time, and it's really getting too much!"

It's ridiculous to say.

At the beginning of Konoha's establishment, in order to take sides and for certain purposes, the Hyuga clan supported Senju Hashirama so much!

Not only did they unite many families to oppose Uchiha Madara's appointment as Hokage, but they also sold and gave away most of the Hyuga clan's assets to Konoha.

Then, relying on the dividends given by Konoha every year and the remaining meager assets, they were able to barely maintain the glory of the wealthy family without using their old assets.

This is nothing.

The key is that the people of that generation also passed down the ancestral precepts.

It said that from now on, the Hyuga clan would not and could not do business in Konoha and compete with the common people for profits.

This is so cool.

They think they are royal relatives, so awesome.

Not yet Competing with the common people for profits, not doing business, and cheating your descendants is really awesome.

Because now.

The economic lifeline of the Hyuga clan has fallen into the hands of the Hokage. You have to look at their faces for food and clothing.

Just ask, how can you stand up straight and go against them?

This is because Hyuga Hiashi is young and still has some temper and ideas.

If a few more years pass and he experiences more things.

I guess he will be like in the original book, obeying the orders of the Third Hokage and letting him do whatever he wants.

Is there no other way?

The money is in his hands.

He has to support a large Hyuga family with hundreds of people.

In addition, the elders of the clan are still making trouble and exerting pressure. With Hyuga Hiashi's not-so-strong personality, how can he withstand it?

"Is this revenge?"

"Of course, they have been targeting us since we didn't admit that incident a year ago and offended Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"From withholding funds to delegating dangerous tasks, they are doing everything, this guy has no shame at all!"

Hyuga Hizashi said angrily.

Of course, the matter is not that serious.

After all, no matter what, the Hyuga is also one of the largest families, and its overall strength is only second to the Uchiha clan.

At this stage now.

The relationship between the Konoha high-level officials and the Uchiha clan has become very bad, almost to the point where water and fire cannot be tolerated and cannot be eased.

At this juncture, how dare they kill the Hyuga clan? They are afraid that if the Hyuga clan is forced into a corner, and then they unite with the Uchiha clan, then they will really be in trouble.

And what Hyuga Hizashi said Yes, it did happen, but it was sporadic and the number of times was not large.

Rather than saying it was suppression, it would be better to say it was a warning.

So to speak, it was the Uchiha clan that took the brunt of the damage for the Hyuga clan.

Because if they hadn't been in the front, then it would be the Hyuga clan that would have to face the firepower of the Hokage.

And the overall strength of the Hyuga clan is slightly weaker than that of the Uchiha clan.

In addition, the family structure is special, and those elders are also obstructing. If they face the suppression of the Hokage clan head-on, there is no doubt that they will not be able to withstand it. There is no other choice but to be someone's dog.

There is a way to go.

So, we can't let the Uchiha clan be destroyed so quickly.

Neji nodded his chin and thought about how to solve this problem.

He didn't intend to abandon the Hyuga clan.

It's not that he has deep feelings for them. As a time traveler, it's impossible for him to run away when there is a little danger, and even abandon his own family. That would be too embarrassing.

Another thing.

The Hyuga clan is still useful to him, and he can't just give up.

Then he can only start from two aspects.

One is to improve the strength of the people around him as soon as possible. , and then control the entire Hyuga clan.

Another thing is to get in touch with the Uchiha clan, and even provide them with some help when necessary.

Nothing else.

As long as they don't fall before Neji has enough strength and controls the Hyuga clan, and can continue to fight against Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

Of course, there is no need to rush this matter.

After all, there are still a few years before the Uchiha clan is exterminated.

And Neji is only five years old now, and it is the stage of laying the foundation and accumulating strength. It will definitely be much easier to lurk for two more years before taking action.

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