There was a loud bang!

Elder Kawakami's eldest son flew out at a faster speed.

He spat out a lot of blood in mid-air, and there were even some fragments mixed in.

Finally, with a snap, the man fell heavily to the ground, and after struggling for a few times, he couldn't get up again.

Eight Trigrams Split Palm.

In the anime, Hyuga Hiashi used this move to slap the palm of the Ten Tails away, not to mention Neji used it.

He broke this guy into pieces in one shot, but that was because he held back.

""Ah! My son, I will kill you!"

Elder Kawakami howled, and then rushed towards Neji.

However, Neji did not kill him either. He just subdued him and pointed a finger at his forehead.


Elder Kawakami held his head and screamed, rolling on the ground in pain, his forehead was full of blue veins, and his eyeballs were bulging.

That's right.

Neji had cast a caged bird curse seal on him.

Things change.

It's time to let these arrogant members of the main family enjoy the feeling of being caged birds.

What about executing them?

That's too easy.

Another thing is that everyone is related and has blood ties. Even if the people of the branch family hate the main family, it is not good to kill them all.

The key is not to start this.

Lest the clan members follow suit and beat them to death in the future.

Of course.

Even if these people of the main family are not killed, Neji has plenty of ways to punish them, which will definitely be better than killing them directly.

The death penalty can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped.

Then give them a taste of their own medicine.

Let these clan members also enjoy the feeling of being a bird in a cage, and experience the hardships that the other clan members have experienced. Only then can they be considered a real family.

"Catch them!"

At Ningci's wave, the branch family also took action.

"What do you want to do?"


"Stop talking nonsense. Even if you want to rebel, just keep it to yourself. Otherwise, I will kick you to death!"


As the saying goes, the situation is over. Even if the clan members are unwilling, it is useless.

Because their number is too small. Even if all the children are counted, there are only a few dozen people.

In addition, they don’t go to the battlefield. The training of soft fist is just for official business and pretense. How much fighting power can they have?

In just a few minutes, all these clan members were taken down.

"Hiashi, what are you going to do with them?"

No one tried to move Hyuga Hiashi, so he came over and asked.

"That depends on Ningci."


Following Hizashi Hyuga's line of sight, Hyuga Hiashi also turned his head to look at Ningci. He also realized that he really couldn't understand his nephew.

"Don't worry, uncle. I won't kill them. But they are so arrogant, so I still have to settle the score. Let them go to the mountains to mine for a few years."


Hinata Hiashi was speechless.

But he was relieved to hear Neji said he would not kill anyone.

"What about the children?"

"Anyone over the age of twelve can also go mining. Since they have enjoyed the benefits, they cannot be easily acquitted."

"As for the younger ones, they should stay in the family and receive a second education. If they have mistakes, they should correct them. If they don't, they should encourage them. The specific situation depends on their performance."

Ningji said so.

Of course, this is just the surface statement.

If they are really the kind of people from the main family who refuse to repent, they will definitely not be able to leave the mine for the rest of their lives and will die in it.

This includes the young ones.

It depends on whether they can recognize their mistakes and whether they can behave like human beings.

"Okay, this arrangement is fine."

Hyuga Hiashi accepted the result.

After all, things have already happened, and he can only think on the bright side.

Besides, he doesn't like this caged bird system very much, so he can just rebel against it.

After that, without waiting for Hizashi to speak,

Hyuga Hiashi said himself:"Hizashi, I am no longer suitable to be the clan leader, you should come."

"Big brother?"

"No need to say more, I understand everything, and I won't blame you. In fact, if it weren't for the family's arrangement, I would have wanted to replace you a long time ago."

These words also moved Hinata Hizashi so much that a grown man almost shed tears.

"Okay, don't make me laugh at you."

Patting Hiashi's shoulder, Hiashi smiled and said,"I feel relieved now that I'm no longer the clan leader. I feel so comfortable."

"Well, then I won't refuse. Brother, you can be the elder again. We two brothers can manage and develop the family together."Hiashi said

"Are you going to add burden to me?"

"What does big brother mean?"

"Haha, okay."

Patting Hizashi's shoulder again, Hiashi smiled and said,"I really can't be idle all the time. It's okay to have something to do. Just arrange it for me."


Hiashi also laughed when he heard this.

"Hizashi, you have a good son."

Hinata Hiashi said sincerely.

He defeated the elder Kawakami and his son in just a few moves. This is more than a genius.

"Brother, your two daughters are not bad either."

"Can't compare to you"

"No, it's almost the same."


Too lazy to listen to the two brothers flattering each other.

After the people from the branch family took away all the main family members and put them under guard, Neji left too.

The mutiny of the Hyuga clan ended just like that.

It took only a few dozen minutes, and no one died.

The transfer of power was extremely smooth, leaving no opportunity for outsiders to intervene.

At the same time.

The Uchiha clan was also undergoing a huge change.

When Neji rushed over, the Root Ninja had already surrounded the Uchiha station and set up a large number of checkpoints.

But this was not a problem for Neji.

Using the not-so-perfect space-time ninjutsu, he just flashed and���The outer area entered the interior of the Uchiha station.

Looking around.

There were corpses in many places.

There were sounds of fighting and screaming in the distance.

Neji didn't care about that.

He flashed to the Uchiha library first, and after getting rid of the guarding ninja, he took away all the things here.

Every time traveler wants to have a storage space.

Although Neji didn't have a system, he also developed storage equipment based on the ninjutsu of sealing items into scrolls and the time-space ninjutsu.

A belt and a wrist guard, both.

It's not troublesome to put things in, just touch them, and you don't even need to make a seal, which is definitely much more convenient than sealing scrolls.

Just swish.

As Neji walked by, the rows of shelves disappeared.

In just a few minutes.

The huge library became empty, without a single hair left.

Turning around and leaving.

Neji went to other places.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the Uchiha, several groups of people were fighting.

He took advantage of the situation and walked around the vast camp, taking away everything he liked. All kinds of things. He even took some antiques. It was just something that happened to him, so he couldn't come here for nothing.


Suddenly, the ground shook.

Ningci stood on the roof and looked into the distance, only to see a blood-red half-body giant rising from the ground, releasing a powerful force.

Is this Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo? Ningci was thinking about it, and the next second something else happened.







Three more giants appeared.

One blue, one yellow, and one green, all with similar shapes, standing apart and besieging the blood-red giant in the middle.

These were the Susanos of the three fighting kaleidoscopes.

Ningci had studied the three thoroughly, so he could tell at a glance.

Four Susanos fighting.

This scene was really quite explosive!

As they attacked each other, all the houses within a radius of a kilometer were destroyed, and it was unknown how many innocent Uchiha were killed.

Ningci thought this was the highlight of the night.

But he didn't expect that.

Just when the blood-red Susanoo was fighting one against three, and some of them couldn't hold on, and were even beaten by the other three Susanoos.

Another Susanoo appeared.

This time it was a purple-red one.

After coming on the stage, it first helped Uchiha Itachi to get out of the siege, and then protected him behind him.

It was Uchiha Fugaku.

This Susanoo was not difficult to guess.

After all, among the entire Uchiha, he was the only one who had the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he would protect Uchiha Itachi, the filial son.

Ningci opened his Byakuran.

In an instant, he could see the picture in the distance clearly, and confirmed that the person in the purple-red Susanoo was indeed Uchiha Fugaku.

So, can't bear to see his son being bullied, so he stood up to support the other party? Ningci really wanted to laugh when he saw it.

Let's talk about the center of the battlefield.

Seeing that the person who appeared was Uchiha Fugaku, he also

���The murderer who killed the tribe members was protected.

Uchiha Yuan and others were so angry that their veins burst and they almost went crazy.

"Uchiha Fugaku, what are you doing?"

In extreme anger, Uchiha Yuan stopped calling him clan leader and no longer acknowledged the other party.

""Yuan, Itachi was wrong tonight, but for my sake, please let him go for now, okay? Don't worry, I will definitely give an explanation to the dead members of my clan!"

Uchiha Fugaku said

"It's a joke!"

"Explain? How do you explain?"

"That's right, all the tribesmen are dead, even the elderly and children were not spared, it was all done by you, a good son. Have you and your son explained this matter?"

The masters of the three Susanos all spoke up.


Uchiha Fugaku didn't know how to defend himself.

After all, the facts were before his eyes. If no one found out, it would be fine. But once it was revealed, Uchiha Itachi would definitely be labeled a beast.

Even if he, as a father, had tens of thousands of mouths, he couldn't let the other party off the hook.

"Stop talking nonsense, we have......"

"Wait a minute!"

Uchiha Fugaku raised his hand and said,"If I commit suicide and sincerely repent to my clan, can you let Itachi go?"

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