
Sasuke flew out horizontally and rolled several times on the ground before stopping.

Although he escaped from Neji's grasp, this posture of getting free was not very good-looking.

He heard exclamations from the surroundings.

Sasuke himself was also very angry. With a red face, he quickly turned over and stared at Neji, not letting him out of his sight.

"Are you coming again?"

"It's not over yet!"

Sasuke attacked again.

This time he was much more cautious. Knowing that Neci's physical skills were strong, he was not in a hurry to get close, but ran in circles.

Then he threw shurikens at Neci.

He didn't want to kill the opponent, but only to interfere with the line of sight and create an opportunity to attack.

But this level of fighting was really boring for Neci.

So in order to end it as soon as possible, he sold a flaw to Sasuke, and when the opponent took the bait, he punched him and sent him flying.

"Your fighting skills are not bad, but your foundation is a little weak. Your strength and speed are not enough. You should practice more." After saying a few words,

Neji turned around and left amid the cheers of the girls around him.

""Sasuke-kun, how are you?"

Seeing her beloved being defeated, Sakura hurried forward and asked with concern.

But her enthusiasm was definitely in vain.

Sasuke didn't even look at her, but clenched his fists and said to Neji's back:"I will defeat you sooner or later, just wait and see!"


"Get out of the way!"

Sasuke stood up and pushed Sakura away with one hand, but he still didn't see her in his eyes.

This made Sakura feel very wronged. Looking at Sasuke's back as he walked away, she shed several big tears.

In the evening,

Sasuke returned home and felt that the atmosphere at the dinner table was not right, which made his idea of asking his brother for advice die in his stomach.

"Itachi, come in with me after dinner."

"Good father."

It was still the same study room.

The father and son sat opposite each other.

"You seem to have changed a lot in this year." Uchiha Fugaku said slowly


Uchiha Itachi didn't want to admit this.

But because of Shisui's death, and the fact that his body hasn't been found yet, he was indeed in pain and became even more taciturn.

Seeing Itachi still like this, Uchiha Fugaku didn't continue the topic.

Because he was under a lot of pressure over the past year. The fighting faction wanted to launch a rebellion before, although it was suppressed by him.

After all, no matter what, he is also a person who possesses the Mangekyō, and his strength is not weak.

But that's all.

Like Hyuga Hiashi, Uchiha Fugaku is not a very strong person.

So even if he suppressed those clansmen, he didn't do anything to them. Instead, he persuaded them with kind words and let them go.

But rebellion is something that has There will be a second time after the first time.

The fighting faction cannot be stopped.

Coupled with the instigation of certain people (Danzo), the targeting and oppression from Konoha are becoming more and more excessive.

Even going to the toilet is monitored by someone. Who can stand this? It is difficult for normal people, let alone these Uchiha people with extreme ideas who explode at the slightest provocation.

In other words, the fighting faction does not have top combat power.

The strongest still has the three-magatama Sharingan.

Otherwise, they will definitely launch a second rebellion and will not be able to wait for such a long time of a year.

In this case.

Even if most of the clan members join the fighting faction, they will be perfunctory and dislike him as the clan leader more and more.

Uchiha Fugaku's troubles can be imagined. It is really uncomfortable.

"Itachi, hasn't the Hokage agreed yet?"

""I'm sorry, father. Monitoring Uchiha was the result of a discussion among several elders. Even the Hokage could not object. He has tried his best."

Uchiha Itachi said with his head down.

And his words also made Uchiha Fugaku clench his fists.

He is a little incompetent, but it does not mean that he is a fool and can't even understand what he is saying.

What a joke.

In Konoha, is there anything that the Hokage can't control?

What the result of the elders' discussion is just an excuse.

"Itachi, please tell the Hokage that if this continues, I will not be able to suppress those tribesmen."

"If they make a big mess, no one will be happy then, do you hear me?"

Seeing Itachi was still a little absent-minded, Uchiha Fugaku also frowned and spoke with a heavier tone.

"Yes, I understand."

Itachi came back to his senses and lowered his head to answer.

As for what he was thinking about

, there was nothing else. He just suddenly thought of the faces and accusations of those tribesmen, and felt inexplicably irritated.

On the other side,

Elder Lie came to the door again

""Chief Hizashi, are you telling the truth?"

At this moment, Elder Lie was really excited.

Because Hyuga Hizashi told him that the medical saint had a way to make the three-magatama Sharingan advance to the Mangekyō.

What price is it?

Is that still a problem for Elder Lie?

You know, it was because they didn't have the fighting power of the Kage level that their fighting faction failed in the rebellion and couldn't defeat Fugaku.

Not to mention dealing with the top leaders of Konoha.

And if it goes on like this, without a stronger force to protect themselves, what awaits them will be a dead end and complete extinction.

There will be no other way to go.

In this case, what price is it, with a mortality rate of more than half, it would be strange for Elder Lie to care.

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