"How have you considered it? I don't have that much patience."

Neji said expressionlessly, withdrawing his fingers, as indifferent as if he had just crushed two ants.

As for Xingying, he wanted to avenge his subordinates.

But for the sake of the entire Xingnin Village and the rest of the people, he couldn't do that.

The key is that he couldn't do that.

Because his own family knows his own business.

Don't look at him as being quite impressive just now, knocking away two Hyuga clan members at once.

But due to years of practicing the Peacock Magic, his body had long been corroded by the radiation energy of the stars, like a sieve.

Just using chakra a little bit, he felt unbearable pain all over his body.

In this state, how can he continue to fight with others?

"What do you want our Star Ninja Village to do for you?"

The old man Xingying's meaning was self-evident when he said this.

Ningci smiled slightly, and then said:"What I want you to do is very simple, don't worry, I won't let you die in vain."

"Can you guarantee that?"


Neji did not say those polite words like"those who obey me will prosper, those who disobey me will perish", but used the simplest answer to appease the old man.

The key is that he wants the purpose, not to show off.

And the situation is just as he expected.

Hearing what Neji said, the old man Xingying was relieved and no longer resisted.

"I don't know your name yet."

"Hyuga Neji"

"Well, then I will lead all members of the Star Ninja Village to submit to Master Hyuga. I hope you can keep your word and try not to embarrass us."

While speaking, the old man Xingying also knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Lord Xingying?"

""My Lord, what are you doing?"

All the Xingyin ninjas who had not been subdued exclaimed

"Kneel down, if you still think of me as Xingying."

After the persuasion of the old man Xingying, the Xingyin ninjas finally put down their weapons and knelt down.

There was no other way.

The key point was that the situation was hopeless, even Xingying had surrendered to the enemy, what could they do with the few people left.

If they resisted again, it would not only be a matter of losing their heads, you know, they still have children.


Looking at the group of people kneeling in front of him, Neji also showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He planned to turn the Xingnin Village into a secret arms factory.

Because the geographical location was too suitable.

There was miasma surrounding it, and basically no one would come here. The secrecy was so good that no one would dare to come. Wouldn't it be such a waste to make something?

Of course.

We can't sell arms here.

Not only is it easy to be exposed, but the location is also not suitable.

It's better to transport it to Kusagakure and have people sell it. Kusagakure has a more special geographical location. It borders other countries on all sides. It is perfect to use it as a dumping point for arms.

The next day.

Neji asked the people of Star Ninja Village to start working.

First, dig out a huge underground space.

Well, he planned to put the factory underground instead of above ground.

One is to enhance secrecy, and the other is for safety reasons. It's too easy for people to sneak in and attack on the ground.

""Sir, this is our star and the Peacock Magic."

In the room, old man Xingying placed a meteorite emitting purple light and several scrolls in front of Neji.

"Got it. You go out first."


After the old man Xingying left,

Neci first opened the scroll and took a look. After he figured out the concepts of the Peacock Magic, he picked up the star next to it.

As soon as he got it in his hand, he felt the radiation erosion from the star.

However, these radiations were of no use to him.

The main reason was that his vitality was too strong, comparable to that of a small monster, so how could he be eroded so easily?

After studying for a while,

Neci felt that this star might really be related to the Ten-Tails.

Because they were too similar.

What is the Ten-Tails?

It is a sapling of the sacred tree and also the embodiment of natural energy.

Let's not talk about the former, let's talk about the latter.

So what about natural energy? It is violent and disordered, and it can also erode the human body.

Isn't this the same as the situation when the people of the Star Ninja Village were eroded by the energy of the star during their practice of the Peacock Magic?

In addition, the Peacock Magic can also condense various beast forms. It is estimated that this is also related to the will of the Ten-Tails. However, the energy of the star belongs to the mutated energy of the Ten-Tails, so there will be some differences, which can be regarded as a departure from the Ten-Tails.

The tail itself.

Although there is no actual evidence for this reasoning.

But in Neji's opinion, it should be pretty much the same.

Then again, with the help of the mutant energy on the stars, can you practice the Sage Mode?

After all, no matter how mutant it is, it is still natural energy, essentially the same, and can be absorbed by people. There is no reason why it cannot be practiced.

Of course.

Even with this idea, Neji did not take action immediately.

Because he did not have a method to practice the Sage Mode, it would be too dangerous to practice it by himself.

Even if he would not die.

He would take a lot of detours.

So let's wait and see if there is a chance to go to the Three Holy Lands to get a training method.

A few days later.

The purple wings spread.

Neji soared into the sky and flew out of the Star Ninja Village.

With his strong vitality, he was not afraid of the radiation of the stars at all, so he naturally absorbed it in any way he wanted.

And the role of the stars is indeed possible.

It has two major functions.

One is to activate chakra, and the other is to materialize chakra.

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