The overall strength was reduced by more than half.

In this case, it was indeed related to the survival of the family.

So even though he defeated those people last night, Uchiha Rei did not dare to take it lightly. He appeared in front of the villagers early in the morning.

He was afraid that if he failed once and came a second time, the Konoha high-level officials would kill them all.

""Uncle, what should we do now? Should we go to the Hokage to seek justice?"

Uchiha Rei thought about it.

But what's the point of going there without sufficient strength.

Maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen has already set an ambush there, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Uchiha Rei said,"There is no justice. We don't have the strength now!"

"So let it go like this?"

"Yes, our loved ones cannot die in vain!"

"Harming his own people, that bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen is not worthy of being Hokage at all!"

The Uchiha were all excited and started to curse.

""Be quiet!"

After suppressing everyone, Uchiha Lie said,"It's useless to say these things now. What we should consider most is how to protect ourselves. We should wait until we recover before looking for trouble with them. Otherwise, with our current situation, it will only lead to our own destruction if we go up head-on!"

"By then, when everyone is dead, who will speak for us, who will remember this? Can you all accept this?"


"Absolutely not!"

"Uncle, just tell us what to do, we will listen to you!"

"Yes, uncle, you can tell me!" 19 The Uchiha people, who were a little embarrassed and had blood stains on their bodies, all looked at Uchiha Lie with sparkling eyes.


Uchiha Rei did not refuse and said directly:"Tonight, we will all go to the police department building and spend the night in the village. No one will be left at home to avoid being attacked by those guys again. Do you understand?"



"Then go and make arrangements, go there as soon as possible, don't stay here, Yuan, follow me!"

Let everyone do their work.

Uchiha Lie took Uchiha Yuan to the other side.

"Uncle, is there anything wrong?"

"Well, you have seen the situation of our family. It has reached a very dangerous point. If we don’t do something, I’m afraid we will really be destroyed!"

"So what is your plan?"

"Let’s go find that medical master and ask him to help us awaken more Mangekyō Sharingan!"


"There is no but. Although there are not many tribesmen left, and each one is precious, the problem is that those bastards Sarutobi Hiruzen will not let us go."

"If we are attacked by them again, we will all die. What is the point of cherishing our people?"

"Only by mastering a stronger power can we win this war and rebuild the prestige of Uchiha!"

Uchiha Lie said excitedly

""No, uncle. I mean, a lot of our clan's property was stolen by those ninjas last night. Without enough money, how can we ask the master to help?" Uchiha Yuan spread his hands and said


Uchiha Rei had never thought that there would be such a thing.

Instantly, he hated Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo even more. This was not in front of him, otherwise he would have cut them into pieces.

""Gather as much as you can, take out all the valuables, even if it means selling everything we have, we must get this done!"

Uchiha Lie said sternly


Uchiha Yuan responded, and was about to go do something, but he didn't expect Sarutobi Hiruzen to come over with a large group of people.

""Elder Lie, what's going on here?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

He seemed to know nothing.

After all, the Uchiha clan had not yet started a rebellion, so he couldn't use this reason to do anything to the Uchiha clan.

"Doesn't Lord Hokage know?"

"I really don't know, so how can I know?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked back.

"Haha, our Uchiha clan was ambushed by thieves last night, resulting in the sacrifice of most of the clan members. The loss is incalculable!"

"I would like to ask Mr. Hokage, are Konoha's defenses fake? Or have all the patrols outside died?"

"Such a big thing happened, who should bear the responsibility?"

Don't admit it?

Then Uchiha Lie used the safety issue to interrogate Sarutobi Hiruzen.

This really made Sarutobi Hiruzen a little bit intimidated, and he could only say:"Elder Lie, please calm down. It is indeed my fault for not doing my job well. However, since it has already happened, we can only strengthen our vigilance to prevent similar things from happening again."

"It sounds easy to say, but did the deaths of our Uchiha clan members go in vain?"

"of course not"

"Also, from what Lord Hokage meant, you are not going to track down the whereabouts of those thieves?"

"This is not my intention!"

He thought about it.

Mainly because there were villagers watching around.

So Sarutobi Hiruzen could only persuade him kindly:"How about this, I will allocate a sum of money to Uchiha first, so that you can repair the houses, bury the sacrificed members of the clan, and let the dead rest in peace."

"As for that gang of thieves, I will also send the Anbu to track them down. I will definitely not let them go and give you an explanation as soon as possible."

"What do you think, Elder Lie?"

This is not allowed, otherwise Uchiha Lie really wants to slap Sarutobi Hiruzen's pretentious old face.

Otherwise, he can't swallow this breath. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After taking a deep breath,

Uchiha Lie barely suppressed his emotions and said expressionlessly:"Thank you very much, Lord Hokage, but this amount of money is not much, it will be useless if it is less, our losses are too great!"

"Don't worry, I will satisfy you."

"Lord Hokage, please tell me a specific number!"

Uchiha Rei is in urgent need of money.[]

So I didn't try to fool Sarutobi Hiruzen and let him get away with it.

"this....How about thirty million taels?"

"Lord Hokage is sending away beggars. Hundreds of our clansmen have died and hundreds of houses have collapsed. What can we do with this little money?"

"If the Hokage is not sincere, then it is better not to talk about it as soon as possible. We Uchiha can solve it ourselves, even if we have to sell all our property, we will not let the sacrificed members of the tribe be exposed in the wilderness!"

Damn it!

Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that he should not have come here. He did not get any advantage and got into trouble.

However, such a big thing happened in the village, how could he, the Hokage, not show up.

There is no other way.

In order to stop the gossips and maintain a good image in the minds of the villagers, he can only bleed a little first.

"Elder Lie, it is indeed difficult to use the village's money, but don't worry, I can mobilize donations and raise 100 million for you. That should be enough, right?"

"Well, it's just barely enough. When can it be delivered? We are still waiting for the funeral, and the tribesmen have nowhere to live."

"Give me two days and the money will be delivered"

"Well, in front of so many villagers, I believe that the Hokage will not lie to me, so let's do this for now. I have too many things to deal with here, so I won't keep the Hokage as a guest."

After getting the benefits, Uchiha Rei was too lazy to waste his breath by pretending to be nice to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and directly ordered him to leave.

"...It's okay, Elder Lie, please go ahead and do your work."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a smile, looking very considerate.

Then, he left with a group of people.

""Danzo, look at what you have done!"

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen took out his anger on Danzo.

After all.

Although he acquiesced to the matter of solving the Uchiha clan, it was indeed without his consent. His starting point was tenable, so of course he could scold Danzo.

And this is not the point.

The key is that Danzo messed up.

After fighting all night, he failed to completely eliminate the Uchiha, and let so many people survive.

It's like driving on the road.

Killing someone and crippling someone are completely different. 673

Because the dead can't talk, just pay money.

If you do it well and put all the responsibility on the dead, you don't have to pay much money.

But if you cripple someone, it won't work.

The other party can talk, pretend to be pitiful, and win the sympathy of the public.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen is a person who cherishes his feathers and doesn't want to be stained.

This makes it very difficult for him to do, and he is very passive.

"Do you think I want to? Who knew they hid so deeply? Not counting Uchiha Fugaku and his son, there are three pairs of Mangekyō Sharingan. What do they want to do? They are just trying to rebel!"

Speaking of this, Danzo was also very angry.

Because he also suffered a great loss.

The ninjas of the root are not stronger than the Uchiha people.

They can kill hundreds of the other side. You can imagine how much he has lost.

You know.

They are all elites trained by him personally, and most of them were lost in an instant. Isn't this going to cost him his life?

"Three Double Kaleidoscopes......"

Hearing this news,

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned unhappy, but he still said,"I don't care about that. You are the one who created the cage, so you should find a way to deal with it yourself!"

"What do you want me to do? The root damage is too great!"

"That's your problem. You acted without investigation. Who can you blame for the loss of manpower? I haven't punished you for those ninjas yet!"Damn it!

You want to kill the donkey after it has done its job!

Danzo was so angry that he couldn't help but said,"Sarutobi, don't forget that the Uchiha people are not all dead yet!"

That's why I didn't remove you from your position.

Can't you even understand this?

Lamenting Danzo's IQ, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowed down his tone:"Don't do anything for now. If something happens again at this critical moment, I'd better not be the Hokage. The saliva outside can spray me to death!"

Isn't that better?

Of course, Danzo was just thinking about it. And even if he wanted to do something, it would not be allowed given the current situation of the Root.

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