
Just when Tenten was peeking at Neci for the third time, the teacher came in and told the students some school rules.

For example, what time to go to school in the morning, how many days a week, what classes are there every day, and that fighting and skipping during class are not allowed.

On the first day of school, no knowledge was taught.

The teacher asked the students to stand up and introduce themselves one by one, and then took everyone around the school a few times.

The day was almost over.

After school in the afternoon, many parents came to pick up their children.

Of course, Neci didn't need to do that, as he would be more comfortable walking back by himself.


Brother Ningci!

"It's Naruto."

Neji also greeted him, not so coldly.

Seeing that Neji still remembered him, Naruto became even more excited and nodded quickly, saying,"Yeah, big brother, did you go to school?"


"how do you feel?"

"Very good, can make friends"

"Really? Then I will go to school in the future too!"

Naruto really wanted this

"It's ok, right? Don't you want to be Hokage? You can't not go to school."

He chatted with Naruto with a smile.

Then Neji said goodbye and left, and did not accept Naruto's invitation to treat him.

It's not a good idea to get too close to this guy at this stage. It's not that he's afraid, but it will undoubtedly add a lot of trouble to enter the sight of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others too early.

Neji still wants to grow for two more years.

Besides, he is so busy that he doesn't want to waste energy fighting wits and courage with Sarutobi Hiruzen and others unless it's necessary.

There is no moon tonight.

At midnight.

A black bird flew out of the Hyuga clan's residence without attracting anyone's attention.

In fact, the three body techniques have great potential.

Others can't do it, that's a lack of ability.

But Neji has no such limitation.

Under the development of super high comprehension, the lowest level of the three bodies In his hands, all the techniques have become very powerful secret techniques.

Let's talk about transformation techniques first.

Except for energy.

It is really arbitrary, and you can become anything you want.

No matter if it is a dead object, a living object, or even a fantasy object.

More importantly, after the transformation is successful, he can still exert some of his strength, which other ninjas cannot do.

For example, how to use ninjutsu after turning into stone?

Others can't do it, but Neji can.

In the Nara family's residence.

A piece of paper entered the house through the crack of the door and floated towards a sleeping person.

A small illusion was performed.

It made the man sleep more deeply and unable to move.

Then, an arm stretched out from the paper and pressed on the head of the Nara man.

"There is also a seal, but it can't protect me."

Ningji just thought about it and used the chakra thread to untie the seal in the man's head and found what he wanted.

Shadow imitation technique.

Shadow head-strangling technique.

Shadow summoning technique.

Shadow control technique.

Shadow gathering technique...

The Nara family really played with shadows.

But the reason why Neji needed these ninjutsu was not because he thought these ninjutsu were so powerful.

As I said before, he wanted to develop secret techniques that could enhance his mental power and soul.

Therefore, he also needed to accumulate more knowledge in this area to support him to generate more inspiration and ideas.

So he would not let go of any ninjutsu involving mental power and soul.

Not only shadow secret techniques, he would also get the secret techniques of the Yamanaka family.

Actually, if he used medical means to make a deal, he would get these secret techniques sooner or later.

Just like observing Uchiha's Sharingan before, the person was unconscious, so he could just fiddle with it.

But Neji still felt that the speed was too slow.

In addition, he wanted to practice the three-body technique he developed, so he came out tonight.

Not only did he go to the Nara family and the Yamanaka family, as if he was in an empty place, and finally caught rabbits by catching grass, he also got the Akimichi family's multiplication technique.

At this point, the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Chow had all robbed successfully.

After finishing the job, Ningci turned into a small insect and flew back to his room.

Nothing happened that night.

The next day he went to school again.

"Have you eaten enough?"

No matter how smart and precocious Neji is, Hyuga Hizashi, as a father, is still worried.

"I am full"

"Then be safe and come back early after school"

"Got it."

Neji didn't mind Hizashi's nagging. After he responded, he packed up his things and walked out of the house.

Halfway through the journey, a little girl caught up with him.

"Classmate Neji"

"It's Tenten, let's go together."Ningji invited


Tenten smiled happily, and then followed Neji. They walked and chatted.

Because the distance was not far, they soon arrived at the school.

The dull school life began.

But it was only in the first few days. Neji did go to school.

Until after a practical test.

As expected, he won the first place. Neji felt really bored, so he let the clone stay in school.

The Hyuga clan also included the shadow clone ninjutsu.

But Neji felt that the shadow clone was not as useful as the earth clone.

Because Under his development, the earth clones with entities will not disband just because of injuries. This alone is much more useful than the original shadow clones.

In addition, the memory recovery and training effects are the same, so why do we need shadow clones?

The clones go to school.

As for Neji himself, he either stays in the built underground base to study things, or acts as a medical expert to fleece those family members.

From material benefits to blood inheritance secrets.

It's an absolute win-win situation, making a lot of money.

Well, everyone can fleece twice, isn't it a win-win situation for Neji?

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