"what happened?"

"It's Hizashi and Neji. Did they make Elder Kawakami angry?"

"Of course, they are standing there like wooden sticks. Not to mention Elder Kawakami's violent temper, even I can't stand it, okay?"

"Just wait, you will definitely be taught a lesson!"

"It's what they deserve. They don't know the rules and dare to disrespect Elder Kawakami. They deserve to be punished."

The people of the main family talked about it, and they all showed mocking expressions to Neji and his son.

Maybe a thousand years ago, at the beginning.

The Hyuga clan made the caged bird seal to prevent the outflow of white eyes.

But after so many years of development, the essence of this matter has long changed.

The caged bird seal has become a means for the main family to abuse their power, oppress and punish the branch family.

Now that Neji and his son are about to be punished, except for Hyuga Hiashi, no one in the main family feels sorry for them.

"Hiashi, what are you doing?"

Hinata Hiashi stepped forward and tried to protect his brother.

"It's Elder Kawakami's birthday. You really shouldn't have come so late. Come with me and admit your mistake. Don't worry, I'm here. Elder Kawakami won't make things difficult for you......."

""Okay, big brother."

Hyuga Hiashi spoke up, stopping Hyuga Hiashi from continuing.

"It's impossible to make amends. Big brother, you should just stand aside. There are other things that need to be dealt with tonight."

"Hizashi you?"

Hinata Hiashi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Well, although I don't know what you are thinking, but in order to avoid us brothers turning against each other, please listen to me and stand aside first."


"Hiashi, do you know what you are saying?"

Elder Kawakami came up with his men and asked in a threatening manner.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about."

Hinata Hiashi said calmly, his expression did not change at all.

"So what do you want to solve?"

"The Hyuga clan has inherited a thousand-year-old old custom. It is time to overturn it today."


"Did I hear it wrong!"

"How dare he do that!"

All the clan members around exclaimed, as if they had heard something incredible and outrageous.

Not to mention Elder Kawakami.

His tiger eyes widened, luckily he didn't roll his eyes. Because for their clan, this was definitely a challenge to their authority and status, how could he not be angry? It can be said that he wanted to kill Hyuga Hizashi.

"Hinata Hizashi, you want to rebel against the main family?"

"Don't say such harsh words, I'm just not happy with what you guys are doing, I want to kick you out and give the Hyuga family a clean slate."

"How arrogant! Do you think you can do it?"

"I can't do it by myself, but I have a good son."

As he spoke, Hyuga Hizashi also smiled and glanced at Neji.

"Just him?"

Elder Kawakami also looked at Neji, his eyes almost filled with disdain.

"That's true, but he doesn't need to do anything."

Hinata Hizashi clapped his hands twice.


, one by one, the branch family members jumped into the yard.

In a short while, they surrounded all the main family members present.

""Okay, okay, it seems that you have planned this in advance!"

Elder Kawakami was so angry that he laughed, and then said:"But Hizashi, have you forgotten one thing? There is a bird in the cage. How dare you, the branch family members, cause trouble?"

"Yes, a caged bird!"

"This thing does tie us up like dogs, but that was in the past. As for now, why don't Elder Kawakami give it a try?"


Seeing that Hyuga Hizashi was unmoved, Elder Kawakami was also surprised.

"Do you really want to die?"

"Of course, life is at stake, but Elder Kawakami, do you want to try? Then I'll let you try, please." Hyuga Hizashi stretched out a hand, inviting him.

This made Elder Kawakami even more frustrated.

But he still didn't believe that Hyuga Hizashi and other branch family members could remove the caged bird curse.

The key point is that if it was so easy, the main family system would not have been passed down for thousands of years.


Elder Kawakami made a seal with one hand, wanting to teach Hyuga Hizashi a lesson with the caged bird.

But no matter how hard he pushed,

Hyuga Hizashi always maintained a calm expression, not even frowning, let alone rolling on the ground in pain.

"This is impossible!!"

Elder Kawakami almost went crazy.

"Nothing is impossible, elders."

While speaking, Hinata Hizashi also pulled off the white cloth on his head, revealing his smooth forehead without any curse marks.

Not only that.

Seeing that Hinata Hizashi had revealed his cards, the branch family members around him, one by one, also pulled off the coverings on their heads.

Countless bald heads......That's not the case.

There is something on the heads of these branch family members, a purple flame-shaped mark.

That is a sealing technique developed by Neji, not for controlling people, but to seal their Byakugan after the death of the clan members.

Of course.

This is all said to the outside world.

Anyway, no matter what, this flame-shaped mark is not a caged bird curse seal, it is enough to make the main family members in the field shocked and stunned.

"you......How dare you!!"

Elder Kawakami pointed at the branch family members one by one, his fingers trembling.

"Why not?"

These were said by Neji, he continued:"The bird in the cage is a thing that enslaves the clan members. After all, if it is simply to prevent the Byakugan from leaking out, all they have to do is destroy the Byakugan. Why let you, the clan members, control the life and death of the branch clan members?"

"A thousand years have passed, and too many things have changed. You, the clan members, have become the biggest obstacle to the development of the Hyuga clan."

"What? Now that the world has changed and you have fallen from a high place, you can't accept it?"

"Or have you become so used to shitting and peeing on the heads of the branch family members that you can no longer adapt to the air below?"

Well said!

The faces of the people of the main family were so ugly.

At this moment, the branch family members felt so relieved and so happy.

The feeling that penetrated their hearts really made them want to let out a long roar and cry loudly.

But the matter was not over yet.

So the people of the branch family were also enduring, and they all clenched their fists.

"You little brat! Are you looking for death?"

Elder Kawakami's eldest son couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed up from behind, slapping Neci.

Looking at his ferocious face and the strength he used, he probably wanted to smash Neci's head with one slap. There was no need for Hinata Hizashi's help.

Neci pulled him back and slapped him as well.

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