"Xiaochun, you......"

The door was pushed open and a man with a cane walked in. It was Shimura Danzo.

"Sarutobi, what's going on with the Hyuga clan?"

"Have you heard about it too?"

"Nonsense, I'm not deaf."


This is really irritating. Sarutobi Hiruzen paused for a moment before saying,"That's the way it is. I'll handle it. Don't interfere.""

"The Hyuga clan is so restless, it is obvious that they are trying to win over people and form cliques for personal gain. You can't be too weak, you must suppress them!"

"I know what to do......"

"It sounds good, but when the time comes you will make a big thing into a small thing and a small thing into nothing. What problem can you solve?"

"Enough Danzo, I am the Hokage!"


""You always have this attitude. Sooner or later you will regret it, Sarutobi!"

After saying this,

Danzo slammed the door and walked out, making a loud bang.

This made Sarutobi Hiruzen very helpless. He started to puff on his pipe again, and soon the room was filled with smoke.

On the Hyuga clan side, the elders of the clan also talked to Hyuga Hizashi, and Hyuga Hiashi was also present

"Hiashi, who is that medical genius?"

"Sorry, elders, this person is from outside. He has already told me beforehand, so I cannot reveal his identity without permission."

"Are you doing things for others?"

"Not really, it's just an equal cooperation. If I become his spokesperson, not only can I get practical benefits, but I can also build relationships with those family members. This is also beneficial to our Hyuga clan, isn't it?"

"Well, that's a good point."

The elders nodded, finally calming down.

"What about the actual benefits? What will he give you?"

"Although the commission from the transaction is not much, it is enough to make up for some of our family's expenses."

Changing the subject, Hyuga Hizashi said,"My elders, in fact, I agreed to this because the Hokage always withheld our funds, which resulted in the fact that many branch families could not afford to pay for their living expenses. I originally thought that I could only make a little money, but I didn't expect that person's medical skills were so powerful that he made this matter a big deal."

"So that's how it is"

"The Hokage is really abominable, so inhumane"

"Yes, they dared to withhold our funds. Neither the first generation nor the second generation did this. This is simply too much!"

Several elders were also very dissatisfied with this matter.

"That’s enough!"

The great elder spoke, and then said to Hyuga Hizashi:"Hizashi, can you invite that medical genius to our tribe?"

"I'm afraid not. I mentioned this before, but he refused. If I continue to talk about it, I'm afraid I'll offend him."

"Then don't talk about it."

Waving his hand, the elder said,"It's better not to offend this kind of person. Just maintain a good relationship with him first, and then we can talk about other things when we have the chance."

"Yes, I listen to the elders."


Seeing that Hinata Hizashi was so obedient, the elder nodded with satisfaction, and then said:"You go back and rest first, and remember to ask that person to treat the injuries of our family if possible."

"Okay, elder, I understand."

"Go ahead"

"Yes, Hizashi will take his leave first."

After taking a few steps back, Hyuga Hizashi turned around and walked out of the room.

He also showed the attitude of a junior very perfectly, and no one could find fault with it.

The next day,

Neji came to the school.

"So handsome!"

"Is he a senior?"

"They are from the Hyuga clan, right? I've seen them before."

Ignoring the whispers around him,

Neji turned his head and looked around, and he saw two familiar faces.

Because they were indeed quite conspicuous.

Whether it was Rock Lee or Tenten, they were all dressed in traditional Chinese style.

Not to mention wearing retro Chinese clothes.

Tenten had a Chun-Li hairstyle, and Rock Lee was even more outrageous, with long braids, which were braided into a pigtail.

Standing among a group of children, it was quite abrupt.

Neji saw the two.

Rock Lee and Tenten also saw Neji.

The former envied Neji's super high popularity and popularity, while the latter was one of the female fans, not to mention. It didn't take long.

Sarutobi Hiruzen came over and stood on the stage He started a long speech.

Well, this is an old routine.

Every time the school starts, he will come to give a speech, spread the spirit of the Will of Fire, and focus on diligence and casting a wide net.

Anyway, this is not a tiring job.

As long as he can brainwash more outstanding talents, he will make a lot of money.

Of course.

It would be strange if the spirit of burning oneself to illuminate others could bewitch Neji. He didn't care about Sarutobi Hiruzen's speech at all. He had already drifted away and thought about his own things.

For example, how to upgrade the Byakugan.

What other conditions are needed to deduce this secret technique.

In addition, how to upgrade to the Samsara Eye, do you need a blood transfusion or develop a serum?...

I thought about a lot of things.

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour passed.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally finished his nonsense and asked the school teacher to take the children back to class.

As expected,

Neji was also assigned to the same class as Xiao Li.

"Can I sit here?"

"when...Of course, please take a seat."

Ten-Ten was still a little nervous facing Neji. Neji didn't care about that. After sitting down next to Ten-Ten, he continued to think about his own things and didn't say much.

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