Many people believe that the Soul Transformation Technique was created by Tobirama Senju.

But this is obviously a wrong perception.

Because Tobirama Senju has never used this ninjutsu.

As an inventor, it is impossible that he would not even use the ninjutsu he created.

As for not wanting to use it, that is even more wrong.

The key is that the Soul Transformation Technique is very powerful, which can allow the soul to leave the body and kill people regardless of distance. Even if it is used against Uchiha Madara, it is useful.

So it is impossible that he knows it but does not use it.

Of course, if it is just based on this point, Neji cannot confirm whether this ninjutsu was invented by Tobirama Senju.

The main reason is that when he was treating a member of the Kato family, he found this ninjutsu and memories in the other party's head.

Only then did he know that this was a secret technique passed down from the family.

Later, because he supported Sarutobi Hiruzen's policy, he handed in the secret technique and filled it into the Book of Seals.

Let's talk about the Soul Transfer Technique developed by Neji.

This secret technique not only allows the caster's own soul to leave the body and transfer to other people or even an object.

It can also capture the souls of others.

It was almost the same as Soul Conquest, but not as powerful.

Taking out a small ball, Neji squeezed Shisui's soul and stuffed it into the small ball.

Dispersing the secret technique, he sealed Shisui's body into a scroll. In short, he didn't let anything go.

After finishing everything, he left the gravel beach in an instant.

As for Shisui's disappearance and what to do if they couldn't find his body, that was not his concern.

After returning to the Hyuga clan,

Neji was like nothing happened, still doing what he had to do, not affected by Shisui's death at all.

"grown ups"

"What's wrong?"

"The vortex mask attacked our people again, but luckily we were prepared this time and didn't let them succeed."

The subordinate reported.

"Well, then continue to maintain martial law and don't give that guy a chance"


After his subordinates left,

Ningci found a place to sit down, poured himself a cup of tea, and thought about things.

To this day, he has developed the upper, middle and lower Dantian.

The upper Dantian is the Niwan Palace between the eyebrows, which can also be called the sea of consciousness, used to store mental power.

Using the vortex visualization method, the mental power is gathered into a vortex, grinding and refining it every moment, making the mental power more pure.

The middle dantian is located at the Tanzhong point in the chest, and is used to store life energy.

Before, Ningji had been plundering outside for several months.

I don’t know how many wild animals he killed and how much energy he swallowed.

Moreover, even if his original body came back, he still left a few improved earth clones outside, specifically to plunder energy and collect things.

Therefore, for him, life energy is currently inexhaustible.

Because the carrying capacity of cells is limited and the speed of evolution is relatively slow, even if more vitality is infused at one time, it is impossible to become a god on the spot.

Either it will be burst.

Or it will spill out and cause waste.

Therefore, Ningji imitated the Dantian storage method and developed a secret technique that can store life energy, and also used the Tanzhong point.

Let’s talk about the lower dantian.

It is commonly known as the Qihai point.

It was sealed by him and used to store chakra.

To this day, He has stored a lot of chakra. Even if he can't catch up with the level of the tailed beasts, he must have more than the average Kage-level characters.

However, these things are trump cards, not superficial strength.

Because the ninja's chakra is used as it is, and it cannot be stored.

After the energy in the cells is squeezed out, it means that the chakra is used up.

If only this is counted.

Ningci's chakra extraction speed is at the level of Jonin, which is a relatively weak aspect.

However, his endurance is strong.

Because the cells are highly active, the upper limit is also high, and there is inexhaustible vitality as a supplement.

So in theory, he is equivalent to having endless chakra, almost unlimited.

It's just that the gate is not that big.

The extraction speed is still within the range of Jonin, which limits his performance.

If you don't use the reserves in the lower dantian, and only use the currently extracted chakra, it will take a long time to perform.���A-level and below ninjutsu are no problem.

Neji can clap his hands, shout whatever he wants, instantly launch various ninjutsu, transform into a concentrated fire turret, and blast the enemy into slag.

But if he uses more powerful ninjutsu, such as S-level or above.

He needs more time to prepare, which is limited by the extraction speed.


He has such strength at the age of eight, which is definitely above the level of Jonin.

It is hard to say whether he is at the level of Kage.

Because Neji is currently stuck at this point.

Normally, he is a little inferior, but if he has all his trump cards, he dares to compete with even those old-fashioned Kage-level figures. It can be regarded as the non-existent quasi-Kage level.

This is the result of Neji's struggle for several years, and the strength he currently has.

He has such achievements at the age of eight, which must be very powerful, surpassing most geniuses, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a monster.

But Neji also has shortcomings.

The speed of chakra extraction is not counted.

The key is that he has not yet mastered the space-time ninjutsu, and can't deal with guys like Uchiha Obito.

What design seal.

Even if he could do it, Neji didn't want to spend the effort.

He still wanted to master a space-time ninjutsu as soon as possible, which would be more convenient.

Because he didn't just want to deal with Obito, but wanted to have more ways to save his life.

If he encountered a powerful enemy, he could always run away if he couldn't beat him with space-time ninjutsu.

This was something that sealing ninjutsu couldn't do, and it couldn't replace....

Thank you brother for the flowers and votes, thank you so much!

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