The other ninja villages all agreed to this.

As the old overlord, Konoha naturally would not be afraid and asked to bring more people.

However, there were still some people who were not very honest.

That was Danzo.

Tsunade was not sure whether she noticed it, but Neji saw it clearly. Several members of the Root were following behind.

It had been a long time and they hadn't retreated yet.

"Is Elder Danzo so afraid of death?"

Ningji couldn't help but laugh and said

""Hyuga boy, what do you mean by that?"

Danzo asked expressionlessly. Tsunade also looked back.

"Knowing that I have the Byakugan, you still dare to let your Root people follow me? Does Elder Danzo have too much confidence in them, or does he think that my Byakugan is fake?"

"Impossible, this......"

In fact, what Danzo wanted to say was that he had already told his subordinates not to get too close to"One-One-Zero" to guard against Neji's white eyes.

But he couldn't say this.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a direct admission? If he openly disobeyed the Hokage's order, it would be his fault no matter what.

"I mean, there is no way my people are following behind. Did you see it wrong?"Danzo said in a different way.

"Aren't they yours? That means these are all enemies, and I can kill them, right? Hmm?"


Danzo was gritting his teeth.

He couldn't use violence, or else he really wanted to slap Neji twice.

"If you take action, who will protect the Hokage?"

"Isn't this still yours? Could it be that Elder Danzo is too old to move?"

"Asshole! Of course I can take action, but our first task is to protect the Hokage and get him to the meeting place safely, not to ask you to eliminate any enemies. Don't you know which is more important? Is this what the teachers in school taught you?"

Danzo was getting more and more excited.

There was a crisp sound.

It was Neci who took action directly. A Dabi Kabuto was thrown on Danzo's face, and he was blown away in an instant.

He made it spin in the air for a few circles, and then rolled into the snow.

Are you kidding?

Danzo didn't dare to take action against Neci, that's because he had many concerns.

But what is Neci afraid of?

Not to mention that Tsunade is his teacher, she will definitely stand on his side.

There is no such relationship.

With Neci's strength.

Is there anything else he dare not do?

Really, those who dare to yell at him are asking for a fight, aren't they?

"Elder Danzo, be careful with your words. You are so rude that I almost want to kill you."

Ningji said, shaking his finger.


Danzo was stunned.

He shook his head several times before he came back to his senses. He was immediately angry and said,"Godaime, this is the good disciple you taught? Did you just watch him commit a crime?"


Tsunade also laughed, but it was a cold laugh.

Because Danzo had just mentioned the word teacher, and it was likely that he had scolded her.

His intentions were so bad.

Oh, now that he had suffered a loss, he wanted her to help him get justice. How could this be possible?

"I didn't see anything"


"Assistant Danzo, you better hurry up and get going. If you delay time, then your roots will have no need to exist."



A kind of plant!

Danzo's face changed instantly, turning green and red, all because of what he had held back.

But there was nothing he could do.

The situation was stronger than the person.

Even if he was unwilling in his heart, Danzo could only endure it for the time being.

After all, he couldn't just unlock the seal now and kill Tsunade and Neci, the master and apprentice, here!

Not to mention how high the chances of success were.

Could he beat Tsunade and Neci? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even if he could, how would he deal with it afterwards?

The Fifth Hokage died on the way to the meeting. This was no small matter, and Danzo couldn't hide it by himself.


It would be extremely unwise to resort to force.

He could only endure it for the time being and wait for a better opportunity.[]

Fortunately, as the leader of the Root, Danzo has been in the dark for a long time, and his endurance is extraordinary, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After continuing on the road, he acted as if nothing had happened.

If there was no bright red hand mark on his face, it would be hard to tell that he had been slapped and felt wronged. However, Lord Danzo did not gain nothing. At least after he made such a fuss and was slapped, Tsunade also made concessions and did not let Neji target the Root ninjas behind. The elite subordinates who were trained with great difficulty were saved from the crisis of death.


Isn't this a sure win?

It was only a slap in the face, it's worth it.

Of course.

Whether Danzo thinks so or not, only he knows, outsiders can't understand his inner world.

The Land of Iron.

It's called a neutral country.

But if it dares to get involved in things like the Five Kage Summit, it can't be called neutral.

All the way here.

The temperature is getting lower and lower.

And in the Land of Iron, it's even whiter, with thick snow everywhere.

On the road.

A stretched Hummer-style car is moving slowly.

The people sitting on it are none other than Neji and the other three.

Just kidding.

How could Neji wrong himself and really walk from the Land of Fire on his own two legs?

Let's not talk about how stupid this is.

Neji doesn't have the leisure to enjoy the scenery along the way.

So, even if he doesn't use time-space ninjutsu to travel, he still got a car, and it's the kind that can drive automatically.

The production technology of the car is not high.

At least it won't be difficult for the scientific researchers under Neji.

And the power system, that is, the engine, does not use gasoline or diesel.

It is an engine developed by themselves, which uses chakra as fuel, which can be regarded as the use of new energy.

Let's talk about driving.

The AI system is not easy to make.

But there is a simpler way.

That is to let Neji develop a 0.3 intelligent puppet to drive.

Because there is a soul body and commands can be set, this puppet is just like a real person, to be precise, it is better than a real person.

After all, they don't need to eat or poop, and they don't talk so much and have negative emotions, so they are much better at work than real people.

"Neji, this car you made is really convenient."

Leaning back on the leather seat, Tsunade raised the corners of her mouth in great enjoyment.

"But the target is also big. I wonder what I should do if I encounter an ambush!"

"Did Elder Danzo come here after eating shit? Your mouth stinks. Since you don't want to sit, just get off and run. Anyway, the speed is not fast."

After saying this, without giving Danzo a chance to react, Neji reached out with one hand and picked up Danzo like a chicken.

He threw him directly out of the car.......

I'm a model:

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