Another year has passed in circles.


"Hey! You're walking without your eyes!"

"Judging from her eyes, she must be from the Hyuga clan!"

"It's so ugly when it's white. And what's wrong with the Hyuga clan? Just because they come from a famous family, do they not have to apologize if they bump into someone?"


"Get down on your knees!

The chubby kid reached out to grab Hinata's hair.

But before he could touch her, there was a bang and the kid flew out.

"Brother Ningci."

Seeing the person in front of her, Hinata felt wronged and almost shed tears.

"Don't cry. You can't be weak when dealing with such an uneducated person, okay?"


"No buts. As members of the Hyuga clan, it is good enough that we do not bully these civilians. Do you think it is possible for them to bully us in return?"

"If they were my sister, you would go and beat them up. If you don't do it, don't call me brother anymore."

Pushing Hinata, Neji said without emotion.

""Hey! Why are you like this?"

A little yellow-haired boy jumped out. It was Uzumaki Naruto.

He had been watching from the side for a while. He didn't jump out to complain about those little boys.

He felt that Neci shouldn't treat Hinata like this. It was too hard for her.

"This is none of your business, I am educating my sister."

Ningji said expressionlessly

"What to teach her?"

"Of course you have to know how to resist. If others bully you or even insult you, shouldn't you fight back?"


Naruto scratched his head and was speechless.

Because he was the kind of person who couldn't stand being bullied, and he felt that there was nothing wrong with this.



"Do you still recognize me as your brother?"

"Of course, Brother Neji."

In Hinata's heart, Neji's status is not ordinary.

Relatives and friends are not counted.

The key is that over the past few years, she has become accustomed to listening to Neji.

"Then listen to me and beat them up."


Although she didn't want to fight with others and was afraid of these things, in order not to make Neji angry and not to lose points in his mind, Hinata gritted her teeth and walked over.

"Bastards! Don't go too far!"

The two boys lifted up the injured fat boy and shouted at him in a timid manner.

"Too much? You deserve it. Go ahead, Hinata. I'm watching."


Calming down, Hinata no longer hesitated.

She took a step forward and used her soft fist on the little boys.

In the original work, Hinata's cowardly character, although she had her own reasons, was more due to her growing environment.

Because of strict family education and no friends.

Even if she had something on her mind, she had no one to talk to.

Over time, she would naturally become closed, inferior, and afraid of things.

But now.

Hinata is much better than in the original work.

Although she is still listless and timid, she can still muster up the courage to do something in front of Neji.

For example, knock down these little boys.


"don't want!"

"I was wrong!"

Even though Hinata didn't use much strength, there was an insurmountable gap between the children of a big family and the children of a commoner family.

This was not the case with the soft fist.

The three little boys didn't even have a chance to resist, and they were beaten and ran away, crying for their parents.

"Hey, is this all right?"

Naruto sympathized with the three boys again.

He was just like that, a saintly person who would side with the weaker ones.

Neji didn't care.

Because this time, in addition to teaching Hinata, he just wanted to get to know Naruto.

And this acquaintance was not for the purpose of becoming friends with Naruto.

He wanted to study Naruto's Uzumaki physique and his Nine-Tails Chakra.

But he couldn't do these right away.

After all, there were those Anbu members watching around Naruto.

So he could only settle for the second best and get to know Naruto first and get in touch with him first.

"It's ok Hinata"


After Hinata stopped her attack, Neji turned around and looked at Naruto.

"What's your name?"

Seeing that Neji was easy to talk to and didn't hate him, Naruto was so happy that he quickly replied:

"Are you asking me? My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I will definitely become a Hokage in the future. What's your name, brother?"

Because Neji is taller, Naruto thought he was several years older than him.

"Hyuga Neji."

It's the first time we meet, so we don't need to get too close, so as not to attract the attention of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Let's go Hinata."

Waving at Hinata, Neji turned around and said,"Becoming Hokage? This goal is not easy. Come on Naruto, see you again if there's a chance."

"Well, I will definitely work hard!"

It was as if he had been recognized by others.

Because Neci did not ridicule or look down on him, this was enough to make Naruto ecstatic and want to jump for joy.

As for Neci, he did not say anything else.

He took Hinata's hand and left with her.

As for Hinata, she just looked back at Naruto and did not pay too much attention.

Because she had Neci as a brother, her heart could no longer accommodate other people. Now was the first time she met Naruto.

In addition, he did not fight for her or anything, so naturally she would not have too many feelings.

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