Of course.

When we first started, we certainly couldn't use the name of the Hyuga clan.

One reason is that Neji and his father haven't yet taken control of the entire family.

Another reason is that the Hyuga clan is still a little weak now.

If we rashly enter the arms field and compete with the five major countries for business, we will become the target of public criticism and be targeted and eliminated.

By then, the Hyuga clan won't be able to withstand it. No matter how bad the five major countries are, they can still gather tens of thousands of ninja armies.

In addition, the ninjas' methods are despicable, and they use poisoning and sneak attacks to the extreme, making it difficult to defend against them. We really can't be careless.

After all.

Ordinary ninjas don't have as many methods as Neji, and they are still very easy to be killed.

The same goes for the Hyuga clan.

Let's talk about Neji.

He hasn't reached the point where he is immune to all poisons, so how can he look down on the world.

The detonating tag is just like this for now.

It's just a little thing he made in his spare time.

Neji's main energy is still on the development of other ninjutsu.

For example, time and space ninjutsu.

But this thing involves space, and it is really not easy to develop.

Of course, it is also because Neji has high requirements. He doesn't want to be like Flying Thunder God, who has to throw kunai every time he moves.

So far, he only has an idea, and it has not been fully developed.

There is no time and space ninjutsu.

What if you want to improve your mobility?

Neci has his eyes on two ninjutsu.

One is the Light and Heavy Rock Technique of the Hidden Rock Village, and the other is the Peacock Technique of the Star Ninja Village.

Because these two ninjutsu can make people fly.

No need to run only on two legs.

So whether it is used to hurry or improve combat capabilities, these two ninjutsu are very useful.

It's just that the Light and Heavy Rock Technique is in the Hidden Rock Village, and Ohnoki is quite difficult to deal with, so let's put it aside for now.

The key is not that there are no other options.

In comparison.

The Peacock Technique of the Star Ninja Village is much easier to get.

The western part of the Fire Country.

Passing through the Rain Country and the Bird Country, you will reach the Bear Country.

It is adjacent to the Earth Country above and the Wind Country below. It is also sandwiched between the two big countries and exists in the cracks.

"Uh! Who are you?"

"Where is that meteorite?"

"Damn it! So you bastards are here to steal the stars. I will never tell you even if I die!"

""Okay, then you go die."

Neji said expressionlessly.

The next second, he activated the Anti-Reincarnation Technique.

Green energy emerged from the ninja of the Star Ninja Village and all sank into Neji's palm.

And this ninja was also aging rapidly.

In just a short while, his body shrank and became a miserable corpse.

"Go find that star for me."


A dozen Hyuga clan members responded, and then rushed towards the Star Ninja Village not far away.



""Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

Maybe it's because of the natural protection.

In the outer area of the Star Ninja Village, there is a very deep abyss, which is full of poisonous miasma and lingers all year round.

So under normal circumstances, no one comes to trouble the Star Ninja Village, including several major countries.

Even when an international war breaks out, the major ninja villages will avoid the range of the Star Ninja Village.

The key is that there is no benefit in taking it down.

The area around the Star Ninja Village is mostly stone, and the land that can be used for farming is very scarce. Why bother with them? It's a waste of money and labor, and the gain is not worth the loss.

In this case

, because no one cares, many people in the Star Ninja Village have developed a self-centered character and are not very vigilant.

They have been beaten to the center of the village by the Hyuga clan, and they have not formed an effective resistance yet, which shows how loose they are.

In addition, each of the Hyuga clan members brought by Neji has the strength of a senior ninja.

So before even a quarter of an hour had passed, most of the people in the Star Ninja Village were controlled by them.

""Peacock Magic!"

Purple chakra emerged from behind an old man in a white robe, and then gathered into a beast, knocking the two Hyuga ninjas away.

But he did not kill them.

"Are you the ninjas of Konoha? I am the Star Shadow here. Answer me, why did you attack our Star Ninja Village?"

"A small ninja village dares to call itself a shadow? It's really ridiculous."

Ningji walked over.

To be honest.

The entire Star Ninja Village only has a few dozen ninjas, which is far inferior to the Grass Ninja Village. With such little strength, they still created a shadow.

In addition to making people laugh, what other purpose does it have?

"Who are you?"

The old man turned around and looked at Neji.

Although Neji was not very old and looked only in his teens at most, he did not dare to look down on him after seeing the respectful attitude of the Hyuga clan members around him.

"Well, you don't need to know my identity."

"Since you seem to be a good person, I will give your Star Ninja Village another chance."

With a wave of his hand, a stone chair rose behind him.

Neji sat on it and said calmly:"Hand over the Star and Peacock Magic, kneel down and surrender, and do things for me, and I will stop killing people. What do you think?"


"Don’t even think about it!"

""Master Xingying, don't worry about us, just kill him!"

Before the old man Xingying could speak, some of the Xingyin ninjas who were controlled could not stand it anymore and shouted angrily.

With two swishing sounds, two blue sword energies passed through a distance of dozens of meters and shot the two Xingyin ninjas who cursed the most rudely on the spot.

As the bodies fell to the ground, bright red blood flowed from their foreheads, and soon soaked a large area of the ground.

This also made the remaining Xingyin ninjas shut up.

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