"Where is Miss Acorus?"

"Oh, here she comes."

The door curtain of the kitchen was lifted, and a beautiful young girl walked in. She was wearing a white chef's uniform, her hair was tied up, and she had an apron tied around her waist.

It was the daughter of the hand, Ayame.

When she saw Neji, Ayame's eyes lit up and she showed a very happy expression.

"I heard someone talking about me. Did Neji miss me?" How could anyone pick up the conversation ? Fortunately, Neji was not an ordinary person. Although he was not very old now, he was an experienced fisherman in his previous life. There was no embarrassment.

"Yes, it’s been a while since we last met. How is Sister Acorus?"

"Hehe, it's rare that brother Neji still cares about me. I'm doing well recently. I eat well and sleep well. Even my cooking skills have improved."


"Okay, come back some other day and I'll let you try my new ramen."


The two were chatting.

At this time, another person came in with a head full of yellow hair. Who else could it be but Naruto?

"Brother Neji? You are here to eat ramen too!"

Naruto was so happy to see Neji here.

He chatted a lot, making the small noodle shop more lively.

""Naruto, are you still learning Taijutsu from Might Guy?"

Seeing that Naruto was still wearing the green uniform, Neji couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I have nothing to do, so I will practice more. Besides, Mr. Kai is very good, and I can learn a lot from him."

Naruto said while slurping ramen.

"Well, he is quite good."

Ningji also nodded.

I just don't know how much Naruto can learn and how much help it will be for his future development.

Of course, it's none of my business, so I don't worry about it.

It's okay to help Naruto casually, but it's impossible to ask Ningci to do his best and make comprehensive efforts.

That's right.

In the future, Naruto will also be a good fighting force against those Otsutsuki.

But as a time traveler, or with external plug-ins, if Ningci still relies on others, it would be a joke. Okay.

After eating the ramen.

He left first without waiting for Naruto.


"Sister Hong, where are you going?

Looking at Yuhi Hong who was carrying some things, Ningci asked

"I'm going to see Yakumo, do you want to come with me?"


Neji didn't refuse.

They set off together and started chatting.

In fact, after Kurama Yakumo's illness was cured, she worshipped Neji as her teacher.

But only the two parties involved, Hyuga Hizashi and Kurama Yakumo's uncle, the current head of the Kurama clan, Kurama Unkai, knew about this.

Outsiders didn't know.

In addition, Kurama Yakumo and Yuhi Kurenai did not break off their relationship.

Because this is the world of ninjas.

They attach more importance to the master-disciple relationship, and sometimes it can even overshadow the relationship between parents and children.

Since Yuhi Kurenai accepted Kurama Yakumo, Being a disciple of Yakumo, that is a lifelong thing.

In addition, Kurenai Yuhi also felt a sense of guilt for not being able to cure her.

After Yakumo recovered, she often went to visit her and taught her some things, which was to make up for her previous teaching.

Yakumo often came to see Neji.

Kurenai Yuhi often went to see Yakumo.

This back and forth made Neci and Kurenai Yuhi become more familiar with each other, and they were quite casual when talking, talking about whatever they wanted.

After a while, they came to the Kurama family.

Unexpectedly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also there.

"It's Hong and Neji, why are you here together?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked kindly, looking like an old man next door.

"I met him halfway and asked him to come along. Hokage, is there anything you need?" Yuhi Kurenai asked.

"Yes, now that Yakumo is well, I want to ask her if she wants to go to school for a few years, so that she can make more friends, which will be good for her."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said so.

Regardless of whether he has other purposes or not, what he said is true.

Kurama Yakumo, who has been closing herself off all this time, really needs to talk to someone and make more friends.

Yuhi Kurenai nodded after hearing this.

But she still said,"What does Yakumo mean, do you want to go?"

"Teacher Hong, I want to think about it again."

Yakumo Kurama, who was standing aside, answered.

In fact, she wanted to ask Neci's opinion.

How to say it specifically.

Ever since Neci helped her to eradicate her inner demon, Yakumo Kurama has also developed a great sense of dependence on Neci, and she doesn't know where it comes from.

Maybe it has something to do with her inner demon.

Stockholm syndrome?

Not really, but it's a bit similar.

Yakumo has always been suppressed by her inner demon and can't resist. It's hard to say that she hasn't formed a submissive personality.

Then, Neci helped her get rid of her inner demon, which indirectly proved that he was stronger than the inner demon.

Then Yakumo Kurama transferred her fear and obedience to the inner demon personality to Neci, turning it into another kind of dependence.

It doesn't make sense at all, right?

"Ningci, have you ever thought about graduating early?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen turned the topic to Ningci.

""I'm sorry, Hokage, I haven't really thought about this. There's no war going on right now, so I'd better stay in school and learn more."

Ningji replied with a smile

"Well, you can think so, but it would be better if you can graduate early. You don't have to worry about other things. The village is in need of people right now, and many positions need fresh blood. As long as you have talent, you can shine wherever you go."

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