"actually......I have cracked the caged bird"


Hinata Hizashi opened his eyes wide.

"It was by chance that I found some information about the caged bird curse in the library, and then I studied it for a few months, and finally it was like this."


Hinata Hizashi gave a look that said,"Are you kidding me?"

But seeing that Neji was not joking, he restrained his expression and became serious. Then he stood up and closed the door and window.

After checking several times and finding that there was indeed no one eavesdropping outside, he turned back and sat in front of Neji.

"Ningci, is what you said true?"

"Don't dare to lie to your father"


"I can try it on you, breaking the internal structure of the caged bird seal and retaining its appearance, so that it won't be discovered."

"Are you sure?"


"Well, come on!"

Hinata Hizashi is also a straightforward person.

Moreover, this is for his son, he is willing to be a test subject, let Neci test the effect first.

And for Neci.

The caged bird seal is strong, but it is not a big deal to break it.

How to say it.

Because he has opened the Byakugan.

He can observe the chakra flow in the human brain and the sealing line of the caged bird seal. He can see it, and with his super understanding, he can deduce and break it, isn't it a piece of cake?

"Then I'm here"

"Well, don't crack them all, leave me a little bit in case of emergency"


Neji also meant this.

He placed his hand on Hizashi's forehead, and as the chakra thread stretched, it quickly entered the opponent's brain and cracked it bit by bit.

After a few minutes,

Hizashi felt that his mind was getting more and more relaxed, as if a cage had been removed, and he couldn't help but use his Byakugan.


A small-scale chakra explosion.

Not only did it improve Hizashi's strength, but his Byakugan also returned to normal, and there was no blind spot.

"this...That's it?"

"Well, I have reserved 1% of the structure of the curse seal for you, but it will not affect the function of the Byakugan. If someone from the main family uses the curse seal on you again, you will feel like being pricked by a needle."

""Okay, this is the best, so they won't find out!"

Hinata Hizashi was overjoyed and excited.

There was nothing he could do.

After all, this was a bird in a cage! This problem had troubled him for half his life and even affected the next generation.

Now that it was solved in one go, how could he not be happy?

""Ningci, you can't leak this to anyone, even to someone close to you, at least not now!"

After calming down, Hyuga Hizashi hurriedly warned.

"I know, don't worry, father."

Ningji is not that stupid.

If it weren't for the fact that Hyuga Hizashi was in so much pain and was really kind to him, he wouldn't have told this to even one person.

"Well, I feel relieved now."

Hyuga Hizashi still had great faith in the precocious Neji, and said,"Okay, let's cut the cake quickly and have a rest early, because we have a big scene to deal with tomorrow."


After eating the cake, Neji returned to his room.

The next morning, the clan members came and took the father and son, Hyuga and Hiashi, to the ancestral hall to receive the caged bird curse seal.


While receiving the curse seal,

Neji looked extremely painful.

Hyuga Hiashi, who was standing nearby, also had a face full of anger and unwillingness. If it weren't for Hyuga Hiashi holding him back, he would have rushed over long ago.


Hinata Hizashi shouted Ningci's name loudly, and cooperated very well.

""Silence! Take him away!"

The clan leader sternly shouted.

"Don't be like this, Hizashi, Neji will be fine."

Hinata Hiashi pulled his brother to comfort him.

In fact, he didn't like this family system.

But there was nothing he could do. He was not the only one who had the final say in the family.

Especially in this inheritance system, the power of the clan elders was much greater than his, and he couldn't object at all.

The caged bird curse seal hadn't been completed yet.

Neji pretended to be unable to support himself and fainted.

In fact, while the other party was casting the curse seal, he was breaking it in his head, and in the end it was just an empty shell, not affected by the curse seal at all.

"Take him back. If you are so unruly next time, don't blame me for using the seal to punish you, Hizashi!"

After the seal was done, the elder of the clan said unhappily.

And Hizashi Hizashi didn't reply, just picked up Neci and walked out in a daze.

It was also the actor's possession, and he played the whole show.

Time passed.

In a blink of an eye, it was more than a year.

After several improvements, Neci also developed more things.

Let's talk about the acupoint storage method first.

Neci still gave up the meridian storage and changed to the lower dantian storage method.

Because the storage of meridians and acupoints is too small, it is not convenient to apply seals.

In addition.

Under the observation of the Byakugan, it is like a luminous skeleton, too obvious, not conducive to hiding oneself, so it must be changed.

And change to the lower dantian storage.

Not only is the capacity large, but it is not easy to be discovered by applying a seal to cover it up. It is definitely much better than meridian storage.

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