Without Sarutobi Hiruzen's support, he would not be able to annihilate the Uchiha. If he messed up again and angered Sarutobi Hiruzen, he would definitely punish him first, regardless of whether he could become the Hokage.

That would be a loss for Danzo.

"If you don’t want to do it, then don’t do it, but it’s ok for me to recruit some new people, right?"

"It's up to you, but there are some people you can't touch. You have to decide the degree. Remember not to make it difficult for me. If you make it difficult for me, you will make it difficult for yourself."

"Humph, you are too naive, Sarutobi. This won’t work, and that won’t work. Sooner or later, you will regret it!"

Throwing down these words,

Danzo got up and walked out, slamming the door.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care about this.

Because he had experienced this so many times, almost every time, what else could he say? Would he say: Azang, I am the Hokage?

Forget it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not in the mood today. Just when he sat down and was about to smoke a pack of cigarettes to relax, he didn't expect that the next moment, Danzo pushed the door back again.

"Sarutobi, the Hyuga clan has changed. Hyuga Hizashi led the branch family members in rebellion and has now become the new head of the family!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up again in an instant.

When people get old, they just want to live a stable life.

So what Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to see the most was that anyone and anything was out of his control.

This was true for Uchiha and Hyuga.

The successive changes were the reason why he changed his face and even lost his composure.

In the evening,

Uchiha Lie found Hyuga Hizashi again and wanted the medical master to help him awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. He was willing to pay 100 million for this.

And it was 100 million per pair.

This was as much as three Asumas.

You should know that Asuma is an elite jonin and his status is not ordinary, so there would be such a bounty.

Otherwise, the price of an ordinary jonin would be in the tens of millions.

The bounty of ten jonins.

In addition, for the Kage-level ninja, the bounty would not exceed 100 million. Only the Kage of the five major countries would have such a price because of their special status.

And now.

For the Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Lie himself offered such a price, which shows that he was really forced into a desperate situation and planned to fight with his old bottom.

""I'm sorry, Elder Lie. The master said last time that he would not help Uchiha awaken the Mangekyō again because too many people died. The master felt that it was against the will of heaven and violated his original intention of saving people."

Hinata Hizashi shook his head and refused.

"Chief Hiashi, I know the master is in a difficult situation, but please say a few good words for me again. I promise this will be the last time!"


Hinata Hizashi hesitated.

Seeing this, Uchiha Rei quickly added:"Master, don't you want to help those poor people? Only with money can you help more people. Tell the master that I am willing to bid 120 million taels for each pair of Kaleidoscopes."

"In addition, to thank the head of the Hiashi clan for his help, I will give him another 50 million ryo after the matter is completed. What do you think, head of the Hiashi clan?..?"

"this......Well, it doesn't matter whether it's money or not. Considering your sincerity and the fact that Uchiha is in a difficult situation, okay!"

Hinata Hizashi finally nodded.

"Elder Lie, please wait a moment. I will go and discuss this with the master."

""Okay, I'll wait!"

Uchiha Lie said cooperatively.

Although it will cost a lot of money this time, given the current situation of their family, it is very likely that they will not be able to take it out, and they need to go outside to"borrow".

But as long as the matter can be done

, it will be fine. By then, there will be a few more pairs of Mangekyō, whether it is used for self-protection or to recover losses, it will be more than enough and completely feasible.

Otherwise, if it drags on like this.

There are only one and a half pairs of Mangekyō left, and more than a hundred clansmen.

Not to mention reviving the family's prestige, who knows when they will be caught in a net and completely annihilated by Sarutobi Hiruzen and his gang of old bastards.

That is something Uchiha Lie can never accept even if he dies.

So he would rather risk all his family assets than let Sarutobi Hiruzen and his guys succeed in their conspiracy. It's too easy.

After a while.

Hyuga Hizashi came out

"Elder Lie, the master has agreed, but there are only two places, you should seize them well."

"Okay, okay, two will be enough, I’ll go bring them over right away!"

"Elder Lie, please be patient. You forgot that the master collected the fee first."

"Well....Sorry, sorry, you see I am getting old and confused, please rest assured, Master, I will go back to raise the money right away, there will be no delay!"

"That's the best. I trust Elder Lie very much. I just need to tell the master. I hope Elder Lie can understand."Hinata Hiashi said with a smile

"It is completely understandable. There is nothing wrong with what the Hizashi clan leader did. I am grateful for your kindness. The Uchiha clan will definitely repay you in the future."

Uchiha Rei clasped his fists and said,"Time is tight. I will not say more. I will come to bother the Hizashi clan leader another day."

"No problem."

Hinata Hiashi smiled, and then sent Uchiha Rei out.

Two days passed quickly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also came to Hyuga.

But things have been settled, and Hiashi has already taken the position of the head of the family, which is not something Sarutobi Hiruzen can control.

Even if he is the Hokage.

Family affairs should not be interfered with by outsiders.


Uchiha Rei came again, and while giving 290 million yen in bills, he also brought ten of the most talented clan members.

Entered the door and fell asleep.

Neji also saw someone he knew among these ten people.

Uchiha Izumi.

A girl with long hair, a teardrop mole under the right corner of her eye, and a very beautiful appearance. She was considered the childhood sweetheart of Uchiha Itachi. She was not killed.

I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck.

Because in this... Uchiha In the memory of Uchiha Izumi.

Ningci saw that her only direct relative, and the mother who treated her best, had been killed by Itachi.

And the reason why Uchiha Izumi came to awaken the Mangekyō was to avenge her mother. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Therefore, she, who has always been low-key, deliberately showed her three-magatama Sharingan to Uchiha Rei, which shows her determination and willingness to risk her life.


Isn't this a ready-made tool man?

Ningci was interested.

He quickly made two pairs of inferior Mangekyō, and then sent out the puppet dolls along with eight mummies.

What was the reaction of Uchiha Rei.

Whether he was crying or laughing, Ningci didn't care.


He took away the rest of the people, leaving only Uchiha Izumi.

I don't know how long it has been.[]

Uchiha Izumi opened his eyes in confusion.

"woke up?"

"here....Who are you?"

She quickly got down and asked cautiously, because this was not a place she was familiar with, and there was no one she knew.

"Think about where you've been."


To awaken the kaleidoscope, enter a room......All these things appeared in Uchiha Izumi's mind, making her recall

"Is this where the surgery is done? Where is the master?"

Looking around, Uchiha Izumi couldn't find anyone other than Neji.

"The operation is over"

"What's the meaning?"

"`.The matter is over. The two people have awakened their Mangekyō Sharingan and have followed Uchiha Rei back."

"this......What about me? Why didn't I die?"

Touching his face, Uchiha Izumi felt that he had not aged.

"Do you really want to die?"

"of course not"

"That's all."

Ningji smiled and continued,"I'll just ask you once, do you want to avenge your mother?"

"Of course I do, no...How do you know this?"

Uchiha Quan was stunned.

"You don't have to worry about those things."

Waving his hand, Neji continued:"Let's make a deal. Become my man and work for me. The benefit is that I can help you awaken the perfect Mangekyō Sharingan and let you get revenge. Otherwise, you will never be able to kill Uchiha Itachi in this lifetime by yourself. How about it?"


Uchiha Izumi was stunned by this sudden change.

"Are you the medical master?"


"how come......"

"Too young?"


Not only young, but also scary, Uchiha Izumi nodded.

"But this is the fact, you can't help but believe it. Think carefully about the deal I mentioned. I will come back tomorrow to hear your answer."

"That's right."

Walking to the door, Ningci said again:"Even if I don't agree, you can't leave here. Who made you see my appearance? So think about it carefully, otherwise you really can't take revenge. See you tomorrow."


This is clearly a forced sale!

It seems that there are two choices, but in fact there is only one!

Uchiha Izumi, who was unwilling to be trapped here, took advantage of Ningci opening the door and she instantly launched a sneak attack.


Before she touched Ningci's back, she was knocked away by a stream of purple chakra and fell to the ground with a thud.

"This is the first and last time. If you attack me again, you will stay here forever and be made into a puppet by me."

After he finished speaking, Ningci closed the door.

In the empty room, only Uchiha Izumi was left.

She stared blankly at the ceiling, and was confused for a while, not knowing what to do.

But Ningci didn't care about that.

She was a stranger and not his girl.

Of course, he came as he pleased. He didn't modify Uchiha Izumi's memory or turn her into a tool that only obeyed orders. He was being restrained.

A night passed quickly. The next day,

Ningci came to the room again.

Needless to say, as long as he was not a fool, for freedom or revenge, Uchiha

Izumi could only agree to Ningci's conditions and work for him.

There was no other way.

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