Of course.

Transporting energy back and forth also causes loss.

Even if it is very little, it is not a big deal compared to the original loss.

But coupled with the fact that it cannot replenish the energy consumed during battle, it is also impossible to increase the cell's capacity limit, so Neji is not satisfied with this counter-replenishment method.

There is still research to be done.

Let's talk about the second achievement.

The method of storing chakra in acupuncture points and meridians was also developed by Neji and named the acupuncture point storage method.

Well, it is similar to the method of storing internal energy in the martial arts novels, the Star Absorbing Method.

It's just that you can't absorb other people's energy.

So this also needs to be developed.

""Onii-chan, are you reading here again?"

Little Hinata asked timidly, standing outside the door with half of her head exposed.

There are many children in the Hyuga clan, but only Neji can play with Hinata.

After all, their fathers are brothers.

Children from other families cannot cross the barrier of the branch family and the main family, and dare not get too close to Hinata.

Therefore, since meeting Neji, little Hinata has been sticking to him, and will come to him from time to time.

"Come in."

Ningji waved his hand.

Hinata also walked into the room obediently and came to Ningji.

"Did you eat well today?"


"Is that a good behavior?"


"Not bad, I'll give you a reward."

Nodding, Neji took out a lollipop from his arms and handed it to little Hinata, and touched her hair.

Well, good education should start from childhood.

After all, she is my sister.

How can I not listen to her?

In the original work, Neji had no control over what Hinata would do in the future, but now that he was here, things had to develop according to his wishes.

Otherwise, what was the point of him?

""Brother Ningci, can you take me out to play?"

Hinata asked, licking her lollipop.

"Not now, wait until you are older."

"How big should it be?"

"When you can run five kilometers in one breath without feeling tired, or you get tired after walking for a while, and you want me to carry you, you will also get tired, don’t you know?"

"Oh, then I have to grow up quickly, and then I can carry Oni-chan on my back when we go out to play."

"Haha, that would be great."

Ningji laughed and stroked Hinata's small pot-covered hair.

Life went on as usual.

It was still a life of three points and one line.

Either he followed Hyuga Hizashi to learn boxing, or he stayed in the library to read materials, and finally went home to rest.

Except that little Hinata came to visit from time to time, adding a little embellishment to his life.

Neji's life was indeed quite dull, and he did not encounter any unexpected events.

After all, he just stayed in the clan land, and he didn't even go out of the gate. No outsiders could see him, so what could he encounter?

A few months passed like this.

Neji also read many scrolls and developed many things.

The collection of the Hyuga clan is indeed rich.

As a thousand-year-old clan, even if they don't practice, they have a lot of basic knowledge and storage.

For example, scrolls of various ninjutsu and scrolls of sealing techniques.

Practicing or not is one thing, but you have to understand it, otherwise how can you fight against the enemy in the future.

Let's talk about sealing techniques.

If there is no basic knowledge, how can you use the caged bird seal.

And after being seen by Neji, these materials became his nutrients and accumulation, allowing him to develop more things based on this.

In the blink of an eye.

It was Neji's third birthday.

That night, Hizashi Hizashi specially asked people to make a lot of delicious food, and also made a birthday cake for Neji.

"Ningci, you...Got it?"

Hinata Hizashi, who picked up some food for Neji but didn't eat a single bite and drank a few glasses of wine, spoke with a sense of guilt.

"Well, father, don't worry, I understand."

Ningji raised his head and smiled.

He really had no complaints about Hyuga Hizashi.

After all, he was raised by someone else.

If he repays kindness with enmity, that would be too much of a bastard.

Besides, the bird in a cage is a system that has been passed down by the Hyuga clan for thousands of years, and it is not something that Hyuga Hizashi alone can resist.

Blaming him is useless.

And the more Neji acted like he didn't care, as a father, watching his genius son being caged and unable to turn over in his life. The more unbearable it was for Hyuga Hizashi, heartache, uneasiness, guilt, indebtedness, all kinds of emotions followed one after another.

It made him feel like a knife was twisting his body. He clenched his fists so hard that his nails pierced into the flesh

"Father, you don't have to do this."

One life, two fathers and sons.

The blood relationship is here, and it can't be broken.

So seeing that Hyuga Hizashi was so upset, Neji was also considering whether to tell his cheap father something.

Originally, he planned to solve his own problems first.

Develop quietly for a few years, improve his own strength first, and then do other things.

But this is not a matter of things.

For Hyuga Hizashi, Neji really can't treat him like an outsider, be on guard against everything, and there is no need for that.

Besides, father and son fight together.

Neji also wants to support Hyuga Hizashi and occupy more power in the Hyuga clan.

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