This is just to fool a kid.

Anyone who believes it is a fool.

Of course, there is no need to show what is in your mind. Neji still maintains an expression of humbly accepting.

"Hokage is right. I will think about it carefully."

"That's right, young people should be more aggressive."

After laughing, Sarutobi Hiruzen said,"Well, it's getting late, you young people should chat for a while, I'll go back first."

"Hokage, take care"

"I'll see you off."

Kurama Yakumo's uncle, Kurama Unkai, came over and said, and then he saw Sarutobi Hiruzen out.

""Teacher Neji, do you think I should go to school?"

Kurama Yakumo asked.

Kurama Yunhai had explained to Yuhi Kurenai that he wanted Yakumo to learn some physical skills from Neji, so he called him teacher.

Yuhi Kurenai had no objection to this.

After all, it was something that was good for Yakumo, so how could she stop it?

"It depends on you."

Actually, Yakumo is no longer suitable for going to school. She is two years older than Neji and is already twelve.

"I want to hear Neji-sensei's opinion."

"Then tell me whether you want to go or not."

"A little"

"If you want to go, then go. You don't have to start as a freshman. Just be a transfer student and try it out for a year. If you don't like it, you can apply for graduation early."

"Well, I'll listen to the teacher."

Kurama Yakumo said happily.

This made Yuhi Kurenai next to him a little jealous. The key is that when talking to her, Yakumo rarely gets so happy....

Of course, they are all minor problems.

Seeing Yakumo happy, Yuhi Kurenai, as a teacher, can only be happy for her, but will not blame her for this.

A few days passed.

Kurama Yakumo also entered the Ninja School.

However, she did not come to Neji's class, but was one grade higher than him.

The sun rises and the moon sets.

Time slipped away slowly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the late autumn of the 60th year of Konoha.

Neji's business of detonating talismans has also become bigger and stronger.

Millions of pieces can be shipped every month, and the profit is more than hundreds of millions.

It's because it's cheap. Many people are afraid of missing the opportunity and losing it, so they buy a lot and put it away.

The more you sell, the more you earn.

This is much faster than doing tasks to make money.

The key is that he hasn't grabbed the market yet, and only occupies less than one-third. If he occupies the whole market, the profit will have to be multiplied several times.

Making 10 billion every month is definitely like playing.

It's a pity that Neji doesn't have a system.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be fun to upgrade with krypton gold?

And the detonating talisman printing machine is just a child's play.

You know, Neji didn't stop his research.

Let's not talk about those ninjutsu secrets.

Just in terms of machinery and puppets, he played around and reached a level that ordinary people could hardly reach. He made a lot of new things.

Some are suitable for mass production and sale, and some are only suitable for his own use.

But no matter what, Neji will never be short of money in the future, because as long as he throws out a few things, he can exchange them for a lot of money.

It's not difficult to make money.

So what to do with the money?

Of course, spend it on a series of things.

Otherwise, it's useless to keep it, and you can't have children.

In addition to buying a lot of various materials and expanding several better laboratories.

Neji also left some money to the Kusagakure Village, so that they could expand the village and recruit more orphans.

Train some private armies.

Anyway, the ninja world lacks everything except unwanted children. There are really a lot of them, and you can train them with money.

You don't have to spend much effort.

"I didn't expect that you, Orochimaru, would also be short of money."

In a secret base not far from Konoha, Neji and Orochimaru met.

"There is no way. With high expenses and no income, it is natural that the income is not enough to cover the expenses."

Orochimaru, who was still wearing the clothes of the Akatsuki organization, said very frankly.

It was when he was building the ninja village that he realized how much money this thing could make. It was really like a money-eating beast. No matter how much you put in, you can't see it.

That's right.

Influenced by Neji.

Orochimaru also wants to build his own Sound Village, which is still in the Land of Rice. The location has not changed.

It's just that the money spent is a bit too much, and he is almost unable to support it.

Because he has not yet left the Akatsuki organization. He is often sent out to perform various tasks, and the money he earns must be handed over, so there is no way to make extra money to support the construction of the Sound Village.

Of course.

Go find those ordinary people as It would be fine to deal with the wealthy people in the community.

Just throw something out, and you won’t be afraid of not getting support from the sponsor.

But that was a last resort.

As a well-known figure, he is at least one of the three ninjas, and a Kage-level strongman whose fame spreads throughout the ninja world.

Orochimaru definitely doesn’t want to deal with those ordinary people unless it is absolutely necessary.

It’s just too low a class.

If Jiraiya finds out, he will laugh at him for the rest of his life.

In addition, thinking of Neci, who has been a medical master for so long and has cured so many people, Orochimaru doesn’t believe that Neci has no money.

So he came to the door.

Borrowing money is a fact, but he also wants to test Neci.

"How much do you want to borrow?"

"Three hundred million"

"What if I run a money shop?"

"In fact, it's almost the same. The Grass Country sold so many detonating tags. Don't say that this matter has nothing to do with you."

Orochimaru licked his tongue and said.

He has the snake escape ninjutsu, which can control all snakes. His intelligence detection ability is not weaker than that of White Zetsu.

The detonating tags can be hidden from others, but not from him.

Since it is related to the Grass Village, it must be related to Neji who is hiding behind the scenes.

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