The harder Danzo fell, the more Tsunade laughed.

She was rocking back and forth, shaking like a raging sea, and couldn't stop.

But after she finished laughing, Tsunade still said,"Aren't you afraid that he won't follow you?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as he can go back alive, let him go."

Neji said nonchalantly.

Just kidding.

This is the Land of Iron, not far from the mountain cemetery in the north.

As the base camp of Uchiha Madara, there don't need to be too many White Zetsu.

When they set foot here, they were already targeted by the clones of White Zetsu.

Knowing that Danzo was coming,

Obito wanted to win over Sasuke and make him go against Konoha. How could he not tell Sasuke about this news?

Once he said it, it would only be a matter of time for Sasuke to find Danzo.

So no matter whether Danzo went to the talks or not, his life had already entered the countdown since he entered the Land of Iron.

He still wanted to go back alive, how could it be possible.

19 The key is still Neci.

Even if there was an accident that caused Sasuke to kill...���If Danzo is gone, Neji will not let this old dog go back to bother him.

On the other hand, because the Fourth Raikage issued a wanted order for Sasuke, he was determined to kill him to avenge his brother.

After learning the news,

Naruto's team also rushed to the Iron Kingdom.

They wanted to stop the Fourth Raikage before the Five Kage Talks began and ask him to withdraw the wanted order for Sasuke.

Tsunade didn't know about this yet.

As for Neji, he would not pay attention to these little things.


"What is this?"

Seeing the stretched Hummer slowly approaching, the warriors of the Iron Country were also a little confused. They couldn't help but tighten their sword handles and became alert.

It was still Mifune who had good eyesight.

He saw the Konoha logo on the front of the car, and then waved his hands to let his subordinates move to the sides.

"Is this the fifth Hokage of Konoha?"

Mifune asked.

But it was unrealistic to expect him to open the car door. It was not that he did not know the courtesy, but he did not know how to open the car door.

However, Neji still gave Tsunade a face, let the driver get off, and walked to the back seat to open the door.

"Sir Mifune, we meet again."

Tsunade, wearing a Hokage hat and a green coat, got out of the car and said with a smile.

Seeing that the person coming was indeed Tsunade,

Mifune also let down his guard and waved his samurai to move away.

"It's been a while since we last met in the Hidden Rain Village. I didn't expect you to become the Hokage of Konoha." Mifune said bluntly.

"There is no other way, someone has to do the work."

Spreading his hands to show his helplessness, Tsunade said,"Have the other leaders arrived?"

"The Raikage and Kazekage haven't arrived yet, but the other two have already arrived."

"As the convener, the speed is so slow, the Fourth Raikage is not good enough."

I didn't know that Naruto and his friends had also come to the Iron Country and tried to stop the Fourth Raikage, Tsunade couldn't help but complain.

"Lord Hokage only brought one follower?"

Glancing at Neji, Mifune asked as usual.

"There is another one on the way. Let me introduce him. This is my disciple, Hyuga Neji."

"The Hyuga clan? I've heard of the famous Byakugan for a long time."

"You are too polite, Lord Mifune. You samurai are also quite famous."

"No problem."

Everyone carried the colorful sedan.

After hearing Neji's polite words, Mifune's expression became more relaxed, and he immediately invited,"Please follow me, I will take you to the meeting place."

""Okay, thank you for your help."

With Tsunade's nod, the three of them walked into the building together. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This is a high tower-type building built in a natural cliff.

There are also a large number of samurai patrolling and standing guard around.

There is really no problem with the strictness.

But unfortunately, these samurai can defend against small birds and flies, but they can't defend against Sasuke and his group led by White Zetsu.

They have sneaked into the building and are observing the situation from a high place.[]

"Hey, the people from Konoha are coming over. The one in the middle is the fifth Hokage, and the one next to him is the genius boy of the Hyuga family, Hyuga Neji."

"Eh? Why isn't that old guy Danzo here? I clearly saw them entering the Iron Country together."

White Zetsu said to himself in a strange tone.

"Idiot, why don't you let your clone check it out and it will be clear."Hei Zetsu said unhappily

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that! Okay, I'll ask my clone to check it out. Sorry Sasuke, the information is a bit wrong."

"It's okay."

Sasuke was indeed a little dissatisfied for not seeing Danzo.

But seeing Neci here reminded him of his days in Konoha. With emotion, he didn't attack Bai Zetsu again.

On the ground.

With Neci's eyesight and perception.

He naturally discovered Sasuke and his group a long time ago.

But this kid didn't come to cause trouble for him, so Neci was too lazy to pay attention to him, and even expose Sasuke's whereabouts.

He smiled at the place where Sasuke was.

Then Neci followed Tsunade like nothing happened. Came to the inner hall of the tower.

Here he saw the fifth generation Mizukage Mei Terumi, and the third generation Tsuchikage, Ohnoki. It

's been a while since they did that together.

So when she saw Neci, Mei Terumi was filled with all kinds of feelings, and couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Neci.

You ignored him.

110 It is normal to lose temper a little.

So Neji didn't think it was wrong, but because of the wrong occasion, he couldn't go over to comfort Mei Terumi, so he could only express his apology with his eyes.

Just as the two of them were communicating with each other, using their eyes to convey their emotions, the Fourth Raikage and the Wind Shadow Gaara also arrived late and arrived at the party.

""Okay, everyone. All five Kage are here. Now we are officially entering the meeting. Please put your hats on the table."

Under the chairmanship of Mifune, the meeting of the five Kage began.

As the lights turned on, five representative flags appeared.

From left to right, they were:���Water, wind, fire, earth, and thunder.

Konoha sat in the middle.

As for Neji, as the Hokage's bodyguard, he sat directly behind Tsunade's seat, outside the flag.

"Hello Temari, I haven't seen you for a while, how have you been recently?"

It's called the Five Kage Summit, but it's actually just a bunch of nonsense.

Neji is not interested in listening to their nonsense, so he might as well chat with Temari next to him.

"You still remember me!"

As soon as Temari opened her mouth, the sour taste was very strong.

Hearing this, Kankuro couldn't help but move his butt drum away from Temari.

"How could I forget you? There are so many things going on in Konoha recently that I can't get away."


Is it because of that Akatsuki organization?".

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