
""Shut up, it's not your turn to speak here!"

He scolded Itachi.

Uchiha Fugaku continued:"The main responsibility for not educating my son well lies with me as a father. I am more guilty than him!"

"In addition, as the clan leader, I failed to set a good example and instead made the clan into this state. I am guilty of one more crime. It is unjust if I don't die, and it will be hard for the sacrificed clan members to rest in peace."

"What do you think?"

Uchiha Yuan and the other two looked at each other and didn't say anything.

Seeing this,

Uchiha Fugaku could only continue to speak.

"As long as you let Itachi leave, even if you want to seek revenge on him later, in exchange, I will immediately surrender and commit suicide in front of you!"

"Otherwise, even if I die, I will drag you guys down with me. Believe me, I can do it. This is the determination of a father!"

""Fugaku! You are really unworthy of being our clan leader, and you are even less worthy of using the Uchiha surname!"

Uchiha Yuan angrily scolded.

But he could not care less.

Whatever love may be, it will be.

Uchiha Fugaku now just wanted to send Itachi away and not let him die here in vain. For this, he could pay any price.

Even being expelled from the Uchiha clan would be fine.

"Do you agree or not?""

"Are you really willing to commit suicide?"

"Never break your promise!"

"Then you have to give up the Uchiha surname because you don’t deserve it!"

"Yes, but after I die, you can't embarrass Mikoto and Sasuke. This matter has nothing to do with them. They are all innocent!"

"..."Okay! We won't make things difficult for them!"

After thinking about it,

Uchiha Yuan and the others agreed.

Because they just wanted Fugaku to die now, and as for the future, they would talk about it later. How could they care about a dead person?

Seeing that the matter was settled,

Uchiha Fugaku was relieved.

"Itachi, go away!"


"Listen to me, don't let me die without any value, okay? I know you are a child with ideals, but only by surviving first can you have the opportunity to realize your ambitions."

Uchiha Fugaku said with red eyes, not turning his head.

He just didn't want Itachi to see his weak side.

"I...I see"

"Well, then let's go quickly and don't say goodbye to Sasuke and the others. It's better for them to stay in the family. Although life will be a little harder, they can still survive, right?"

"Yes, I understand. Goodbye, Dad!"

"Go ahead, Itachi, you will always be my son"


Uchiha Itachi gritted his teeth, tears dripping down.

But thinking about what Fugaku had said, and for the sake of the overall situation, he dispersed the Susanoo outside his body and left in an instant.

What happened next.

Uchiha Fugaku hanged himself to apologize, which was not a good thing to see.

Seeing that Uchiha Itachi did not leave directly, but returned to his home instead, Neji followed him in a flash.

"Mother, please leave with me!"

"No, your father is gone, I should go down to accompany him."

Uchiha Mikoto said while sitting on the tatami.

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi did not refute.

Because this was what he meant, and he even used illusion on Uchiha Mikoto.

Why did he do such a filial act?

It can only be said that Itachi's thinking is indeed different from that of normal people.

In his opinion.

With that guy who claims to be Uchiha Madara, and the ninjas of the root, the Uchiha clan will not escape the disaster tonight anyway.

Even if the fighting faction has three pairs of Mangekyō.

In this case.

In order to ensure Sasuke's safety, instead of hiding under the wings of his mother to enjoy comfort, he will go down according to the route he has planned.

So he can only get rid of Uchiha Mikoto and let her go down with Fugaku.

""Mother, I'm sorry!"

Just as Uchiha Itachi raised his knife to stab, a snapping sound rang out, and Ningci also walked in clapping his hands.

"Sorry to disturb your interest, but this play is really good. It's a pity that not many people saw it."

"Who are you?"

Uchiha Itachi asked with a knife in hand.

Because Neji used the transformation technique, he was now a young man in his twenties, so naturally he was unrecognizable.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can't let you kill anymore."

Neji certainly didn't come here to speak up for the Uchiha.

It was mainly because he thought that he could control Sasuke through Uchiha Mikoto.

He didn't have to threaten her everywhere.

But as long as he could use her at the most critical moment, that would be good, right?

The key is that it doesn't take much effort.

It would be a pity to let Uchiha Itachi, a filial son, kill such a good bargaining chip.

With a snap,

Neji just snapped his fingers and removed the illusion on Uchiha Mikoto.

""Looking for death!"

The plan was ruined, and Uchiha Itachi was also filled with murderous intent. He came to Neji in an instant and chopped with his sword.

Earth escape hardening technique!

Neji's palm turned black, and with just a flick of his finger, he broke Uchiha Itachi's blade with a strong force.

Seeing this.

While his pupils contracted, Uchiha Itachi's reaction was not slow. He immediately changed from chopping to cutting, and also performed an illusion.

It must be said.

The illusion of the Mangekyo is very powerful.

It's a pity that Uchiha Itachi met Neji. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After such a long period of nurturing and improvement.

His Byakuran already has three magatama, not only the pupil power, but also all aspects are more powerful than the ordinary Mangekyo Sharingan.

Insight, analysis, perspective!

It is definitely an all-round transcendence.

So Uchiha Itachi dared to use illusions in front of him, which is no different from playing with a big knife in front of Guan Gong.[]

It was instantly broken and rebounded.

Uchiha Itachi's body paused after being hit by his own illusion.

When he got rid of the illusion, an iron fist appeared in front of him.


With a loud bang,

Uchiha Itachi flew out.

After breaking through a wall, he fell outside the yard.

If he hadn't used the Susanoo skeleton to block it at the critical moment, even if he didn't die, he would have lost half his life.

"Madam, your good son wants to kill you, do you have anything to say about this?"

Ningji was not in a hurry to chase Uchiha Itachi, but turned his head to look at Uchiha Mikoto beside him.

In fact, the moment the illusion was lifted, Uchiha Mikoto understood everything.

Although, it was not unacceptable for her to die with her husband.

But being treated like this by the son she raised, and even using illusions on her to achieve his goal, this more or less caused a blow to Uchiha Mikoto.

It was still a big one...........

It made her a little withdrawn, and she didn't answer Ningci's question.

"Forget it, no one would feel good if they encountered such a thing, so if you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it."

Ningji shrugged his shoulders and said very considerately

"I'll take you to a place. You should stay there for a while. Don't resist."

Coming to Uchiha Mikoto's side,

Ningci put his hand on her shoulder. Uchiha Mikoto was like a piece of wood and did not resist.

In a flash,

Uchiha Mikoto disappeared.

Ningci sent her to a secret base outside Konoha.

There was a protective barrier there. No matter whether it was in or out, no one could pass without the ritual token given by Ningci.

After finishing this,

Ningci came out of the room.

Uchiha Itachi had disappeared. No one knew where he went.

After spreading his perception, Ningci found the other party's breath and location.

But he found that the other party had gone to a very far place, so Ningci was too lazy to care.

Cleaning up the door was Uchiha. The clan's affairs.

Neji would not work in vain.

On the contrary, he still needed the Akatsuki organization to collect the tailed beasts and get the Ten-Tails and Kaguya Otsutsuki out.

So, in a sense, leaving Uchiha Itachi alive and letting him join the Akatsuki organization was equivalent to working for him.

So why chase him?

Anyway, everything that should be taken was obtained, including the collection of books, scrolls, property, Sharingan and corpses.

In addition, there was also the unexpected gain of Uchiha Mikoto.

There was no need to participate in the rest of the things, so Neji turned and went home.

This night was very long.

But the dawn finally came.

Early in the morning.

The outside of the Uchiha residence was surrounded by people.

"What's going on in there?"

"Something must have happened. There was such a big noise last night, you guys didn't hear it, did you?"

"I heard it, but I thought it was an earthquake."

"Nonsense, how could there be an earthquake out of nowhere? That was clearly the sound of fighting coming from the Uchiha base!"

"What on earth happened here?"

"Who knows? We can only wait for the Uchiha to come out."

""Look, they're coming out!"

A 2.7 villager pointed at the gate of the Uchiha clan and said, and everyone else turned their heads to look over.

At the gate, it was Uchiha Rei who came out, followed by several clan members, including Uchiha Yuan and another person with the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Only the third one was missing.

Although they survived the catastrophe last night, in order to deal with the elusive Uchiha Obito and the ninjas of the Root, the Uchiha side also paid a great price.

First of all, most of the clan members died.

There were nearly a thousand Uchiha before, but now there are only a hundred left.

Which Most of those who are afraid of death are ordinary clan members, and they haven't even opened their Sharingan, but this is also the foundation of the family bloodline and cannot be ignored.

The key is not just that.

If the death of ordinary clan members has an impact on the continuation of the family, then the loss of combat power is even more serious.

More than half of the backbone forces have been lost.

There is also a top combat force, that is, a person with a Mangekyō Sharingan, who also died.

In addition.

If Uchiha Yuan hadn't used Izanagi Ninjutsu at the critical moment, he would have successfully escaped and repelled the enemy.

He would not have simply lost a Mangekyō, but would have been completely dead..


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