"I've heard that Hizashi has a genius son. Now it seems that the rumors are not all false."

Uchiha Fugaku said as he put some food into his bowl.


"Okay, Sasuke, let's eat first."


With Sasuke pouting in response, Uchiha Fugaku said again:"Itachi, come with me to the study after dinner, and we'll have a chat."

""Okay, father."

Uchiha Itachi agreed.

Because they had something to discuss, the two of them didn't eat much and quickly put down their bowls and chopsticks.

"You guys take your time eating, Sasuke, don't run around, go to bed early"

"Got it."


Uchiha Fugaku got up and left, and Uchiha Itachi followed behind.

They came to the study room and sat down facing each other.

"How's the Hokage side?"

"It's nothing, Hokage still wants to resolve the conflict in a gentle way"

"What about the other elders, what about Danzo?"

"...More radical."

Uchiha Itachi didn't want to say these words, but he had to.

And Uchiha Fugaku raised his hand and rubbed his brow:"I can't suppress the voices of the fighting faction any more. In order to avoid escalating the situation, you must give advice to the Hokage again and ask him to come up with a solution to the problem as soon as possible!"

"Is there any change in the fighting faction?"

Itachi Uchiha was very keen to notice this.

"Well, didn’t the Hyuga clan have a medical expert? I suspect Elder Lie is making a deal with them to heal many of the wounded. With more helpers and strength, they will naturally become more arrogant and bold, and will not take my orders seriously."

"Can't we talk to Hinata?"

"How to talk?"

Looking up at Itachi, Uchiha Fugaku continued,"Treatment is a reasonable thing. Can we stop them from doing it? Besides, if those tribesmen knew that I was sabotaging it, I'm afraid they would even resent me."

"That......What does the father want to do?"

"Let the Hokage talk to Hinata. This is not a one-sided problem for us. He also has the responsibility to deal with it!"

You take it for granted!

Although he didn't say this, Uchiha Itachi did not think highly of his father's idea.......Naive

"Itachi, you have to do this, otherwise if you let the fighting faction continue like this, the friction between us and Konoha will only intensify and eventually turn into a bigger conflict!"

"I understand, don't worry, Dad."


Seeing Itachi agree, Uchiha Fugaku also smiled a little, because he was very optimistic about his eldest son and believed in his ability to do things.

A few days later, due to Itachi's report, Sarutobi

Hiruzen also noticed the changes in the Uchiha fighting faction, and realized that the problem was with the medical master.

After that, he went to the Hyuga family again.

"Hiashi, Hiashi, this is how it is. You are familiar with the situation of the Uchiha fighting faction, but you have to think about the stability of Konoha."

"Third-generation sir, it's not that I don't want to help."

Hyuga Hizashi will not be kidnapped by such a righteous cause, not to mention that supporting the Uchiha's fighting faction was originally a plan he discussed with Neji.

Shaking his head.

Hyuga Hizashi sighed and said:"That medical saint is not from our Hyuga clan. We really can't control what he wants to do."

"Who is this person?"

"Sorry, Third-generation master, the other party is a wandering monk who treats illnesses and saves people in Konoha in exchange for supplies to help those poor people. I have promised him not to reveal his identity, so as to avoid the master being entangled by too many people and wasting time."

"Can't I even see him?"


Hyuga Hizashi refused.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also frowned.

He wanted to use his power to suppress others.

After all, this is Konoha, and he is the boss.

But let's not talk about whether the Hyuga clan will cooperate. If he really drives away the medical master, he will offend many people.

From civilians to major families.

There are as many people complaining and even hating him as there are wounded and sick people.

Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage, he can't stand it. There is no way. This matter should not be forced. It can only be compromised.

"Hiashi, since this master is here to raise supplies, he can also cooperate with us, Konoha."

"What does your Excellency mean?"

"Well, I would like to ask him to treat the accumulated wounded. There are many of them. I wonder if this master can help."

Isn't it because of this that the Uchiha Fighting Faction has become more and more rampant. If they can do it, then Sarutobi Hiruzen can do it too.

And compared with the number of wounded, as well as funds and materials, how can the Uchiha Fighting Faction compare with him as a Hokage?

Everyone makes deals and strengthens their strength.

They are on the same level again.

But relying on Konoha's foundation, Sarutobi Hiruzen still doesn't believe that he can't even deal with an Uchiha.

"There shouldn't be any problem with this, but I still need to talk to the master and see what he thinks.

"I'll leave it to you then."

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject and said,"The Medical Department is still short of a deputy director. I think Hizashi is not too busy. How about you go over there and help me deal with things?"

This was a favor. It was also to win over the Hyuga clan.

Anyway, the Medical Department was not a core department, so Sarutobi Hiruzen was willing to give it up.

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