The key is that he can't wait.

If he doesn't fight while he has the strength, and waits for the Hokage to take action first, then the Uchiha clan will not just lose a few people.

"Of course, the story is true, but Elder Lie must think carefully. A mortality rate of more than half is not a joke."

Hinata Hiashi persuaded again.

"I have already thought about it. There is no need to persuade me, Patriarch Rishi. Just tell me what I need to pay.

Elder Lie waved his hand and said firmly.

"Well then."

Since they didn't care, Hyuga Hizashi naturally wouldn't say anything more. He immediately proposed many conditions.

This was the cost for Neji to pay. He definitely couldn't let go of what he should ask for.

Otherwise, if they helped for nothing, Elder Ren Lie would think they had some intentions, or they were just crazy.

"Is that all?"

After listening to Hyuga Hizashi's conditions, Elder Lie did not bargain.

Because these are all external things, even if there are a lot of them, all added up, they are enough to buy a few rare mines.

But it doesn't matter. Only with talent can you have other things.

As long as the Uchiha can get over this hurdle, they can get back even more money and property.

On the contrary, if the family is gone, what's the point of keeping so much property, in the end it will still be cheap for those old bastards like Sarutobi Hiruzen.

So Elder Lie didn't feel sorry at all, he just wanted to get this done quickly and add a top combat force to the family!

"about there"

"So when can we start?"

"Tomorrow night, Elder Lie will bring five people with three magatama Sharingan. Remember to bring those with good talent, which can increase the chance of success."

"Why so many people?"

"There are already very few Elder Lie. The mortality rate is over half, but it does not mean that two out of five people will succeed. If they are unlucky, not even one of them may survive."

"What is the Mangekyō Sharingan? Elder Lie should know it better than me. We should not rely on luck for such a powerful thing."


Elder Lie looked solemn.

But thinking about the crisis facing the family, he could only grit his teeth and hold on.

"Okay, then I'll come over tomorrow night!"


After seeing off Elder Rei, Hyuga

Hizashi returned and met with Neji.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, father, just rest assured."

Ningji said with a smile.

The Mangekyō Sharingan is very complicated and rare for others.

But in front of him, a time traveler with cheats, it is just that simple.

Relying on the analysis of the big guys he had seen in his previous life, and with the help of his super comprehension, he has fully understood the upgrade mode of this thing.

Under normal circumstances.

As an eye that reflects the soul, the advancement of the Sharingan is like this.

Whenever the Uchiha clan members lose love, or feel frustrated and painful, a special chakra will grow in their brains, acting on the optic nerve center, causing changes in the eyes.

The stronger the emotion.

The more special chakra is grown, the more it will make the Sharingan... The faster the eyes advance, the stronger the pupil power will be.

Because negative emotions are needed to stimulate.

That's why it's called the ominous eyes.

The key is that every time they improve their strength, they will lose something precious, accompanied by pain and hatred.

Can it still be considered a good omen?

Of course, this is just the way the Uchiha clan advances.

After Ningci's research, he found that the so-called special chakra is actually the power of Yin Dun.

The reason why it requires strong stimulation to produce.

Is this normal?

After all, Yin Dun is a very advanced power. Only people who are above the Kage level can get started. If you want to fully master it, you must be at the Six Paths level.

And the Uchiha clan members are all What kind of strength is that?

Even with the three-magatama Sharingan, it is only at the Jonin stage.

It is too far from the level of mastering Yin-Tun.

Not to mention, the eyes are directly connected to the brain. People at the Six Paths level cannot fully control it, so how can they? It is normal that it is difficult to advance.

But it is not so difficult for Neji.

Although he has not mastered Yin-Tun yet.

But the mental power that is almost materialized can allow him to control it in detail and help these Uchiha stimulate the brain, and then generate enough Yin-Tun energy to advance the Sharingan.

Of course.

Neci is not a good person, and he does things without asking for anything in return.

The reason why he did this.

Is nothing more than to take advantage of the Uchiha's He wanted to do experiments on people.

One was to learn and master Yin Dun, and the other was that he also had the Sharingan. If he did more advanced experiments, wouldn’t it be good for him?

Taking advantage of this to detain some Uchiha clan members would be a small matter.

Anyway, he could eat this fish at least three times, so he wouldn’t lose anything.

Which three times?

The fee given by Uchiha Rei was one.

Using Uchiha for experiments was the second.

Finally, he used the method of stealing and detaining some people. Isn’t this another time to eat?

Soon it was the second night.

Uchiha Rei arrived as promised, with five young men behind him.

Is he talented? If he had a three-magatama Sharingan at an old age, what kind of talent is that?

"Elder Lie, I remind you again that it is very difficult to obtain the Mangekyō Sharingan. It requires consuming the vitality of these people."

"If they fail, they will become dry bones."

"Even if it succeeds, it will also lose a lot of vitality. Can you accept this?" Hyuga Hizashi asked. Since they are here,

Uchiha Rei and others will naturally not be timid here.

Before he could speak, the five young men spoke up....Please give me flowers and votes.

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