Then the question arises.

Where can I find a time-space ninjutsu?

The Flying Thunder God Technique is not considered for the time being, because it is in the Book of Sealing, and Neci currently cannot access it, and he does not want to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After thinking about it,

Neci thought of the summoning technique.

This is also a time-space ninjutsu that can be used to summon summoned beasts or other items.

There is also the scroll sealing technique, which also involves space.

Inspirations continue to emerge in his mind, and Neci is also interested in developing a time-space ninjutsu himself. It is better to rely on yourself than on others. Using someone else's is not as good as your own. Anyway

, he doesn't think highly of the teleportation method of Flying Thunder God, and he has to throw kunai to perform the technique, which is too troublesome. It is better to make one by himself, which can be regarded as hard work, continuous progress, and involving new fields. Time flies. While Neci was developing a new technique, another year passed unknowingly.

"Come on, Brother Neji, come on, Brother Neji!"

In the school's training ground, Neji was competing with his classmates.

Many students were watching around him, even the lower-level students were there.

And I don't know since when, Yamanaka Ino became Neji's little fan, and she was the one who shouted the loudest at this moment. She was much more active than Hinata, the real sister.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you falling in love with someone else so quickly?"

Sakura next to him frowned and complained unhappily

"What, you're not happy when no one is competing with you? Besides, who I like is none of your business!"


Sakura was immediately furious.

Maybe that's how people are. When they're fighting for something, they want the other person to die. But once the other person stops fighting, they feel empty and uncomfortable. It's boring.

But Sakura was serious about her love for Sasuke, so she recovered quickly.

"Humph, a guy like you really doesn't deserve Sasuke's love. It's better to give up as soon as possible to avoid more trouble in the future."

"Yes, yes, whatever you say, I don't care."

Ino said indifferently.

Because she really didn't care that much about Sasuke. She just wanted to save face and formed a competitive relationship with Sakura.

In fact, as early as a year ago.

When Naruto challenged Neci, she had already taken a fancy to Neci and felt that Sasuke was just so-so and not attractive at all.

The key is to be afraid of comparison.

They are both top students, but compared with Neci, even in terms of the most outstanding appearance, Sasuke is still a level behind.

You know.

This Ningci is not the same Ningci.

Although they have the same name.

But because of different souls. , Neji has nothing to do with the character in the anime, and they look different.

He is more delicate and handsome.

In addition, in other aspects, he is not as strong, not as tall, and not as good in personality. Neji is not as cold as Sasuke, and he is still easy to talk to, so his popularity in school is much higher than Sasuke.

Not only girls in his class, but also girls in other classes like him and are his fans.

With a snap.

Neji defeated his opponent cleanly and attracted cheers from many girls, among which Ino cheered the most.


"Brother Ningji, you are the best!"

"Brother Ningci, you are the best!"

Ningci smiled slightly, first stretched out his hand to pull up his classmate, and asked about his condition. After learning that he was fine, he turned around and waved to the girls around him.

Instantly, several girls screamed.

Seeing their excitement, the boys beside them took a few steps back, showing complicated expressions.

"How about fighting with me?"

Just when Neji was about to leave, Sasuke stopped him.

It wasn't that Sasuke wanted to show off in front of his classmates, he just wanted to compete with Neji, and didn't care about other people's opinions at all.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

"I wasn't sure before, but I've been practicing for a year now, and I believe there won't be much difference between me and you."

"So confident."

Ningji also laughed.

He didn't look down on Sasuke, he just thought he was too narrow-minded and a little naive. Of course, as a child, how high can you expect him to be? It's normal for him to be fearless.

"You can have a competition, but don't cry if you lose." Neji agreed.

"Humph, you are the one who is going to lose!"

Sasuke replied unhappily.

Because he hated it most when people treated him like a child, in his opinion, this was a very bad behavior.

So without waiting for Neji to say anything, he rushed over first.


Fists and palms collided, and Neji took the blow easily, and he did not use too much strength beyond Sasuke, nor did he use the Eighteen Falls of the Clothes.

Otherwise, it would be pure bullying.

As for Sasuke, his fighting skills were still very good.

He did not care that the attack did not succeed, and he kicked Neji's waist and abdomen with a whip kick.

Neji grabbed Sasuke's fist and pulled him. He staggered, and the whip kick was abandoned halfway.

But Sasuke was smart. As he was not standing steadily, he just went with the flow, used his other hand to support the ground, and turned over.

Like a battle axe, he chopped at Neci's face with his foot.

When Neci raised his hand, he grabbed Sasuke's ankle again.

At this moment, Sasuke had one hand and one foot captured by him, which made him look very passive.

But Sasuke still had a trick. He twisted his abdomen and kicked Neci with his other leg.

Neci did not have a third hand, but he also had a foot.

He used the sky kick, which not only blocked Sasuke's attack, but also pressed down and kicked the opponent in the stomach....

Please give me some money, brothers. Thank you very much.

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