"What do you think?"

"Of course I have no problem, it depends on the difference."

Hinata Hiashi said with a smile.

He really has nothing to be jealous of his brother, and this is just a piece of cake for the medical department, and it is of no use to him.

"Third-generation master, I don't know any medical ninjutsu."Hyuga Hiashi said

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can handle the affairs well and help me share the work, you don't need to do anything else like curing diseases and saving lives."

"Well, I'll give it a try first. If it doesn't work, I'll have to let the third generation choose another capable person."

""Haha, we'll talk about it later."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied with a smile.

After the cake was delivered, he believed that the matter could be accomplished and he would also receive the gratitude and sincerity of the Hyuga clan.

Feeling that his goal had been achieved, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not stay any longer. After chatting for a few words, he got up and left.

"Hiashi, you have to be careful when working for these old foxes."

After sending Sarutobi Hiruzen away, Hyuga Hiashi said again:

"Don't worry, big brother, I will be careful."

Hyuga Hizashi responded humbly.

Although he was very dissatisfied with the system of branching the main family, he was indeed respectful to his brother Hiashi and had no complaints.

Because Hiashi had never bullied him, on the contrary, he took good care of him.

It was reasonable.

Shouldn't he resent this brother?

After returning to his residence,

Hyuga Hizashi told Neji about the matter.

"Sure, as long as he pays, there is nothing that can't be cured."

Ningji agreed directly.

This is also to shut up Sarutobi Hiruzen and his people and not give them a chance to attack.

At most, he can give more benefits to the Uchiha Fighting Faction and treat fewer people on the Hokage side. What else can he do? He didn't take it to heart.

After lunch,

Ningji went out.

"Where is Sister Hong going?"

Because of Kurama Yakumo's story, Neji and Yuhi Kurenai also knew each other.

Of course, the other party didn't know that it was he who cured Yakumo.

It was just because Kurama Yakumo lived in the Hyuga family for a period of time, and when she went to visit, she met Neji and his son several times.

""It's Neji. I'm going to buy something. Where are you going?"

Yuhi Kurenai smiled.

After learning that Yakumo was cured, she felt relieved and became more cheerful. She was also very grateful to Hinata Hizashi and the medical master she had never met.

"I went to the training ground and made an appointment with my classmates."

"So hardworking, he even has to train on Sunday"

"It's ok, I'm free anyway."

"Haha, you're right. Go quickly and don't miss the time."

"Goodbye, Sister Hong"


Yuhi Kurenai waved her hand and watched Neji go away.

Then she continued shopping and bought some more things.

As for Neji, when he came to a training ground, he saw Tenten who was already practicing throwing.

Well, Tenten asked him out this time.

As a normal child, he couldn't have no social life and friends, so Neji agreed.

"day by day"

"Ningci, you are here!"

Seeing Ningci, Tenten also stopped training and smiled.

"Well, how was the practice?"

"It's just so-so, some skills are still not good enough"

"Then let's practice together."


Tian Tian happily agreed, and then followed Ningji to throw various hidden weapons on the training ground.

Well, other children can only use shurikens.

But Tian Tian, the little rich woman, is different. There are so many kinds of hidden weapons that even Ningji, who has seen a lot, is a little dazzled. There are round, flat, long, short, with edges and thorns, with barbs and chains....

If people didn't know that Tiantian's family owned a ninja tool shop, they would have thought she robbed a blacksmith shop.


Neji paused.

"What's wrong?

Tiantian turned around and asked

"I want to give you a suggestion. Have you heard of the saying,"You can't chew too much." I'm not asking you to give up these hidden weapons, but I think you can focus on one or two, and use the others as auxiliary means. In this way, you will have your own trump card, and when you deal with the enemy in the future, you can win with one blow, instead of trying to do everything the same. What do you think?"

"Yeah, that makes sense.

Tenten nodded, thinking that Neji was right.

No matter how many hidden weapons there are, if their power is the same, then it is useless.

"Which one do you think I should focus on?"

"See if you like it"

"Can you give me some more advice?"

"Then let's get something smaller, which is easier to carry and hide, and won't be discovered right away."


"This depends on you, it's best to use it as you like."

"I see."

Nodding, Tenten went to think about it alone.

Ningci did not disturb her.

The reason why he reminded Tenten was that he felt that this girl had gone astray and would be too weak in the future. She could not keep up with his improvement speed.

Of course.

At this stage, Ningci would not do too much, such as helping Tenten improve her strength. Let's wait and see.

Just cultivate the relationship first.

A few days later.

He also pulled Rock Lee into the training team.

In fact, Ningci was not so optimistic about Rock Lee.

The main reason was that his talent was too low.

Reality is different from anime. For a guy like him who only knows physical skills, he will be defeated when he meets someone who knows illusion. With such obvious weaknesses, there will naturally be no great development.

But there are no other guys in the class that are pleasing to the eye.

In the future, they will definitely form a team of three. If the whole extra comes, it would be better to have Rock Lee. At least this guy is reliable and will not harm his teammates.

Another one.

Ningci also wants to see if he can use Rock Lee to lure out Might Guy. He is still interested in the Eight Gates Ninjutsu.

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